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1. Interviews are conversations with _______

a) fun
b) purpose
c) friendliness
d) informality

2. A job interview is a formal meeting between a job seeker and an employer.

a) True
b) False

3. All job interviews have the same objective.

a) True
b) False

4. Which of these is not a type of interview?

a) Screening interview
b) Stress interview
c) Music interview
d) Lunch interview

5. Which of these interviews uses screening tools?

a) Stress interview
b) Screening interview
c) Group interview
d) Behavioural interview

6 In which of these, more than one candidate is interviewed?

a) The behavioural interview
b) The stress interview
c) The group interview
d) The audition

7. Which of these interviews is taken for a candidate far away?

a) Lunch interview
b) Telephone
c) Stress interview
d) Group interview

8. A job interview is usually how long?

a) 30 minutes
b) 60 minutes
c) 90 minutes
d) 100 minutes

9. Which of these is not a step in the preparation of an interview?

a) Analyzing yourself
b) Identifying your skills
c) Being negative
d) Revising your subject

10. In the preparation of an interview, which step is to research your job position?
a) Second
b) Third
c) Fourth
d) First
Explanation: In the preparation of an interview, researching your job position in the third step.
The first step is to analyze yourself followed by identifying your skills.

11. Developing the interview file is the last step in the preparation of an interview.
a) True
b) False

12. Self analysis is the first step in planning for any interview.
a) True
b) False

13. Which of these is not a step in self- analysis?

a) Analyzing background
b) Identifying accomplishments
c) Identifying achievements
d) Complaining

14. Which of these is the third aspect of self analysis?

a) Identifying achievements
b) Identifying special interests
c) Analyzing career goals
d) Identifying accomplishments

15. ______ skills are assessed in an interview.

a) Listening
b) Blabbering
c) Singing
d) Dancing

Non Verbal Communication

1. The word communication is derived from _____
a) communicare
b) comunnicare
c) comunicare
d) communnicare

2. Communicare is a _____ word.

a) French
b) Latin
c) German
d) Indian

3. Which of these is the triangle of communication?

a) ABR
b) ARD
c) ARC
d) ARS
Explanation: A triangle of communication known as the ARC triangle can be formed. Here A
stands for Affinity, R for Reality and C for Communication.

4. Which of these is the greatest means of conveying information?

a) Writing
b) Words
c) Signs
d) Pictures

5. There is a barrier to communication when words are uttered in a ______ sense.

a) negative
b) positive
c) polite
d) good

6. Personal appearance is an element of non-verbal communication.

a) True
b) False

7. Which of these is not an element of non- verbal communication?

a) Personal appearance
b) Posture
c) Eye contact
d) Name of the speaker

8. Which of these is a main element of non-verbal communication?

a) The volume of the speaker
b) Name of the speaker
c) Name of the listener
d) Age of the speaker

Dyadic Communication

1. Dyadic communication refers to an interaction between two people.

a) True
b) False

2. Which of these is the most common form of dyadic communication?

a) Conversation
b) Texting
c) Blogging
d) Writing

3. Words must not be uttered with _____

a) rudeness
b) compassion
c) respect
d) politeness
4. Which of these should be avoided in a conversation?
a) Disagreement
b) Compassion
c) Hogging
d) Discussion

5. When should the discussion in a conversation stop?

a) When it turns into an argument
b) When it is boring
c) When one person doesn’t like the other
d) When a third person joins in

6. Which of these statements is correct?

a) Continue the topic no matter what the attitude of the other person is.
b) Respect other person’s time and interest.
c) Don’t utter the name of the opposite person frequently.
d) We can use words even if have a vague understanding of it.
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7. ____ should be avoided in a conversation.

a) Standard words
b) Slang
c) Name of the other person
d) Truth

8. Which should the topic be altered?

a) When the listener’s attitude is positive
b) When you don’t like the appearance of the other person
c) When the listener likes the topic
d) When the listener’s attitude is negative

Group Discussion

1. Which of these should be avoided in an interview?

a) Clarity
b) Smile
c) Confusion
d) Confidence
2. Which of these is not a characteristic of a group personality?
a) Spirit of conformity
b) Respect for group values
c) Collective power
d) Disrespect

3. The word discuss is derived from _______

a) discutere
b) discuter
c) discutera
d) discutare

4. Which of these is not an ingredient of a discussion?

a) Purpose
b) Planning
c) Rudeness
d) Leadership
Explanation: A discussion has five ingredients. They are: purpose, planning, participation,
informality and leadership.

5. Which of these is the first ingredient in a group discussion?

a) Planning
b) Purpose
c) Informality
d) Leadership

6. Planning is the _______ ingredient of discussion.

a) first
b) second
c) third
d) fifth

7. Participation is the third ingredient of a group discussion.

a) True
b) False

8. Which of these are vital for any organisation?

a) Debates
b) Group discussions
c) Speeches
d) Arguments

9. Which of these qualities are important in a group discussion?

a) Emotional stability
b) Hostility
c) Ignorance
d) Aggressiveness

10. In a group discussion, one must communicate with ______

a) Hostility
b) Ignorance
c) knowledge
d) long sentences

11. In a group discussion, the discussion must be directed to its logical conclusion.
a) True
b) False

12. When is the worst time to break into a discussion?

a) When everyone is silent
b) When one person is talking
c) When two or three people are talking simultaneously
d) When there is less time left

13. A group discussion must advance _____

a) truth
b) dishonesty
c) Personal glory
d) arguments

14. Which of these must be avoided in a group discussion?

a) Speaking facts
b) Asking questions
c) Speaking fast
d) Speaking with clarity

15. In a group discussion, we should be _____

a) assertive
b) dominating
c) subjective
d) ignorant

16. A moderator is a monitor of a group discussion.

a) True
b) False

17. Which of these factors do not enhance listening skills?

a) Attention
b) Clear perception
c) Fakeness
d) Frankness

Body Language

1. A ______ speaker looks into the eyes of the audience.

a) confident
b) impatient
c) rude
d) impolite

2. Which of these may convey arrogance ?

a) Jointed finger tips
b) A shoulder shrug
c) A pointed finger
d) Hands swinging loosely

3. A pointed finger may be a gesture of accusation.

a) True
b) False
4. The tone of the speaker should be _____
a) loud
b) clear
c) low
d) soft

5. What is communication without words?

a) There is no communication without words
b) Non-verbal communication
c) Telepathy
d) Gestures

6. Which of the following is NOT a form of non-verbal communication?

a) Body language
b) Written communication
c) Facial expressions
d) Telepathy

7. Using your whole body to communicate is called what?

a. Miming
b. Body language
c. Sign language
d. Exuberant communication
8. Waving is what type of communication?
a. Gestures
b. Body language
c. Sign language
d. Body position

9 Facial expressions are a part of what?

a) Gestures
b) Sign language
c) Body language
d) Verbal communication

Conflict Management
1. In dual concern model the style which represents a low level of concern for both self and other
known as__________.
a) Avoiding
b) Dominating
c) Obliging
d) Compromising

2. Third party usually helps, clarifies and grounds each disputing party’s alternatives to
agreement in___________.
a) Arbitration
b) Litigation
c) Negotiation
d) Dispute

3. An interpersonal conflict in which no participant is aware of the divergence of goals, needs, or

interests is known as__________.
a) Latent conflict
b) False conflict
c) Cause of action
d) None of the given options

4. A conflict situation in which the disputants believe that when one disputant helps him/herself,
the other disputant is also helped is_______________.
a) Constructive conflict
b) Competitive conflict
c) Destructive conflict
d) Cooperative conflict

5. The first step in conflict diagnosis is to describe the______________.

a) Conflict
b) Disputant
c) Motives
d) Position

6. In interpersonal conflict the reality understood by each participant is highly__________.

a) Objective
b) Personal
c) Subjective
d) Biased

7. There is/are usually ___________ source /sources of any given conflict.

a) Single
b) Multiple
c) Sole
d) Distinct
8. One can infer attitudes and make judgments about people and things through _____________.
a) Perception
b) General attribution theory
c) Stimuli
d) Cognitive Structure

9. High levels of trust between disputants makes:

a) Negotiation more efficient
b) Disputants less responsive
c) Decrease disputant’s willingness to try to find additional ways to trust each other
d) A competitive conflict cycle more likely

10. The form of negotiation in which the negotiation is facilitated by a neutral third party is:
a) Mediation
b) Agent or advocate-assisted negotiation
c) Nonbinding evaluation
d) Arbitration

Team Work
1.All of the following increase team effectiveness except…
a) Understanding team timing
b) Ignoring ineffective team processes
c) Paying attention to team tasks
d) Developing, using and reinforcing effective group norms

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the task related functions within a team?
a. Resource acquisition and management
b. Work distribution
c. Participation
d. Commonly accepted mission

3. Which of the following is a way to increase participation?

a. Plan the meetings and share meeting agendas with people beforehand
b. Ask the leader of the group to run the meeting and talk the most.
c. Encourage everyone to talk whenever they have something to say, even if another person is
d. Point out dominating behavior to everyone.

4. A cross-functional team is composed of

a. three different project groups.
b. two supervisors along with other team members.
c. members from different departments.
d. members from the same department.

5. Which one of the following is the most likely to contribute to the effectiveness of a team?
a. team goals linked to organizational goals
b. members working independently of each other
c. traditional thinking on the part of team members
d. group size of 15 or more


1. Work attitudes can be reflected in an organization through

a) Job satisfaction
b) Organizational commitment
c) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’
d) None of the above

2. A learned pre-disposition to respond in a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner with

respect to a given object
a. Perception
b. Attitude
c. Behavior
d. personality

3. “I don’t like that company”- is ………components of attitude.

a. Affective component
b. Cognitive component
c. Intentional component
d. None of these

4. “They are the worst firm I have ever dealt with” is ………components of attitude.
a. Affective component
b. Cognitive component
c. Intentional component
d. None of these

5. “I will never do business with them again” is ………components of attitude.

a. Affective component
b. Cognitive component
c. Intentional component
d. None of these

6. Which of the following is a method of measuring attitude?

a. Opinion survey
b. Interview
c. Scaling techniques
d. All the above

1. Which of the following is/are not job related source of stress
a) Role ambiguity
b) Role overload
c) Ethical dilemmas
d) Career concerns

2. Which of the following is/are not organizational factors causing stress

a) Task demand
b) Role demand
c) Role conflict
d) Satisfaction

3. Which of the following is / are method of managing stress

a) Job relocation
b) Career counseling
c) Recreational facility
d) All the above

4. Which of the following is / are not a method of managing stress

a. Time management
b. Supervisor training
c. Role Analysis techniques (RAT)
d. Rorschach test


1. What should be your first step as a meeting leader?

a) Conduct a cost-benefit analysis.

b) Decide which type of meeting you are having.
c) Determine whether a meeting is needed.
d) Identify who will serve each role at your meeting

2. When planning your meeting agenda, you need to decide the order in which items will be
addressed. Which of the following is NOT recommended?

a) Organize the items in logical order.

b) Schedule the most important items first to make sure the group has enough time to
address critical issues.
c) Separate the items by format, for instance, separate presentations that share information
from project planning items.
d) Use chronological due dates of items to organize the agenda.

3. When is the best time to give a detailed meeting agenda to your participants?

a) One week in advance.

b) Two days in advance.
c) At the beginning of your meeting.
d) In enough time so that participants have enough time to prepare for the meeting,
but not less than 2 days.

4. Imagine you are planning a project-planning meeting for a newly formed team. Who would
you invite?

a) Only members of the project team.

b) Members of the project team and individuals with information relative to your project.
c) Members of the project team and experts on the topic of your project.
d) Members of the project team, individuals with information about the project, and
project stakeholders.

5. Which of the following is NOT a guideline to use when deciding who to invite to your

a) Make sure that all sides of an issue are represented.

b) Make sure that the individuals with all of the information needed are present.
c) Make sure that the individuals who need the information are present.
d) None of the above, all of these guidelines should be used.

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