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Executive Summary services as APIs. As an integral part of providing full translation between a variety
API management solutions, API gateways of protocols—from legacy to REST and
Banks embarking on a digital
offer flexibility, performance and JSON—providing the bridge from legacy to
transformation in today’s connected
security. By utilizing the features offered mobile, cloud, and social. CA API Gateway
world need to thrive, compete and evolve.
by API gateway, banks can selectively can be configured to be PCI-DSS compliant,
To accelerate this transformation, Banks
expose core banking services offered and includes a built-in PKI engine, FIPS 140-
need to bring systems together, innovate,
by Finacle. CA API Gateway is one such 2 level encryption, a robust RBAC system,
provide better customer experiences and
offering, built on the foundation of SOA and SAML support..
optimize cost. To optimize cost, increase
for exposing, securing and managing
revenues and to improve customer
backend applications, network systems or Integration approach
connect, Banks can unlock value of data
infrastructure via APIs. The Finacle core banking services are
and drive innovation by exposing their
CA API Gateway can integrate with existing exposed as APIs through the Finacle
internal services to internal teams and
IAM solutions in a plug and play manner Integration platform. When banks want
external partners in a seamless and
and is the best available solution for to expose these APIs to internal and
secured manner.
enterprises looking to open up data and external teams, security validations and
API management enables Banks to access control checks needs to be taken
services to partners, developers, mobile
leverage existing IT systems and care of, in-addition to the validation of the
apps, cloud services and smart devices. CA
investments by exposing business messages. CA API Gateway helps with the
API Gateway includes protocol bridging,

Finacle and CA API management - Integration approach


Mobile banking App

Finacle Loans




• Central policy enforcement on


outgoing/ incoming traffic


• Threat protection and security

Financial institutions, • Transformations
B2B, etc. • API monitoring/ management
• API analytics
$ • ESB-like web service mediation

External Document © 2016 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

complete API lifecycle and management, Integration methodology & approach • In case of requests sent by consumers,
including security, API design, publishing, JSON message is accepted from the
• Finacle exposes several financial
versioning, usage and performance. clients and JSON to Finacle XML
and non-financial business services
message format conversion happens
If we consider the scenario of a bank through Finacle Integration platform.
in the API management layer.
launching a new mobile app, the bank can These are XML based web services and
expose internal data assets and business can be consumed using endpoints • In case of responses sent to
services as APIs, and then allow mobile app such as SOAP and HTTP/S consumers, the APIM layer converts
developers access in order to build apps Finacle XML message to JSON output.
• CA API management solution is
at their own pace; a bank can expose APIs
deployed on top of Finacle and Deployment options
to partners such as e-commerce websites
services are exposed to external
in order to process the online payments CA API gateway deploys in a variety
world in various modes such as SOAP
with ease; or banks can potentially of form factors - hardware appliance,
services or JSON/REST APIs.
outsource the data collection to third party virtual appliance, software & an Amazon
vendors with CA API Gateway to perform • CRUD operations (create, read, update machine instance; easily scales and can be
validations and enforce security, thereby and delete) on the data are supported deployed in a failover environment for high
focusing on the core aspects of its banking through REST APIs exposed in the CA availability.
operations. API Gateway.

Architecture diagram

Outside Partners /
Divisions Data
APIs/Web Services


External Developers

Mobile Apps Cloud Services Internet of Things

External Document © 2016 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Key benefits services by aggregating existing solution for the bank’s operations.
business services
• Banks can adapt this approach • Adaptability to widely used forms
without any changes to Finacle • Various aspects of API management like REST services and JSON message
like governance, monetization, formats can be addressed without
• APIM platform provides detailed
metering, security, etc. can be worrying about the backend systems.
analytics and operational metrics,
well managed using the API
which helps in analyzing how • Using API management solution,
management layer without
services are utilized, how APIs we can maintain backward
impacting the data, security and
are performing and how APIs compatibility by maintaining
availability of the underlying Finacle
are being used by developers. multiple versions of API for each
core banking system.
These metrics can provide further service version.
insight and help in identifying • API related operations are taken care
• CA API Gateway can act as a trusted
new revenue opportunities. by the CA API management solution
partner to Finacle for authenticating
and the Finacle system focusses
• Provides a foundation for the incoming requests against LDAP
only on providing the banking data,
introducing new and innovative / IAM systems.
thereby offering a clean and optimal

Functional overview

Transformation Routing Traffic Control Composition

Authentication Entitlements API Keys Social SSO

Throttling Prioritization Caching Security Token Service OAuth 1.x OAuth 2.0 OpenID Connect

API – Enable The Data And Services Secure Access to the API

Health Tracking Performance Global Staging Config Migration Developer

Developer Plans API Explorer API Docs

Workflow Patch Management Policy Migration Reporting Quotas Rankings Analytics Forums

Manage the API Lifecycle Manage the Developer Community

External Document © 2016 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Key Features scalability across multiple gateways a wide range of platforms. Provides
with automatic failover. protocol bridging across legacy & new
• Security: Passed rigorous vulnerability
systems, and includes content-based
tests, and integrates with popular IAM • Manageability: Handles migrations
systems with support for OAuth, SAML across development, test & production
and RADIUS. with global management tools, • Extensibility: Plug-in framework to add
integrations with enterprise BI, new transports and identity providers,
• Performance and Scale: Clustered
analytics and reporting tools. and deep integration with enterprise
architecture allows application level
management and BI products.
throttling, prioritization and linear • Flexibility: Multiple form factors/
deployment models with support for
About Infosys Finacle
Finacle is the industry-leading universal banking solution from EdgeVerve Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of Infosys. The solution
helps financial institutions develop deeper connections with stakeholders, power continuous innovation and accelerate growth in the
digital world. Today, Finacle is the choice of banks across 84 countries and serves over 547 million customers – nearly 16.5 percent of
the world’s adult banked population.

Finacle solutions address the core banking, e-banking, mobile banking, CRM, payments, treasury, origination, liquidity management,
Islamic banking, wealth management, and analytics needs of financial institutions worldwide. Assessment of the top 1000 world banks
reveals that banks powered by Finacle enjoy 50 percent higher returns on assets, 30 percent higher returns on capital, and 8.1 percent
points lesser costs to income than others.

About CA
CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) creates software that fuels transformation for companies and enables them to seize the opportunities of
the application economy. Software is at the heart of every business, in every industry. From planning to development to management
and security, CA is working with companies worldwide to change the way we live, transact and communicate.

CA software and solutions help our customers drive enterprise-wide productivity, offer differentiated user experiences and open new
growth opportunities. And we are able to deliver this value across multiple environments—mobile, private and public cloud, distributed
and mainframe. Our goal is to be recognized by our customers as their critical partner in the new application economy. CA Technologies
has been recognized as a value leader by industry analysts and has been hailed as one of the “World’s 100 Most Innovative Companies”
by Forbes, as well as one of the greenest companies in the United States by Newsweek®.

For more information, contact

©2016 EdgeVerve Systems Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Infosys, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved. This documentation is the sole property of EdgeVerve Systems Limited (“EdgeVerve”).
EdgeVerve believes the information in this document or page is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. EdgeVerve acknowledges the proprietary rights
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by EdgeVerve in writing, neither this documentation nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, printing,
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