Sand Filters Basins: What Is A Sand Filter?

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Infiltration Trenches

Sand Filters Basins

What is a Sand Filter?

A sand filter, or "filtration basin", is a stormwater quality treatment

system that works by using a two-component clarification system: the
first is a sediment forebay for settling large particles and the second is a
horizontal layer of coarse grained soil that acts as a screen.

Why use Sand Filters?

Sand filters are great for treating the quality of stormwater runoff from
large impervious surfaces such as parking lots. They can treat the water
from a drainage area of about 10 acres, making them practical for
installation on commercial facilities. Sand filters can either collect the
stormwater from a large drainage area for treatment at one centrally
located filter, or surround the perimeter of an impervious area. These
"surface sand filters" are usually constructed at grade. However, if there
are serious land constraints, underground filters can be constructed.

Picture of Surface Sand Filter

How do they manage stormwater?

Are there any other benefits to having Sand Filters?

Are there any constraints / design considerations?

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