Note Regarding Termination of Employment by Employees

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Points to Note Regarding Termination

of Employment by Employees

by Nigel Francis and Winnie Wong

he recent recovery of the local firm Kao, Lee & Yip for one to two years did not reply to the letter asking it to
economy resulted in an increased when they resigned. Both were engaged indicate how much the two solicitors
turnover of staff as employees on materially identical terms which were were required to pay as payment in lieu
sought new opportunities. This article set out in their respective employment of notice. Subsequently, Ms Lau and
focuses on issues relating to termination letters. Their respective employments Ms Tsui each wrote to the firm again
of employment by an employee. could be terminated by either the law firm and enclosed checks for the payment
Employers should be aware of these or themselves by giving three months’ in lieu (in accordance with their own
issues so that they may avoid unnecessary notice. calculations but stated that they would
disputes with their employees. Ms Lau and Ms Tsui each wrote to immediately pay the shortfall in the
When an employee terminates his the firm submitting their resignation on event of any error in the calculation).
employment, he is entitled to choose to August 19, 2005. As they were anxious The firm refused to accept the checks.
serve part of the notice period and to make to bring their employment lawfully to an On September 19, 2005, which was their
a payment in lieu of notice in respect of the end, they wrote to the firm indicating that last day of work, they re-submitted the
balance of the notice period. The employee they wished to shorten the three-month checks to the firm and the firm again
needs not make the decision immediately notice period “by way of payment in lieu refused to accept them. Nevertheless,
but can opt to make a part payment in lieu of notice for the period from September they left the firm relying on the payment
of notice at any point while serving out his 20, 2005 to November 18, 2005 (both in lieu they had tendered and the fact
notice. The employee is not required to dates inclusive)”. Noting that they were that they had served out the first month
obtain his employer’s consent to shorten subject to three months of termination of their notice period.
his notice period by making a payment in notice, this meant that they proposed to The firm issued court proceedings
lieu of notice in respect of the balance. The attend work for the first month and make against Ms Lau and Ms Tsui. The firm
employee is also entitled to include annual a payment in lieu to cover the remaining argued that they were not entitled to
leave to which he is due as part of the notice two months. Also on August 19, 2005, end their employment unilaterally by
period. These last two principles were they each wrote to the firm requesting the undertaking to make a payment in lieu
analysed in the judgment of Kao, Lee & Yip firm to advise them of the exact amount in respect of part of their notice period.
(a firm) v Lau Wing and Tsui Wai Yu, FACV of the payment in lieu which they were The firm was not successful at the High
7/2008, October 29, 2008. required to pay. Court proceedings. The firm appealed to
On the next day, the firm responded the Court of Appeal and the appeal was
Facts of Kao, Lee & Yip (a firm) and indicated that it would not accept dismissed. The firm then appealed to the
v Lau Wing and Tsui Wai Yu the two solicitors to make a payment Court of Final Appeal, the judgment of
Ms Lau and Ms Tsui were two junior in lieu to cover the balance of their which is covered in this article, and the
solicitors who had been with the law notice period. Needless to say, the firm appeal was again dismissed.

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The two issues which had to be have accrued to the employee Second issue—Inclusion of
determined by the Court of Final Appeal during the period of notice annual leave in notice period
were: i) whether or not termination of required by section 6. The second issue centres around the
employment pursuant to section 7 of the (2) Either party to a contract of provisions of section 6(2A) of the EO
Employment Ordinance (EO) requires employment, having given which provides that:
the agreement of both the employer and proper notice in accordance
the employee; and ii) whether section with section 6, may at any time “Without prejudice to section 41D,
6(2A) of the EO operates to invalidate a thereafter terminate the contract annual leave to which an employee is
notice of termination where an employee by agreeing to pay to the other entitled under section 41AA shall not
includes annual leave as part of the notice party such proportion of the sum be included under subsection (2) in the
period. The first issue related to both referred to in subsection (1) as length of notice required to terminate a
Ms Lau and Ms Tsui. The second issue is proportionate to the period contract of employment.”
only concerned Ms Lau. between the termination of the
contract and the time when the Pursuant to the terms of Ms Lau’s
First issue—Termination notice given would have expired.” employment contract, she was entitled to
under section 7 of the EO three weeks of paid annual leave which
It was not in dispute that Ms Lau and Kao, Lee & Yip argued that the phrase was to be taken with the prior approval
Ms Tsui were relying on section 7(2) of “agreeing to pay” in section 7(2) of the EO of the firm’s partners. Ms Lau included
the EO to terminate their employment meant that one party’s offer to terminate half a day of annual leave as part of the
contracts. In respect of the first issue, the employment pursuant to this section termination notice. As a result, Kao, Lee
the relevant provisions of the EO are as required the consent of the other party. & Yip argued that the notice given by
follows: In other words, the law firm argued that Ms Lau was half a day short. The Court
Ms Lau and Ms Tsui were not allowed to of Final Appeal disagreed. The Court held
Section 6 unilaterally terminate their employment that section 6(2A) of the EO was “intended
(1) “Subject to subsections (2), ... by making a payment in lieu in respect of solely for the benefit of employees”, in
either party to a contract of part of their notice period without the law that it operated to prevent an employer
employment may at any time firm’s consent. The Court of Final Appeal giving shorter notice than the contractual
terminate the contract by giving to had a contrary view. It ruled that the entitlement taking into account a period
the other party notice, orally or in mechanism under section 7(2) of the EO is of unused leave. However, an employee
writing, of his intention to do so. unilateral. Whilst the Court acknowledged is entitled to utilize his leave entitlement
(2) The length of notice required that the term “to agree” is often used to during his notice period.
to terminate a contract of mean “to reach consensus with some other Kao, Lee & Yip failed on both issues
employment shall be – person or persons”, the meaning of the at the Court of Final Appeal. The overall
... term in the context of section 7(2) of the result of the case was that Ms Lau and
(c) in every other case, the agreed EO was different. The Court ruled that Ms Tsui were entitled to terminate their
period, but not less than seven the term “agreeing to pay” meant that employment in the manner which
days in the case of a continuous one promises or undertakes to do an act they did.
contract.” without the need to obtain agreement from
the other party. Nigel Francis
Section 7 Thus, the Court of Final Appeal held Partner
(1) “… either party to a contract that Ms Lau and Ms Tsui complied with Minter Ellison, Hong Kong
of employment may at any time the legal requirements to terminate their
terminate the contract without employment by making a payment in Winnie Wong
notice by agreeing to pay to the lieu in respect of the balance of their Associate
other party a sum equal to the respective termination notice periods to Minter Ellison, Hong Kong
amount of wages which would the law firm.

40 j a n / f e b 2 0 1 0



來香港經濟復甦,僱員趁機另謀 予該律師行三個月的離職通知,這意味著 第一個問題—根據《僱傭條例》第7

近 高就,導致員工流失率上升。本
L a u女士和Ts u i女士根據《僱傭條例》第
避免與僱員產生不必要的糾紛。 的代通知金。 個問題而言,《僱傭條例》的相關條文規
如果僱員提出終止僱傭合約,有權選擇 翌日,該律師行回函表示不接納她們支 定如下:
在通知期的部分時間工作或支付代通知金 付代通知金補回餘下的通知期,該律師行也
補回餘下的通知期。僱員無須即時作出決 未有回應她們的垂詢,覆函指示她們應當支 第6條
定,可以選擇在通知期工作的任何時候支 付多少代通知金。於是,她們再次致函該律 (1) 「除第(2)…條另有規定外,僱傭合
付部分代通知金。僱員縮短通知期無須取 師行,並附上代通知金的支票(支票金額按 約的任何一方均可隨時以口頭或書
得僱主同意,便可支付代通知金補回餘下 照自己計算的結果,但聲明計算有誤會即時 面通知對方其終止合約的意向而終
的通知期,僱員也有權將自己應得的年假 支付差額),但該律師行拒收兩人的支票。 止該合約。
納入通知期中。本文將從Kao, Lee & Yip (a 2005年9月19日(即最後工作日),儘管她 (2) 終止僱傭合約所需的通知期如下 —
firm) v Lau Wing and Tsui Wai Yu, FACV 們再次向該律師行遞交支票並遭拒絕,但還 …
7/2008(2008年10月29日)一案的判決書 是離開該律師行,因為她們相信自己支付了 ( c ) 如屬其他情況,則通知期為議
分析這兩項原則。 代通知金,也履行了第一個月通知期上班工 定的期限,但如屬連續性合約者,
作的要求。 則不得少於7天。」
Kao, Lee & Yip (a firm) v Lau 該律師行針對Lau女士和Tsui女士展開
Wing and Tsui Wai Yu的案情 法院程序。該律師行認為,她們無權就其 第7條
兩名初級律師(Lau女士和Tsui女士)離職 部分通知期承諾支付代通知金,從而單方 (1) 「…僱傭合約的任何一方如同意付
時在高李葉律師行工作了一至兩年。兩人的 面終止僱傭合約。該律師行在高等法院的 給對方一筆款項,而款額相等於僱
聘用條款大體相同,均列明在各自的聘用函 法律程序中被判敗訴,再向上訴法庭提出 員在第6條所規定的通知期內本應累
中。按照僱傭合約的規定,只要僱傭合約中 上訴遭駁回,最後上訴至終審法院也遭駁 算的工資額,則可無須給予通知而
任何一方給予三個月通知,該律師行或該兩 回。下文將討論終審法院的判決。 隨時終止合約。
名律師均可終止相應的僱傭合約。 終審法院必須判定兩個問題:(i)按《僱 (2) 僱 傭 合 約 的 任 何 一 方 , 在 按 照 第
她們於2005年8月19日向該律師行提交 傭條例》第7條終止僱傭合約是否需要取得 6條給予適當通知後,如同意付
書面辭呈。由於她們渴望依法終止僱傭合 僱主和僱員雙方的同意;(ii)如果僱員將年 給對方第( 1 )款所提述款項的一
約,因此在寫給該律師行的函件中表示希 假計入通知期內,《僱傭條例》第6(2A)條 部分,而該部分的款額是就合約
望「支付代通知金補回2005年9月20日至 的作用是否會導致離職通知期失效。第一 終止時至通知期應屆滿的期間按
2005年11月18日(首尾兩日包括在內), 個問題同時涉及Lau女士和Tsui女士,第二 比例計算的,則可隨時終止該合
從而縮短三個月通知期。」由於她們須給 個問題只涉及Lau女士。 約。 」

j a n / f e b 2 0 1 0 41
法律 新 知

高李葉律師行指出,《僱傭條例》第 第二個問題—將年假納入通知期 員有權在其通知期內休假。

7(2)條中的「同意付給」指一方提議按本條 第二個問題主要涉及《僱傭條例》第6(2A) 高李葉律師行在終審法院中就上述兩個
款終止僱傭合約需取得對方同意,也就是 條的規定: 問題所提出的理由均不成立。該案的結果
說,該律師行認為,未經本行同意,Lau女 是,Lau女士和Tsui女士均有權以自己的方
士和Tsui女士不得支付代通知金補回部分通 「在不損害第41D條的規定下,僱員根據 式終止僱傭合約。
知期,從而單方面終止僱傭合約。但終審 第41AA條有權享有的年假,不得計算在第(2)
法院持相反觀點,裁定《僱傭條例》第7(2) 款所訂終止僱傭合約所需的通知期內。」
意」一詞通常指「與某人或某些人達成共 依照Lau女士的僱傭合約條款,她有權
識」,但該詞在《僱傭條例》第7(2)條的語 享有三個星期的有薪年假,經該律師行合 范禮尊
境中包含不同意思。法院裁定,「同意付 夥人的事先批准,便可放取年假。Lau女 合夥人
給」指某人許諾或承諾採取一項行動,而 士將半天年假納入離職通知中,因此高李 銘德律師事務所,香港
無須取得對方同意。 葉律師行指出,Lau女士發出的通知期少
因此,終審法院裁定,Lau女士和Tsui 了半天。終審法院卻不以為然,認為《僱 黃沛雯
女士就各自餘下的離職通知期向該律師行 傭條例》第6(2A)條「僅意圖照顧僱員的利 律師
支付代通知金的做法符合終止僱傭合約的 益」,其作用是考慮到未使用的假期,防 銘德律師事務所,香港
法律要求。 止僱主規定比合約權利更短的通知期。僱
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