DBMS Lab 1

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Lab 1 Discussion

1. Data vs Information

2. Levels of information, DATA INFORATION

3. Database- Maintain(Create, Store),Manipulate(insert delete,rename

etc),Process(select, project, join, cartesian product etc)

4. DB Types--RDBMS

5. File System--> FilesRecordsFields

6. Tables(relations),Rows(Records/Tuples),Columns(Attributes/Fields)

7. Schema of entities(Head tuple of a relation)

8. Flow chartsER diagram

9. Interpreted vs compiled lang

10.SQL- Structured Query Lang- An Interpreted Language

11.DDL vs DML

12. Describe sql server 2008 interface ( sql server mangement studio)

13. define importance of database engine in query processing

14.how a connection is established with sql server 2008( two types- 1.

windows authentication 2. sql server connection)

Exercise : install Oracle express 10G/11i on machine.

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