The Purpose of The Product .3 2. Stakeholder Roles . ..3 3. Product Scope ..3 - 4

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Matruchhaya Enterpise System

System Requirements Specification

Table of Contents

A. Product Description

1. The Purpose of the Product……………………………………….3

2. Stakeholder Roles………………………………………….……..3
3. Product Scope…………………………………………………..3 - 4

B. Functional Requirements…………………………….………….…….5 - 9

C. Non-Functional Requirements………………………….…..……….10 - 12

D. User Interface…………………………………………………..………13

E. Deliverables……………………………………………………..………13

F. Open Issues……………………………………………………………13 - 14

Appendix A - Agreement Between Customer and Contractor…..…….15

A. Product Description

1. The Purpose of the Product

The primary user of this product, Mr. Hemant Pabharekar, is a Administrator of

the Matrychhaya enterprices. He maintains numerous product details in a private
manner. He needs a way to post a produce details without any one observing another
permission. This will be accomplished through an automated system. This product
will be able to produce a report.

2. Stakeholder Roles

Stakeholder roles are anyone or anything that may be affected by the creation and
production of this product, the main users of this product as well as anyone who
doesn’t use this product directly, but is affected by the product. The Stakeholder
roles for this product are:

User Roles:
Faculty Member
Teaching Assistant
Other Stakeholder Roles:

3. Product Scope
The following figure shows use cases and how they interact with entities outside the
system, including the user. This is a top level use case/context diagram.

Add a Product

2. Delete a Product

3. Add a Reatailer

4. Delete a Retailer

5. Modify a Reatailer

6. Load a Product Reatailer Bill


7. Product details

8. Supplier Report

Report Program
9. Sales Report

10.All Report
B. Functional Requirements

The following is a listing of the use cases incorporated in the product and will be subject
to testing. Each use case corresponds to one functional requirement.

Number 1
Name Add A Product
Summary User can add a product to a known list of product
Priority 5
Preconditions None
Postconditions The data file containing the known Product has been edited
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actors None
Trigger User requests to add a product
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User requests to add a product
2 User indicates the product name
3 System will store product name in a list of known products
Open Issues None
Test Attempt to add a product to the system, and check listing for products to see
if product has been added

Number 2
Name Delete A product
Summary User can delete a product from a known list of product s
Priority 4
Preconditions None
Postconditions The data file containing the known product s has been edited
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actors None
Trigger User requests to delete a product
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User requests to delete a product
2 User indicates which product to delete
3 System will delete product name from the known list of product s
Open Issues None
Test Attempt to delete a product and check product listing to make sure product is
no longer in the list of products

Number 3
Name Add a Retailer
Summary User can add a Retailer
Priority 5
Preconditions None
Postconditions The data file containing the known list of Retailers has been edited
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actors None
Trigger User requests to add a Retailers
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User requests to add a Retailer
2 User types the name of the Retailer
3 System adds Retailer name to the known list of Retailers.
Open Issues None
Test Attempt to add a Retailer and then check listing of Retailers to make sure added
Retailers is in the list.

Number 4
Name Delete a Retailer
Summary User can delete a Retailer in a particular class
Priority 4
Preconditions None
Postconditions The data file containing the known list of Retailers has been edited. All files
pertaining to that Retailer will be deleted.
Primary Actor Admnistrator
Secondary Actors None
Trigger User requests to delete a Retailers
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User requests to delete a Retailer
2 The user will pick which Retailer to delete
3 The Retailer name will be removed from the known list of
4 | System deletes all files pertaining to the retailers
Open Issues None
Test Attempt to delete a retailer and then check listing of retailers to make sure
that the deleted retailers no longer exists in the system.

Number 5
Name Modify a Retailer
Summary User can modify a Retailers sheet
Priority 5
Preconditions None
Postconditions The data file containing the Retailers sheets has been edited.
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actors None
Trigger User requests to modify a retailers
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User requests to modify a retailers
2 User will pick which retailers to modify
3 User will modify retailers sheets
4 The Retailers sheets will be modified and saved
Open Issues None
Test Select a Retailers from the list of Retailers, modify the retailers
information, then close and reopen the retailers information and make
sure changes have been saved.

Number 6
Name Load A Product when Stock out
Summary User can modify products files inside a Stock out
Priority 5
Preconditions None
Postconditions A data file containing the known retailers in that detail has been opened.
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actors None
Trigger User requests to modify a product
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User requests to modify a product
2 User picks which product to modify
3 System shows a list of Retailers Bill in that Stock out on the
Open Issues None
Test Pick a product to be modified, change something in the file, close and then
reopen file and see if change was saved.

Number 7
Name Product details Report
Summary Add a report as details of products
Priority 2
Preconditions None
Postconditions A Report program has be activated with a deatail
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actors Data Base
Trigger User requests for report
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User request to product report
2 System finds a report
3 System showa report to screen
Open Issues This will be finished last of all
Test Open product Report and make sure appropriate information is within the

Number 8
Name Produce Suppiler report
Summary User can produce a suppiler report
Priority 3
Preconditions None
Postconditions A new file containing the suppiler report has been created
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actors Data Base
Trigger User requests supplier report
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User requests a supplier report
2 A supplier report is created and saved
Open Issues None
Test Open supplier Report and make sure appropriate information is within the

Number 9
Name Produce Retailer report
Summary User can produce a retailer report
Priority 4
Preconditions None
Postconditions A new file containing the Retailer report has been created
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actors Data Base
Trigger User requests for a Retailer report
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User requests for a retailer report
2 A retailer report is created and saved
Open Issues None
Test Open Retailer Report and make sure appropriate information is within the

Number 10
Name Produce Sales Report
Summary User can produce a sale report
Priority 5
Preconditions None
Postconditions A new file containing the sale report has been created and saved.
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actors Data Base
Trigger User request a sale report
Main Scenario Step Action
1 User requests a sale report
2 User will pick a sale t
3 System creates sale report
Open Issues None
Test Open sale Report and make sure appropriate information is within the

C. Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements define the system properties and constraints against our
product. They are not needed to accomplish a given task within our product. Each non-
functional requirement is prioritized from five to one, most important to least important.

NFR1 - Text Format Files

Priority: 5
Description: Files containing each Retailers information that will be entered
into the Matruchhaya System will be text formatted files.

The format of each class file must follow this format:

ID_NUMBER is an identification number for each retailer

LAST_NAME is the last name of the retailer.
FIRST_NAME is the first name of the retailer.
MIDDLE_INITIAL is the middle initial of the s retailer
BALANCE must be in the following format: 00,000
BILL are generate automatically when stock out
OLD_BALANCE is the corresponding previous balnce for every bill
LAST_NAME ,FIRST_NAME MIDDLE_INITIAL is the Full nameof the s suppiler

Test: Look at file and make sure the format is <filename>.txt

NFR2 - Run on Windows 2000 or higher

Priority: 4
Description: The Automated Grade Notification System will operate on
machines running Microsoft Windows 2000 or higher.
Test: Run program on Windows 2000 machine.

NFR3 - Visual C++ Compiler

Priority: 3
Description: All code written for the Automated Grade Notification System will
be compiled on the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Compiler.
Test: All written code will be compiled using the Visual C++ Compiler.

NFR4 - Graphical User Interface

Priority: 2
Description: Create a graphical user interface.
Test: Look at the interface.

D. User Interface

See “User Interface Design for Matruchhaya Eneterprise”

E. Deliverables

Throughout the course of the development process, many different artifacts will
be delivered to the customer. Each item will be delivered incrementally, continually
working our way to meeting our customer’s goals and satisfaction.

Artifact Format Delivery Date

Copy of User Interface C++ Code

Bi-Weekly Status Report Hard Copy
Preliminary SRS Hard Copy
Bi-Weekly Status Report Hard Copy
Final SRS Hard Copy
Preliminary SDD Hard Copy
Bi-Weekly Status Report Hard Copy
Final SDD Hard Copy
Bi-Weekly Status Report Hard Copy
Code Inspection Report Hard Copy
Bi-Weekly Status Report Hard Copy
Test Report Hard Copy
Bi-Weekly Status Report Hard Copy
User Manual CD, Hard Copy
Administrator Manual CD, Hard Copy
Read Me First Document CD, Hard Copy
Installation Instructions CD
Final Software CD

F. Open Issues

The following issues have yet to be resolved.

Issue 1: Graphical User Interface

If time permits, we will implement a graphical user interface using Visual Basic
version 6.0. If time does not permit, a text based interface will be implemented.

Issue 3: Custom Reports

Creating a custom report will be implemented if time permits. The custom report
will be able to create a report sheet with any kind of data the user wants to include. A

variety of templates can be used to create this report. If time does not permit, the custom
report will be omitted from the product.

Appendix A - Agreement Between Customer and Contractor


The information in this document will be the basis for the requirements for the
Matruchhaya Enterprise System. Any major changes made to this document throughout
the process of producing the software, must be agreed upon by both the customer and
ShreeInfo Inc.. By hereby signing this document, we acknowledge that we have a full
understanding of the material presented in the System Requirements Specification.

I, _______________________, hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand this

(print customer name)
contract given on _________________________

Signed: _________________________

We, _______________________, hereby acknowledge that we have read and understand

(print team name)
this contract.

Print Name: _________________________

Signed: _________________________ Date:_____________________


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