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Mora, F. O. (1996). Victims of the balloon effect: Drug trafficking and U.S. policy in brazil
and the southern cone of latin america. The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic
Studies, 21(2), 115. Retrieved from

This article reviews the focus on the development of drug trafficking in Brazil and other South
american countries. The view of the drug problem was seen at first as a problem that was present
only in North America.The southern continent and the major countries in it did not consider
themselves included in the drug wars. Then the U.S began to use the influence it had and ask of
these countries to pass laws that would help in their fight against illicit drug trade. Then intended
laws were supposed to help stop the move of illegal drugs from they where they were
manufactured first. The countries in order to avoid any disagreements considered the proposition
given by the United States but did not always put in place those same laws. This gave the United
States more reason to look away from he Andean region or the Brazilean region. Both the South
cone, Brazil, the U.S instead of addressing the problem let it grow even more and in some ways
aid it. Brazil did not want to address the issue and the U.S thought that they had done enough but
in the end that was not the case.

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