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3 Day Challenge 9 Habits To Keep You From

Getting Sidetracked
*Note: There are 3 sets of habits for 3 parts of your day. Look closely and you will see how easy
they work together as individual groups that make up your day..

Day 1- Are You Ready To Have Your World Change?

# Habit ✔ Notes

​1 Get Dressed To Shoes

​2 Swish & Swipe

​3 What’s For Dinner?

# Habit ✔ Notes

​4 Load Of Laundry

​5 Declutter 15 Minutes

​6 Make Dinner Early

# Habit ✔ Notes

​7 Shine Sink

​8 Lay Out Clothes

​9 Launch Pad Ready

*That wasn’t so bad, was it? Ready for Day 2?

Property of Marilyn K Foster 2017

3 Day Challenge 9 Habits To Keep You From
Getting Sidetracked
*Note: There are 3 sets of habits for 3 parts of your day. Look closely and you will see how easy
they work together as individual groups that make up your day..

Day 2- Do You See How They Go Together?

# Habit ✔ Notes

​1 Get Dressed To Shoes

​2 Swish & Swipe

​3 What’s For Dinner?

# Habit ✔ Notes

​4 Load Of Laundry

​5 Declutter 15 Minutes

​6 Make Dinner Early

# Habit ✔ Notes

​7 Shine Sink

​8 Lay Out Clothes

​9 Launch Pad Ready

*Feeling accomplished? Ready for Day 3?

Property of Marilyn K Foster 2017

3 Day Challenge 9 Habits To Keep You From
Getting Sidetracked
*Note: There are 3 sets of habits for 3 parts of your day. Look closely and you will see how easy
they work together as individual groups that make up your day..

Day 3- Can You Feel The Rhythm?

# Habit ✔ Notes

​1 Get Dressed To Shoes

​2 Swish & Swipe

​3 What’s For Dinner?

# Habit ✔ Notes

​4 Load Of Laundry

​5 Declutter 15 Minutes

​6 Make Dinner Early

# Habit ✔ Notes

​7 Shine Sink

​8 Lay Out Clothes

​9 Launch Pad Ready

*Congratulations! You Did It!

Property of Marilyn K Foster 2017

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