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Reading and Writing Content Areas

Integrated Lesson Plan Project

Connor O’Baker

Old Dominion University

Overview of Lesson Plan

The specific content that I’m studying in education is Health and Physical Education.

But, I wanted to take a little different rout since I haven’t had a chance to really go into depth

about the specific content I chose. The specific content I chose was Driver’s Education, which is

taught to 10th graders at the secondary level. Even more specifically, the topic in this content

that I chose was Distracted Driving, which I believe is one, if not the most important topic in

driver’s education. I believe so because this is something that must be understood by new

drivers, especially in a world where technology is at everyone’s finger tips and distractions while

driving can be detrimental to their lives. Some of the standards I included in all my lessons

include a variety of different distractions that drivers can face, from drugs and alcohol to

technology, and even psychological distractions. Integrating literacy into this unit will greatly

assist in helping the students understand all the aspects of distracted driving and what can happen

as a result of these distractions.

Sequencing and Coherence of Unit Plan

Day 1-Vocabulary and Pre-Reading Activities

Day 2- Comprehension and Reflection Activities

Day 3- Writing Activity and Start Performance Based-Assessment

Day 4- Finish Performance Based-Assessment

Interdisciplinary Connections

One other content area that I can relate my topic to is in the world of science, specifically

anatomy and physiology and looking at the brain because substances such as drugs and alcohol

are two things that affect a person’s brain and therefore impair a person’s ability to drive.


There are a few bits of technology that I have included in my lesson plan. These being a

projector, personal devices such as laptops or mobile devices. But one piece of technology that

is very important in this particular topic is using goggles that are manipulated to show a

simulation of what a person’s vision would be like if they were under the influence.


Differentiation is very important in education because as a teacher, you will always be dealing

with students that learn in different ways as well as some students that simply comprehend

material better than other students. One way I plan to show differentiation is when I have the

students work in groups, I would go ahead and place students in groups based on how well they

learn. In other words, this would mean pacing stronger learners with students who may not learn

material as well as they'd like to. This will allow the students to learn from each other and allow

them to understand the material better because they learning it from their peers. Another way I

plan to show differentiation is when it comes to students that may have a disability, I plan to

adapt to them so that they can feel included in the lesson and not feel different. This will be
done in one of my vocabulary activities by allowing a student who has a visual impairment to

instead act out the term I give them instead of drawing it if they feel that they aren’t able to draw



A Deadly Wandering (Matt Richtel, 2014), One Split Second: the Distracted Driving Epidemic

(Antonia Felix and Vijay Dixit, 2016), Distracted Driving (Toney Allman, 2015)

So, the main piece of text that I am using is called A Deadly Wandering, written by Matt Richtel

in 2014. This is a novel about a Mormon teen who is going down the highway while texting and

driving and kills two scientists who were traveling in the opposite direction while he crossed into

their lane. He initially denies this claim of him texting and driving, but ultimately admits his

fault, and after serving a small amount of jail time for negligent homicide, he becomes a

spokesperson for distracted driving. To tie into this story is also a look at the cognitive mind and

how texting driving can also impair the bran for a brief amount of time even after you have done


Pre-reading Activity

I will be using the “Analyze Prep Responses” method. I believe this would be good for

my unit because I would like to know what my students already know about the topics in my unit

before I give them for the information and then I know what to work with; also, it is a pretty

popular topic when it comes to driving because it is the cause for a lot of vehicle accidents and I

want to also see if they have learned any wrong information about this topic as well. Materials

needed include these charts. Differentiation in this will be in the feedback the students can get

from the instructor, especially if they are struggling.

Analyze Student Examples

Driver error distractions

the physiological, psychological, and

cognitive effects of alcohol and other drugs
and their impact on a driver’s awareness of
risks and involvement in collisions

aggressive driving and the influence of

emotions on driving behaviors

the legal, health, and economic consequences

associated with alcohol and other drug use
and driving

Vocabulary Activities

So, this vocabulary lesson is broken up into three activities, all involving vocabulary

based around distracted driving. The first activity involves the students being given an index

card with a term in which they have to write down a definition with a partner. Then, as a class

we would go over what everyone came up with. Then a Prezi presentation would be given to the

students that includes terms, definitions, and various media for the terms. Students at this time

would be taking notes to help them in comprehending the terms themselves and write down

whatever they need to remember what a term means. Lastly, the students would participate in a

game of Pictionary/charades to test their memory skills of the terms they just were presented.

They would be split into two teams and compete to see who can gain the most points. All of my

materials needed include the index cards, desktop, projector, Prezi presentation, and paper,

writing utensils, list of terms for last activity, white board, and dry-erase markers.
Differentiation is done throughout this lesson by slitting teams into fair teams of struggling

learners and stronger learners as well as using various media in the 2 nd activity.


Distracted Driving


Field Sobriety Test- Series of on-the-spot, roadside tests that help an officer
detect impairment of a driver suspected of DUI or DWI
Comprehension Activities

I will be using the questioning strategy, specifically cause and effect and problem and

solution. For cause and effect, it would be students focusing on different ways to be distracted as

a driver, and then the effects that will come because of those distractions. And for problem and

solution, students will focus on different problems of today with distracted driving and the

specific solutions for each problem. We go over them as a class for those students who may

struggle to come up with any problem/solution, cause/effect so they can get a basis for what they

need to do. I will also provide my own example to help those students as well. Materials needed

during this are a desktop computer, projector, projector screen, paper, and writing utensils. A

docu-cam could also substitute for a projector as well. Even a white board could substitute for

either of these two. Students will come in, we will go over the SOL’s for class, instructor will

give an example of cause/effect and problem/solution, then the students will complete their own
examples, we will go over them as a class, and then the students will turn them into the


Reflection Activity

Students will be able to reflect in an activity involving the visual impairing goggles.

They will put them on, walk around the room with them on, take them off, and proceed to reflect

back on the experience they had wearing those goggles and how dangerous it might to be in that

state of vision when behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Materials needed will be the goggles

as well as paper and writing utensils to write down their reflections. Differentiation during this

activity could be adjusted for those who may be scared of the goggle by allowing them to instead

look through a thicker plastic Ziploc bag since they would have the same effect.

Writing Activity

Students will have the opportunity to pretend they are a lawmaker that deals with driving

laws. Their job is to create two new laws that pertain to the dangers of distracted driving. Then,

after they complete that they will get to share these ideas with the rest of the class. These laws

that they create must look like any other driving law, so students will need to write and explain

them enough so they are easy to understand but also send a message. This activity will be done

in conjunction with the performance based assessment because they both are writing heavy


Communication Activity

The activity that I have chosen that will allow the students to use their social and

communication skills is as simple as this. The students will group up and will each act the

situation of a field sobriety test. This is done when a police officer pulls someone over on the

roads when they are under the suspicion that the person they pulled over is driving under the
influence. The groups will compete against each other to see who can recreate this the best, and

this will be determined based on which group remembers to include each sub test of the field

sobriety test and how well the group members can act out the scene as if they were a driver,

passenger, police officer, etc. that would actually be there. This activity would also tie back into

the vocabulary they have gone over and in a sense warn them to never put themselves in that

situation because of how intense it can be. It will be done along within the vocabulary lesson.

Performance Based Assessment

The students will be creating a speech on distracted driving. They will be assessed on

how well they present the speech and what is included in the speech itself. The speech itself will

have to be at least 5 minutes, and if they use any factual information, they need to cite their

sources. The point of this is speech is to create something that is written well enough that if it

were presented in front of students who are learning to drive and their parents, they will really

listen to everything that is being said and take it all in.

Criteria 3 2 1

Speech writeup Gives basic Gives some basic Gives little to no

information and more information about basic information
about distracted distracted driving; about distracted
driving; Speech itself Speech itself includes driving; Speech itself
includes multiple, some credible sources includes a couple of
credible sources on on information for sources, some of
information for each each standard chosen; which are non-
standard chosen; Few examples of real credible, on
Multiple examples of life stories or information for each
real life stories or situations are standard chosen; One
situations are provided in each real/nonexistent or
provided in each section relating to a non-relatable
section relating to a standard examples of real life
standard, gives extra stories or situations
resources for more are provided in each
information about section relating to a
distracted driving and standard
it’s effects

Presentation Speech flows Speech has some Speech has no flow,

smoothly, with little flow to it, with with long and present
to no pauses; 5 hesitant pauses; 3-4 pauses throughout; 1-
minute length; Tone minute length; Tone 2 minute length;
of voice and speaking of voice and speaking Tone of voice and
is clear and is somewhat clear speaking is not clear
understandable and is somewhat at all and very hard to
understandable understand

Talking points 3 out of the 4 2 out of the 4 0 or 1 out of the 4

Standards are Standards are Standards are
provided in the provided in the provided in the
speech speech speech

(1 pt.) The unit plan should be organized as described above and written with no grammatical or

spelling errors. Use each of the bold headers above as main centered headings for your paper.

Use subheadings to identify subsections. The unit plan should be a typed word document written

in 12 point font, saved and submitted as TLED 408.lastname.firstname.unitproject.

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