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Publishing Plan Reviews

Amanda, Chelsea,
Justin, & Taylor
● When creating a publishing plan, a few things come to mind:
○ It needs to guide the reader through the project
○ It needs to list specifics in regards to pricing:
■ How much will copy vs glossy paper cost
■ How much will staple binding cost?
■ How much per page will it cost?
○ It needs proper formatting
● Through a close analysis of individual publishing plans, we have
some suggestions on how to improve each final plan.
Plan 1
● Layout
○ IEEE execution is very thorough
○ Line breaks between sections and
headers may improve readability
● Quotes
○ The charts are easy to understand
○ Mentioned lower quote but did not
include it
■ A second quote would provide
insight toward exactly how
overpriced this quote is and
provide a more practical option
○ Switch order quotes are listed
○ A lot more focus is put on the quotes
than anything else
Plan 1
● Content
○ The details you included were excellent
○ The way you described your process by answering questions you posed was very
○ More information about the booklet itself would be helpful
■ You could put the page information and quick summary of your booklet in the
■ You can use the content of your booklet to justify the rhetorical purpose of
your publishing choices
● Ie. using uncoated paper because readers may need to take notes
○ Copy edit for typos and other errors
○ In some places, such as the abstract, your word choice is strange and makes the
content difficult to read and understand
Plan 1
● Organization
○ The content was easy to follow
○ It might be easier if all quote information
was all in one place
○ A stronger conclusion would be helpful
■ This could reestablish the purpose of the booklet
● Overall
○ This report was very strong, it just needs some
○ Remember this plan is meant to be of help during
Project 3
Plan 2
● Page Count
○ Current page count of final document is 8
pages, needs to be 20 or 24
● Color Quote
○ B&W quote is provided, but needs quote for
color copies
● Need More About Manual’s Purpose
○ Details about what is going into document
will be helpful for later reference
● Pricing Details
○ Pricing breakdown could be more helpful
as itemized list
Plan 2
Example B&W Table ● Include a Table
○ Put pricing information into table
Document Design Price format
32 lb. Paper $0.20/page ● Explain Printing Decisions
○ Further reasoning to support
Gloss Cardstock $0.56/page
printing decisions for final product
Stapled Binding $0.40/booklet ● Clarify Paper Specifications
○ Add more detail about the
Total for 1,500 Booklets $1,516
difference in paper (weight, gloss,
etc.) for the front/back cover vs. the
body of the booklet
Plan 2
● Visual Mockups
○ Great job of providing list of design
pages, but it would be better to add
visual mockups
● Images
○ Would help design and provide color
○ An appendix of images would help fill
out the page count
● Formatting/Proofreading
○ Clean up grammatical and IEEE
formatting issues
Plan 3
● Document lacks context:
○ Don’t start intro mid-thought
○ Give a purpose statement
○ Answer things like:
■ why are we discussing a
publishing plan?
■ what are we providing pricing
■ what are you looking for a
printing/publishing company
to provide you?
Plan 3
● Consider engaging in “document dialog”

Ask Questions. Determine Specifics. Explain Reasoning.

First, ask questions about: With these things in mind, To “beef” up your
● Formatting get your quote for pricing: publishing plan and add
● Page count ● Create a table with depth, explain the
● Bleed, slug, etc. quote data reasoning behind your
● Dimensions quote:
● Shipping, etc. ● Why did you choose
These specifications can certain aspects over
Brainstorm your be used to outline your others?
publishing plan to act as a paper sections. Generalize your final
guideline. project to add context.
Plan 3
● Revisit paper structure/organization
○ The sections on distribution and shipping need to be expanded if standing alone
○ How do those things affect pricing? -Elaborate on technical language
○ What do distribution/shipping mean for final product?
○ Try to condense information into one chart/table
● This sets you up with a plan outline which will:
○ Help your end product meet page requirements (20-24 pages)
○ Help you consider your end-goal for project 3 as opposed to only cost
○ Help the plan read as less than a price breakdown and more of a publishing plan
■ Directs focus onto what’s creating the cost
● These things are what make the publishing plan; without them your
document may seem incomplete. However, if your able to….
○ Re-read your publishing plans.
○ Take the criticism in stride.
○ Work out the problems and kinks in the plan.
○ Try your best to fix it.

...then you’re on your way to getting your plan on track and having
something stronger than before.

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