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Running Head: FINAL ARTIFACT 1

Final Artifact
Dulce M. Perez
Eduardo Pastor
Final Artifact 2

In this article, I will be describing the content learned these past six weeks and will

explain to the reader how this information can help or hinder South Texas College. Two

graphs will be added to show the growth the college can have in three years, which will

help explain in more detail the plan I believe will help the college. By the end of this article

the reader is expected to learn and understand the content given this semester.

The first week we had the pleasure of writing a paper on Simon Sinek, a Ted

speaker who explained how great leaders inspire actions. To make it short, Mr. Sinek

explained the Golden Circle, which summarizes the what, how, and why of organizations

(Sinek, 2010). The reason South Texas College continues to strive and expand is because of

its great leaders and most importantly, because they believe in a why. I say this because I

have worked for the college for five years now, and I have seen first hand what great

leadership looks like. I have also seen in many workers the pride they take in working for

the college, and the joy it causes them to help students, which has made me realize that

South Texas College believes their organization exists beyond a profit, which is what Mr.

Sinek stated leads to success.

The what, why, and how of South Texas College are a bit similar. To me all three

seem to provide a sense of unity in the workplace, where employees are enlisted in

workshops, trainings, and conferences to expand their skills and knowledge in great

communication and customer service. This is done because South Texas College believes

everyone deserves a chance at success, and therefore train their faculty and staff to help

students with the best of their abilities. But, to achieve such great results an organization

needs the support of all employees working together and finding new ideas to make the

organization even better, which bring me to my next topic based on the third week

Final Artifact 3

The graph above shows the growth of student population and employee trainings. As shown
in the graph while employee trainings grow, student population does as well. Because
employees are better trained, student enrollment rises.

In the third week we heard a Ted talk by an inspirational woman named Linda Hill,

who explained how one should manage the organization to get in return collective

creativity (Hill, 2014). In an organization like South Texas College, where positive

innovation is welcomed, supervisors along with coordinators should be leaned more

towards innovative leadership, to influence and allow employees to grow and bring new

ideas and services to the college. As Mrs. Hill (2014) said, “It’s not about being a dictator,

it’s about being a role model” and “Innovative organizations amplify differences” (2016,

Dec. 5) because as I’ve stated before, many brains work better than one, and that may not

be possible if supervisors are traditional.

Final Artifact 4

The graph above shows employee turnover (blue), traditional leaders (orange), and
innovative leaders (gray) by semester. As shown in the graph, while traditional leadership
decreases and innovative leadership rises, turnover rates decrease. This demonstrates a
positive correlation between innovative leadership and employee satisfaction.
The fifth week we heard a Ted talk by the legendary UCLA coach John Wooden,

who not only took his team to success many times, but also guided his team and the people

around him with his wisdom and inspiration. According to Mr. Wooden’s Ted talk, there is

an immense difference between winning and succeeding. While winning does not always

lead one to success, success always leads one to win (Wooden, 2001). In this case, South

Texas College is portrayed as a team, and its professors are the inspirational coaches who

lead students (players) to success. But, this would not be possible if there was no innovative

leadership in the college, or if the college did not believe in a why.

Based on my research, I have concluded that if South Texas College continues to

help and support employee growth. In addition to promoting a “why” to employees during

professional development. The idea of South Texas College to reach its projected goals

within three years, will become more of a reality rather than a simple projection.
Final Artifact 5


Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. (2014, March 10). Retrieved from


Staff WriterStaffWriterdavebirss@mac.comAuthorHi. I'm part of the editorial team here at

Open for Ideas. I'm operated by different people from day to day. But whichever

human is hitting the keys. (2016, December 05). How to manage for collective

creativity. Retrieved from


TED Talks: 'John Wooden: The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding'. (2017,

September 27). Retrieved from


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