Assessment On Work Ethics of Administrative Employees in The Public Attorney's Office

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Republic of the Philippines


“An analysis on work ethics of an Administrative employee in

the Public Attorney’s Office – Central Office (PAO)”

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Parañaque Campus



Diploma in Office Management Technology with specialization

in Legal office Management

Prof. Jennifer Aguas


Republic of the Philippines

Chapter 1


I. Introduction

As per Anastasia stated in 2016, the simplest definition of ethics is that it is a system

of moral principle. Work ethics and its purpose is that it affect how people lead their lives,

for life is an unbroken stream of decision-making and ethics are concerned with what is

the right moral choices, for individuals and for society. This is also known as a moral

philosophy. The etymology of ethics is derived from the Greek word “ethos”, meaning

habit, custom, disposition or character.

According to the mission of the Public Attorney’s Office, they exist to provide the

indigent litigants, the oppressed, marginalized, and underprivileged members of the society

fee access to courts, judicial and quasi-judicial agencies, by rendering legal services,

counselling and assistance in consonance with the Constitutional mandate that ”free access

to courts shall not be denied to any person by reason of poverty” in order to ensure the rule

of law, truth and social justice as components of the county’s sustainable development.

According to U.S. Legal, an administrative employee is an employee who is

exempted from statutorily provided overtime pay. An administrative employee’s main

responsibilities include doing difficult work involving the company’s policies or business

operations. It also refers to an employee who exercise discretion and independent judgment

while performing his/her duty.

Republic of the Philippines

II. Theoretical Framework

This study sought to determine the analysis among Duty Ethics, Utilitarianism and

Virtue Ethics.

a. Duty Ethics

The concept of Deontological Ethics was developed by German philosopher, Immanuel

Kant in his “Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals” (1785). Deontology comes from

the Greek word for “duty.” Thus, deontological ethics maintains that actions are not

justified by their consequences. Rather, factors other than good outcomes determine the

“rightness” of actions.

Duty Ethics is defined as the normative ethical theory that the morality of an action

should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather

than based on the consequences of the action. (Kant, 1785: Marks, 2011)

According to Nancy Davis (1993), if a moral theory achieves moral closure, it

prescribes that every action is ether right or wrong. Act Consequentialist theories achieve

moral closure.

b. Utilitarianism

Jeremy Bentham is properly considered the father of modern utilitarianism. It was he

who made the utilitarian principle serves as the basis for a unified and comprehensive

ethical system that applies, in theory at least, to every area of life.

Curiously, it was further developed by the widely read theologian William Paley, who

provides a good example of the independence of met ethics and normative ethics. His

position on the nature of morality was similar to that of Ockham and Luther—namely, he

held that right and wrong are determined by the will of God. Yet, because he believed that

God wills the happiness of his creatures, his normative ethics were utilitarian: whatever

increases happiness is right; whatever diminishes it is wrong.

Also according to John Stuart Mill, he sought to show that utilitarianism is compatible

with moral rules and principles relating to justice, honesty, and truthfulness by arguing that

utilitarian should not attempt to calculate before each action whether that particular action

will maximize utility. Instead, they should be guided by the fact that an action falls under
Republic of the Philippines

a general principle (such as the principle that people should keep their promises), and

adherence to that general principle tends to increase happiness. Only under special

circumstances is it necessary to consider whether an exception may have to be made.

c. Virtue Ethics

Virtue Ethics founding fathers are Plato and Aristotle, and in the East it can be

traced back to Mencius and Confucius. It persisted as the dominant approach in

Western moral philosophy until at least the Enlightenment, suffered a momentary

eclipse during the nineteenth century, but re-emerged in Anglo-American philosophy

in the late 1950s.

Virtue Ethics described as a broad term for theories that emphasize the role of

character and virtue in moral philosophy rather than either doing one’s duty or acting

in order to bring about good consequences. A virtue ethicist is likely to give you this

kind of moral advice: “Act as a virtuous person would act in your situation.”

According to Bernard Williams, morality is characterized mainly by the work of

Kant and notions such as duty and obligation. Crucially associated with the notion of

obligation is the notion of blame. Blame is appropriate because we are obliged to

behave in a certain way and if we are capable of conforming our conduct and fail to,

we have violated our duty (Fontana, 1985).

Republic of the Philippines

III. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The researchers will use the Input- Process- Output (IPO) model for the research.


I. Demographics I. Administration of
- Age Standardized Survey
- Gender Questionnaires
II. Analysis on work - Multidimention
ethics al Wortk Ethics
- Duty ethics Profile (MWEP)
- Utilitarianism An analysis on work
- Virtue ethics ethics of an
Employees in the
Public Attorney’s
Office – Central Office

IV. Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to analyze the work ethics of an administrative employee in Public

Attorney’s Office Central Office (PAO) in the National Capital Region (NCR).

It intends to answer the following problems of the study:

1) What are the distributions of the respondents in the following demographics?

a) Age

b) Gender

2) What are the assessments to analyze the work ethics of administrative employee in

Public attorney’s Office - Central Office?

a) Duty Ethics
Republic of the Philippines

 Hard Work

 Wasted Time

b) Utilitarianism

 Centrality of Work

 Self-reliance

c) Virtue Ethics

 Morality

 Leisure

 Delay Gratification

3) Is there any significant relationship between Duty Ethics, Utilitarianism and Virtue


4) What is the overall assessment on the work ethics of Administrative Employee?


The researcher will try to prove the following hypotheses:

There is no significant difference on the analysis of work ethics of administrative

employees of the Public Attorney’s Office – Central Office.

V. Significance of the Study

This study aims to help administrative heads the Public Attorney’s Office – Central

Office to know what the work ethics that their administrative staffs possesses. This will

help them know how to deal with their employees and sort out best candidates for

promotion is needed. It will help government and private employees not necessarily on the

administrative side to know and ask themselves if they possess the said work ethics. This

study will also help professors of the Legal Office Management students to develop their

students with the work ethics that they should exercise or practice before they start their

career. Parents will gain from this study as well if they are to read and analyze what are the

work ethics should their child/children must possess and help them to develop it from their

young age. Lastly, Legal Office Management students who plan on working for the Public

Attorney’s Office, Government or even the private sectors. Work ethics is not only seen in

the legal field but in every career that world could offer.
Republic of the Philippines

VI. Scope and Limitations

This study was conducted in the Public Attorney’s Office - Central Office only

through survey. The survey questionnaire includes the 40-item MWEP or

Multidimensional Work Ethics Profile (Miller et al., 2002) and was administered in 63

administrative employees. The study was conducted from September 2018 to March 2019.

VIII. Definition of Term

Administrative Employee-



I. Related Foreign Literatures

In accordance to Leonard (2019) in her topic entitled “5 Factors That Demonstrate

a Strong Work Ethic” states that an employee always behaves professionally, which says

that professionalism is something observed from the moment an employee walks in the

door to when he leaves. Organization and high productivity states that and employee with

strong work ethics tend to follow or develop daily tasks. They are often ordered and

organized so that the employee is able to devote the required time to any one task. It is also

include teamwork and cooperation which is understanding that and individual is a part of

a bigger team and that everyone has a role. Strong work ethic also includes determined to

succeed that implies that they have internal motivation to succeed and an employee with a

strong work ethic composes consistent and high quality work as well which is that the work

they present is in a neat an d professional manner.

Martin (2017) mentioned in his article that the elements of a strong work ethics is

composed of integrity, emphasis on quality of work, professionalism, discipline, sense of

responsibility and sense of teamwork. To demonstrate this, and employee must put the
Republic of the Philippines

company first. An employee needs to manage their time wisely like being punctual,

maintaining good attendance record and by observing deadlines. Being honest is also

included as the esteemed Warren Buffet said it best when he cited three qualities to look

for when hiring new people: integrity, intelligence and energy. There is no way that a

person can hide dishonesty forever. Maintaining a balanced and consistent performance in

performing ones work plays a part as well. An employee must always show respect by

staying calm and poised, being diplomatic and showing fair treatment to others. Following

the rules, working with others and staying fit and healthy is included.

II. Related Local Literature

Locally speaking, Samonte mentioned in his blog that there are ten interesting traits

and work ethics of Filipino Virtual assistants which are being respectful, composed,

enthusiastic, self-motivated, know-it-all, good listener, steadfast, does not mix business

with pleasure, keeps busy and clocks out on time.

Moreover, Brodie (2017) elaborates in his article entitled “7 Work Ethics of

Filipino Virtual Assistants” that Filipino’s top traits are being respectful, relaxed,

motivated, know-it-all, eager, good listeners and being committed.

III. Related Foreign Studies

Sparrow, Chadrakumara and Perera (2010) conducted a study about the impact of

work values and ethics on citizenship and task performance in local and foreign invested

firms: A test in developing country context. This study examines the impact of work values

and individual characteristics on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and task

performance (TP). A theoretical foundation was developed in order to use work values and

ethics as antecedents of OCB. Using five work related values orientations and 416

responses from Sri Lankan manufacturing sectors employees, it is found that gender,

employment category, and level of education influence citizenship performance.

Importantly, the impact of work values on OCB is found to be more significant than that

of demographic factors, with three dimensions (work norms, work ethics, and intrinsic

values) found to be significant in influencing OCB.

According to the study of Eweje and Brunton (2009) entitled “Ethical perceptions

of business students in a New Zealand university: do gender, and age and work experience

matter?” states that ethical issues at the work place have once again become topical and
Republic of the Philippines

important due to considerable adverse publicity surrounding reports of unethical business

practices by corporate managers. Accordingly, this paper re-visits the question of whether

gender, age and work experience do have an effect on ethical judgment, using 655 business

students are respondents. This is necessary as business students are likely to become

managers during their career and will face complex ethical concerns and dilemmas in their

daily, routine affairs. The finding currently demonstrate that females are more ethically

aware than their male counterparts – that is, there are differences between males and

females regarding ethical judgment. However, this study also found evidence to suggest

that in some cases, the age factor does not necessarily have a significant impact on ethical

awareness. The results further indicate that there is a difference in ethical judgment related

to work experience. However, at the same time, in one question there is no evidence to

suggest the claim that work experience does impact significantly on ethical judgment.

Overall, it appears that ethical awareness does increase alongside work experience.

Kaptein (2009) stated in his study “Ethics Programs and Ethical Culture: A Next

Step in Unraveling Their Multi-Faceted Relationships” that one of the main objectives of

an ethics program is to improve the ethical culture of an organization. To date, empirical

research treats at least one of these concepts as a one-dimensional construct. This paper

demonstrates that by conceptualizing both constructs as multi-dimensional, a more in-

depth understanding of the relationship between the two concepts can be achieved.

Through the employment of the Corporate Ethical Virtues Model, eight dimensions of

ethical culture are distinguished. Nine components of an ethics program are identified. To

assess the relationship between ethics programs and ethical culture, a survey was conducted

of 4,056 members of the U.S. working population. The results show that the relationship

between the components of an ethics program and the dimensions of ethical culture differ

in strength, nature, and significance. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

IV. Related Local Studies

Minon (2018), stated in the study entitled “Workplace Spirituality, Work Ethics,

and Organizational Justice as Related to Job Performance among State University

Educators that the growth and progress of the economic and political life of a nation are

essential, but when their moral spirit is twisted and broken, destruction strikes at the root

of all social systems and structures. One cannot emphasize sufficiently the urgent need for
Republic of the Philippines

moral formation in the Philippines today. Educators play a crucial role in building a quality

nation, and they contribute toward cultural transformation. Thus, the key to success in

teaching must lie in the characteristics of teachers. The quality of education depends on the

caliber of teachers as a person among others. This survey-correlational study aimed to

ascertain the relationship among workplace spirituality, work ethics, organizational justice,

and job performance of educators in a state university. The results revealed that generally,

educators in this research were spiritual, had good work ethics, had a high level of

organizational justice, and were outstanding in their job performance. The educators’ work

ethics and organizational justice were positively and significantly related to their workplace

spirituality. Their organizational justice was positively and significantly related to their

work ethics. On the other hand, the educators’ workplace spirituality and work ethics were

positively but not significantly related to job performance while their organizational justice

and job performance were negatively and not significantly related. Work ethics and

organizational justice were factors found to predict the educators’ job performance

significantly. Workplace spirituality, however, was not a significant predictor of job


In accordance to Chuang and Gallano (2017) from their study entitled A Study of

Ethical Work Climates between Filipino and Taiwanese Accountants that purpose of this

study is to find if there is a significant difference between the Filipino and Taiwanese

accountants on the perceived work climate value. The 36-item revised version of Ethical

Climate Questionnaire, developed by Bart Victor, John B. Cullen, (1987, 1988), and James

W. Bronson (1993), was used as the instrument in investigating the ethical perceptions of

the accountants. Factor analysis results extracted seven dimensions and all of them were

originally identified from the based theory of Ethical Work Climate of Cullen, Victor, &

Bronson (1993). These are Rules/Codes, Caring, Self-Interest, Social Responsibility,

Efficiency, Instrumentalism, and Personal Morality. Results showed that Rules/Codes,

Efficiency, and Instrumentalism dimensions have no significant difference between

Filipinos and Taiwanese. The analysis indicated that caring, self-interest, social

responsibility, and personal morality dimensions showed significant difference between

Filipinos and Taiwanese accountants.

V. Synthesis and Relevance of the Reviewed Literature and Studies

Republic of the Philippines

The relevance of the reviewed literature and studies is that it pointed out the

good work ethics that each good employee possesses. According to Leonard (2019)

and Martin (2017) that professionalism, discipline, composed of integrity, emphasis on

quality of work, professionalism, discipline, sense of responsibility and sense of teamwork

are some of the good work ethics that an employee must possess. Brodie (2017) as local

authors stated that that Filipino’s top traits are being respectful, relaxed, motivated, know-

it-all, eager, good listeners and being committed which is not far away from Samonte’s

statement which are being respectful, composed, enthusiastic, self-motivated, know-it-all,

good listener, steadfast, does not mix business with pleasure, keeps busy and clocks out on

time are Filipino’s top work ethics.

As for the foreign studies, Sparrow, Chadrakumara and Perera (2010) conducted a

study that shows that gender, employment category, and level of education influence

citizenship performance have an impact on work values and ethics on citizenship which

differs from the study of Kaptein (2009) that focuses on improving the ethical culture of

an organization. For the study of Eweje and Brunton (2009), it indicates that females are

more ethically aware than their male counterparts which is close enough to the study of

Chadrakuma and Perera. However, at the same time, in one question there is no evidence

to suggest the claim that work experience does impact significantly on ethical judgment.

Locally speaking, Minon (2018) concluded in her study that organizational

justice was positively and significantly related to the work ethics of teachers. On the other

hand, the educators’ workplace spirituality and work ethics were positively but not

significantly related to job performance while their organizational justice and job

performance were negatively and not significantly related. Work ethics and organizational

justice were factors found to predict the educators’ job performance significantly.

Workplace spirituality, however, was not a significant predictor of job performance. While

the study of Chuang and Gallano (2017) shows that the analysis indicated that caring, self-

interest, social responsibility, and personal morality dimensions showed significant

difference between Filipinos and Taiwanese accountants.

Republic of the Philippines



I. Research Method

The researchers used quantitative approach. The data were gathered through a

questionnaire of which responses were tabulated and treated with appropriate statistical

treatment. The treated result were analyzed and explained.

II. Descriptions of Respondent

The respondents of this study are the administrative employees of Public Attorney’s

Office - Central Office. Respondents are from both genders from 22 years old to 60 years

old. The researchers will be asking a total of 70 individuals as respondents.

III. Sampling Design

The researchers used non probability sampling. In this study quota sampling were

used. To determine the sample size of this study, Slovin’s Formula was applied. The

formula is n = N / (1+Ne2). The total population of Administative Employees in PAO –

Cental Office was 70 and the total number of respondents were 60.

IV. Statistical Treatment

The following statistical treatments were used to analyze and interpret the data


a. Frequency - the number of times a data value occurs

Republic of the Philippines

b. Weighted mean - A weighted mean is a kind of average. Instead

of each data point contributing equally to the final mean, some data points

contribute more “weight” than others. This was used to determine the

commodity of the responses of the respondents.

∑ 𝑓𝑥

c. Pearson-R Relation Coefficient - often referred to as the Pearson

R test, is a statistical formula that measures the strength between variables

and relationships. This correlated the work ethics of administrative

employees of the Public Attorney’s Office – Central Office which are

Reliability, Dedication, Productivity, Cooperation and Character to Work


d. Independent sample T-test - compares the means of two

independent groups in order to determine whether there is statistical

evidence that the associated population means are significantly different.

This formula will compare the means of Reliability, Dedication,

Productivity, Cooperation and Character and Work Ethics to


V. Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked for the permission of the Chief of Public Attorney’s

Office – Central Office to conduct a survey among administrative employees. Then,

the survey questionnaires were administered to the respondents. The answered

questionnaires were retrieved on the same day. Responses were tabulated by the

researchers and treated with appropriate statistical treatment.

VII. Research Instrument

The researchers used survey questionnaires to gather data. The researcher used

likert-type scales, this scale includes the 40-item MWEP or Multidimensional Work Ethics

Profile (Miller et al., 2002). Respondents were ask whether they strongly agree, agree,
Republic of the Philippines

neither agree or disagree, disagree and strongly disagree with a statement. Each option is

given a score, which can be used to analyze results. Overall the questionnaire consist of 40


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