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KITCHI, Rob & TATE, Nicolas J.

Conducting Research in Human Geography:

Theory, Methodology and Practice. Essex: Pearson, 2000. 330 p.

! .

Thinking about research
L. :.

1.1 What is research?

This chapter covers 1.2 Why do research?
1.3 What's unique about geographic research?
1.4 What choice ot approaches have you got?
1.5 Which approach is best?
1.6 Summary
1.7 Questions tor reflection

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and stirnulating, can be intensely frustrating, confus-
k.J. 1 ..What is research?, ing and messy. Many first-time researchers run into
t..._.;,:::;,:_::,,:,_~;¡ .-.;.::-.",.. ::.';..-,;.;..;:.~:,~::';-':.-:":_;;":":_"::'';, .•..• , ..
all sorts of problems: they do not know where to
begin; .they do not know how to design an effective
Research is the process of enquiry and discovery.
research strategy or the options available to them;
Every time you seek the answer to a question you
they do not know which method of data generation
\ are undertaking a small piece of research. For the or analysis js best or the full range of options avail-
human geographer, research is the process of trying
able; they are unsure as to how to interpret or write
to gain a better understanding of the relationships
up their fíndings. To make things more complex,
between humans, space, place and the environment.
research is rarely just a process of generating data,
The human geography researcher, by carefully gener-
analysing and interpreting the results. By putting for-
ating and analysing evidence, and reflecting upon
ward answers to research questions you are engaging
and evaluating the significance of tbe ñndings, aims
in the process of debate about what can be known
to put forward an interpretation that advances our
and how lhings are known. As such, you are engaging
understanding of our interactions with the world. This
book is about how to undertake successful research with philosophy.
As we will see, there are many ways of approach-
and aims to provide sound, practical advice and ideas
ing each particular question and the research process
that will help you become a confident, capable human
is not divorced from theory. Theory, melhodology
geographer. and practice are intimately and tightly bound. Your
Although a research project might at fírst seem
beliefs as a person are going to affect the approach
daunting, it should be remembered that we are all
you take to study and also the conclusions you might
capable of conducting research. Many research skills
draw - if every question only had one definitive
are commonplace such as the ability to ask questions,
answer, then there would be no debates, no different
to listen and to record the answers. The secret of
political parties, and libraries would contain far fewer
successful research is to develop and harness those
books! However, we do a11 have different beliefs
skills in a productive manner using careful planning
conceming how research should be undertaken and
and design. As long as you plan your research care-
the exact nature of a problem and, as a result, our
fully, almost any problern can be approached and
understanding of the world, the people, creatures and
answered in a sensible way. This is not to say that
plants which inhabit it, is constantly changing and
there is a 'magic formula' that makes research easy.
evolving as more and more studies are undertaken.
Undertaking a research project, although challenging
What's unique about geographic research? 3
Thinking about research

The aim of this book is to rnake the process of con- ~_.~.. -.- .... -._---_._--_._~~'-'-- - _-- .. _ These definitions do, however, all generally revolve
ducting research easier and more rewarding by guid- Box 1.1 Reasonslor undertakinga study 1.3 What's unique about geographic around the same thernes: place, space, people, envir-
mg you through the research process from the choice research? onment (see Box 1.2). Haggett (1990) suggests that
I Exploration
of a research topic to the presentation of your results. geography is diffieult to define because of its histor-
• To investigarelirtle-understoodphenomena
As this book is designed to help you conduet research ical developrnent as an atea of study. Indeed, he con-
• To identify/discover importantvariables
.• To generare questions for further research in human geography, what is peculiar to research tends that geography's identity crisis is a result of its
2 Explanation from a geographical perspective? What separa tes puzzling position within the organisation of know-
1.2 Why do research? To explainwhy foreescrearedthe phenomenon human geography from the other social sciences? ledge, straddling the social and natural sciences. This
10 question Defining geography is a task fraught with difficulty. is a result of the history of geographic thought, which
To identify why the phenomenonis shaped as For decades, geographers have been struggling with ean be traced back to classical Greek scholars who
Given that research is not always easy, why should you it rs viewed numanity as an integral par! of nature, Geo- undertake it? What ISyour motivation? Research their identity, with no clear consensus as to what
Description graphy thus consisted of a deseription of both ani-
provides us with a picture of specific aspects of the • To documentand characterisethe phenomenon geogrnphers are, what geographers do, and haw they
mate and inanimate objects. By the time geography
world. By undertaking a piece of research you are of interest should study the world. We have tried, over a number
became a university subject in the late nineteenth
helping to contribute to world knowledge. You might 4 Understanding of years, to get our own students to think about what
century, academic studies had already been divided
feel that your research project \ViII do little for the • Tocomprehend and understandprocess, inter- geography, and in particular human geography, is and
acuon, phenomenonand people what it concems. When asked, mos! students will into lhe narural and physical sciences on the one hand,
world other than help you pass your course. However and lhe humanities and social sciences on the other.
Prediction either stare back blankly or have a stab at sornething
student projects have contributed to policy issues and Geography, with its natural and social constituents,
To predictfutureoulcomesfor Ihephenomenon which usually includes lhe words 'people', 'environ-
at the very least make clear to the groups being To forecastIhe events and behavioursresultino had ¡O be slotted into this existing inappropriate struc-
researched or assoc13ted agencies that there might be -_. ment', 'worId' and 'interaction'. Defining what geo-
from Ihe phenomenon . , ture. The fitting of geography into the traditional
a need for greater understanding of an issue. Perhaps graphers do can be even more difficult. To help our
students, we ask them to consider the foUowing party academic organisation has proved uncomfortable and
more Importantly, the undertaking of a study as part Source: Adapted afler Marshall has caused a search for an identity lhat fits more snugly.
of a course wI!1 help later in the workplace where and Rossman 1995:78. scenario outlined by Peter Gould (1985):
Johnston (1985) thus suggests lhat geographers have
you might be expected to collate, analyse and inter- Party-gaer. What do you do for a living? sought to constantly refine and redefine their discipline
pret .daca, often at short notice. Such research skills Geagraphy reveller: 1 leach geography at the in order to demonstrate its intellectual worth. Indeed,
are mcreasmgly important in the workplace. For University. Livingstone (1992) contends lhat geography is elusive
professlonal researchers the reasons for undertakinu Party-gaer. Oh. What do geographers to define because it changes as society changes -
research usually centre upon five main motivation~ Given .these reasons for conducting research,' you do exactly? geography as a practice has changed tbroughout his-
(see Box 1.1). may shIl be lacking m motivation. Jt may be lhe case
tory, wilh different people still attaching salience to
Human geographers undertake research for aH the lhat you are uninterested in conducting research, a Next, we ask lhe students to take tbe role of lhe geo-
task Ihat you have to fulfil only as par! of a course. graphy reveller and to give an answer. After, we ask difIerent interpretations:
r~ons presented in Box 1.1, often in combination
wllh each olher. It is possible, for example, to link If Ihls IS lhe case lhen your motivation should be lhem to surnmarise what lhey think the party-gaer
Geography... has meant different things 10 differentpeople ;,
four togelher. In a large study you migbt start wilh driven by a desire to do as well as possible, and to previously suspected a geographer might do. Judging
at different times and in different places. ~
sorne elploratory investigations to determine which ~ about how lhe skills developed might help you from the responses we have received, lhe latter task
vanables or factors are importan!. Next, you might
try to describe lhe phenomena and how lhey are
gam employrnent on completion of lhe course. One
way .to try and generate sorne enlhusiasm for con-
is often lhe easier to complete. The terms 'geography'
and 'geographers' seem to defy easy definition. Indeed,
In olher words, lhere are many difIerent geograpbies,
sorne new, sorne old. All have slightly difIerent
related. You ffilgbt foHow this by seeking to explain ductmg a project is to research a topic wbich you find Holt-Jensen (1988) reports that lhe general public
emphases and sorne are more popular !han olhers. As
what caused the phenomena, using lhis information mteres~g (see Section 2.2). Ibis does not mean that hold three cornmon misconceptions regarding what
such, lhe variability of definition in Box 1.2 is due to
to make .a prediction about· future outcomes. For the tOpl~ should b.e of personal relevance, onIy lhat geography is and what geographers do. First, to many
lhe way lhat Ihe definers cast geography. For example,
example, If we were interested in why people migrate y?U ~ mterested IDunderstanding a phenomenon or people, geography is Ihe encyclopaedie coUection
Hartshorne (1959) saw geography as an idiographic
t? new,. relatively unknown areas,' the four could be sltuahon better. If you still find yourself unmotivated of knowledge relating to places and geograpbic facts
science (lhat is, its main emphasis is description)
linked m the foUowing way: '. lhen Blaxter et al. (1996: 13) sugaest Ihat you miaht (e.g., longes! river, biggest town). Second, many people
whereas Yeates (1968) saw geography as a nomothetic
find sorne inspiration by: o o consider geography to be anything relating to rnaps,
science (!hat is, its main emphasis is explanation and
Explore possible reasons why people might want wilh geographers as lhe cartographers and collectors
.a:~_-. law-giving). Unwin (1992) suggests !hat definitions
to move (Pc:maps lhese might include improvernent • ~hanging your research project to a more interest- .. of information for lhese maps. Third, many people
also vary depending on whelher we try to define geo-
?f econoffilc status, quality of life, better school- IDg tOplC; consider geography to be about writing travel des-
graphy as simply 'what geographers do' (academic),
mg and olher services, family and relatives). • focusing. on lhe skills you will develop through criptions at both lhe local and global scale. So, if
as 'what geographers study' (vernacular), or in terms
Descnbe lhe pattems of migration in an area undertaking the proj!,!ct; tbese conceptions are wrong, what is geography and
of its methodology or techniques. WhilsÚt is difficult
based upon the factors found during exploration. incorporating wilhin lhe research sorne knowledge what do geographers do? to pin down a clear definiti0ll> it is clear !hat at pre-
Explam lhe patterns of migration identified when acqwsIl!on of relevance to yoU; As stated, lhere is no clear consensus amongst
sent, lhe totality of geographical research and expert-
describing lhe exploratory factors. seeing Ihe research project as part of a larger activ- professional geographers as to what constitutes lheir
Predict possible future migrations based upon the ise is diverse, covering bolh lhe natural and social
Ity, which will have knock -on benefits for your discipline. A number of difIerent definitions of geo-
sciences, and lhe interaction of lhe two (rable l.l).
explanation of current pattems of migration: course and future career. graphy can be found depending upon where you look.
Whal choice 01 approaches have you gol? 5
Thinking aboul research

Box 1.2 Defining'geography

Mackinder (/887: /43): Haggeit (J990j:
'I propose therefore ro define geography as the seicnce 'Geographers are concemed with three kinds of analysis:
whose main function is ro trace the interaetion of man Spatial (location): numbers, characteristics, activities
[sie- see Box t.l5] in society and so much ofhis envir- and distributions.
onmenr rhat varies locally,' Ecological: the relationship between humans and
Hartshorne (1959: 21):
Regional: the combination of the first two thernes in
'Geography is concemed to provide accurate, orderly,
areal differentiation.'
and rational description and interpretation of the variable
eharacters of the Earth s surface.' Geography fVÍJrkingGroup's Interim Repon (1990):
'Geography explores the relationship bctween the earth
The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1964: 51Ij:
and its peoples through the study of place, space, and
'Geography, n. Science of the earth 's surface, form,
environment. Geographers ask questions whereand
physical features, natural and political divisions, climate,
what; also how and why. .
productions, population, etc, (ma/hema/
The study of place seeks to describe and 'understand
and políticol, -, the seienee in these aspeets); subject
not only the location of the physical and human fea-
matter of -; features, arrangement, of place; treatise or
tures of the Earth, but also rhe processes, systerns,
manual of-.'
and interrelationships that create or influence those
leales (1968: 1): features,
'Geography can be regarded as a science concerned wirh The study of space seeks to explore the relationships
the rational development, and testing, of theories that
between places and patterns of activity arising from
explain and predier me spatial distribution and location the use people rnake of the physical settings where

of various characterisrics on the surface of the earth.' they live and work. o
The study of the environment embraces both its O
Dunford (1981: 85):
'Geography is the study of spatial forms and structures pro-
physical and human dimensions. Thus it addresses
lhe resources, sometimes scarce and fragile, rhat Ihe "..
duced historically and specified by modes of production.' u
Eartb provides and on which all life depends; lhe E
Haggell (1981: 133): impact on rhose resources of human activities; and -(
'[Geography is] lhe study of lhe Earrh's surface as lhe wider social, economic, politica1 and cultural conse- . o
space within which the human population lives.' quences of the interrelationship between the two.' .§
Johnslon (1985: 6): Gale (1992: 21):
'Literally defined as "ear!h description", geography is 'Geography, for me, is about how we view rhe world, .(
widely accepred as a discipline that provides "knowledge how we see people in places.'
abour rhe earrh as rhe home of humankind".' ..1!
In this book, we are concemed wi th conducting r!~~i. $'* ..?f?,~~!g~J¡*'f~~~~~~~
choi~iotapp~ach!!s,haile ~~o
..;' o"
research in human geography, However, defining human
geography is as fraught with,difliculties as is defining
geography in general. Definitions vary for aH tbose
reasons stated ahove, For our purposes, we have talcen Philosophy airns al rhe logical clarificabon of thoughts, ... ,.,
human geography to refer to the sludy o[ society in Wirhoul philosophy rhoughts are, as it were, c10udy and ;., -g_
re/ation lO space and place. As such, it ineludes all indistinct: its task is to malee them c1ear and lO give rhem ""~ ~o""
elements, bar physical geography, tbat are listed in sharp boundaries. .g
..~ "..
Table 1.1. We have made tbe distinction between (Wittgenstein, 1921, quoted in Ragurman, 1994) Q. e ._
::;:-- E o
physical and human geography for two reasons: first, o
Many geographers doubt lhat philosophical issues are actu-
" " :t '"
to keep tbe book manageable; and second, because in 00
ally relevant to geographic research. [However] no research '-
general the study of people and human-made objects
(geographic or otherwise) talces place in a philosophical
o ~
requires different research techniques from the study
vacuum. Even if it is not explicitly articulated all research Q.

of natural phenomena. Indeed sorne would argue !hat is guided by a set of philosophical bcliefs. These beliefs ~ '"'"
there are clear philosophical and methodological differ- influence or motivate rhe selection of topies for rescarch, rhe ...;
e¡¡ces between human and physical geography research. selection of mcthods for rescarch, and the manner in which
Thinking about research What choice 01 approaches have you gol? 7

completed projects are subjected 10 evaluation, In short, whieh to base your own research and will provide the desianed to allow you to quickly contrast the differ- for testing, whereas the term 'empiricism' refers to
p/¡ilosophical isSIlCS permeate evel)' decision in gengmphy.
theoretieal context in which 10 justify your lindings. ent ;pproaches, but they should be used in conjunc- the school of thought just described, where facts
(Hill. 1981: 38. our emphases) For the purpose of this book we have tried to draw tion with the text and other recornmended reading, as are believed to speak for themselves and require little
out and simplify the dominant issues and debates they provide oversimplified. caricature accounts. theoretical explanation (May, 1993).
Since human beings started to record and observe the
eonceming how ro approach research in human geo-
world there have been differences in opinion· on how
graphy. The aim, however, is nor to provide a compre- 1.4.1 Empirical-analytical science Positivism
research should be conducted. Over the centuries,
hensive account of underlying philosophies, Rather
philosophers have argued about:
we. aim to provide a basic flavour of geographic Empiricism
Box 1.4 Positivism
Ideology: the underlying social or political rea- thought and to stimulate you ro explore (he theoret-
sons or purpose for seeking knowledge. ical nature of how to conduct research. To do this, we In a nurshell
Epistemology: how knowledge is derived or detail 12 different approaches thar have gained sorne Box 1.3 Empiricism Posirivists argue !hat by carefully and objectively
arrived at; the assumptions about how we can currency in geographic thought over the past 30 In a nutshell collecting data regarding social phenomena, we can
know the world (What can we know? How can we years. Sorne have received more support than others Empirieism refers lo the sehool of thought where determine laws te predict and explain human
but we leave it to you to decide which approaeh has facts are believed to speak for themselves and behaviour in terms of cause and etTect.
know it?).
the most personal appea!. lt must be appreciated that require little theoretieal explanation, Like empiricists, positivists rejeet normative and
Ontology: the set of specific assumprions under· metaphysical (relating to being) questions that
Iying a theory or system of ideas (what can be these approaches are a greal deal more complex than EmpirieislS hold thal seienee should only be con·
cerned with objeets in the world and seek faerual cannot be measured scientifically.
known). can be detailed in olle chapEer. To gain a deeper
conlent about them. Positivism ditTers from empiricism because it re·
Merlwd~ology: a coherent set of rules and procedo understanding of all the arguments, nuances and rela· quires propositions 10 be verified (Iogieal positivo
Normative questions coneerning the "alues and in·
ures which can be used to invesrigate a phenom· tionships between different positions, and to under· ism) or hypo!heses falsified (critical rationalism)
tentions of people are excluded from srudy as it is
-enon or situation (within the framework dicrated stand the history and development of each approach, rather thanjust simply presenting findings.
c1airned w. cannot scienlifically measure them.
by epistemologieal and ontologieal ideas). you ought to refer to sorne ofthe texts recornmended A souree of primary data is closed·question queso Sources of prirnary data are closed·question queso
in the Further reading seetion at the end of !bis chapo tionnaices (see Chapter 3). tionnaires and surveys (see Chapter·3) ..
Human geographers have been involved in sueh ter. Jt mus! be noted that, within this discussion,
debates ami. as a result, there are a numbe¡: of schools whilst we try to give a respectful and objeetive assess· Example sludy o/ poverry . Example study 01poverry .
of thought on the best way to approach the relation· ment of each school of though~ we are not completely FaelS about poverty would·be eollected and presented Poverty is explained through testing a hypolhesis by
for interpretation by the reader (e.g., indices of POyo collecting and scientifically testing data relaled to
ship between soeiety, space, place and environment. impartia!.
erty - social welfare recipient, housing tenure, etc.). poverty (e.g., statistically testing whether poverty is a
Indeed, Cloke et al. (1992) argue that contemporary Unwin (1992) uses Habermas's taxonomy of the
function of educational attaioment).
human geography is extremely diverse, both in the different types of scienee to structure his discussion
topics investigated (as we have seen in Table 1.1) and of approaches within geography, and we foUow his
in the diversity of approaches and methods of enquiry. lead. Habermas (1978) divided science into three Empiricism is based around the notion that science
The arguments for and against each approach are different varieties: empirica!-anaJytical, historiea!- can ooly be concerned with empirieal questions. Comte (1798-185i) established tbe concept of posit·
ofien quite complex:, using carefully selected and what hermeneutic and eritical These differ fundamentally Empirical questions conceen how !hings are in real· ivism as a reaction against the 'negative philosophy'
ofien seems like ambiguous and over·complicated from each other in a number of respects in relation to ity, where reality is defined as tbe world which can of pre·revolution France. Comte argued !hat the laner
language. Indeed, Ragurman (1994: 244) argues that how knowledge and human action is mediated. He be sensed (see Ayer, 1969). Empiricists hold tbat sci· tradition was speculative in nature and was based
the net effect of complex philosophical debates upon suggests (hat knowledge wi!hin each type is mediated ence should ooly be concerned wi!h objects in !he upon emotion and romantic notions of considering
the student is 'ofien a lot of apprehension, diseno through a series of interests (technical, practical and world and should ooly seek factual contenl As such, a1ternative utopias. As such, it was neither practical
chantrnent and an uneasy feeling of being lost in a emancipatory), developed wi!hin differing social media aU knowledge is derived from tbe evidence provided nor constructive because it did' not concern itself
philosophical wilderness'. (work, language and power), and expressed through by the senses and processed in an inductive fashion. with material objects and given circumstances (Holt.
. Whilst it is tempting to disrniss philosophy, or to different jorms (material production, cornmunication, Normative questions concerning' tbe values and Jensen, 1988). Just as !he empiricists argued that we
try and avoid it because it seeros diflicult, the reality and relations of domination and constraint) (Unwin, intentions of a subject(s) are e.~chided aS we cannot should not be engaging witb normative questions,
of conducting research is that you cannot avoid il. As 1992). Essentially, the approaches to science differ scientifically measure tbem. Holt·Jensen ([988: 87) positivists argued that we should avoid metaphys·
HiU (1981) discusses, your research aims to provide because of varying opinions on what purpose know· provides the following example to illustrate !he dif· ical questions as !hey are unscientifie, metaphysics
answers to questions. In doing so, you wiU be claim· ledge should serve and how it should be constructed ference between empirieal and normative questions. beina delined as that which lies outside, or is inde·
ing to know something about a particular situation or and represented (e.g., epistemology, ontology and meth· 'How are tbe available food resources distributed pendent of, our senses and relates to questions of
phenomenon, or even the world in general. AH sueh odology). We appreciate that this material is difficult between tbe inhabitants of the world?' is an empirical being. Unwin (1992) notes that Comte used !be term
claims raise ideological, epistemologieal, ontologieal and sorne confusion may arise because others have question. 'How should tbe available food resources 'positive' to refer to tbe actual, the certain, tbe exact,
and metbodologieal questions about why the study used alternative taxonomies to discuss approaches to be distributed between the inhabitants of !be world?' the. useful and !he relative ratber than the imaginary,
was conducted and whether sueh claims are war· research (for example, phenomenology, existential· is a normative question. As such, empiricist research the undecided, the imprecise, !he vain and tbe
ranted. Understanding philosophieal approaches is ism and idealism are afien discussed under the head· is merely a presentation of the facts as gathered and absolute. As such, Comte demanded the formulation
important for two reasons. First, it wiU help you ing 'humanistic approaches'). However, time invested determined by the objective researcher. It is importo of theories which could be tested and verified using
understand what other researchers have done and at this stage is time weU spent as it aUows your study ant not 10 confuse tbe terms empirica! and empiricism. a union of methods. Positivism thus differs frorn em·
why. Second, it wiU help you lind an approach on to be bener grounded in tbeory. Boxes 1.3-1.15 are The term 'empirical' refers 10 the collection of data piricism because it requires experience to be verified
Thinking about research
What choice of approaches have you got?

rather than just simply presented as fact (Johnston, In geography, posmvism has been most closely
arguments that science should be neutral, W\)ue-free Behavioural geography is based upon the belief
1986a). Corntes hope'was that positivism would pro- associated with the use of quantitative methodologies.
and objective have been widely rejected and it is that the explanatory powers and understanding of
vide sociery with knowledge so that speculation Until the early 1950s geographical studies had been
argued that positivism creates a false sense of objeet- geographers can be increased by incorporating be-
could be avoided. In addition to providing laws for largely descriptive and regional in nature, and it was
ivity by artificially separating the observer from the havioural variables, along with others, within a
nature, Comte believed that there were laws of at this point that geographers such as Schaefer (1953)
observed (Cloke el al., 1992). decision-making framework that seeks to compre-
society and social relationships which, although more started to argue that research needed to become more hend and find reasons for overt spatial behaviour,
cornplex, could be discovered using the same prin- scientific in nature. Schaefer, for exarnple, advocated
1.4.2 Historical-hermeneutic science rather than describing the spatial manifestations of
cipIes (i.e., sociology). Positivists thus argued that the adoption of a logical positivist approach. Through- behaviour itself (Golledge, 1981). It is argued that
by the careful and objective collection of data regard- out the late 1950s and 1960s geography underwent a
Behaviouralism superficial descriptions of the natural, human or built
ing ro social phenomena, we could determine laws quantitative revolution as geographers sought to replace environments are not enough, and for both an under-
to predict and explain human behaviour in terms of description with explanation, individual understand- standing and an explanation of geographic phenorn-
cause and effect. ing with general laws, and interpretation with pre- Box 1.5 Behaviouralism ena an insight into 'why' questions is needed so that
Although there are various versions of positivism, diction (Unwin, 1992). As such, central concerns investigations become process-driven (Golledge and
contemporary positivism can, in the main, be divided were space, quantification and theory building, and In a nutshell
Behaviouralism acknowledges, explicitly or other- Rushton, 1984). By the early 1970s behaviouralism
into two streams of thought: logical positivism based throughout the 1960s there was increasing adoption
wise, that human action is mediated through the was increasingly being adopted by researchers to
upon verification, and critical rationalism based and usage of quantitative methodologies. Whilst a
cognitive processing of information. study a number of different tbemes, and in recent
upon falsification. Logical positivism was developed number of geographers who advocated quantitative Behaviouralist seeks lo model spatial behaviour by years behavioural studies can be found in work relat-
by the Vienna school in the ~20s and was intended methods were positivists, for many positivism was explainingspatíal choice and decision making through ing to retailing, migration, housing, industrial loca-
to combine British empiricism ,,(lith traditional posit- implicit in their work rather than explieitIy recogn- the measurement of people's ability. to remember, tion, travel, leisure and tourism, spatial behaviour,
ivisrn (Holt-Jensen, 1988.). The Vienna school defined ised, and rnany studies were rnerely empirieal and process and evaluate geographic information. disability, planning, geographic education and carto-
precise scientific principIes and used formal logic to inductive (Gregory, 1986b). lt was not until Harvey's Sources of prirnary data are closed-question ques- graphy. .Throughout the 1970s, however, it became
verify theories and make statements of knowledge (1969) seminal work Explanation in Geography that tionnaires (see Chapter 3) and specialised, psycho-
clear that behavioural geography was actually mani-
based upon tbe axioms produced. The formal 1aws geogr.aphers really startedto~ine.questions 9f~. - 10gicallYbased tests of kno~le.!!ge (se.e Golledge
and Stimson, 1997). .-_. festing ·ÍtseWhr1:wo very different forms.On the one
constructed, in turn, led to the formation of new and why knowledge was produced. Subsequently, in hand, tbere were tbose who were concerned with
questions to be verified against reality. In contrast the 1970s Ihe implicit adoption of positivism carne
Example study 01 poverty incorporating behavioural variables in spatial models,
to Comte, the Vv:nna school accepted that sorne under attack and new modes of enquiry were devel-
Poverty is explained through the scientific testing of a analytical behaviouralism, and on the otber, those
statements could be verified without recourse to oped as a reaction to its increasing use in geography. hypothesis which examines the behavioural decision who rejected spatia! analysis outright and were cQn-
experience. As such, logical positivism is based upon However, it must be noted tbat quantitative methods making of poor people and/o! people in positions oí cerned witb 'sense ofplace', values, morals and phe-
a distinction between analytical statements and syn- are not solely used by positivists and the use of such power (e.g., statistically testing whether poor people nomeoological inquiry (see next section). The net
thetic statemeots. Gregory (1986a) describes analyt- metbods does no! make a piece of research positiv- have low levels of self-esteern, and if so, how this result was that by tbe late 1970s, the field was beset
leal .tatements as a prion' propositions whose truth istic in nature. Rather it is the adoption of the under- relates to job-seeking behaviour). by internal division and conílict, and by tbe begin-
was guaranteed by their internal definitions, e.g., tau- lying principIes of objectivity and formal logic. ning of tbe 1980s, behaviouralism, initially conceived
tologies. These constituted the domain of the formal Positivism has been criticised for a variety of as a reaction to the excesses of conventional spatia!
sciences, logics and mathematics. In contrast, syn- reasons, and from a number of quarters. Gregory
Behavioural approaches (ofien misguidedly referred science, was being depicted as merely a ¡ogical 'oot-
thetic statements are propositions whose truth still (1986a) divides these attacks inlo three main fronts.
to as perceptual approaches) are tbe variety of ap- growth' of the commitrnent to positivism enshrined
had to be established empirically through testing tbe Fírst, positivism has been criticised for its empiri-.
verification ofhypotheses (see Section 2.4). cism. Ir is argued that positivists underestimate the
t proaches whicliacknowledge, explicitly or otherwise, in tbe quantitative revolution. .
that human action' is mediated through the cognitive Like positivism. before it, analytical behavioural-
Critical rationalism was pul forward by Karl Pop- complex relationship between tbeory and observa-
processing of environmental information. Behavi- ism was roundly criticised as mechanistic, dehuman-
per as an alternative to logical positivismo He argued tions and in particular the difficulty iD separating the
ouralisrn was initially coneeived in 'psychology as a isina and ignorant of the broader social and cultura!
tbat tbe truth of a Iaw does not depend upon the num- effects of phenomena that are interrelated. Second,
reaction against the positivistic school of thought of con~ext in which decision makers operate. Analytical
ber of times it is experimentally observed or verified, positivism is eriticised for its exclusivity and the
behaviourisrn, which views behaviour in terms of behaviouralism tbus overemphasises empirieism and
bul rather on whether it can be falsified (Chalmers, assumption tbat methods of the natural sciences can
stimulus-response, in which the cognitive processes methodology at the expense of worthwhile issues and
1982). Scientific validation should no! proceed along be effectively used to explain social phenomena. As
or consciousness has little par!. Behaviouralism, philosophical content. 11also acknowledges a dich~l-
the lines of providing confinnatory evidence bul such, positivism fails to recognise tbat spatial pat-
a1tematively, assumes tbat actions are mediated by omy between subject/object and fact/value, thus fall-
rather by identifying circurnstances which may lcad terns and processes are bound up in economic, social
cognitive processes. By the end of the 1960s many ing to 'conceive life in its wholeness' (Eyles, 1989).
to tbe rejection of the theory. If no situation can be and poHtical structures (Cloke el al., 1992). In addi-
geographers were starting to become dissatisfied with As a result, behaviouralism was criticised for dehu-
fouod where tbe law does not hold, then the law can tion, it is argued that mathematicaJ language filters
the stereotyped, mechanistic and deterministic nature manising and depersonalising the people and places
be said to be cOrToborated, although its validity has out' social and ethical questions and fails to reeognise studiea, ignoring tbe contours of experience and sys-
of many of tbe quaótitatíve- modeJs being developed,
not been confirnled. Popper's approach has been cri- tbat spatial patterns and processes are refleeted in,
as they realised that not everyone behaved in the tematieally detaching individuals from tbe social
ticised as being virtually impossible to implement and are reflections of, the perceptions, intentions and
spatially rational manner advocated by positivists. In contexts of their aetions. Other eritics are concemed
(Sayer, 1992) and has not been adopted by many aetions of human beings (Cloke el al., 1992). Third,
response, sorne geographers tumed to behaviouralism with the adoption of psychological theory and prac-
human geographers (Gregory, 1986b). positivism is criticised for its·autonomy. Positivism's
- as an alternative. tices, arguing that the close links 10 cognition lead to
10 Thinking aboul research Whal choice 01 approaches have you gOl? 11

problems of measurement, analysis and general isa- occurred. As such, many of the well-rehearsed argu- pure reñection of essenees leads to methodological
be seeking is not the rose-tinred view positivism
tion. A related issue concerns rhe danger of psycho- ments used to condemn the behavioural approach are
offers but the view before the scientific glasses are difficulties (Unwin, 1992). As such, Husserl's phe-
logism, rhe fallacy of explaining social phenomena viewed as being anachronistic, irrelevant and out-
put on. Pile (1993: 24) thus describes phenomeno- nomenology is a personal transcendental exercise that
purely in terms of the mental characteristics of indi- dated, We will have 10 wait and see to determine
logy as a 'people-centred form of knowledge based in is refiective and leads to individual understanding
viduals. Sorne contend that by concentrating upon the whether behavioural ideas are reintegrated into con-
human awareness, experience and understanding ... (Unwin, 1992). Instead Husserl 's argurnents have
individual, behaviouralism is susceptible lo building temporary debates. However, it is probably fair to say
the study of, and conscious refíection on, the mean- been used most effectively to attack positivism as a
models inductively so that outcomes ean only be treated rhat, just like positivism, many studies are still beha-
ing of being human, of being located in time and philosophy and it has been left to those succeeding
as a sum of parts. lo addition. sorne geographers argue vioural in nature. particularly in retail, consumer and
space'. As such phenomenology is based upon three Husserl to soften his strict approach by forwarding
that societal and institutional constraints are the dom- migration studies.
assumptions: '[1] that people should be studied free alternative phenomenologies that talk less of trying
inant faetors affecting spatial behaviour and therefore
of any preconceived lheories of suppositions about to transcend the everyday and more about studying
behaviouralism has little utility. As a result, behavi- Phenomenology the everyday meanings etched into the lifeworlds
how they act, [2] The search for understanding or
ouralism reinforces the status quo by failing to study
appreciation of the nature of an act is the goal of of particular peoples, societies and cultures (Cloke
the dominant issues and concentrating upon idealism
social science, rather than explanation. [3] that for el al., 1992). Spiegelberg (in Johnston, 1986a) sug-
rather than materialism. Many of these attacks on Box 1.6 Phenomenology
people the world exists only as a menlal construc- zests two methodologies to gain access to absolute
behaviouralism were doubly destructive because they In a nutshell knowledge that resides in consciousness. The first is
lion, created in acts of intentionality. An e1ement is
carne from disillusioned behavioural researchers them- Phenomenology rejects the scientific, quantitative imaginative self-transposal, wbich requires imagining
brouzht into an. individual s world only when he or
selves (e.g., Bunting and Guelke, 1979). approaches of positivism and behaviouralism. she 'g¡ves il meaning because of sorne intention the world from the perspective of lhe other persoo
Geographers such as Golledge (1981).,'"ave vehe- Instead phenomenology suggests thal we concentrate towards it' (Johnston, 1986a: 62-63). Johnston (1986a) using clues ofhow 10 achieve Ihis !Tom first-hand per-
mently defended behaviouralism, suggesting tnat cri- upon under.;ta.ndingrather than explaining the world.
further explains tbat Ihe goal of phenonienology is 10 ception and other documentary evidence. The second
ticisms are based upon ·misunder:;tandings. Witb The goal of phenomenology is to reconstruct the
reconstruct Ibe worlds of individuals, their actions, is cooperative encounter and exploration in which lhe
Helen Couclelis (Couclelis and Golledge, 1983) he worlds of individuals, their actions, and the mean-
ing of the phenomena in those worlds lO under- and Ihe meaning of Ihe phenomena in those worlds investiaator and subject embark on a joint explora-
has tried 10 refute the arguments that behaviouralism
stand individual behaviour, without drawing ,upon lo understand behaviour. In contrast to scientific ap- tion of fue laner's lifeworld. Here, meaning and
was just an extension, or outgrowth, of positivismo
supposed Iheones. proaches, which treat phenomena as extemal objects knowledge are sougbl tbrough cornrnunication based
They argue that altbougb bom in tbe positivist tra- upon trusl and respec!. Notunsurprisingly, phenom-
Saurces of pnmary data are in-depth inteniiews which can be studied objectively, phenomenology
dition and' reflecting sorne underlyiog principies,
'with people who have expenenced Ihe phenomena recognises subjectivity and demands lhat we reflect enology is critícised for its reliance 00 lhe subject to
behaviouralism has significantly progressed beyond in question (see ehapler 7). on our own consciousness of lbings in our experience be able to communicate their interpretations and
positivism. For example, tbey suggest tbat the critical
lo come to a deeper understanding of the world meanings, and Ihe ability of lhe investigator to inter-
tenet of tbe non-existence of tbe unobservable was. Example study o[ poverty
(Relph, 1981). As such, phenomenology seeks to dis- prel such cornmunications.
dropped, weakening reductionism and physicalist To understand poverty it is suggested lbal we need to
close and elucidate what we experience and how we A number of geograpbers, such as Buttirner (1976),
interpretations of human behaviour. Spatial beha- reconstruct!he world ofpeople who are poor (e.g., we
experience i!. Ley (1977), Relph (1976), Seamon (1979) and Tuan
viour Ihus became differentiated !Tom behaviour in need lO try and see lbe world tbrougb the eyes of poor
people). This mighl be attempted by talking to them For phenomenologists, we actively constitute the (1974), have adopled variations of softer approaches
space. Transactional andconstructivist positions were which are characterised by lheir search for meaning
about their Jife experiences. knowledge to be had from objects in lhe world, ratber
also adopted from developmental psychology and
!han just passively accessing and using them. Husserl (Ley, 1977). These geographers saw phenomenology
destroyed tbe tenet of tbe scientist as a passive
explains Iba! objects must be understood as objects as a viable alternative 10 Ibe peopleless and dehuman-
observer of objective reality. This, Ihey argue, has ising positivistic and behavioural approaches being
for human subjects; as objects Iba! hullÍan subjects
hastened tbe demise of tbe positivist positions of Tbe development of phenomenology is usually attrib-
experiencelare conscious of; and as objects towards adopted. Tuan (1971), for example, argued Ibat a
objectivism, Ihe non-scientific importance of values uted to Husserl (1859-1938). Husserl argued Iba! phenomenological approach combined wilh elements
which humans always intend to use or interact wilb
and beliefs, and tbe separation of value and fact It is because positivists ignored the question, of their own
(Cloke el al., 1992). Phenomenologists Iben musl of existenrialism can 'Iease out lhe "essences" of cer-
tbus assumed Ihat tbe mind and world are in constant involvemenl in Ibe research process, they could not tain "geographical conceros" residing in lhe deepest
strip away Ibe 'rose-tinled glasses' to really reveal tbe
dynamic interaction and Iberefore lhe a priori world fully know tbe world. To Husserl Ibe distinction
true essences of objects to human subjects. As such, psychological, emotional and existential attachments
of Ibe positivist position is rejected. between objec! (world) and subject (humans) was
phenomenology openly acknowledges metaphysics tbat al! human beings hold for Ibe spaces, places and
Gol!edge, whilst acknowledging Ibe weakening problematic_ He sougbl to overcome Ibis dualism and
and lhe need for reOeclion. Allbougb a reaction environments encircling them' (Cloke el al., 1992:
position ofbehaviouralism within contemporary debate, to provide a powerful, rigorous and alternative phi-
against positivism, it should be realised Ihal Husserl 75). In essence, lhe approacb emphasises 'lbe social
argued wilb Kevin Cox (wbo had by lhis time moved losophy lO positivism so far lacking in humanist
was also concemed wilb producing laws. In contras! construction of places, taking inlO accounl such aspects
to a more critical position - see later) that beha- Ibougbt (Cloke el al., 1992), Pbenomenology was as Ibeir emotional, aesthetic and syrnbolic appeal'
to positivism, however, Husserl's conceros were wilh
vioural geography could avert becoming an irrelev-, designed 'to disclose Ibe world as it shows itself
metaphysical laws that governed tbe workings of and seeks lO reflecl Ibe ties between iudividuals and
ance througb an evolution created by Ibe expansion before scientific inquiry, as that which is pre-given ,..;--
human spirit (lbe inner world of human being). Thus, lhe environmenl (Unwin, 1992: 148). Smilb (1981)
of relevan! variables and/or a switch from the empha- and presupposed by Ibe sciences. II seeks to disclose
phenomenology is abou! not only understanding suggests a phenomenological melhodology in which
sis upon Ibe individual as an isolated decision maker the original way of being prior lo its objectification
behaviour, bul enriching life by increasing human material is galbered tbrough participanl observation
to an individual as caugb! up in a 'web' of social by Ibe empirical sciences' (Pickles, 1985: 3). Here,
awareness (Johnston, 1986a). and througb reflecting and selecting observalions
constraint (Cox and Golledge, 1981). Walmsley and Pickles is suggesting Ibat lhe way we conduct science
Husserl's phenomenology has nol beeo success- and experiences galbered transactionally (tbrough
Lewis (1993) argue Ibat such evolutions have now influences our conclusions and tbat what we should
ful!y adopted by geographers because its emphasis on contacl wilb subjects). This produces an empalhetic
What choice 01 approaches have you got? 13
12 Thinking about research

Dewey (1859-1952) and James (1842-1910), is con-

understanding of behaviour (Johnston, 1986a). In lack of meaning) at the heart of the human condition' personal theories which serve to guide actions and
cerned wi!h !he construction of meaning through
recent years there has been an increased interest in this (Cloke el al., 1992: 76). The researcher's job is to allow the world to be negotiated and understood.
practical activity (Gregory, 1986c) attemp:ing to
transactional approach (Aitken and Bjorklund, 1988; seek to understand the process of making the world Actions and the social world, therefore, are mediated
zround philosophical activity in the practicalities of
Aitken, 1991). Transactionalism represents the view meaningful as it is these processes by which we come and created through knowledge rather than being
~veryday life (Smith, 1984). Pragmatism thus tries
that an understanding of person-in-environment con- to know, and behave in, pIaces. Samuels (1978, 1981) sirnply conditioned (May, 1993). Ifwe wish to under-
to understand the world through the examination of
texts must take on board an appreciation of on-going has been most vocal in a cal! for an existentialist stand human decision making, idealists argue that we
practical problems, believing that studying a. par-
transactions between lhe person and the environment, approach wi!hin human geography. This approach should be studying the decision makers and the per-
ticular real-world situation is important for providing
based upon botb past events and future expectations effectively takes a historical perspective and 'endeav- sonal theories that guide them (Johnston, 1986a).
both theoretical understanding and practical solu-
(Aitken and Bjorklund, 1988). ours to reconstruct a landscape in the eyes of its In order to study such personal theories idealists
tions (Frazier, 1981). Pragmatism rejects 'valué-free'
occupants, users, explorers and students in the light aim to recover the guiding mental constructs and
research, instead arguing that research should address,
Existentialism of historical situations !hat condition, modify or ideas through empathetic understanding (Jackson and
and be used lo solve, problems. Pragmatists envisage
change relationships' (Samuels, 1981: 129). Samuels Smi!h, 1984). This is in contrast to behaviouralislS,
knowledge as an 'essentially fluid and intrinsically
suggests !hat in creating their own essence, or iden- who try to determine knowledge, perceptions and
fallible process of "self-correcting enquiry" (Gre-
Box 1.7 Existentialism tity, individuals define themselves spatially through attitudes to explain human decision making. Idealism
gory, 1986c: 366). Pragmatism is thus a theory of
building a relationship with the environment. Thus, differs from phenomenology in that it does not entirely
In a nutshell knowledge, experience and reality that maintains 'that
Existentialismis basedon the notion that reality is the landscape is a biography of !hat creation (John- reject explanation but aims to secure an objec~ve
thought and knowledge are biologicalIy and socially
created by the free acts of human agents, for and ston, 1986a). reconstruction of thought rather than a subjective
evolved modes of adaptation to and control over
by themselves. description of 'lifeworlds' (Jackson and Smith, 1984).
"'" experience and reality' (Thayer, in Iohnston, 1986~:
Whereas phenomenology is primarily concemed Idealisnf Guelke (1974,1981) has been!he main proponent of
60). Here, it is recognised that all knoWledge IS
with meaning, existentialismalso concerns values. idealistic studies wi!hin geography. He suggests !hat
Existentialismfocusesupon how individualscome evaluative of future experiences and !hat Ihinking
an idealist geography would study the mental activity
to create and place meaning to their world and functions experimental!y in anticipation of future
Box 1.8 Idealism which underlies human activity wilhin !he geographic
how they subscribevalues to objects and to others. experiences and consequences of actions. Johnston
In a nutshell world and could provide the basis of a rejuvenated
Sources of primary data are in-depth interviews; (l986a) thus explains !hal society changes as beliefs
Idealism posits tbat, ontologically,tbe real world regional geography by grouping togelher people who
ethnography;and participantobservation(see Chap- are actualised and Ihat individuals make choices
ter 7). does not exist outside its observation and repres- share similar world views. based upon meanings attached lo various possibi!ities
entation by the individual.
which are evalualed in terms of Iheir utility and use-
Example s/Udy o[poverty Whereasexistentialismfacusesuponrealityas being, Pragmatism
idealismviewsrealityas a construetionof!he mind. fulness. Knowledge is thus achieved ~nIy"through
Poverty is understood by trying to gain insight into experience and a trial-and-error process of activity,
how people who are peor come to know, ascribe Idealism seeks to explain pattems of bebaviour
through an understanding of the thoughts behind based upon altitudes and beliefs, as we search for the
meaning, and interaetwith the world (e.g., interview- Box 1.9 Pragmatism
them. 'truth'. Thus pragmatism is based within experience
ing poor people about how they decide how much
Sourees of primary data are in-depth interviews 'io: In a nUlShell and is concemed 'with understanding and resolving
money lOspend on different things). Pragmatism suggests !ha!, rather than foeus on
and ethnography (see Chapter 7). !he confliclS to which a fluid and uncertain world
individuals,attention should be paid to saciety and
gives rise' (Jackson and Smith, 1984: 72). As such,
Example study o[poverty to the interaetion of individuals within society.
Pragmatistsargue!hat understandingmust be infer- understanding must be inferred from behaviour and
Existentialism is based on !he notion Ihat reality is Poverty is understood by trying 10 gain insigbt into
red frnm behaviour and rooted in experienees, not rooted in experience, not knowledge.
created by !he free aclS of human agents, for and by how peor people think aboul poverty and the world
knowledge. Pragmatisrn, in contrast 10 other humanistic ap-
Ihemselves (Johnston, 1986a). Jt differs from phe- they tivein (e.g., interviewpeor peopleon what it feels
like to be poor, wbytbey think !heyare poor, and how By exploringtbe lives of people wi!hin a cornmu- proaches, suggests a focus on society and !he inter-
nomenology by positing Ihat there are no general nity it is hoped !hat the nature of tbe beliefs and action of individuals wi!hin society - Rorty (1980)
they see themselves in relation 10 !herest of saciety).
essences, pure consciousness or ultimate knowledge, attitudes whieh shape soeiety will be uncovered. suggests Ihat knowledge is merely an on-going con-
and in ilS fundamental concem wi!h what Buttimer Sources of primary data are ethnography and par- versafion between us al!. Pragmatism avoids many
(1974) describes as '!he quality of life in !he every- ticipant observation(see Chapter 7). irresolvable philosophical questioris 'by exarnining
day world'. As such, !here is no single essence of Jdealism posits that Ihe real world does not exist out-
instead both constitution and application of know-
humanity, but rather each individual creates and side its observation and representarion by Ihe individ- Example s/Udy 01povero'
ledge in everyday life' (Cloke el al., 1992). Geogra-
forges Iheir own essence from existence. Whereas ual (Johnston, I986a). Whereas existentialism focuses Poverty is understood by observing how individuals
in soeiety interaet to produce conditions whieb sus- phers' interest in pragmatism sterns from !he work of
phenomenology is primarily concemed with mean- upon reality as being, idealism views realicy as a con-
tain destitution(e.g., examining whether poor people Ihe Chicago sociologists Park and Burgess earher thts
ing, existentialism also concerns values. lt focuses struction of the mind (Unwin, 1992). Thus, idealism
. remain poor because !hey live in a eycle of erime, cenrury. They suggest !hat 'social interaction through
upon how individuals come to create and place mean- holds !hat !he world can only be known indirectly
underedueation,low self-esteem, etc.). which attitudes and beliefs are leamed and developed
ing to their world and how !hey subscribe values to through ideas witb knowledge based on subjective
occurs in places ... [and] !he construcrion and recon-
objeclS and o!hers. A basic premise is that humans experiences. As such, idealisrn seeks lo explain rational"
;2:. struction of society - !he search for trulh ... - is a
are alienated and detached from non-human things, actions through an understanding of the thoughts
spatially situated activity' (Johnston, 1986a: 61). These
and thus constantly seek to '''make things meaning- behind them (Guelke, 1974). In this context al! ,". Pragmatisrn, "ilose origins are predominately identified
sociologists in Ihe main used ethnographic techniques
fuI" so as to fil! !he "existential void" (the complete knowledge is entirely subjective and used to develop ,~; wi!h the NortbAmerican writers Peirce (1839-1914),
What choice of approaches have you gol? 15
4 T{1inking about research

(see Chapter 7) such as participant observation to 207). As with the approaches so far discussed, there alternative futures, and to offer political resistance the task of research 'is not simply to collect observa-
are many different versions of Marxism. They al! (Peet and Lyons, 1981). Whilst a 'pure' forro ofMarx- tions but to explain these within theoretical frame-
explore the lives of local residents. Frazier (198 1)
reports that pragmatists use a scientific approach, share, however, a critical approach to modem society ism, historical materialisrn, gained favour in the late works which structure people's actions' (May, 1993:
using a deductive-predictive approach where a which aims not only to study, but also to change, 1970s, by the early 1980s attention had moved to 7). Realists are, therefore. concemed with the invest-
theory is forroulated and then tested, However, prag- social processes. Marxist approaches seek to do this other structuralist approaches such as Gidden 's struc- igation of the underIying mechanisms and struc-
matists also refute replicability, acknowledging that by exposing the inherent injustices within present turation tbeory and political economy. Both these tures of social relations, and with identifying the
.retesting may lead to different answers which they social relations which they argue are Ihe result of the approaches relaxed the emphasis upon structure to 'building blocks' of reality. Rather than studying the
attribute to the problems of observing a situation and economic bases of capitalism. They argue that social íncorporate ideas of agency. Unwin (1992) eontends communication and interaction between people, real-
changing social context. As such, beca use the worId relations are constrained within regulating capital- that structuralist approaches have most commonly been ism seeks the underIying mechanisms of policy and
is constantIy changing, positions must be constantly ist structures. These structures exist as a means of applied to four main areas of geographical study: an practice that made these possible in the first place
retested and re-evaluated. Jackson and Smith (1984) enforcing and reproducing wealth for a minority of historical geography of transition forro feudalism to (May, 1993). As such, realism is concemed with the
repon that pragmatic research is also often p~rti- the population through the exploitatlon of labour. capitalism; urban geography; regional inequalities . identification of how something happens (causal
cipatory in nature, to al!ow the nature of the behefs Contemporary Westem society is thus characterised and industrial restructuring; and the Third World, mechanisms) and how extensive a phenomenon is
and altitudes which shape society to be uncovered, by a capitalist 'mode of production' as the means (empirical regularity) (Unwin, 1992). Realists want
and to determine how they are being reconstructed people employ to sustain themselves. Within this Realism to find out 'what. produces changes, what makes
through application. As such, pragmatism is action- mode there are inherent contradictions that need to be things happen, what allows or forces changes' (Sayer,
exposed, so that unfair social relations enshrined in 1985: 163). Unlike positivism which posits a cIosed
orientated and user-orientated .•
Ihe class system can be ove¡;¡hrown. . Box 1.11 Realism system of discrete events tbat can be....!ested wilh
Within a structuralist framéwork there are tbree In a nutshell
specifie hypotheses, realism presents an atemative
1.4.3 Critical science
levels of anaJysis: '(I¡_tne level of appearances, or Realists are concemed witb the investigationof tbe by 'assuming a stratified and di[erentiated worId
Ihe superstructure; (2) the level of processes, or Ihe underlying rnechanisrns and structures of social made up of events, mechanisms and structures in an
Marxist approaches
infrastructure; ánd (3) the level of imperatives, or the relations, and identifying tbe 'building blocks' of open system where there are complex, reproducing
deep structure' (Johnston,. 1985: 220). Melhods of reality: and sometimes transforming interactions between .
analysis are dialectical in nature, examining from an Ratber tban studying tbe coaununication and inter- structure and agency whose recovery wiII provide
Box UD Marxism action between people, realisrn s~eks tbe underIy-
economic and political perspective Ihe processes of answers to questions posed about processes' (Cloke
In a nutshell change and dynamics within society, and exposing ing mechanisms of policy and practice tbat rnade e/ al., 1992: 146). Realism, Ihen, does not deny human .
Marxists suggest tbat society is structured so as to tbese possible in tbe tirst place. agency, although it does emphasise that behaviour is
Ihe three (hidden) levels of structures which regulate
perpetuate tbe production of capital. Realism conceros tbe identification of how sorne-
Ihe uneven nature of society. Dialectics is a method constrained by economic processes (Johnston, 1991).
Marxists are concerned witb investigation of tbe thing happens (causal rnechanisms) and how ex-
of seeking knowledge through a process of continu- teosive a phenomenon is (empirical regularity). Ralher, individual s make decisions within an infra-
political and economic structures !hat underlie
and reproduce capitalist rnodes of production and . ous questioning and answering, with one answer pro- Realists want to tind out what produces changes, strueture !hat they are unaware of. As a result, Ihe
vidin.g the basis for a subsequent question (Unwin, what makes tbings happen, what allows or forces infrastructure is both constraining and enabling; it
To do this Marxists suggest !hatwe need to consider 1992). By dialectically examining the transforma- changes. restricts yet stimulates choice (Johnston, 1991).
how conditions nñght be under different social .tions in the mode of production, it is hoped !hat an Sources of primary data include a núx of quantit- . Sayer (1985, 1992) in particular has championed
conditions to highlight how society operates. understanding of social change can be developed ative (see Chapter 3) and qualitative (see Chapter the cause of realism within geography. He suggests
A source of primary data is observation (see Chap- through Ihe identification of historically determined 7) techniques. that geographers can engage wilh four different types
ter }), but Marxism also re-exarnines secondary. laws. of realist study. Tbe first is abstract, theoretical
data sources with analysis consisting of detenrun- Example study 01poverty resea.rCh concemed with structures and mechanisms;
Marxist approaches within geography emerged at
ing tbe dialectical (how one affects !he otber) rela- Poverty is understood by trying to deternúne its root
approximately Ihe same time as humanistic approaches, it concentrates on developing a theory Ihat might
tionshipbetween societal structures and individuals. causes through an exanúDation of !he rnechanisms
I and similarly were a reaction against the growth of underlyinghowsociety operates (e.g., exanúne whetber explain circumstances or lead to possible scenarios.
spatial science (positivism) within Ihe discipline .. poverty exists because of tbe uneven deveioprnent of The second is concrete, practical research focusilig
Example study o[ poverty
Poverty is explained through tbe exanúnation of how Whereas humanistic approaches criticised spatial sci- modemisation~ upon events and objects produced by structures and
poor people are exploited for capital gain (e.g., exarn- ence because of its disrégard of human agency, mechanisms and thus seeks to expiain a circumstance
ining whetherpoor people are poor because it is in tbe Marxists argued !hat it failed to recognise Ihe eco- ,,\.-. or scenario. Tbe third is empirical generalisations
~i.; .
. interests of capital to retain unskilled, low-wage jobs nomic and political constraints imposed upon spalial :"i~ . Realism shares with positivism the aim of explana- concerned with the establishment of the regularity of
rather !han distribute fully corporate pretit). paltems by the way in which society worked. Further, f . tion rather!han understanding. However, here the events. Tbe fourth is synthesis researr:h wilich combines
they suggested that positivistic melhods restricted :ey·7' similarities end. Whilst realists believe that tbere is a al! of these types of research in order to explain entire .
analysis to how things actually seemed to be, rather ? 'real' worId !hat exists independently of our senses, subsystems. Sayer also describes how realist researeh
Simply stated, Marxism is a 'system of Ihought ... !han considering how they might be under different f#.' perceptions and cognitions, in contrast to analyrical- can be undertaken al the local scale using iotensive
which clairns Ihat Ihe state, through history, has been social conditions (Cloke et aL, 1992). A Marxist empirical .approaches, realists argue !hat Ihe social research aimed at producing causal explanations, and
geography seeks 10 identify how social relations vary rJ!- world does not exist independentIy of knowledge and al !he regional scale using extensive research aimed at
a device for Ihe exploitation of the masses by a dom- ~t·

ioant class and that class struggle has been the main over space and time in order 10 reproduce and sustain !hat this knowledge, which is partial or incomplete, producing aescriptive generalisations. lntensive re-
Ihe modes of production and consumption, to sugges~ ~1 af'fects our behaviour (May, 1993). Tbey argue that .search consists of trying 10 determine tbe processes
agent of historical change' (Peet and Lyons, 1981:
16 Thinking about research What choice 01 approaches have you gol? 17

and conditions both necessa/}' (object/subject needed represents a combination of different ideas. At one 1992). Postrnodemism thus offers 'readings' rather PoststructuraIists argue that the relationship berween
for a process or situation to arise, e.g., gunpowder has level, postrnodernity refers to a new way of under- than 'observations', 'interpretations' rather than 'find- society and space is mediated culturally through la n-
the necessary casual power to explode) and contingent standing the world. It is a revolt against the ration- ings', seeking intertextual relations rather than caus- guage. In contrast to postrnodemism, much of the
(object/subject needed to activate or release causal ality of modernism, and represents a fundamental focus is uoon the individual. and methodological and
ality (Rosenau, 1992).
powers, e.g., gunpowder needs a spark) that underlie attack on contemporary philosophy (Dear, 1988). At Postrnodemism has been criticised as being little epistemol~gical issues, rather than society and ~ul-
the production of certain events or objects by study- another level, postrnodernity refers to al; object o/ more than a form of critique - an intellectual, specu- tural critique (Rosenau, 1992). For poststructuralIsts,
ing individual s in their contexts, using qualitative study - postrnodernity is the study of the temporal a human being is configured and given cultural sig-
lative, 'self-seeking cynicism' (Lyon, 1994: 77) with
methodologies such as interactive interviews and and spatial organisation, and the complex interaction, niñcance through language (Poster, 1995). As such,
little substance. Critics argue that the dominant bases
ethnography (Cloke et al., 1992). Extensive research of economic, social, political and cultural processes of the modernist agenda - enquiry, discovery, innova- the way we live our lives within society, the constraints
consists of trying to determine the generality or com- in the late twentieth century. In this framework, post- and empowerment that opérate, take effect m language.
tion, progress, internationalisation, self and economic
monality of characteristics and processes in relation modern culture is often presented as an alternative. to development - are, however, still the principies under- Therefore, if we are to understand the relationship
to a wider population using quantitative methodolo- modernist visions of society, which are presented as between space and society we. need to explore the
lying Westem society and modemist approaches are
gies such as questionnaires. Although asking differ- fundamentally flawed and structurally weak (Poster, positioning of an individual in relation to language
still most appropriate to study them (Berman, 1992).
ent types of questions, using different methodologies, 1995). In this discussion, we only examine postrnod- and how the individual is conñgured by language.
As such, postrnodem critique should mereIy be used
both types of research are still seeking to explain the ernism as an approach. to improve modemist methods, to make them more Such an approach examines society by interpreting
phenomena in terms of the underlying mechanisms So far, we have discussed approaches which are robust and to widen their scope, not to replace them, and deconstructing cultural dissemination to gam
and structures which dictate their pattern and formo based within modernity (e.g., positivism, Marxism). . Such a radicalised, modemist approach has been put understanding. Peet and Thrift (1989: 23) explain that
Modemism concerns the search for a unified~rand forward by both Habermas and Giddens. They both poststructural work assl!...mes
Posttnodernism theory of society and social knowledge and seekt to treat modemity as an incomplete project, and like that meaninz is produced in language, and not reftected by
reveal universal truths and nieaning. Qear (I988) postmodernísts challenge Ihe foUIÍdationatist approaches it: that meanins ís Mt fixed but is constantly on lhe move
argues that this has led to a variety of internally con- to science but insist that a hermeneutic approach to . :. and tbat s~bjectivity does not imply a unified,. and
Box 1.12 Postmodernism sistent but mutually exclusive approaches. Postrnod- social science can still yield realistic results within a rational human subject but instead a kaleidoscope of differ-
In a nurshell ernism challenges modemist thinking by examining more critical framework(Lyon, 1994). Olher approaches, ent discursive practices .... lhe kind of method needed to
epistemological independence and challenging 'truth oet al Ihese conceptions wiIl need 10 be very supple, able
Postmodernists argue lha!, so far, modernist meta- such as feminism, aIso try to reframe modemist Ihought
~o capture the multiplicity of different rneanings without
narratives (al! the other approoches so far descríbed) claims'. In essence, postmodemism is based upon the within a more emancipatory or reflexive framework
that seek universal truths by examining the associ- reducing them lo lhe simplicity of a simple structure.
notion Ihat there is no one answer, no one discourse rather than move to a new postmodem position.
atioos and relationships between people and plaees, that is superior or dominant to anolher, and Ihat no- . Researchers then -should focus on textuality, nar-'
have failed to adequately account for differences one's voice should be excluded from dialogue (Dear, rative discourse and language as these do not just
witbín society. Poststructuralism
1988). Postrnodernists therefore argue Ihat Ihere is no reflec; reality but actively construct and constitute
Postmodernísm is based upon the notian tbat there
one absolute truth and that tbere is no truth outside reality. As language precede.s us and e~c~eds us so
is no one answer, that. no one discourse is superior
interpretation. As such, postrnodem approaches rep- BQX 1.13 Poststructuralism Ihat it is something into WhlCh we are 1mbated and
or dominant to another, and that no-one's voice \
should be excluded from dialogue. resent a shift from ways of knowing and issues of which governs our actions and thoughts, whe~ each
In a nutshell
Postmodernísts argue that ther; is no one absolute trutb, to ways of being and issues of reality. Poststructuralísts argue lhat the relationship between of us reads a tex!, views a landscape or a butldmg we
truth and that there ís no truth outside interpretation. Postrnodem thinking is thus concerned wilh devel- society and culture is mediated through language: see and interpret tbem in different ways (Brown,
Postmodernism, rather lhan seeking 'trutb', offers oping an attitude towards knowledge, melhods, the- humans are configured and given cultural signific- 1995). Poststructuralists thus propose tbat the way
'readíngs' ralher !han 'observations', and 'inter- ories and communication, and posits Ihat we move ance through language. to gain an understanding of tbe SOCial, culru:al, ~oltt-
pretalions' ralher than 'findings', and seeks inler- away from questions relating to tbe 'things actually The way we Jive our lives within society, lhe con- ical and economic factors tbat shape our hves IS to
lextual relations rather tban causalíty. going on ... to questions abaut how we can find out straints and empowermenl lhal operate, take effecl deconstruct the multiple messages being conveyed
Primary analysis consists of deconstructing (teas- in language.
about, interpret and then report upon these things' to us by the objects we encounter. Deconstruction is
ing apart) culture and societal practices. PoststructuraJists propose lhat the way lO gaín an
(Cloke el al., 1992). Here, 'tbe very possibility of . a technique for 'teasing out the incoherencles, limlts
understanding of the factors !hat shape our lives is
Example study 01poverty acquiring knowledge or giving an account of tbe world and unintentioned effects of a tex!'. (Cloke et al.,
lO deconstruct the multiple messages being con-
Poverty is understood by trying to deconstruct and is called into question' (Lyon, 1994: 11). Witbin 1992: 192).
veyed to us by the objects we encounter.
read the varíous ways in which poverty is constructed pOSlrnodern approaches, organised, objective science The primary mode of analysís is tbe deconstruc-
and reproduced in society, and how poor people are is replaced by a postscience which acknowledges the tion of language. Feminism
excluded from society (e.g., examine tbe ways in which position of scientist as agent and participant. Essen-
poor people are excluded from society through une- tially, tbere is a broad-gauged reconceptualisation of Example study 01poverty
qual power relations). how we experience and explain the world around us Poverty is understood through examination and decon- Box 1.14 Feminism
which includes focusing attention upon alternative struction of exclusionary practices of !he society as
expressed throul!h cultural practíces and arliculated in In a nurshell
discourses and meanings rather than goals, choices, Feminism suggests thal science is dominated by,
Brown (1995) suggests that postrnodernism is some- language (e.g., ~xamine tbe exlent to which cultural
behaviour, attitudes and personality; Ihe dissolution and reflects the position of, meno Sorne feminist
norros and mvths feed inlo exclusionary processes
thing everyone has heard of, but no-one can quite of disciplinary boundaries; and a re-emphasis on tbat geographers extend this specifically 10 white,
which seek to -marginalise poor people from material
explain. This is because, as Peet and Thrift (1989) which has largely been ignored by modernist scholars wealthy, Western meno
suggest, postmodernism is a confusing tcrrn which - narnely the excluded, marginal and repressed (Rosenall,
18 Thinking about research
Which approach is best? 19

Box 1.14 (cont'd) traditional research approaches in three main ways. help you determine which approach is rnost suitable
Box 1.15 Sources 01 sexism within research
Feministssuggest rhat there needs te be renegotia- First, ir chaIlenges the formulation of theories by to your views. Graham (1997) suggests that three
Androcentricity: Viewingthe world from a male suggesting that traditional categories, definitions and good questions to ask relate to naturalism, realism
tion of the role and structure of instirutions and rhe
production of knowledge. perspecrive: e.g., when a test or other research concepts need to be rethought. Second, it examines and structure/agency. Other questions relate to the
insrrument is developed and tested on males, and [he validity ofmethods (and associated theories) used research strategy, the purpose of research, the pro-
There needs lObe a renegotiation of power rela-
tionswithinsocietyso thathowwecometo know the then assumed ro be suitable for use with females, for exarnining geographical issues. Third, ir questions duction of knowledge and the nature óf theories. In
Overgeneralisaüan; Whena sludydeals with only
world is more reflective of the people living in it. the basis by which issues are selected as worthy of general, these questions are highly interrelated. For
one sex but presents itself as generally applicable,
Sourcesof primary data includea mix of quantita- geographical enquiry. This reassessment of conduct- the purposes of this book we will discuss them sep-
tive(see Chapter 3) and qualitative(see Chapter 7) e.g., a study dealing solely with mothers which
makes staternents about parents, inz research has led to the formulation of a feminist arately and in brief. You should refer to the books
Overspecijicity: When single-sex terrns are used methodology which is characterised by a search for a reeommended for further reading to gain a wider
Example study 01poverty when both sexes are involved:e.g., many uses of mutual understanding between researcher and resear- understanding of these issues. For reference, we have
'man' either by itself or as in 'chairman'. ched (Katz, 1994). This methodology focuses thought summarised Boxes 1.3-1.15 into Table 1.2.
Povertyis understood by trying to adopl more eman-
Gender insensivity: Ignoring sex as a possible upon four issues: ways of knOlfing; ways of asking;
cipalory and empoweringapproacheslhat allow poor variable.
people lo express experienceand knowledge(e.g.,ask ways of interpreting; ways of writing. Wilhin each of 1.5.1 Atlendant questions
DOllble stalldards: Evaluating, treating or meas- Ihese issues Ihe researcher is encouraged to reflect upon
poor people how Ihey think that society should be
reconfiguredinlo a morejusI system). uring identical behaviours, traits or situations by
lheir own position, as weU as Ihat of tbe researched,
different means for males and females: e.g., using Naturalist or anti-naturalist?
female-derived categories of social status for and to acknowledge and use these reflections to guide
males (or vice versa). Ibis may not be inappropri- Ihe various aspects of Ihe research process. In gen- ~am (1997) explains Ihat naturalism concerns the
Sinee tbe early 1980s tbere has been a slow growth ate in a particular study but nevertheless could eral, feminist researchers, ratber tban develo~ing new natu~ of research. A naturalist approach would sug-
in feminist approaches witbin human geography, lead to bias which should be acknowledged. techniques, use traditional metbods but wilhm a new.. gest tbat we can research the social in much
aecompanied by feminist critique of geographical Sex appropriateness: A cornmonlyused and ac- frame of reference which aims to be more rellexive Ihe same way lhat we can research the natural world.
enquiry. These ·eritiques have attacked aH forms of cepted form of 'double standards': e.g., that child and representative of research subjects and consistent For example, we could adapt melhods used in bio-
geographical enquiry in two main way~. First, femin- rearing is necessarily a female activity.. wilh feminist goals. At present, feminist research is logy, €hemistry or physics and apply Ihem to human
Familism: A particular instanceof'gender insen- largely restricted to female scholars, allhough men are geography. Anti-naturalism, as the name implies,
ists have argued tbat geographical research largely
sivity'. Consists oftreating lhe family as tbe small- increasingly recognising and adopting feminist appro-
ignores lhe lives of women and tbe role of patri- suggests Ihat such an adaptation is invalido Essen-
est unit of analysis when it would be possible and
arcby in society. They seek to redress lhis balance appropriate to treat an individualas lhe unit. aches, and Ihe ideas and practices are being used to tially, tbe difference concerns tbe use of lhe scientific.
through specmc studies of lhe everyday lives of Sexual dichotomism: Anotherinstance of 'double
underpin research conceming olher oppressed groups method designed to measure empirical evidence and
women. Second, lhey have criticised tbe ways in standards': treating the sexesas two entirely differ- such as disabled peopIe and etbnic minorities. discover laws. Anti-naturalists argue tbat Ihe sci-
which research is conducted, arguing !hat knowledge ent distinct social groups ralher !han as groups entmc melhod is flawed because it seeks to explain
is predominantly produced by men and as a result wilh overIappingcharacteristics. lhe social worId through Ihe testing of laws. They
represents men's views of the world. They !hus argue suggest Ibat this fails to acknowledge non-empirieal
tbat how we come to know tbe world is structured Sources: Eichler 1988,Robson 1993: 64. evidence relating to lhoughts, desires and values. As
through tbe lenses of a 'male gaze'. Sorne would sug- such, fuer contend tbat lhe social worId is best
0nIy you can previdelhe philosopbicaiartsWers lha! wiIl have approach through Ibe seeking of understanding and
gest !hat this 'male gaze' is an implicit expression of
meaningand lastingvalueinyour future work as a geographer. interpretation, as humans do not foHow set rules
tbe dominant ideology, a form of eoncealment, aimed
in Ihe reassessment of how lo· investigate research (HiIl, 1981: 38)
at reproducing current power relations. As such,
questions. In particular, Ihey have advocated trying to
~~ and patterns. In our discussion, in general, natural-
academic research has implicitly (and sometimes ",. It would be a grave mistake for us to try to prescribe ists would be empiricists, positivists and analytical
understand tbe world through personal experience,
explicitly) worked to exclude and silence tbose in 'Y'!-:- any one of lhe approaches we have discussed as tbe
"": behaviouralists, and anti-naturalists everything else.
forwarded tbe renegotiation of power relations between ,;~, best for you or your researcb. As discussed earlier,
subordinate positions. Feminists suggest tbat tbe
researcher and researched seeking a more emancipat- ;~ we aU have our own beliefs about lhe Würld and tbe
predominance of patriarchy within society can be Inductive or deductive?
ory and empowering approach, and cballenged stich ~¡ right and wrong ways to do things, including under-
.observed by considering tbe range of senst practices
conventions as individual writing and writing style.
within current research (see Box LIS). Feminist geo-
Further, lhey have critiqued !he practices and sttuc-
.~,~.0.. taking research. The aim of!he discussion was to Associated witb Ibe naturalistlanti-naturalist debate
graphers have lhus adopted an epistemology which '- demonstrate tbe diversity of views in contemporary are questions concerniog tbe research strategy and
challenges conventional ways of knowing by question-
tures of academia as a whole, seeking to destabilise
current patriarchal institutions and institutional prac-
r.~.~.; human geography. It is for you to decide which melhodology used to generate data. Inductive and
~" school of tbought best reflects your beliefs in how a deductive reasoning coneero tbe logical processing of
ing!he concept of'trutb', validating 'alternative' sources
tices. Lilee Marxism, femioism is a political project ;1.#. question should be approached and answered. This is information and data into knowledge and how ~eory
of-knowledge such as autobiographical accounts and
but one which seeks to address patriarchy ralher Ihan
subjective experience, and acknowledging Ihe non- f;t not an easy task and may require a great deal of and practice are connected. At a basic level, using
class. As such, feminists seeks emancipatory goals . ,., refieetion. Whilst we have provided a Iist of different inductive reasoning means lhat lhe research comes
neutrality and power relations within research (Women
and social change for aH those in tbe research process :~' approaches, you should not treat Ihe list as a shop- before lhe Iheory. Here; theo.etical propositions are
in Geography Study Group, 1997).
Unhappy witb lhe primacy given to scientific melh-
(Women in Geography Study Group, 1997). '
qt: ping exercise. Do not, after reading each label, be aenerated from Ibe data by identifying regularities.
odology, feminist researcbers have been insttumental
The Women in Geograpby Study Group (1997) detail
Ihat feminist geography is involved in chaHenging
Ij. tempted just to select an approacb. Ratber, you AIternatively, using deductive reasoning means lbat
fij?.iL should think through a set of attendant questions to lhe Iheory comes before lhe research. Here, research
Which approach is best? 21

Thinking about research

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22 Thinking about research Which approach is best? 23

Value-free or action-orientated?

Ideology concems the purpose of research, of seek-

ing knowledge. Each approach has an underlying ideo-
logy. As we noted earlier, Habermas suggests that
approaches generally fall into three categories. He
suggests that each category has a different purpose.
Empirical-analytical research aims to explain the
geographical world. Historical-hermeneutic research
aims lo understand tbe geographical world of its
inhabitants.- Critical research aims to be emancipat-
ory, seeking to change tbe socio-politicalIandscape
for the better. Within the first two sets of approaches,
research generally c1aims to be valué-free. That is,
research is neutral, witb no specific political agenda.

Oesign It just seeks to know the answer to a question or
daWlC.lIicI\ provide solutions 10 technical problems. Instead, it is
left lo the readers of tbe research to draw their own
socio-political conclusions conceming tbe findings.
Action-orientated research refutes tbe notion of value·
free research, lnstead, action-orientated research seeks
explicitly to change the world eitber by addressing a
specific social or practical problem (e.g., pragmatism)
or through a political project aimed at changingsocial
relations (e.g., Marxism and feminism). Witbin this
framework, it is argued tbat research should have..
sorne wider purpose than just to add lo our knowledge
of tbe geographic world: it should aim to change ít
for tbe better.

Objective or situated?

lnductlYe Hypol/1eUc - deduc1iw The value·free/action-orientaled debate concerns

whetber knowledge production should have a polit-
.2 Figure 1.1 Inductive and deductive research strategies ical/social purpose. A related issue concerns whetber
.~ (source: adapted Irom Holt-Jensen 1988). knowledge can be gained in an objective and neutral
e fashion. Botb analytical (naturalist) and humanistic
g (anti-naturalist) approaches adopt methodologies
is undertaken lo test tbe validity of a theory - whe- where the researcher is tbe expert, an objective
"á. '""
::1 tber a theory can be verified or falsified.For example: recorder and observer of tbe world who neutrally car-
5 .g ries out tbe study. Sorne commentators are now start-
.~ 'C • Induction Produce data on tbe spread of a dis-
~ " ing to challenge tbis objectivÍty; suggesting tbat
'O '":::o ease and tben construct a theory knowledge is in fact situated. That is, knowledge is
s ~ which explains disease diffusion. not given, just tbere waiting lo be discovered. Rather,
en ~ • Deduction Construct a tbeory on disease diffu- knowledge is constructed through how we investigate
sion and then generate data to test and examine tbe world. Here, research is seen as a
.~ whether tbe tbeory is valid. social activity that is affected botb by !he entbusiasm
S ~
~ "~ Inductive and deductive research strategies are elabor- and motivation of tbe researcher and by the context


ated in Figure 1.1. In general, altbough not always(e.g., in which tbe research takes. place: no matter how
imparfial tbe researcher feels tbey are, tbey come to
o empiricists), naturalists favour a deductive research
~ ~
c.. strategy. Anti-naturalists use a mix of inductive and tbe research with a certain amount of 'baggage' -
~ ~ deductive research strategies dependent on approach. preset ideas, tbeoretical persuasions, personal interests,
Which approach is bes!? 25
24 Thinking about research

etc. Sample (1996) argues further that although, in Geography or geographies?

Box 1.16 Case examples 01 the eHects 01 the researcher's position and the positioning
theory, the research design is chosen ro address the
Related to the production and situatedness of know- 01 the research
situation and questions under investigation, in reality
ledge are arguments concerning the nature of theories. Example 3: Feminist reseOl·c/¡alld gender
the research design often suits the interests or speci- Exalllple J: Positivism and poverty Feminist researcbers generally adopt a socio-poli tical
In the malO: approaches, whether they be naturalist or
ality of the researcher. As such, research is researcher- A positivist researcher would claim to be neutral or corn-
anti-naturalist, seek to find an order within society. stance that explicitly reeognises that the knowledge from
orientated, based around the desires and agendas of pleteiy objective, having no vested interest in the research.
As such, they seek to provide a unified, grand theory their research is constructed and produced. They there-
Further. they would claim that their research takes up
the researcher rather than the subject(s) ofthe research. fore recognise that their research is not neutral or object-
of society and social knowledge and to reveal univer- no social or political positioning. They are just trying to
As Susan Hanson (1992: 573) suggests: ive but is framed within the personal context of the
sal truths and meaning. In other words, they are try- explain certain conditions, allowing the data to speak for
researcher and the social context of the research environ-
your context - your location in the world - shapes your mg to find a theory that has a universal commonality themselves through statistical testing. In other words,
men!. In contrast to positivists and humanists, feminists
view of the world and therefore what you see as important, Such theones (e.g., Marxisml are called crrand nar- _ their lel'el of interpretation is limited in that it is con-
are much more likely to draw socio-political interpreta-
as IVorth knowmg; context shapes the theories/stories you ratives. These narratives suggest that t1~ere is one strained to just detailing what the statistical tests show.
tions based upon the evidence tbey have generated. As
concoct of the world to describe and explain it. .. Know- geography, one universal 'truth'. Jn contrast to this They place no value judgements on the findings of lhe
such, their research has an implicit (and often explicit)
iedge is contingent on beliefs and I'alues. tests and instcad make new hypotheses as to why they
position, others would argue that the search for a agenda aimed at feeding in to and changíng social rela-
achieved a particular result.These hypolheses then form
totalising theory, applicable in all cases is a mis- tions wilhin society. Here, lhey use a range of methods,
. Highly related to the positioning of the researcher lhe basis for further studies to determine their validity.
guided venture. Rather il should be reco~ised that, particularly humanistic melhods, to explore the ways in
tS the positioning of the research. Just as it is argued In relation to trying to explain poverty, a positivist might
due lo the complexity of society and the individuality which women are, and have been, oppressed through
statistically test the association between sorne measure
that lenowledge production is situated within the patriarchal relations.
of the people who constilute it, no one theory can of poverty (such as income) against sorne measure of
beliefs and values of the researcher, it is also sug-
fully account for all social evenls, Furtber as know- ~ducational achievement (such as GCSE results). If the
gested that lenowledge is situated within cultural Example 4: Participatory aetion research and disability
ledge is situated there are many possible g:ographies. test found a significant relationship between lhe vari-
ideologies. Cultural ideologies concern the general, One particular example that disabled researchers bave
In general, II tS the poslmodern and feminist ap' ables (measures) used, they would conclude lhat povert)'
unwnnen laws concerning what is pennissible within been exploring, that recognises lhe social production and
proaches that reJect the notion of crrand narratives is io sorne way related to educational achievement. They
positioning of social research, is participatory action
society. As such, it is now argued thal research does then might suggest why this might be the case. For
although it should be noted thal <>many feminis~ research (PAR) (see Barnes and Mercer, 1997; Kitchin,
not take place in a social void. JI takes place within e~ample, those with low educational attainment might be
would ~t¡jl advocate a modemisl agenda, but one that in ¡iress). This melhod tries to renegotiate the power
a social contexl and is frarned by societal expecta- constrained to low'skilled, low-paid, employrnent. This
recogmses patriarchy. relations in lhe research and to empower and give the
tlOns of whal can be researched and how il should be could form the basis for a new study that would test lhis.
researched much more say in research about tbem.
researched. Society expects us to hold certain ethical The researcher would make no value judgemeots on this
Realism or anti-realism? Oliver (1992), in relation to disability research, is parri-
and moral standards when conducting research. This finding or suggest social policy changes. cularly critical of current 'social relatioos of research
means Ihal research is frarned wilhin those standards Graham (1997) explains that the realist/anti-realist production' which he argues disenfranchises, disen-
Example 2: Humanistie approaehes and raee
lo gain acceptability. Further, there are stitt 'taboo' de?ale is quile. complex and concerns the queslion of chants and alienates the subjects of research, distancing
In cootrast to lhe positivist, a hlll1lanistic researcher tries
subjects such as sex and death (see Section 2.5.4). extstence: the Issue of validity in claimina that some- thern from the work of !he researcher. He argues that
to get much closer to the researched, seeking to build up
Research practice and focus are thus socially posi- thing exists. Realists argue tbat a 'real' :'orld exists current professional expert models of research perpetu-
relariooship witb those being studied, to gain tbeir trust
regardless of conceptions of it, tbat the world and the ate the status quo ",ilh the researcher taken as the exper!,
lioned. Ihis does nol mean thal we have to accept the and confidence. Like the positivists, many humanists
!he harbinger of specialised knowledge and tbe control-
dOITIInant mode of positioning - we can try lo find people living in it have a material existence beyond would claim to be neutral and objeetive, with their
ler of the research process, and the research subjects
positions tbat we tbink are more just (altbough we what we lhink about the world. This might seem like research having no social positioning. Whereas !he pos-
taken as subordinate. Such expert models disempower
mtghl have difliculty in getting 'mainstrearn' society cOITIlnon sense. Anti-realists (or metaphysical ideal- itivist is trying to objectively study conditioos using
the research subjects, placing their knowledge into !he
lo accept our research findings). tsts) contend thal the world exists only in the mind - empírical measures, humanists place more emphasis 00
hands of !he researcher to interpret and make reeom-
The adoption of a feminisl approach by a number reality is conslituted in Íhoughl - and there is no subjective experiences, values and opinions. For ex-
mendations on their behalf. PAR is an attempt ro address
ample, in relation to racism, ratber !han testing empírica!
of women academics. represents one particular ex- logical reason lo suggest thal il has material existence tbe problems of representiveness and unequal power
measures which we might associate with racism, like the
ample of a group of scholarsseekincr lO challencre both beyond our thoughts. This idea might al first be more arrangements between researcher and researched witbin
number of violent acts against black people and unem-
what should be studied and also ho:' research ~hould difficult to accept. However, th; more you think social research by futly integrating research subjects into
ployrnent in lhe dominant group, humanists would be
be conducled. Whilst initiatty feminisl work was about this notion (and philosophers have spenl a lhe research process (Wbyte, 1991). Here, tbe role oftbe
rnuch more interested in interviewing the attackers about
greal deal of time debating this issue) tbe more the academic becomes enabler or facilitator: the academic
received sceptically, the social posilioning of feminist !he personal motivations behind such anacks, trying to
takes a supportive position and seeks to inform and
research is now slowly gaining social acceptance. tdea does have sorne appeal. This debale is importanl tease out tbe basis of racist violence. Again, the conclu-
impar! knowledge and skills to the research subjects.
The~e challenges lo convention are, however, still because tt concerns how we can gain knowledge of sioos would largely consist of interpreting the findings
findmg resistance within geo¡;raphy, as the debates the world. Can we only study how people come to and setting up future research questions ratber than mak-
between Mona Domosh (J 991 a, 1991 b) and David construcl tbeir world or is tbere a real world that we ing social policy recornmendations.
Stoddart (1991), and Linda Peake (1994) and Peter come to lenow? Clearly, if you believe Ibat people
Gould (1994a, 1994b l, demonstrate. We can illustrate construct thelr own world then your research approach
the effects of Ihe researche,r's position and the posi- will be different from Ihe approach you would adopt
IlOmng of the research with sorne hypothetical ex- If you belteved !hat a real world exists independently
amples (see Box I.t 6). ofpeople. In human geography, humanistic methods

26 Thinking about research
Further reading 27
are generalIy more anti-realist, although there can be Holt-Jensen, A. (1988) Geography: Histary and Con-
human geographers have changed their minds about W/rl' does philosopby malta when conducting a
considerable interplay with other' approaches. Again, cepts, 2nd edition. Paul Chapman, London.
how research should be conducted and also what the research project? ..
you are referred to other texts
focus of research should be. For example, in 1969 011jirs/ impressions, whieh particular philosoph- Johnston, R.J. (1986) Philosophy and Human
David Harvey published a book which adopted a pos- ical position towards research do you subscribe to Geography: An Introduction to Contemporary
Structure or agency?
itivistic stance, entitled Explanation in Geography; and II'hy? Approaches, 2nd edition. Edward Arnold, London.
but by 1973 when he published Social Justice in the Johnston, R.J. (1991) Geography and Ge~grapilers:
Changing rack slightly, another way to evaluate which Anelo-American Human Geography smee 1945,
CUy he had adopted the completely opposing posi-
approach most suits your víews is to consider your 4th°edition. Edward Arnold, London,
tion ofhistorical materialism! On a personal note, we
understanding of how society works (Graham, 1997). Further reading Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D. and Smith, D.M. (1992)
are constantly changing and fine-tuning our ideas as
The structure-agency debate within geography has The Dictionary of Human Geography, 3rd edition.
we read more and hear the views of others at confer-
been in progress since the late 1970s. It essentialIy
ences. Remember that research, as welI as being Bird, 1. (1993) The Changing Worlds of Geography: Blackwell, Oxford,
concerns the extent to which social actions are con-
about discovery and understanding, is a1so a self- A Critieal Guide lo Concepts and Methods, 2nd Ley, D. and Sarnuel, M. (1978) Humanistic Geo-
strained by social structures. At one end of the spec-
learning process where your ideas and thoughts edition. Clarendon Press, Oxford. . graphy. Croom Helm, London. ..
trurn, sorne approaches consider that social actions develop and continue to take shape.
Cloke, P., Philo, C. and Sadler, D. (! 992) Approaching L-·ivmgs tone,..JN (199~) The Geographical
o Iradition.
are highly structured and large1y outside the control
Human Geography: An Introduction to Contempor- Blackwell, Oxford,
of individua1s (e.g., Marxism). At lhe other end of the
art Theoretical Debates. Pau! Chapman, Landon. Unwin, T. (1992) The ~lace ofGeography. Longman,
spectrum, other approaches recognise individuals as
completely self-autonomous, free to act as lhey like . Gre;ory, D. (1981) Ideolagy. Science and Human Harlow. 1:" _ •

Geographv. Hutchinson, London. . Women in Geography Study Group (1997) reml/llst

(e.g., behaviouralism). Otherapproaches accept that
Harvey, M.É. and Holly, B.P. (eds) (1981) Themes in Geographies: Explorations in Diversity and Differ-
lhere is a play-off between structure and agency, rec-
After reading this chapter you should: Geographic Thought. Croom Helm, London. ence. Longman, Harlow.
ognising that individuals make their own decisions
but lhat these decisions are framed within broader understand what conducting research means;
Structures (e.g., politica1 economy - see Peet and have a basic understanding of different types of
Thrift, 1989). research;
have a basic understanding of different philosoph-
1.5.2 Choosing an approach ical approaches in geographical research;
be able to decide wruch approach best suiÍs your
Whilst choosing an approach is a difficu1t task, it is own beliefs.
important that you come to some sort of a basic deci-
In this chapter, we have explored the research process
sion before you start any research, as your choice
and lhe different ways to approach a problem or
will have great bearing upon how you approach your
question. You should now have a basic understand-
research topic. Work through the questions posed in
ing of different pbilosophical approaches available
tbis section, and go back through those approaches
to yoa You will need to think carefully about each _
detailed in the previous section. You might find that
philosophical appraach before considering how you
sorne of your answers poin! to one approach and oth-
migh! research your chasen topic. This is because
ers to different approaches. If this is the case do not
theory and practice are intimately entwined. Given
worry. There are many different variations of each
lhe importance of starting from a position of strength,
philosophy and to a certain degree you can mix -and-
we suggest !hat you work through the final section
match. At this point in youi careers, we suggest that
again, evaluating each position in relation to your
you do not fret .over the fine details but adopt an
own ideas and beliefs before moving on. In the next
approach which best matches your Views.AH pro fes-
chapter we explore the practicalities of planning your
sional human geographers have wrestled with pbilo-
proj ec! and how lo choose i topic, design a research
sopbical questions at some point in their careers and
strategy, link theory and methodology, and choose
many change their mind, or make. individual altera-
methods of data generation and analysis.
tions to suit their own unique, personal viewpoints.
As a novice researcher, it is anticipated that you will
have undertaken litt1e practica! research, and it is
only with experience !hat you will determine which
approach suits your views bes!. You should not be
afraid that once you have adopted a particular posi-
Why should you want to do research?
tion, you have to stick with your decision for the rest
How would you define geography and what geo-
of your researching days. Many worId-renowned
graphers do?

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