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Sexual Violence in the Armed Conflict

Sexual violence in the armed conflict has a long history; it can be traced back as
long as war can be traced. Rape is used as a weapon to suppress a revolution and
humiliate the army of another country. It is an inevitable evil military men and
‘money bees’ that need ‘comfort girls’. Women are treated as commodities,
exported, enslaved in brothels and force to play as ‘comfort girls’. Military use
rapes as strategy to create fear, commit reprisal. There are many reasons as to why
sexual violence is still a part of the armed conflict. International humanitarian law
and human rights law explicitly prohibits all forms of sexual violence. Rapes are
done to displace the population from a region. People from specific population
group are targeted based upon their ethnicity. Sexual violence has grave effect on
health, both physical and psychological. This can include influence with diseases
like, HIV/ AIDS. The majority of victims are women and girls, men and boys are
also targeted. Victims of sexual violence have little or no access to medical help
and counseling. The victims often do not report the sexual violence committed
against them. They have fear of being stigmatized. In many countries, girls and
women are abducted and are being force live as sex slaves. They are brutally killed
by military personnel. At the time of Second World War military of Japan killed
many women and girls were brutally killed in the middle of the road.

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