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I 15
Midterm Exam II 10
III 50
Principles and Theories in Language IV
Teaching TOTAL 75

I. Multiple Choice. Read each statement carefully and identify the best
answer from the options.
1. The age where learning is critical since it is the point where our brain functions and
process more due to personal development.
a. adolescence b. childhood c. early adulthood d. late adulthood
2. Introverts are more likely ___________ learners in terms of acquiring second
a. slow b. fast c. progressive d. aggressive
3. Praises and word appreciations are examples of:
a. extrinsic motivation c. intrinsic motivation
b. personal motivation d. self motivation
4. Complete the statement: ____________ is the best teacher.
a. book b. mother c. love d. experience
5. Cognitive abilities are more in the aspect of____________.
a. intelligence b. emotion d. activity d. skills
6. The native language of England is_______________.
a. German b. Filipino c. Indian d. English
7. A set of educational program that aims to reach the learning competence of the
a. assessment b. curriculum c. language program d. language teaching
8. What factor can enhance learning by giving appropriate direction and experience.
a. instruction b. motivation c. Social status d. culture
9. People who interacts often with the native speaker of English will more likely
learn_________ English
a. slow b. more c. nothing c. old
10. When a teacher plays a nursery rhyme to teach alphabet sounds he uses what king
of strategy?
a. modeling c. sing or read songs
b. choral speaking d. explain by showing
11. What strategy is used if a teacher tells aloud how a specific word pronounce
a. Practice dictation b. modeling c. asking questions d. retell stories aloud
12. What is the best strategy to teach poetry.
a. sing or read songs c. choral speaking and reading
b. modeling d. be explicit
13. The process by which children come to understand and communicate language
during early childhood.
a. Cognitive development c. language learning
b. Language development d. cognitive learning
14. a baby can recognize and distinguish speech sounds as early as__________
a. 7 months b. 8 months c. 9 months d. 10 months
15. What do you call the cells of the brain?
a. Neurons b. olfactory nerves c. gustatory nerves d. optic nerves

II. Identification. Write what is being identified in each statement.

1. The process of gathering data to check learner’s improvement.
2. An assessment tool that is done through monitoring or records an anecdotal
3. These are lists of specific criteria that teachers focus on at a particular time or
during a particular process.
4. These are collections of written works of the students compiled together.
5. These are notes written by the teacher regarding student behavior or learning.
6. Most often used type of assessment tool
7. A quarterly activity or written report about all the topics discussed.
8. These are rating scales to measure student’s performance
9. These are oral presentations aims to assess student’s oral and auditory skills
10. These can be done 1 on 1 or by group and has series of questions to assess
individual achievements and needs.

III. Essay. Answer the following questions clearly and briefly.

1. Why do you think there are 3 main domains of learning(cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor)? 10 pts.
2. Do you agree that varying strategies can improve learning? Explain. 10 pts.
3. Do you see yourself as a future educator 3 years from now? How do you say so?
10 pts.
4. Is it really a teacher factor or student factor in terms of learning? Explain. 10 pts.
5. Does acquiring a second language is something hereditary or practiced?
Explain. 10 pts.

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