Visual Text Rough Draft

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Selena Teran

Labels Through Visual Text

Arizona State University


Society has a way of manipulating us in various forms. It can happen when hanging out with

friends, family, or by ourselves. It can also occur in different scenarios such as class, work, or at

home. Societal influence has grown to have such a great impact that its begun to shape our minds

and change the way we think about certain topics whether favorable or not. One of the ways that

we can be aware of these effects or highlight them is through visual text. Visual text has allowed

us to see many advertisements through public announcement and commentary ranging on the

topic. Through the visual text, “Labels are Limiting,” various aspects about religion, race, and

sexual orientation are projected to get a message across its audience. Therefore, being an

example of society has formed views of certain groups of people.

Society Through Visual Text


A visual text provides the scope to view an image that includes literary context and gain a

certain understanding from it. As was the case in Georgia Evagorou’s visual text, “Labels are

Limiting,” the message given by the author was to show that labels do not matter because what it

dervies down to in the case of this visual is that everyone is the same. The societal view of race,

religion, and sexual orientation does not predetermine the capability that an individual contains.

In the circumstance of visual texts such as this one, it can be readily agreed that people from all

different backgrounds are one hundred percent human. Many can coincide that people shouldn’t

have labels and therefore judged upon them making this a controversial topic when it comes to

areas such as terrorism, racism, and descrimination.

The visual text is titled at the very top, “Labels are Limiting.” The surrounding parts of it

is a somewhat a dark gray color that does not draw attention but instead direct it to the middle of

the image. In the middle of the image there are three pictures separated in three long rectangles.

There are many similarities in between all three of the separated images. In each of the

rectangles there is a man with his back facing to the front and his hands behind their neck or

back and only showing from the back of their torso upwards. There is a pitch black background

behind them allowing only their outline to be shown. All of the three men have a tag that have an

effect making it seem as if the tag was sewn on to their backs. In the tags themselves is text that


Although there are various similarities in the images of these men what is important to

recognize and is very apparent are there differences. Each of the men are physically different and

their attire is also not the same. The first picture shows a man with a dark brown skin dressed in

a simple white shirt and a blue turban, his label said “MUSLIM.” The second picture shows the

man with a dark skin tone with no shirt or hat, his label read, “BLACK.” Then in the third

picture shows a man with a fair skin tone with no shirt or hat, his label read, “GAY.” The title

and the labels work hand in hand to directly contact the audience.

The visual text mostly appeals to pathos and logos. The emotional appeal across comes

from history and the struggles that each of the labels and groups of people displayed in the

image. When it comes to man with the label, “ MUSLIM”, many can associate it with terrorism

and the act that was committed on 9/11. A label case could be the way someone is treated

because they might have the appearance of being apart of the muslim religion as opposed to

someone who is not. The ties with the man that exemplifies the label, “BLACK”, many can refer

back to racism and the acts of racism. Both of the scenarios pull at the effects that belonging to

race or religion has had on the affected and those who it did not effect.

The logos appeal or the appeal to facts or logistics appears in the visual through the text.

For example, in the labels that the men have on their back it reads, “100% HUMAN.” That

specific text alone is irrefutable since it can be proven no matter how much anyone would try to

argue otherwise. This example allows the author to reason with the audience in showing and

supporting the fact that labels should not limit an individual. The logo appeal along with the

pathos appeals works to relate to the audience in both a reason and emotional level.

This is connected to the way we interact and socialize to stereotypes. A significant facet

meaning in our society and through our history. The author essentially is trying to reach all types

of readers from all walks of life such a those in different economic stances, religious practices,

and racial diversity. The hope with the readers is to raise awareness in them to come to realize

the purpose of this text if they did not have it already. In another aspect, the significant limit to

this visual text is who gets to see it and they are those that have access to the internet to find this

text. Not everyone has access to the internet and that is those in lower economic statuses etc.

Another manner this visual text proved effective was through the form of showing the

men showing them as vulnerable. Especially in recent times where the groups that the

individuals are representing are being accepted or are raising awareness to particular issues that

are present within those communities. The visual contains many controversial topics wrapped

into one context and includes the right appeals and focus to show the purpose of unity and

humanness about such strong topics. In the text it shows them as open, with nothing to hide and

simply human. The men have their backs to the front and have their hands interlocked there is no

face or other form to identify them except for their skin tone and attire. What words cannot do an

image can so it appealed to pathos as a way to use the emotional ties behind each word and each

person. This ultimately achieves the concentration on that the individuals are only human and

nothing else.

At the top of the text it says, “Labels are limiting” but then in each of the backs of the

men the visual states, “Labels are for clothes.” The visual text contradicts itself by starting off

with the statement that labels are limiting the on the other hand saying that there should not even

be labels given to people that they are for clothes. So a question that could arises, “why are they

given to people? Because of the existence of this question is why the author seemed to be

motivated to dismantle the concept of labels.

As a cumulative the themes presented in the visual text reflect a lot of certain topics that

are present in society. Through the effective use of color, organization, and rhetoric appeal the

author is successful in showing the fault in stereotypes and the limiting factors that they can have

. The colors chosen drew attention to the individuals and they themselves were from different

backgrounds. Lastly, the form that the clothing tags was used emboldened the message.

All of the visual’s effectiveness is indebted to how the organization went into place what

words were included and the image that was used. Every part of it was methodically planned out

from the attire to the labels to the colors. All of these aspects tied together to show solidarity and

at the same time fault in society. It utilized clothing tags that contain description of the article but

instead for an actual human being showing there vulnerability. As a result the author was

successful through rhetoric appeal, organization, and use of visual context to make it easier for

the audience to comprehend indirectly.


Evagorou, G. (2001). Labels are Limiting. The Creative Finder.


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