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Procurement Planning & Execution: USAID Grants & Cooperative Agreements (eWorkshop) March 2019


To support the application of your new skills at work and encourage reflection, please add to this learning journal each week. If you don’t like
the table format provided below, please feel free to use a different format while maintaining the intention of the journal activity. You will
submit this during week 6 as part of a whole group discussion.

Week What is one thing that I've Why is it important? How can I use it? What other questions does it raise?

1 USAID Rules & Regulations This is important, because it I can use this knowledge gained Why USAID Rules and Regulations
review quiz gave me the opportunity to to manage any USAID funded Requirements for Non-US Based
reconnect with some of the programmes/projects in Sierra Organizations is so important?
USAID Rules & Regulations that Leone and beyond
pertain to procurement
2 Procurement plans is important I can use this knowledge gained What procurement method will be
Procurement planning because it help me identify to develop good practices and used in emergency situation?
needs, resources, and steps policies that relate to
required, which leads to organization procurement
efficiency in the procurement implementation and
process management
3 It is important because the I will use the knowledge gained Are changes to the procurement
Procurement and Budgets changes that must be taken into in this lesson to guide me to plan needed when we are operating
management consideration including Price make any adjustments to the with limited budget?
changes, currency fluctuations, procurement plan and, if
unavailability of items might also necessary, the procurement
impact procurement. standard operating procedures.
4 This is important because it give I will use the knowledge to Does the full and open competitive
Procurement by competitive my organization the opportunity determine whether to use full process also apply to emergency
proposals to determines the criteria for and open competitive process procurement process?
selecting the successful vendor.
5 Tender documents and purchase These are some of the important I will use these tools in Can procurement contract be
orders procurement tools in effective procurement process awarded without having Tender
procurement management documents and purchase orders?
Additional reflections, observations, and comments:

I started this journey with no previous background in USAID Procurement Planning & Execution. What I’ve learned, is the acts of purchasing
starts with a process. I have learned the award specifically states prior approval is provided as part of the terms and conditions of the award, I
have gained knowledge about Restricted Items that requires prior approval. I have acquired knowledge in Acquisition costs, Waivers, Geographic
Codes and Ineligible for procurement.

The knowledge gained would have not be possible without the viable contributions from Keith Edwards and Rebecca Gentry (Facilitators), my
team members and my fellow students. To whom, I say, thank you all!

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