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The Drug Trafficking Concept

Selena Teran

Arizona State University


This paper focuses on illegal drug trafficking and how this concept is a complex system that has

led to various developments within society today. The developments vary within technology,

communication, law, and the direct impact within the communities of their origination. It

presents reasons why it has led to many attributing characteristics with support. It also includes

arguments that are against the spread of drug trafficking in their countries. The ultimate purpose

is to give individuals that are directly impacted by drug trafficking and see it in a negative way

that there are also benefits that have come from it.

Keywords: society, purpose, developments

The Drug Trafficking Concept


Drug trafficking that originates from Latin America is something that has been prevalent

in the knowledge of the U.S and the people in Latin America. They have been trying to combat it

in different methods and stop it. Much of the attempts have led to failure in the struggle and that

is because of many other reasons. Even though illegal drug trafficking is seen as a plague that is

hard to get rid of it has still caused various developments in the countries that it’s impacted

directly as well as the countries that it has impacted indirectly through the actions taken by them.

For this reason the concept of drug trafficking is what it makes it is a very complex system.

The spread throughout Latin American and into various other countries overseas has

increased significantly over the years. As a result drug trafficking has led to a globalization

through extensive networking and always changing drug routes. Through the use of new

technology such as satellite communication and other new technology this system has been able

to develop ways of communicating without getting interrupted. Drug trafficking is very

influential in countries such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, and Canada

because they are known as developed countries. Developed countries have a better economy,

health, education, and has a more up to date use of technology such as phones and other

communication devices. Since there is a correlation between the greater use of technology there

is a bigger consumer size of individuals who consume drugs because they are more accessible.

Another reason is because the advancement in technology allows the trafficking system to

become more adapt to move drugs easier with better communication.


In addition to development in globalization, the system of drug trafficking has brought

communities together in the countries that it has the most influence in. Countries that have a high

drug trafficking influence are developing countries such as Columbia, Venezuela, and Brazil.

Developing countries are countries that are not as developed through its economy, technology,

health, and education. The communities that are in these countries are stricken by poverty which

almost always includes lack of resources and employment. The lack of resources usually include

but are not limited to poor health care, access to better schools with resources equipped to

educate children. Communities like these are also ridden by violence and crime so as a way to

get uplift and bring the community together individuals that rank high within the drug trafficking

community give money to the poor so that they are able to do better for themselves. Other

actions that are done by them is give them is employment. This essentially works hand in hand to

combat poverty and give the communities something to relate to and work together to better

themselves. In many ways the drug trafficking community has given the lower class help in ways

that the government or programs have failed them in. This makes it easier for people to look

towards to traffickers as leaders or even characters that parallel Robin Hood.

The role of being involved in drug trafficking is appealing to communities that are highly

influenced by drug trafficking because it has created an enterprise that involves people from

different social classes. According to a study by UNDCP, the disparity between the income

levels of people and in rich and poor is growing larger. Due to the lack of unemployment it

leaves people in poor developing countries to find work where they can. Those that are involved

in the drug world do not need to have experience to become involved in it. Individuals that are in

developed countries are also involved in the system and the same ways that the trade is appealing

to them it is appealing to those in developed countries because it is a way to get out of the low

socioeconomic status that they are in. There these types of communities are tight knit and hold

high values of loyalty to what they do.

The development of drug trafficking has caused law enforcement to grow and evolve.

Police departments and the narcotics bureau have brought came up with new strategies in order

to combat the growth of drug trafficking. Some of these strategies include supporting the

communities that drug dealing is present in. This means the police preparing by learning the

source of support that drug system has through the community and being able to dismantle the

way that it continues to reemerge in poor neighborhoods. Another developed the strategy that is

used by law enforcement is researching is investigating drug trafficking networks to be able to

decipher what ways the networks work. In addition, the strategies taken were seen from a

different angle and there are approaches that directed towards gang is organized as a business

enterprise. This is the development of informants through criminal prosecutions, payments, and

witness program, heavy reliance on electronic surveillance and other ongoing investigations, and

the use of special statutes that criminal liabilities for conspiracy, or engaging in criminal

enterprises and extortion.

The spread of drug trafficking throughout the world has led to detrimental effects. This is

arguments that are majority given by those that oppose illegal drug trafficking. For example, they

say that it adds violence and crime rates go up higher. The crime rates that are attributed to drug

trafficking are usually in low socioeconomic neighborhoods. This means that there are other

factors that contribute to the rising crime rates other than drug trafficking. Other effects are the

physical and emotional damage to the users and environmental destruction. Since there is an

increased spread of drug trafficking there is also an increase in the use of drugs and in some

cases individuals who consume these drugs begin to have addiction and start to have the need to

seek for help. This works hand in hand with the family in which it causes emotional damage due

to the fact that their loved ones are dealing with illness such as addiction. In addition to this the

way that production of drug crops affects the environment is negative because if the chemicals

that are tampered with and allowed to be easily discarded into the environment.

Another argument Drug trafficking attract youth and floods communities with violence.

In areas that are stricken with poverty such as in developing countries like Colombia it attracts

children that range in ages to do even simple tasks that add up to a grander scheme in the drug

trafficking world. This in return causes the violence to be present within families. It creates an

atmosphere that could become toxic with lies. In regards to this there is a choice to become

involved or not be involved. It is a choice to try to gain money from such means and therefore it

is a choice to bring in negative attributes into the home and direct communities.

Law enforcement has had to become involved in various countries and in their

government which has led to conflict. Although the case is that countries such as the U.S and

Columbia have disagreed in policies they do not become large enough issues that are not able to

be amended. To add to that these involvements have also been able to bring positive progress

within countries. It has caused various countries to communicate more together and form

alliances or commitment with each other. The conflict that countries that are being affected by

drug trafficking is present and may continue but it does not mean that it will completely take the

focus away from the original problem. The issue has brought more countries together than apart

therefore it has brought a benefit rather than a negative.

Another rebuttal that is given is that people is that the reason for the poor economy is the

drug trafficking that has permeated poor countries. For example, the arguments are that

corruption has stopped from there being sustainable growth. Corruption through the economy is

said to happen to bribery and it allows for the continuation of the bigger problem. Another

hindrance to the economy is said to be the reason to question the government because according

Transparency International 53% of Latin American have reasons to believe that their government

officials are failing to address the problem of corruption. So because of this it could be said that

the government officials are to blame for the economy in certain countries and not drug

trafficking because they allow it to continue and have a role by taking part in it.

As a result of drug trafficking there has been many developments that has allowed

globalization, development in law enforcement, and bringing communities together in adversity.

Globalization was the effects of the spread of drug routes that started out in the main countries of

production and went on to countries overseas where they are mostly sold and consumed. The rise

of this system also caused the implementation of different strategies from the law enforcement

group that in return caused for better security in border, cities, and at risk neighborhoods. One of

the bigger developmental benefits that has risen from the drug trafficking system is bringing the

communities that have heavy influence of it together it has allowed them to have something to

work towards and given them an opportunity to get out of the status and situation that they are in.

Therefore the drug trafficking system has led to new developments that would not have

happened if it weren't for the creation of this type of business enterprise so it is important to have

awareness of it and not easily disregard this concept.



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