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JSP (Nagoor Babu)

1. Introduction
2. JSP Lifecycle
3. JSP Elements
4. JSP Directives
5. JSP Page Directive
6. JSP Include Directive
7. JSP Taglib Directive
8. JSP Scripting elements
8.1.1. Declarations
8.1.2. Scriptlets
8.1.3. Expression
9. JSP Implicit Objects
10. JSP Scopes
10.1.1. Page Scope
10.1.2. Request Scope
10.1.3. Session Scope
10.1.4. Application Scope
11. JSP Actions
12. JSP Standard Actions
13. JSP Custom Actions
14. JSTL
14.1.1. Core Tags
14.1.2. Formatted Tags[I18N Tags]
14.1.3. SQL Tags
14.1.4. Functions Tags
14.1.5. XML Tags
15. Expression Language
In web applications, there are two types of responses.

 Static Response
 Dynamic Response

Static Response: If we generate any response from server without performing any action or
without executing any resource at server machine then that response is called as static response.
Example: -
If we submit request to server for a HTML file then server will send the content to the respective
HTML file as response to the respective client without executing any resource or without
performing any action at server machine.

Dynamic Response: If we generate any response from server by executing a particular resource
at server machine and by performing any action at server machine then that response is called as
Dynamic response.
Example: -
If we submit any request to a servlet or a filter or JSP page then server will execute them at
server machine and server will generate response to the respective client.

Web Technology: CGI, Servlet, JSP, PHP….. (JSP and Servlet are mainly used for generate
dynamic response)

Question: To design web applications in order to generate dynamic response from server we
have already CGI tech then what is the requirement to go for Servlets?
CGI – C programming language and some scripting languages combination.
C is procedure oriented programming language.CGI is also procedure oriented programming
Servelts- Combination of Java programming language.
Java is Thread based programming language. So servlets also thread based technology.
Servlet is able to provide more performance at server side because it is thread based technology
and in case of errors it’s provided less numbers of errors. So it is better for go with servlet rather
than CGI.
Question: What are the differences between servelts and JSP?

1. If you want to prepare web application by using servlets technology we must have very
good awareness on Java.
If you want to prepare web application by using JSP technology then it is not required to
have single bit of Java knowledge.
Note: The main intention of JSP technology is to reduce Java code as much as possible
from web applications.

2. In web applications, Servlets are very good at the time getting requests and processing
that requests.
In web applications, JSPs are very good the moment when we submit dynamic response
to the client with very good look and feel.

3. Servlet are meant for processing.

JSPs are meant for presentation.

4. If we perform changes in existed servelts then we must perform recompilation and

reloading on to the server.
If we perform changes in existed JSP pages then it is not required to perform
recompilation and reloading onto the server, because JSP pages are auto loaded and auto


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