Usage of Different Tenses

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Uses of Present Tenses

Kinds of tenses Uses of present tenses

Simple Tense  Repeated Action

 Universal truth, scientific facts, and generalization.
 Schedual events in near future by an officials or organization.
 NOW - The action is happening or not happening now.(Stative Verb)

Continuous Tense  NOW - The action is happening or not happening now.(Continuous Verb)
 Longer Action in progress now. i.e. action started in past, Still going on, and
will end up in future.
 Near future - something will happen or not.
 Repetition and irritation with the words 'Always' and 'Constantly'

Perfect Tense In Case of unspecified time.

 Achievement
 Change Over Time
 Expected action that has not completed
 Series of action occured in Past and expected in future also.
 Experience

Duration of time (Stative Verb)

Perfect continuous Tense  Duration of time: From past till now(Continuous Verb).
 Use of Recently, Lately (Without Duration)

Uses of Past Tenses

Kinds of Tenses Uses of tenses

Simple Tense  Repeated Actions in Past.

 Past Facts, and generalizations.
 A Completed action in past.
 A series of completed actions in past.
 Duration in past.

Continuous Tense  Longer Action interrupted by shorter action in past.

 Action interrupted by specific time.
 Parallel Actions.
 Series of Parallel Actions that describe atmosphere.
 Repetition and Irritation with 'Always'.
Perfect Tense  Lack of experience
 Somthing else happned/occured before another action in the past.
 Duration before another action in the past.(Stative Verb)
 Specific time 'before' and 'after'.

Perfect Continuous Tense  Duration before somthing else happned in the past.(Continuous Verb)
 Cause and effect in the past.

Uses of Future Tenses

Kinds of tenses Uses of future tenses

Simple Tense In case of form WILL

 use for voluntary action.

 use for Promise.
 use for perdiction

In case of form 'be going to'

 use for Plan

 Also use for perdiction

Continuous Tense  Longer Action interrupted by shorter action in future.

 Action interrupted by specific time in future.
 Parallel actions in future
 Series of parallel actions that describe atmosphere in future

Perfect Tense  Action will be completed before another action in future.

 Duration of action before another action in future. (Stative Verb).

Pefect Continuous Tense  Duration of action before another action in future. (Continuous Verb).
 Cause and effect in future.

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