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Chapter 7.

The Elderly of Today and Tomorrow 7-1

Among the countries of the world, a patient with respect to decision- morbidity and morbidity-mortality link-
the United States is remarkable for making2. Decisions made today and ages are even less developed than
the diversity of its population, includ- directions chosen in these and other mortality models.6
ing the older population. Population aging-related areas will directly affect
diversity will increase in the years the quality and vitality of our lives for Simply considering growth of the el-
ahead. Within the elderly population many decades. derly population, especially for those
itself, there are important differences aged 80 and over, suggests that there
between the various age segments in We face numerous questions raised will be increases in the number of in-
terms of their health and socioeco- by the growth and increasing longev- cident cancers diagnosed over the
nomic characteristics. In the coming ity of the older population. Some of next several decades.7 Other simula-
decades, the oldest old (85 years and the most urgent are: will tomorrow’s tion model research has concluded
over) will comprise an increasing pro- generation of older people be healthy; that the interaction of demographic,
portion of the total elderly population. will they be independent; will societies health, and income trends will result in
The pace and course of the demo- provide productive and purposeful a tripling of the number of elderly re-
graphic changes ahead will create roles for them3. Questions about the quiring nursing home care between
compelling social, economic, and older population of tomorrow, such as 1990 and 2030, compared to only a
ethical choices for individuals, fami- whether more people will be subject 100 to 125 percent increase in the
lies, and governments. “One can to extended years of disability or elderly population during this period.8
only speculate on the precise number, whether the age of the onset of This study also suggests that recent
direction, pace, and synergistic chronic conditions is going to be post- cohorts’ marital patterns and fertility
effects of such social and demograph- poned, remain unanswered. histories will lead to an elderly popula-
ic changes for future cohorts in the tion in the future that is more likely to
U.S. population. It is even more While “accurate projections of the be living alone and less likely to have
difficult to estimate how theses mat- size, structure, and health of the el- family caregivers.
ters will be exacerbated or modified derly population are essential to plan-
by changes in the technological and ning public and private programs,”4 The future roles of individuals, fami-
legal milieus.”1 data and methodological deficiencies lies, and society with respect to the
partially limit researchers’ ability to an- older population are unknown. What
The coming growth of the elderly swer some mortality, morbidity, and is needed to educate the public about
population is inevitable, and will occur health questions regarding the elderly long-term physical and economic ef-
worldwide. In developed nations, of the future. For example, the ability fects of lifestyle in younger years?
especially, we can expect to see less to better forecast mortality for specific Who will care for the physically and
of the traditional focus on youth. Al- causes of death “will depend on im- economically dependent aged? Will
ready we are beginning to confront proving cause of death data in vital care programs take into account
impending issues and to seek statistics reports, taking into account cultural differences? Will older per-
answers to essential questions. multiple causes.”5 Models of human
5 Institute of Medicine, Forecasting Sur-
Questions have arisen, principally in 2 Government of Canada, National Advi- vival, Health, and Disability: Workshop Sum-
developed countries, pertaining to sory Council on Aging, Ethics and Aging, Ot- mary, Michael A. Stoto and Jane S. Durch
ethics and aging, such as: what are tawa, Ontario, 1993. (eds.), National Academy Press, Washington,
3 Daniel Perry, “Aging Research and Pub-
the moral and ethical limits of eutha- DC, 1993.
lic Policy in the United States,” Unpublished 6 Kenneth G. Manton, Burton H. Singer,
nasia and end of life treatments;
remarks presented to the European Federa- and Richard M. Suzman, op. cit.
should health care be provided on an tion of Pharmaceutical Industries’ Association, 7 Anthony P. Polednak, “Projected Num-
age-based rationing system; and who Salzburg, Austria, May 1993. bers of Cancers Diagnosed in the U.S. Elderly
4 Kenneth G. Manton, Burton H. Singer, Population, 1990 through 2030,” American
can judge the level of competence of
and Richard M. Suzman, “The Scientific and Journal of Public Health, Vol. 84, No. 8, 1994,
Policy Needs for Improved Health Forecasting pp. 1313-1316.
1 Richard M. Suzman, Kenneth G. Man- Models for Elderly Populations,” Chapter 1 in 8 Sheila Rafferty Zedlewski and Timothy
ton, and David P. Willis, “Introducing the Old- Forecasting the Health of Elderly Populations, D. McBride, “The Changing Profile of the El-
est Old,” Chapter 1 in The Oldest Old, R.M. Kenneth G. Manton, Burton H. Singer, and derly: Effects on Future Long-Term Care
Suzman, D.P. Willis, and K.G. Manton (eds.), Richard M. Suzman (eds.), Springer- Verlag, Needs and Financing,” The Milbank Quarterly,
Oxford University Press, New York, 1992. New York, 1993. Vol. 70, No. 2, 1992, pp. 247-275.

sons be able to pay a larger propor- tomorrow are particularly problematic likely that several factors will work
tion of the costs of their old age? to predict. For example, we cannot to reduce disability among the elderly,
What is the proper funding balance simply use the characteristics and including improved health, new forms
between research to prevent non-fatal attitudes of the current generation of service delivery, and improved
chronic illness and research to pre- of the elderly to predict future labor technology.”12 Perhaps the human
vent and treat killer diseases? For prospects for the older population. life span will be extended. It has
example, one recent simulation study The Baby-Boom generation is quite been suggested that such research
determined that reductions in arthritis different. Their health is generally will “very certainly contribute to
would result in much greater savings better, their educational attainment better health, less disability, and
in future disability than similar reduc- higher, and most women work. Their more independence in the second fifty
tions in stroke, diabetes, heart dis- attitude towards retirement may differ years of life.”13
ease, or cancer.9 and their pension plans are increas-
ingly dependent on individual con- On balance, our knowledge of the el-
This report generally describes the derly population in the United States
tributions. The age for receiving full
older population of the 1990’s. Some has increased phenomenally over the
benefits for retirement may move up-
historical trends and future projections past two decades. Regarding the fu-
ward. Each of these factors compli-
of the older population also are dis- ture elderly, their growth explosion,
cates the drawing of an accurate
cussed. Today’s older population increased diversity, and increasing
portrait of the older population’s
looks very different from the older proportion of oldest old will influence
labor force characteristics.
population of the past. The older the society of tomorrow. Our ability to
population of tomorrow will not look understand and describe the future
While we can be confident that the
the same as today’s elderly. Current elderly varies considerably, depending
United States will experience a
lifestyle choices of younger persons on their demographic, social, health,
“boom” in the absolute size and
will affect their life prospects at older or economic characteristics. Data,
growth rate of the elderly population,
ages. Looking at the characteristics methodology, and research on the
as well as increased diversity and an older population continue to improve
of younger cohorts can help to predict
increased proportion oldest old of the and evolve, leading us toward a clear-
change. Educational attainment is
total elderly population, some charac- er view of the profile of tomorrow’s el-
much higher for the Baby-Boom gen-
teristics of the elderly of tomorrow are derly. As individuals, families, and a
eration, for example, and we know
less predictable. What will happen if nation, our current and expected
that the elderly of tomorrow will have
large numbers of people have Alz- gains in understanding will provide us
higher educational attainment levels
heimer’s disease, for example? Is it with informed opportunities to make
than present-day elderly. Many
inevitable? Preventable? The contin- appropriate adjustments to effectively
predictions have been made for the
ued study of the genetic, biochemical, meet the challenges and needs asso-
Baby-Boom generation as they age,10
and physiologic aspects of aging is ciated with our aging society.
and in a few decades their character-
certain to alter the future world of the
istics will, of course, become those of
elderly. Ongoing scientific research 11 National Institutes of Health, National
the elderly. Still, health and economic
advances are beginning to identify Institute on Aging, “Older Americans Can
status characteristics of the elderly of
“the basic biological mechanisms that Expect to Live Longer and Healthier Lives,”
9 C. Boult, M. Altmann, D. Gilbertson, C. Special Report on Aging 1993, Washington,
control aging” and to clarify “the differ-
Yu, and R.L. Kane, “Disability in the 21st Cen- DC, 1993.
tury: Future Effects of Controlling Fatal and
ences between normal aging pro- 12 Charles F. Longino, Jr., “Myths of An
Nonfatal Disease,” American Journal of Public cesses and disease states.” In the Aging America,” American Demographics,
Health, under review. future, one outlook is that “older August 1994, pp. 36-42.
10 Cheryl Russell, 100 Predictions for the 13 National Institutes of Health, National
Baby Boom: The Next 50 Years, Plenum
Americans can expect to stay healthy Institute on Aging, In Search of the Secrets of
Press, New York, 1987. for more of their later years.”11 “It is Aging, Bethesda, MD, 1993.

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