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Difference in Astrology?

Evelyn Sanchez

University of Texas at El Paso



Astrology is one of the many wonders of the future and there has been many articles and

videos about this specific topic and it is widely popular to many people such as teens and adults.

Astrology is the study of the different movements and positions of the celestial bodies outside of

the earth which has an influence on humans. The two of the types of genres that will be

discussed is an iconography which is a Netflix show called “Explained-Astrology” that gives a

brief summary of astrology and the history behind how it was created and what it has done for

people in modern times. The second type of genre that will be discussed is a typography, which

is a website that is called “Astrology Insight” that gives information about astrology and specific

information for different people born on different months. The topic of astrology has been here

since we were able to point out to the stars and there is much more to learn about the different

genres that astrology is being covered by.


Both types of genres are very diverse because one discusses the explanation over

astrology while the other is a more interactive type of genre. The first type of genre is an episode

from the Netflix show from “Vox Explained”. The show is produced by Vox Media and it was

created by Ezra Klein and Joe Posner. At the beginning of the episode, the narrator describes the

origins of astrology which give the audience the basics of what it is and the rest of the show

describes the topic and what other people think about it. Since this is a television show, the only

information that you will hear from it is what the narrator is giving you and since each episode is

about 20-25 minutes long, there is only so much information that is given out to the audience.

How the piece is organized is by the summary of the video, then the history about astrology and

then how it is used now by people which makes this show very organized. During the show,

there are many pictures and videos within to represent what the narrator is trying to convey.

There are also various interviews with different types of people which does give extra

information about what astrology is.

The second type of genre is the website with the astrology information and context.

Throughout the main page, it gives the history of astrology and other information like the zodiac,

different elements and the signs. Since this is a webpage, it has no limit to what information can

be given since its endless. The only thing that is limited is the type of information that can be

used since there is a stopping point to the history of astrology. How this page is organized is by

the different topics such as the history, elements, polarity, and so on. there is also daily, weekly,

and monthly horoscopes along with Specific sign information. This page is organized well and

information is easily found. The webpage is mostly textual based and does not have many photos

to represent what is being explained. It does give tables to give information about astrology and

it can help the audience understand what they are trying to learn about astrology and their

specific questions. It also has different tabs to learn about other information such as general

information, horoscopes, and sign information. The website does have a lot of information but

there is too much text for the audience which will make the website fail or not do as well as a job

from other websites.


Ethos is a mode used to convince the audience and it is an ethical appeal which is the

credibility of the piece that is being looked or the author. The typography genre on sources have

more credibility than a iconography depending on the type of piece and what source is being

used. The website does seem to have a credible source which is the astrologer, Michael Emerson.

There is some kind of worry that this might not be as credible as other websites or articles

because there is no proof that the author has reliable information. The show “Explained” is a

show that gives explanations about the specific topic, and in this case, astrology is the main

topic. The Netflix show does also seem to be credible because of the interview that are being

done in the show. There are about 4 interview with astrologers, science historian, and a professor

of psychology which does make this show reliable.


As someone who is very into astrology and the stars, both type of genres did seem to

show a good point of view and give different information on astrology. Since both were very

different and have different point of interests, it is difficult to compare. The show did give a lot

of information about astrology by not any of the specific point like the signs. It gave an overview

of the subject. The webpage did give the information one would be looking for if someone

personally was trying to figure out their sign and horoscope. To get their point across, the video

did seem more captivating than the website because it gave very interesting information and

photos to go along with it which was more effective to the audience. However, the website did

give vital information about the specifics and gave important facts for the audience to discover.

Both genres did get their point across and both were effective in providing information.

Astrology is a very fascinating topic and these types of genres both can give interesting facts and



(2018, May 23). Retrieved February 17, 2019, from,6,1c8ddfec-e75e-


Emerson, M. (2015). Astrology Insight Welcomes you! Retrieved from http://www.astrology-

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