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Orissa comes under typical tropical climate due to its proximity to the sea. Summers are very hot while
monsoons appear obliging for crop productivity. The state experiences three main seasons, namely summer
season, winter season and monsoons. However, for more than a decade, Orissa has been experiencing
contrasting extreme weather conditions: from heat waves to cyclones, from droughts to floods. The state has
been declared disaster-affected for 95 of the last 105 years. In the last four years, calamities have claimed
more than 30,000 lives. They have not only become more frequent, but have hit areas that were never
considered vulnerable. As a result, Orissa’s economy has been ripped apart.

Orissa is placed at the head of the Bay of Bengal where weather is formed. A slight change in the
sea’s behavior can have an immediate impact on the coast. The Bay becomes the centre of low pressures
causing heavy rains and cyclones in the sub-continent and especially in Orissa. These cyclones and
depression involve circulation over thousands of kilometers and form links between Orissa’s atmosphere and
the entire planetary circulation system. Going by the key parameters of climate like temperature and rainfall,
the climate may worsen in Orissa. The full impact of climate change does not show up immediately. It triggers
changes slowly but certainly.

So, the meteorology as a subject can be made instrumental in converting a farming community from a
passive recipient of information to active Information Technology (IT) users. There is a scope of increasing the
opportunity for participatory and interactive learning for farmers more particularly belonging to coastal belts
through Community Centers and Eco Clubs.

Project Objectives:

 To provide opportunity for participatory and interactive learning for farmers’ club members/Eco Club
Members with a view to transform them from being passive recipients of information to utility oriented
 To acquire Meteorological Data and develop acumen on Information Technology (IT) to help the local
society and armor the rural farming community for timely intervention of improved cultural practices.
 To bring farmers club members and other associated rural community organizations at grass root
levels into networking relationship.
 To monitor environmental trends, climate change and interpret region specific micro-level data base
on meteorology, climate and natural resources and related fields.

The natures of scientific problems proposed to be studied under this project are extreme weather
conditions like cyclone, flood, drought, heat wave, change in monsoon pattern etc. The suggested protocols
to be covered are:

 Temperature: Minimum, Maximum, Dry Bulb, Wet Bulb

 Wind: Direction, Speed
 Clouds: Types, Amount
 Sunshine: Insolation, Radiation
 Evaporameter: Evaporation and Relative Humidity
 Global Positioning System (GPS): a device used to locate Longitude and Latitude of a particular area.
We are already a recognized Technical Resource Centre (TRC) in the Participation of Youth in Real
time/Field Observation Benefit to Education (PROBE-Orissa) programme of Department of Science &
Technology, Govt.of India and completed 2 years and installations of 15 nos. weather station in selected
schools of Kendrapada and Jajpur districts. The methodology that we want to adopt is as follow.
 Setting-up of meteorological instruments like Minimum and Maximum thermometers, wind vane & cup
anemometer, rain gauge, dry & wet bulb thermometer in each school with high band communication
 Students with the help of teachers record observations on the identified protocols. They gain
knowledge about their day-to-day weather parameters and enter data every day in the formats
developed as per IMD format.
 NABARD may provide the necessary infrastructure, logistics to procure instruments, install them,
record observations and create a database of multiple utility. Data could be shared among other
 The training of master trainers will be done on subjects like Atmospheric Sciences, Computer
Education, Weather Observations, Time series of data etc. who in turn impart the knowledge to
farmers’ club member, Eco clubs and rural school students.
 Organization of lectures by eminent experts, creative workshops in schools, rural panchayts & other
 Transmission of data received from farmers clubs to nodal centre for its storage and creation of
database for future research studies & weather analysis. Onward transmission to IMD for national
utility and advantage to farmers.
 A well devised course curriculum is available with us which will be implemented with further interfacing
with IMD & subject experts.
 Empower the farmers’ club members/students with weather forecast potential for their locality.
Protocols of Programme:
The instruments required for PROBE Meteorological Laboratory is as Follow.

 “Dry Bulb Thermometer, Wet Bulb Thermometer, Maximum & Minimum Thermometer” are used to
measure the temperature and relative humidity.
 “Rain Gauge and Measuring Glass” is used to measure rainfall amount
 .

 “Wind Vane and Cup Counter Anemometer

 to know direction & speed of the air in motion (wind).
 “Sunshine Recorder”: Insolation, Radiation
 Evaporameter: Evaporation and Relative Humidity
 Global Positioning System (GPS): a device used to locate Longitude and Latitude of a particular area
Work Plan & Activity Schedule:

 Engagement of Essential Staff: 01 month

 Final Selection of Location: 01 Month
 Setting-up of Met Observatory in Block/Panchayat areas: 02 months
 Connection of high band communication network: 02 months
 Development of course curriculum for farmers club/general public/students: 01 month
 Training to Farmers Club members/Project Officer/Eco Club Students & others: 02 months
 Data Recording, Transmission, and Analysis etc.: Soon after completion of above activities.
Project Duration:

The duration of the project would be initially for Three year, which may be extended as per the
willingness of NABARD, IMD & DST.

Principal Investigator:

The Principal Investigator of this project is Dr. Sangram Keshari Nayak, Former Principal Scientist and
Head, Phy. Biochem & Environmental Science, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack. He was in charge of
the “Agromet Observatory” setup in the institute and gained practical experience in analyzing weather data,
pattern analysis and behavioral change.
Similarly, the Co-investigator, Mrs. Minati Bindhani has been involved in PROBE-Orissa Programme
and other Science Popularizing activities since last fifteen years. She has coordinated many programmes &
projects of the Department of Science & Technology & other Department successfully.

R & D Work in Proposed Area:

The projects/programmes, which have already been accomplished in the proposed project area by
DST & other Department through Women & Child Welfare Society, are:

 Celebration of Year of Scientific Awareness-2004 project for Students, Teachers, Public etc.
 National Environment Awareness & Education Programme.
 Promotion of Yoga & Naturopathy.
 Understanding Nature: The Nature Study Programme for School Students.
 Anti Superstition Programme/Learning Science by Doing for School Children.
 Different Health Related Programme like: Malaria Control, AIDS Control programme, Sanitation
Programme, RNTCP, Safe Motherhood
 Science Popularization programme on Pathani Samanta & his Contribution of the Modern Science
 Celebration of National Science Day.
 Road Safety Awareness & Education.
 Petroleum Conservation.
 Promotion of National Integration & Communal Harmony.
 PROBE-Orissa Programme
 Lecture Programme on Global Warming and Mitigation Options
Districts to be covered:

Kantapada Block Area/Cuttack Sadar Block Area of Cuttack district


Name of the Metrological Instruments for one Weather Station Amount (in `)
1. Minimum Thermometer 1,750.00
2. Maximum Thermometer 1,750.00
3. Dry Bulb Thermometer 1,650.00
4. Wet Bulb Thermometer 1,650.00
5. Wind Vane 3,900.00
6. Cup Counter Anemometer 5,350.00
7. Rain Gauge 3,550.00
8. Stevenson Screen 11,150.00
9. Sun Shine Recorder 18,750.00
10. Evaporimeter 20,500.00
11. Global Positioning System (GPS) 30,000.00
12. Computer 35,000.00
TOTAL= 1,35,000.00
Sl. No. Descriptions Amount (in `)
1. Honorarium to Project Officer (One) for 03 Years 3,60,000.00
2. Training Workshop for Farmers / Public / Teachers, Organization of 1,50,000.00
Lectures Programme in Panchayat level and other Meetings etc. for
03 Years (Per year 2 nos.x 3 years=6nos.)
3. Honorarium to Resource Persons for 03 Years 60,000.00
4. Contingency for 03 Years 1,00,000.00
5. Travelling Expenses for 03 Years 1,00,000.00
6. Overhead Expenses for 03 Years 1,00,000.00
Total : - 8,70,000.00
Total Cost (Non-recurring & Recurring) = 10, 05,000.00
(Rupees Ten Lakhs Five Thousand only)

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