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The following text is for questions 16 and 17.

March 20, 2016

Personal Director
PT Citra Anggara

Dear Sir/Madam:
I read the Kabari Post dated March 19, which stated that your company
needs a finance manager. I graduated from a reputable university in
Jakarta and was awarded a bachelor’s degree by the Economics Faculty. I
believe that my educational background is suitable for the position.
I am hard-working and will always be responsible for my job. Since I
graduated from university, I have had many work experiences, from
general staff to finance manager. Recently, I have worked for three years
as a finance manager in a construction company in Jakarta. However, I
have to move here due to my marriage.
I have enclose my curriculum vitae and I would welcome an interview with
you. I’m ready to be interviewed anytime. Thank you for your
Yours sincerely,

How Wulandari
did Anita know about the job vacancy?
A. By browsing the Internet.
B. Someone told her about it.
C. By reading a magazine .
D. By reading a newspaper.
E. By visiting a job fair.
17. Why does Anita move to Batam?
A. She intends to have more experiences.
B. She follows her husband.
C. She follows her parents.
D. She intends to have a higher position.
E. She intends to work in a big company.
These easy-to-care, long-lasting chairs are made from high-quality rattan.
Elegant enough for the interior of your house.
Can be used for your verandah, family room even garden.

 Environmentally friendly

 High tensile strength

 Comfortable

 3 Years Guarantee

Order now and get special prices during this week’s fair!

CV Agung Kencana
Jl. Monginsidi No. 45 Yogyakarta
0274 - 44443333

18. How many years does the company guarantee its product?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five
19. From the text we know that __________.
A. the product is made of wood
B. the product needs special treatment
C. the product is not safe for the environment
D. people may find the advertisement at a fair
E. people can get special prices after the fair was over
The following text is for questions 20 to 22.
On Thursday morning, Mount Sinabung erupted. The eruption occurred at 6:57 a.m. and
the ashes spewed to 7,000 meters high. The eruption made thousands of people leave their homes
in Tanah Karo, North Sumatra. It was not the only eruption of the day. The eruption occurred
again at 11:54 a.m. with the ashes spewing up to 5,00 meters high.
Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, National Disaster Mitigations Agency (BNBP) spokesman, said,
“Ther have been no fatalities during the eruptions. However, the volcanic activities of Mount
Sinabung remains high. There is still potential for further eruptions.”
In addition, Sutopo stated that 5,535 people from eight villages have left their homes and
are continued to be highly unstable and from the past few weeks it erupted at regular intervals of
Mount Sinabung’s eruptions in the recent weeks had bad impacts on farming areas. The
thick layers of volcanic residue have damaged crops. Lettuce, tomatoes, chilies, peppers, cabbage ,
potatoes and oranges have been affected by the eruptions.
Adapted from://
crops (November 20, 2013)
20. What the main idea of paragraph 4?
A. The time of Mount Sinabung’s eruption.
B. The bad impacts of Mount Sinabung’s eruptions on farming.
C. The number of people who have been evacuated.
D. The time intervals of Mount Sinabung’s eruption.
E. The volcanic activities of Mount Sinabung.
21. Sutopo stated that __________.
A. the volcano remains stable
B. people from ten villages have left their homes
C. the eruption on Thursday was the biggest eruption
D. several people were killed during the eruption
E. there may be further eruptions
22. “… no fatalities during the eruption.” (Paragraph 2)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Deaths.
B. Injuries.
C. Destruction.
D. Panic.
E. Loss.
The following text is for questions 23 to 25.
Three Monash researschers, Dr. Karen Kartomi Thomas, her mother Professor Margaret
Kartomi and her daughter Jesse Thomas, have researched Indonesian music and theater. They
conducted an ethnographic theater-based research in Riau.
Dr. Thomas said, “It is usual to have three generations of researchers in one family, but to
have three with interest in the same field region is very unusual. We have all grown to love
Indonesian cultures. We combine this interest into collaborative research projects.”
The researcher’ work is continuing Dr. Thomas’ original fieldwork on the little-known
theater art form of mendu in Riau Islands which began in 1984. Professor Kartomi studied the
music, while Jesse made videos and sound recordings of all performances and rehearsals.
Due to the research, the Governor of Riau Island invented Dr. Thomas to come to
Tanjungpinang, the capital of Riau Islands, to present a research paper at the First International
Seminar on Malay Culture and Arts. During the seminar, Dr. Thomas spoke about the mendu
performance in the northern Natuna archipelago and Riau Islands.
Dr. Thomas has also been invented to collaborate with a well-known local scholar and a
team of Indonesian fieldworkers to conduct a comprehensive research survey. They intend to
survey the performance aspects and social function of mendu in villages in the coming year.
Adapted from:
three-generations-of-researchers/ (November 20,2013)
23. The Monash researchers did a research about __________ .
A. Indonesian ethnics
B. Indonesian archipelago
C. isolated areas in Indonesia
D. Indonesian livelihood, especially in Riau Islands
E. Indonesian music and theater, especially in Riau Islands
24. According to Dr. Thomas, what is special about a research?
A. It began in 1984.
B. It was done by university researchers.
C. It was done by three generations of a family.
D. It was about a little-known theater performance.
E. It was an ethnographic theater-based research.
25. What did Professor Kartomi do during the research?
A. Studied the music.
B. Recorded the sound.
C. Made the video of all performances.
D. Studied the social function of the performance.
E. Studied the performance aspects.
The following text is for questions 26 to 28.
Last week Rico and his family went to their old hometown. It had been a long time since
Rico’s grandpa passed away and Rico’s family moved to Denpasar, without visiting the town.
Their old house was kept by Rico’s uncle. He was sick and Rico’s family intended to visit him.
Entering the town, Rico could feel the hot weather of the town, hotter than several years
ago. Arriving at their old house, Rico asked for his parents’ permission to walk around the town.
He passed the town park and it was quite different. Rico didn’t see a small bench at the corner of
the park where he often sat and chatted with his friends. His memories returned and he
remembered the days he often spent time in the park, together with his best friend, Adit.
Rico walked around the park. Passing the western part of the park, Rico saw several
vendors selling traditional food and drinks. His eyes stuck on an old man who was serving a
customers. The old man’s face reminded Rico of Adit. Yes, he remembered! The man was Adit’s
Soon Rico approached the man and ordered dawet, a traditional drink he was selling.
While enjoying the dawet, Rico opened a conversation with the man. The old man furrowed his
forehand when Rico asked him about Adit. Then Rico told him who he was, Adit’s best friend
when they were children. The man smiled and hugged Rico. He said that Adit also missed Rico
very much.
Suddenly, a handsome boy appeared. He was Adit! Rico was very happy and hugged him.
Finally, they spent the rest of the day together.
26. What is the text about?
A. Rico’s visit to his uncle’s home.
B. Rico’s visit to his old hometown.
C. Rico’s best friend.
D. Rico’s memories.
E. Rico’s holiday.
27. Who kept Rico’s old house?
A. His uncle.
B. His parents.
C. His grandfather.
D. Adit’s father.
E. Adit.
28. What did Adit’s father do?
A. A farmer.
B. A breeder.
C. A janitor.
D. A vendor.
E. A security officer.
The following text is for questions 29 to 31.
Lungs are very important. Our right and left lungs seem to breathe by themselves. When
we breathe in, our lungs are being pulled outwards by muscles in our chest. To breathe out, the
muscles squeeze your chest in again. They push the air out of our lungs.
Now, let’s see how lungs work. When we breathe in, each alveolus fills up with air and
takes oxygen from it. The oxygen molecules pass through tiny holes in the alveolus, into the blood
vessels around it. These blood vessels are so small and only one blood cell can go down them at a
time. Each blood cell picks up a load of oxygen as it goes past.
In return, our blood cells drop off waste for the lungs to rid of. This is mainly carbon
dioxide, the waste gas made by our cells as they work. It floats from the blood vessels into alveoli
and up the bronchioles and comes out in your breath.
Adapted from: A. Claybourne, The Usborne Internet-Linked Complete Book of the Human Body,
London, Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2003.
29. What is the text about?
A. Parts of our lungs.
B. How muscles work.
C. How lungs work.
D. How we breathe in.
E. How we breathe out.
30. What does each alveolus fill up with when we breathe in?
A. Air.
B. Oxygen.
C. Carbon dioxide.
D. A blood cell.
E. Blood.
31. From the text we know that __________ .
A. oxygen floats from blood vessels into alveoli
B. oxygen molecules pass through large holes in the alveolus
C. our blood cells drop off carbon dioxide as waste gas as they work
D. more than one blood cell can go down blood vessels at a time
E. each alveolus takes carbon from the air when we breathe in
This text is for questions 32 to 34
Steven Fletcher says his Sunderland team-mates remain upbeat despite their lowly
Premier League position and are adapting to manager Sam Allardyce’s methods as they
prepare to face Crystal Palace on Monday Night Football.
The black cats pulled off a top-flight escape under Dick Advocaat last season but have
found themselves right back in a relegation zone and are currently 19th in the table with 6
points. However, despite a change in manager early on, Fletcher has said that morale has not
dipped among the players despite their current poor form.
“The mood has always been good because we have got an excellent bunch of lads and
we’ve got a few jokers in the team who keep the boys upbeat,” the striker told Sky Sports a
head of the Selhurst Park clash.
“You need that because we’re in a bad position and we need to get out of it and if the
morale is good, then that’s half the battle.”
Allardyce took charge at the start of October but despite overseeing just one win-albeit
against local rivals Newcastle United-Fletcher says the squad is now getting used to a new
“The new gaffer’s putting his ways across and the boys are slowly coming into it,”
Fletcher added.
Fletcher has scored three goals in his last two visits to Seihurst Park-including a brace in
last season’s 3-1 victory and the Scotland international admits he takes inspiration from 10th
placed Palace, who were sat in the relegation zone when the sides met last season.
32. According to the text, what is Sunderland’s problem in the Premier League?
A. It lost its best player
B. It lost its influential manager
C. It has an internal conflict
D. It has not scored goals
E. It has a low position
33. Who would probably be very keen on reading such a text?
A. Football supporters
B. Basketball lovers
C. Music lovers
D. Art lovers
E. Football managers
34. What positive value can readers learn from the news?
A. Fair play
B. Good moral
C. Fighting spirit
D. Realistic
E. Solidity
This text is for questions 35 to 37
There once was a poor old widow with a son. One day mother said. “Son, go to
outside cellar and bring in the last of the flour, so I can make a bread.”
The boy did as his mother asked and took a bowl to carry the flour from the cellar
into the house. As he left the cellar, the north wind blew the bowl. Flour went all over the
boy’s face and across the countryside.
The boy thought the North Wind would correct the bad deed. He walked until he
found the house of the North Wind. “Good day,” said the boy. “I know you were only
playing a trick, but my mother and I are poor. You blew away the last of our flour and we
are hungry.”
The North wind apologized to the boy and gave him a special cloth, “Take this.
Put it over a table and say the words, “Spread, cloth, spread”, You will never be without
food again.”
The boy thanked the North Wind and carried the cloth under his arm. He had
walked a long way and stopped at an inn for the night. “How will you pay?” asked the
innkeeper. “You say you have no money for food or for a bed!”
The boy placed the cloth over a table and said, “Spread, cloth spread!” The table
was suddenly covered with delicious food and drinks.
Then, the innkeeper gave the boy a room of his own. During the night, he crept
into the boy’s room and traded a table cloth that look exactly like the boy’s magic cloth.
The next morning, the boy went home to his mother. He told her their good fortune and
laid the cloth over the table. “Spread, cloth, spread, “said the boy. However, nothing
happened and he decided to go back to the North wind again.
Arriving at the North wind’s house, the boy told it what had happened. Then,
North wind replied, “I will give you an item much better. This stick will solve your
problem. When you say the words, ‘Beat, stick, beat!” the stick will do what needs to be
done. Say ‘stop. Stick, stop’, when you want it to quit.”
The boy thanked the North wind and travelled towards home. He again stopped at
the inn. The innkeeper fed the boy and gave him a room of his own. Late that night, he
came into the boy’s room with a stick, to trade it for the one belonging to the boy. This
time the boy woke up and yelled, “Beat, stick, beat!”
The stick flew into the air and started hitting the innkeeper. It hit him again and
again until he apologized and promised to give the boy’s cloth back. Then, the boy said,
“Stop, stick, stop,” and the stick stopped hitting the innkeeper.
35. How did the North wind play a trick on the boy?
A. It hit him using a stick
B. It covered the food with a cloth
C. It exchanged the cloth for a false one
D. It exchanges the stick for a false one
E. It blew the boy’s bowl until the flour went all over his face
36. What was the innkeeper like?
A. He was smart
B. He was envious
C. He was tricky
D. He was stingy
E. He was kindhearted
37. What can we learn from the story?
A. Telling a lie will run oneself
B. Strangers are harmful as friends
C. Bad deeds receive bad rewards
D. Playing tricks will avoid one’s fortune
E. Clarification is needed for misunderstandings
This text is for questions 38 to 40
The debate on the relevance of a monarchy will remain a contentious issue
between proponents and opponents.
On its proponents, monarchy is efficient as it doesn’t incur election in this type of
government. The government doesn’t need to prepare money for an election.
Besides, succession is smooth sailing. In a monarchy government, sovereign is
passed on to a successor until he/she dies. This method of turnover of power is more
peaceful and less complicated, compared to the election of president in democracy
Then, monarchies are usually revered by the people under the king’s power. With
the long history passed on to the reigning monarch, people usually have the respect for
their king or queen and it is a great way to have unity in the nation.
On its opponents, there is only one person or family in controlling the country,
leaving people’s voice. Not all successors are competent in handling the government, but
the public is not given freedom to meddle with making and implementing laws.
Moreover, not all the successors are competent if the monarch is a bad person,
people have no way to and his/her wrong doings. If a monarch is oppressive, nothing can
be done about it.
In conclusion, monarchy as a type of government can be applied. However,
people’s voice should also be noticed.
38. What is the text about?
A. A monarchy government
B. Leadership in a monarchy government
C. Advantages of a monarchy government
D. Disadvantages of a monarchy government
E. Pros and cons of a monarchy government
39. How long does a king rule his kingdom in a monarchy government?
A. For four years
B. For five years
C. During his life
D. Everlasting
E. Temporarily
40. How is people’s freedom to speak in a monarchy government, compared to a democratic
A. It is easy
B. It is unlimited
C. It is excessive
D. It is limited
E. It is exclusive
The text is for questions 41 to 43
Have you ever heard of Nieves Penitentes, or simply Penitentes? They are natural
phenomena when snow grows into spectacular narrow blades of ice up to several metres high.
Penitentes can be found on very high attitude glaciers when the air is dry, such as the Andes
Penitentes take the form of tall thin spikes or blades of hardened snow or ice. The
blades usually are oriented towards the sun. They usually form in dusters and range from a few
centimetres for 2 metres high, but Penitentes as high as 5 metres has been recorded. These
pinnacles of snow or ice grow over all glaciated and snow covered areas in the dry Andes above
4.000 metres. Penitentes are a common sight in the regions between Argentina and Chile.
Penitentes were first described in the literature of Darwin in 1839. On 22nd March
1835, he had to squeeze his way through snowfields covered in Penitentes near the Piuquenes
Pass, on the way from Santiago de Chile to the Argentinian city of Mendoza.
41. The text is mainly about….
A. the general fact about Penitentes
B. the characteristics of Penitentes
C. The spectacular sight of Penitentes
D. Penitentes found in the Andes Mountain
E. The record about the Penitentes found
42. According to the text, it can be concluded that………..
A. penitentes come in cube forms
B. penitentes always head towards the sun
C. penitentes formed can’t be higher than 2 metres
D. penitentes is impossible to occur in hot and areas
E. penitentes are formed at a distance from one another
43. Darwin was the first scientist who……….Penitentes in a written form.
A. observed
B. examined
C. explained
D. explored
E. recorded
Questions 44 to 46, complete the following text with the words provided!
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the
room of 200, he asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?” Hands started going up.
He said, “I am going to give this $20 bill to one of you but first, let me do this,
“He (44)…… crumple the dollar bill. He then asked, “who still wants it?” Still the hands were
held up.
“Well, “he replied, “What if I do this?” He dropped the bill on the ground and
started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty, Now
who still wants it?” Still the hands were up.
My friends, all of you have learned a very (45)…………….lesson. No matter
what I did to the money. You still wanted it because it is worth $20. Many times in our lives, we
are dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances
that come our way. We feel (46)………..we are worthless. However, no matter what has
happened of what will happen, you will never lose your value. You are special. Don’t ever forget
44. A. decided
B. attempted
C. proceeded
D. intended
E. performed
45. A. Urgent
B. serious
C. reasonable
D. Intended
E. performed
46. A. urgent
B. serious
C. reasonable
D. insignificant
E. valuable
This text is for questions 47 to 48

Based on the meeting of the board of directors, there will be a

structural change in the board of directors and managers, effective from
1st January 2016. It is expected that the change will make our company
better. Despite of the change in management, we will still maintain our
slogan to give best service to the customers and pay attention to
employees’ welfare. Promotions are always open for all the employees.
Let’s work hand in hand and do our best for the company.

David Prakosa


47. Where do readers probably read such a text?

A. at school
B. in a restaurant
C. in a shopping center
D. in a company
E. in a store
48. When is the announcement issued?
A. at mid-year
B. at the end of 2016
C. before the meeting of the board of directors
D. During the meeting of the board of directors
E. After the meeting of the board of directors

This text is for questions 49 to 50

Golden tour and travel agency

We provide:
- Ticketing and booking air, railway and car rental services
- Hotel booking
- Itinerary planning
- Business trip
- Seminar – conference booking
- Social Tour Services – Honey moon Package, pilgrimage
- Package tours-Domestic and International
- Visa Assistance
- Travel Insurance
Office : Jl. Pelangi no 46 Balikpapan
Phone : (0542) 445556661 and (0542) 455566672

49. From the text, we know that the agency……..

A. only provides overseas trips
B. organizes a wedding party
C. helps us make our trip plans
D. facilitates a meeting appointment
E. conducts a seminar program

50. What should you do to get further information about the services offered, cheapest and
A. Visit the agency office in Balikpapan
B. Surf the agency website
C. Contact the agency by phone
D. Send a letter to the agency
E. Talk to the agency staff face to face

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