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Individual and Group Values

Values in an organization are guiding factor to convert organizational efforts

into action. Values assist businesses in setting their culture and practices and
communication. (Bourne and Jenkins, 2013). Therefore, values determine one's
priorities and that priorities defines how a person want to work and live in a life and
helps to distinguish between what are goods and what are bad in life. ( Parading and
Abrahamsson, 2010). This will provides insights about different types values, and
discuss why there is differences in values between people and organizations and
elaborate how organizational scholars and leader uses these values to improve
relationship and management efficiency. Values have different types. It varies from
person to person and organizations and groups with different prospective of ethics
and values. Sharabi and Harpez, (2009) described two types of values they are
individual values and group values. Individual values are personal belief which are
developed early in a life and different from person to person for examples personal
decision technique and management way, personal thinking and their own skills.
Whereas group values are collaborative form values among different individuals and
Individual values generally do not change as per group values but they tend to adopt
vales of group to fit the group. Therefore individual hard work, their confidence,
perseverance and skills are affecting organizational or group behaviour. (Sharabi
and Harpaz, 2009).

Similarly, there are other types of values which includes intrinsic and extrinsic
values. Intrinsic values are the values including creativity, social rights and
relationship with the nature but extrinsic values are self centered and focus on
individual attainment of goal and wealth. And when people are influenced by extrinsic
values they put themselves first. Examples of intrinsic values are non profit
organization values who works for societal benefit (Schwartz, Caprara and
Vecchione, 2010). and extrinsic values are advertiser selling goods on their own
benefits. Intrinsic values remains a very important construct, reflects the natural
human propensity to find out and assimilate. However, extrinsic values is argued to
vary significantly in its relative autonomy and therefore will
either mirror external management or true self-actualization. The relations
of each categories of values to basic human desires for
autonomy, ability and relatedness. (Deci, 2000)

Today's workplace is associated with many generations and There is also a

difference between values among baby boomer and generation X And Y. According
The Baby Boomer Article (2015) Baby boomers who are born during world war are
believed to be dedicated and workaholic and can work long hours. Generation X
have career oriented values , gives importance to work to live rather than live for
work.generation Y are current generation called techno savvy and their values are
achievement oriented. In other hand, millennium workers are more individualistic.
Instead of working collectively, they think only about only myself.

Another important aspects of values includes Hofstede's cultural dimension theory. In

this theory he described how cultural values can be analyzed using five different
dimensions. The very first dimension is Power distance index. Less powerful
members of business expect that there are unequal division of power in an
organization so low PDI states inequality and high means clear hierarchy
establishment.(Cronjé, 2011).
Individualism vs collectivism; If members of the organization are closely associated
then it ensures collectivuson otherwise there is an existence of individualism.
(Akande, 2009).
Uncertainty avoidance index measures how organization values faces
uncertainty. The less UAI means organization are accepting different values and
facing uncertain situation and vice versa.(Bourne & Jenkins, 2013)
Masculinity and femininity values; In masculine society women's show more
caring and modest values like men on the opposite society they tend to be more
competitive and emphatic.(Back Hye Joo & Joo-Hyun Chung, 2014). Long term
orientation and short term orientation long term oriented organization develop static
which helps develop in long run whereas in short term orientation employee tend to
focus on themselves more. Indulgence vs restraint values. In indulgence values
people enjoys freedom and happiness on the other hand restraint values resist
personal preferences and put control over life.(Migliore, 2011).
However, in an organization individual values often conflict with group values. In an
group different types of personal values comes from different gender and cultures
and generations are exist. Ones personal values and relation belief may vary with
others and that with value for managers. Kindness and politeness always brings
positiveness in workplace environment. Good work should be rewarded. Individual
efforts must be praised and recognized. Access to promotion and job enrichment, job
rotation and development training etc. can be rewards for good performance.
Similarly, gender equality plays a vital role in workplace. With a growing multicultural
society, immigrants need to have greater proportions of representation as in
Australian businesses. The ideas and views of employees need to be asked for and
recognized and where appropriate implemented. Most of the surveys proves that
where employees do not involve in decision making, problem identification and
solving may result in high staff turnover which cannot be good for any organizations.
As a company is a group of people, one must learn how to deal with different
personality. For instance, some personnel can be introvert or extrovert, sensing or
initiative, whether they are thinker or feeling and perceive or judgmental. A workplace
environment is also affected by the nature of manager either they are task-based
outcome or people-based relationship.
Reflection piece

For the both organizational and individualgoal attainment both of their values
must me met. If individuals values are not mathed with organizational values there
can be conflict and employee disstatisfaction and low productivity. According to the
personal organiztion fit theory, personal values, and environmental values such as
goal psychological factors and skills should match with organizational values. In my
experience. (Zinko & Rubin, 2015).
I used to work in a retail business as a Juniour marketing advisor. I liked to
understand about markets and I want people in my group to hear me. I believed in
participatory management approach. But when we had to make decision about
product differentiation and market segmentation my seniors did not like to take
suggestions from my side. Sometimes not even top managers declined my branding
and promotions schemes though it seemed to be fruitful. This activity made me
morally down. my values and attitude towards my job and position was not satisfying.
Not only myself, other workers were also not sattisfied and there was a conflict with
senior management. Management was forcing autocratic decision-making styles.
They believe one head in an organization and other to follow. This lead to
employees’ dissatisfaction and employee turnover was high. The scenario could not
make any positive work environment.

After few years of such unpleasant experience, the management values

changed. Management implemented setting their decision-making approach to
participatory management approach. Group discussion peer review helped me to
gain my self respect and attraction toward my position. As everybody needs attention
and be recognized, my decsions were valued and listened in new management
system. Over the time organizational productivity increases. Therefore, there should
be the matching between personal and organizational values, personal and job
values should meet at some point to enhance better productivity.

Both individual and organization values must go together to achive both

workers satiusfaction and achievement of organizational goals. If both do not match
with eachother, there can be a conflict which leads to a failure of a company. As
company is a group of people, different people have different perspective. The ways
of doing things, thinking, analyzing, behaving, expression and so on varies always.
Both the individual values and group values should be considered and manipulated
towards achieving organizational. Process and ways of doing things may differ but
goal should be the same at the end.
Bourne, H., & Jenkins, M. (2013). Organizational Values: A Dynamic Perspective.
Organization Studies, 34(4), 495-514.

Parding, K., & Abrahamsson, L. (2010). Learning gaps in a learning organization:

professionals' values versus management values. Journal Of Workplace Learning,
22(5), 292-305.
Sharabi, M., & Harpaz, I. (2009). Core and Peripheral Values. Journal Of Human
Values, 15(2), 153-166.

Schwartz, S., Caprara, G., & Vecchione, M. (2010). Basic Personal Values, Core
Political Values, and Voting: A Longitudinal Analysis. Political Psychology, 31(3), 421-
The baby-boomer generation. (2015). Dental Abstracts, 60(5), 243-245.

Cronjé, J. (2011). Using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions to interpret cross-cultural

blended teaching and learning. Computers & Education, 56(3), 596-603.
Akande, A. (2009). The self‐perception and cultural dimensions: cross‐cultural
comparison. Educational Studies, 35(1), 81-92.

Migliore, L. (2011). Relation between big five personality traits and Hofstede's
cultural dimensions. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 18(1), 38-

Back Hye Joo, & Joo-Hyun Chung. (2014). Suggestion of a classification table of
design modeling elements in cultural dimensions - Focused on Geert Hofstede’s
cultural dimensions -. Journal Of Korea Design Forum, null(43), 223-232.

Zinko, R., & Rubin, M. (2015). Personal reputation and the organization. Journal Of
Management & Organization, 21(02), 217-236.

Deci, R. &. (2000).

Criteria BUMGT2606 Fail - Less than Pass - 50 – 59% Credit - 60-69% Distinction - 70 – High Distinction 80 –
50% 79% 100%
Introduction (5%). Unfocused Introduction may Contains all Effective introduction Excellent introduction
Introduces the essay introduction which provide some idea as elements but could that provides a clear that justifies the
topic, the purpose of the may be missing to the purpose of the be more effectively indication of the importance of the
essay and foretells the elements of the essay but may be written. contextual issues, issues/ events and
structure the essay will introduction. missing an element and the relevant outlines the framework
follow. such as the plan. theories and used to conduct the
concepts to be analysis.
Content (15%). Discussion is not Discussion is Effective Discussion supports Statements supported
Responsive to the supported adequate and discussion a coherent line of by clear and balanced
question, identifies and adequately and/or responsive but limited indicating some reasoning, linking reasoning. Excellent
addresses relevant discussion is not to generalities. Uses reasoning and theory and practice. use of examples and
concepts and theories, focused on the some relevant analysis using Effective use of theory to support
and uses relevant question. concepts and relevant examples, examples and discussion.
examples to support examples. and linking of theory to support
discussion. theory and discussion.
Analysis (30%). Discussion is not Discussion is Effective Demonstrates Statements supported
Develops a clear and supported adequate but limited to discussion evidence from the by clear and balanced
coherent line of adequately either generalities. Uses indicating some wider literature. reasoning and strong
reasoning throughout through reasoning some relevant reasoning and Discussion supports evidence of
the essay leading to a or appropriate references, and linking analysis using a coherent background reading.
well-constructed references. of theory and practice. relevant argument, linking Evidence of critique of
argument and critique of references, and theory and practice. the issues. Critical use
the issues, appropriate linking of theory of appropriate
and critical use of and practice. evidence.
relevant evidence, and
integration and
synthesis of evidence.
Conclusion (5%). Clear Missing, unclear or May re-state main Satisfactory Strong line of Convincing line of
re-statement of the main tenuous. argument of essay but identification of the reasoning that reasoning that
arguments, summary of does not bring main issues in the supports the overall supports overall
the main points and together main points essay and linked argument and argument in essay.
appropriate reflection of of essay. to body of essay. discussion in the
the topic essay.
References Used (5%). Not enough Uses prescribed text Meets references Meets references Exceeds references
At least five (5) suitable reference plus 4 relevant journal requirement. requirement with requirement with
references used, four (4) sources. articles. some evidence of evidence of extensive
of which are academic wider research. wider research.
journal articles.
Referencing Technique Poor. Over-relies Satisfactory - Some Quotations and Minor referencing Referencing is
(5%). Correct and on direct errors in technical referencing are errors. Meets the consistently accurate.
consistent citations and quotations and/or aspects of referencing. mainly accurate. General Guide to Meets the General
accurate and properly frequent errors in May deviate from the Writing and Study Guide to Writing and
formatted reference list. technical aspects General Guide to Skills Manual Study Skills Manual
of referencing. Writing and Study requirements. requirements.
Must refer to the Skills) Manual
General Guide to requirements.
Writing and Study
Skills) Manual.
Presentation (10%). Poor format and Adequate. Structure Satisfactory Good. Structure and Excellent. Concise and
Written clearly and structure. Written may be difficult to structure and written expression is flowing structure, no
accurately with spelling, expression needs follow in areas. written expression. overall good. Minor spelling or
punctuation and improvement. May Evidence of need to May need to proof errors. grammatical errors.
grammar checked. not meet word proof read. May not read work.
Structure is logical with limit. meet word limit.
clear links between
paragraphs. Word count
is met.
Reflective piece (25%) Content does not Satisfactory level of Demonstrates Demonstrates a Excellent. Responds
Written clearly and examine own retrospectivity and good level of deeper level of reflectively and fully to
accurately. Discusses experience analysis. Relates understanding and understanding and each question posed.
your experiences in retrospectively or theories you are analysis indicating analysis indicating demonstrates in depth
relation to relevant provide analysis or studying to a real-life good links to very good links thinking and analysis
theory and practice knowledge of scenario. Does not theory and theory and practice. (concise presentation
responding to the theories you are respond to all specific practice. Responds to all within the word limit)
questions posed. studying. Does not questions posed. Responds to all specific questions
respond to specific specific questions posed.
questions posed. posed.

Grade: Marker: Second marker (if necessary):

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