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Week of Monday, April 22, 2019

1. What activities did you do with the students?

we got to tie-dye shirts and go on a field trip.
2. What was your least favorite?
the fieldtrip was not well planned, the food was late, so the kids had 10 minuets to eat then we
had to head back to Ethan.
3. What would you change with the activity to make it more enjoyable/educational?
Someday I hope I get to plan a fieldtrip, when I do, I will give a little bit more time for each thing
that way is someone/something is late there’s a leeway.
4. What did you learn this week that will benefit you most in your career?
When planning a field trip, you must make sure everyone is on the right page and make sure the
chaperones know what they’re expected to do, maybe have a job list and responsibilities.

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