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The day of Dead (México)

The celebration is the Day of the Dead. It´s celebrated in México. This celebration takes place
from first to second November. The celebration is traditional. Even, this celebration belongs
to prehispanic communities or indigenous (i.e, mexicas and teotihuacanos). before the arrival
of Spain’s people. This celebration is made for all citizens of México. The people
commemorate to loved ones. For commemorate to them, the people make temples in honor
to them. These temples are decorated with flowers, fruits, photos, candles, etc.
One important feature of this celebrations is that the people put the favorite’s objects of loves
ones in the temple; for example, if to my grandfather likes tobacco, then, I put in his temple
tobacco. Or if to my grandmother likes flower, then, I put in her temple her favorites flowers.
Moreover, the people cook traditional Mexican food; for example, tacos al pastor, mixiotes,
enchiladas, etc.
Also, other people go cemetery to celebrate the Day of dead there. The people decorate the
graves with flowers, food and photos of their loves one. Even, someone eat together in the
graves. In this day, the people remember different stories of their loves one. The people think
this day their loves one goes to word´s living for eat, speak with them.
In 2017, The Coco film shows this celebration. This film show that this celebration appears
the “alebrijes”. Alebrijes are fantastic creatures; for example, the animal with head´s lion;
put with cow’s body. Alebrijes are represent in figures done with cardboard and wire.

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