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Unit: Chapter 7 Lesson Title: Lesson 1 (Vocabulary) Grade/Period: 4th grade

CCSS or State Standards:

CCSS 44C1.0.2
Resources and Materials:
Meet Michigan textbook
Colored Pencils

Objective: I can:
What students will know and be able to do I can state what tax means.
stated in student friendly language (use
Bloom’s and DOK levels for higher level I can state what rights are.
thinking objectives)
I can state what elections are.
I can state what consequences are.
Essential Question(s): Why are these vocabulary words important?
Over-arching questions of the lesson that will
indicate student understanding of How does visualizing words help with understanding?
concepts/skills What is it you want the
students to learn/know? Why? What is the meaning of the different vocabulary words?
Inclusion Activity: The class will start with trying a new activity. When you are learning a
Describe an activity that will ensure that all new word sometimes it is easier to picture it in our minds. We might not
students and their voices are included at the
beginning of the lesson. see the word, it might be a scene. The teacher will give them two words
to practice with. The words will be Michigan and history. (5 minutes)

1. The teacher will write the first word on the board. The students
Sequence of Activities: will then think about the word. They need to think about if they
Provide an overview of the flow of the lesson. have heard the word before and if they did where. Then they
Should also include estimates of
pacing/timing. need to draw what came to mind in their journals.
2. The teacher will repeat this with the next 3 words. The students
may need to have more information given if they are confused.
(step 1 and 2 will take about 15 minutes)
3. Students will then discuss what the picture they made with their
table group. They should work together to come up with
definitions for each word. (5 minutes)
4. The class will then discuss each word. They will give what they
think is the definition. The teacher will then give them the
definition from the book. If the students were right or close, they
will write down the definition.
5. If the students were wrong or way off the teacher and class will
work together to figure out where there was a problem in
understanding. Then the class will come up with a correct
definition. (Step 4 and 5 will take 10 minutes)
6. After the class has written down the definitions, they will discuss
what those words have to do with Michigan government. (5

Instructional Strategies: The students will be using the strategy Mind’s Eye. They will be visualizing
Research-based strategies to help students the words before writing definitions in order to understand the words
think critically about the concept/skill.

Assessment: Formative: The assessment will be the discussion about the different
List both formative and summative words. The teacher will be able to look at the students drawing to see
assessments that you will use to assess student
understanding. Formative assessments are if the are understanding the words.
given during instruction (check for
understanding), summative are after
completion of instruction (how will you grade –
quiz, test, project, paper, presentation, Summative: The assessment will be the writing of the definitions. The
demonstration, etc.).
students should be about to give the definitions based on their
drawings and discussion.

Differentiation: Some students may need more context about the words. The teacher may
Describe who will need additional or different need to go over the words with the students ahead of time. They may
support during this lesson, and how you will
support them. Differentiated instruction could need to know the definitions before they try drawing a picture.
include testing accommodations, preferential
seating, segmented assignments, a copy of the
teacher’s notes, assignment notebook, peer
tutors, etc.
Summary, Integration and The students will share their pictures and written definitions.
List the way that you will bring students When reading the lesson, they will then be able to understand the words
together to integrate and reflect on their and sentences. It will give them a deeper understanding.
learning from this lesson

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