2nd Week

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Week of Monday, April 15, 2019

1. What activities did you do with the students?

I did a scholastic book packet, it was over the parts of a tomato plant.
2. What was your least favorite?
They had been doing these all year so it kinder seemed like they were board of it, they talked a
lot and didn’t really like it, it seemed like they were ready to move on after the first page.
3. What would you change with the activity to make it more enjoyable/educational?
Instead of doing these once a day id do them once a week, so when it was time to do them, they
were more excited.
4. What did you learn this week that will benefit you most in your career?
When you have 3 snow days then come back after having 5 days off, its hard to get them back
on their schedule. wee

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