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 Datacom Solutions Private Limited (Datacom) is the Telecom Flagship Company of

the Videocon Group. Datacom plans to launch its services from Tamilnadu and
expanding to other circles providing pan India GSM services by end of 2009.
 Datacom plans to capture the customer base to over 15 million within 3 years of starting
operations. To achieve its objective of becoming the most successful new entrant into the
market, the company is currently in the process of setting up the IT infrastructure to
support the roll out and operations of the GSM network in order to provide quality
services to its customers.
Business process, rules and scenarios- journal and ledger
 IBM-Global Business Services has carried out workshops to understand the Journal
process flows. The scope of this document is to understand the process flows, business
rules and exception handling mechanism involved in the Journal Process.
This gives a process overview and provides details under the following heads -
 Process Map – Process maps describe the series of activities that are carried out within
the boundaries of the process description. Process Maps, in this document, are formulated
based on the IDEF Process Mapping Methodology.
 Process Descriptions – This section describes each of the activities depicted in the
process map in further detail. The Process Description incorporates the standard
operating procedure for an activity. Post high level solutioning the same shall also depict
if the activity is manual / system enabled / automated.
 Business Scenarios and Rules – This section captures the alternate scenarios that arise
for a particular Business process. The flows for the variations have also been captured.
Business Rules and policies pertaining to certain process flows are also captured at
relevant sections.
 Exception Scenarios – The document captures all the scenarios for exceptions to the
process, where applicable.
Business Process, Rules and Scenarios - PREPAID_ERP
 IBM-Global Business Services has carried out workshops to understand the business
and process flows related to Starter Kits, Recharge Vouchers and ETOPUP which form
the main components of the Prepaid Services from the ERP perspective. The scope of this
is to understand the business process.
The gives a process overview and provides details under the following heads -
 Process Map – Process maps describe the series of activities that are carried out within
the boundaries of the process description. Process Maps, in this document, are formulated
based on the IDEF Process Mapping Methodology.
 Process Descriptions – This section describes each of the activities depicted in the
process map in further detail. The process details incorporate the standard operating
procedure for an activity. Post high level solutioning the same shall also depict if the
activity is manual / system enabled / automated.
 Business Scenarios and Rules – This section captures the alternate scenarios that arise
for a particular Business process. The flows for the variations have also been captured.
Business Rules and policies pertaining to certain process flows are also captured at
relevant sections.
 Exception Scenarios – This captures all the scenarios for exceptions to the process,
where applicable.
 Additional Functional Requirements – This section captures the specific system
functionalities asked for, in addition to the other business requirements in the mentioned
Business Processes.
 Other Scenarios – Further, some of the scenarios involving the customer creation
process and sales return process are captured and elaborated separately in this.
 Reporting Requirements – Covered in each section separately.

 Journaling and General Ledger accumulate financial transactions into data that can be
handled by accounting and bookkeeping departments, and which is reported to the
General Ledger.

Process Map

 The AR component has a batch Journal Extract process that extracts all the financial
activities that were posted to the system (and were not reported to G/L from the last
Journaling Process run), and extracts these activities, with all the relevant information
that will be required for the Journaling process.
 Journal Analyze handles the Journal Extract file that was produced by the Journal Extract
process, and for each financial transaction, it assigns logical accounts based on the
qualification rules defined during the implementation phase. For each logical account, the
relevant breakdown attributes are needed, and attached to the activity. The process
produces the Journal Analyze file.
 Journal Accumulation process performs G/L accumulation of similar G/L transactions. If
there are similar G/L transactions (same logical account (GL code) and same breakdown
fields), the activities are summed. For the accumulated transaction, the process will map
to the relevant G/L physical account (GL code).
GL Entry
 The AR component will provide flexibility for mapping financial transactions to various
GL codes (defined by implementation). Even single financial activity, such as invoice or
credit may be broken to the charge level and therefore will have multiple G/L
transactions sent to oracle each containing different G/L physical account.
 GL feed is required in Oracle specific format on circle wise basis. There should be
control total with of number of records and total amount should come as file header at file
level and batch level and total of all the detail lines of a batch should tally with batch
control total and total of all the detail lines in a file should tally with total of file header.
 The AR component will report every immediate financial activity that affects the account
balance to the transaction log which, as part of end-of-day processing, is reported to the
G/L module.
 When a bill cycle is confirmed, all pending transactions and all the charges that are
billed, also generate transaction log entries and are reported to G/L at the end-of-day. The
financial activities that are part of G/L reporting are:
 Invoice
 Payment
 Backout
 Fund transfer from
 Fund transfer to
 Credit (all levels – account, invoice and charge)
 Credit Reversal
 Refund
 Refund Reversal
 Deposit Creation
 Deposit Release
 Deposit Cancel
 Dishonored Check
 Dispute Creation
 Dispute Cancel
 Dispute Justify
 Dispute Reject
 Write Off
 Write Off Reversal
 AR component provides flexibility to run G/L process on required basis for more than
once in a day. It provides an extract that has accumulated financial data at G/L code level
to Oracle.

 GL information is provided in csv format on circle wise basis.

Categorization of Customers in terms of Journalizing

 System will support Customer base can be categorized in journaling based on account
categories by defining break down rules at account category level.
 Different G/L codes for revenue/owning can be defined and financial transactions can be
mapped to these codes based on qualification and break down rules that are configurable

Revenue streams

Postpaid Airtime Local- Datacom to Datacom

Local- Datacom to Other GSM
Local- Datacom to WLL
Local- Datacom to Fixed Line
National- Datacom to Datacom
National- Datacom to Others
International- Datacom
Postpaid VCC (Virtual calling cards)
CUG (Closed user Group)
Toll free numbers
Airtime Discounts (waivers)
Billing Adjustments
Rentals Bill Plan rentals
Topping Rentals, e.g. F&F, M to M, Night speak,
happy hours
Network Promise Bonus
Rental Waivers
Rentals billing adjustments
Roaming Rentals Roaming rentals- Intl - Postpaid
    Roaming rentals- Intl waivers
Roaming Tap in &
Tap Out National Roaming- Tap in Datacom to Datacom
National Roaming- Tap in Other Operators
International Roaming- Tap in Other Operators-
National Roaming- Tap in Dual IMSI
International Roaming- Tap in Dual IMSI
Billing adjustments to Subscribers
National Roaming- Tap out - Datacom to Datacom
National Roaming- Tap out - Datacom to non
International Roaming- Tap out
Roaming SMS Postpaid
Roaming Surcharge - Tap in Mark up -
Roaming Surcharge International - Direct
Roaming Surcharge - Tap in Mark-up -
International - DUAL IMSI
Roaming Surcharge - Roaming Surcharge Billing
Roaming call Roaming Call Forward (RCF) INCOMING -
Forward International
Roaming Call Forward (RCF) INCOMING - IBR
VAS SMS Contract Local
Billing adjustments
  SMS Rentals (subscription based services)
Enhanced SMS P to A
  Bulk SMS
VMS VMS usage/ billing Adjustments/ Fixed charges
CLI charges/ Billing adjustments/ CLI Restriction
CLI rentals
GPRS Rentals/ Usage/ discounts & waivers
MMS MMS usage/ billing Adjustments/ Fixed charges
Ring Back tones/
Hello tunes Download/ Subscription/ Usage
Black Berry Rentals
Other VAS Revenue VAS Revenue-Contract Itemized Billing
VAS Revenue-Contract Call Forward
VAS Revenue- Contract others
SMS Terminating
Revenue Local/ National/ International
Postpaid Revenue Local- GSM to Datacom
Local- Fixed Line to Datacom
National- Datacom NLDO to Datacom
National- NLDO to Datacom
International- ILDO to Datacom
International- SMS Terminating Revenue
Revenue   Activation Revenue- Postpaid
Activation Revenue- Billing adjustments
Bill plan charges/ Premium numbers/ Late
payment charges/ Bounced cheque charges/ SIM
replacement / Reactivation/ WAP Charges,/
Other Charges   Loyalty Points(if applicable) etc.

 System Enabled. We may define different charge codes for different services. Set of/each
charge code(s) can be mapped to a different GL code for journaling.
Asset Receivables

Subscribers Subscribers Control account – Billed

Subscribers Control account – Unbilled
Prepaid Negative Balance Receivable A/c
Collection Subscriber Control A/c - Cash collection
Subscriber Control A/c-Cheque collection
Subscriber Control A/c-Credit Card collection
Subscriber Control A/c-ECS / SI / Net- banking
Subscriber Control A/c-Security Deposit adjustments
Subscriber Control A/c-Intercircle collections
Subscriber Control A/c-eRecharge Collections
Subscribers Control account-Collection through
Unidentified Receipts Unidentified Receipts-Postpaid Sale

Unapplied Receipts Unapplied Receipts – Postpaid

Unapplied Receipts – Others
Unapplied Receipts – On Account
 System Enabled. Break down fields can be defined to map payments to GL accounts
based on instrument type and payment source.
 All unidentified payments are posted to Exceptional Control Account.

Security Deposits Security Deposit Subscribers – Local

Security Deposit Subscribers – STD
Security Deposit Subscribers - ISD
Security Deposit Subscribers - Membership Fees
Security Deposit Subscribers-Roaming - International
Security Deposit Subscribers - Corporate Deposit
Security Deposit Subscribers - PCO
Security Deposit Subscribers - ILD
Advance Revenue - Mobile
Postpaid Post Paid Advance Revenue-Bill Plan Rental
Post Paid Advance Revenue-Upfront Fee
Post Paid Advance Revenue-VAS Rental
Post Paid Advance Revenue - Roaming Rental
Service tax payable Service Tax payable Account-Billing
Service Tax payable Account-Recharge Coupons
Service Tax payable Account-Roaming
Service Tax on Inroamers
Service Tax On payable Account-UC
Service Tax reversed on Bad Debts Written off
  Service Tax Payable - Exempt Services_8%

Surcharge (field can be blank if

Surcharge not applicable) Surcharge-Billing
Surcharge -Recharge Coupons
Surcharge –Roaming
Surcharge- In Inroamers
Surcharge –IUC
Surcharge on Bad Debts Written off
Surcharge - Exempt Services_8%

Education Cess Education Cess-Billing

Education Cess-Recharge Coupons
Education Cess-Roaming
Education Cess- In Inroamers
Education Cess –IUC
Education Cess on Bad Debts Written off
Education Cess - Exempt Services_8%

Higher Education Cess Higher Education Cess-Billing

Higher Education Cess-Recharge Coupons
Higher Education Cess-Roaming
Higher Education Cess- In Inroamers
Higher Education Cess –IUC
Higher Education Cess on Bad Debts Written off
Higher Education Cess - Exempt Services_8%

Local Taxes (field can be blank

if local tax not applicable) Local Tax-Billing
Local Tax -Recharge Coupons
Local Tax –Roaming
Local Tax - In Inroamers
Local Tax –IUC
Local Tax on Bad Debts Written off
Local Tax - Exempt Services_8%

Sales Taxes (field can be blank

if Sales tax not applicable) Sales Tax-Billing
Sales Tax -Recharge Coupons
Sales Tax -Roaming
Sales Tax - In Inroamers
Sales Tax –IUC
Sales Tax on Bad Debts Written off
Sales Tax - Exempt Services_8%

 System Enabled. Break down rules can be configured to map different security deposits,
rentals and tax to different GL codes.
Audit Trail for G/L transactions

 The AR component maintains detailed GL information. This provides audit trail for G/L
posting down to the transaction level.
 Subscriber wise details (mentioning the bill cycle too) will be required for each GL feed
as a document support for entries in ERP through GL feed. These details are available in
data base and using Extract Tool, data can be extracted by account in excel readable

Unbilled revenue report

 The Earned Unbilled Revenue reports are produced on a monthly basis. The data is
summed and mapped into physical accounts according to General Ledger rules.
 The following flow depicts the report production:
 Figure 2-1: Figure Report Production Flow

Extract UB
UB Report

 Unbilled OC data relevant to the current calendar month is extracted from Amdocs
Invoicing and Unbilled UC is extracted from Rater.
 The files are sent to Amdocs Accounts Receivable. The GL processes are activated with
the Rater and Invoicing input files. The GL groups and maps the data into the GL table
according to the GL rules defined in the implementation stage.
 An extract process extracts the unbilled information at the end of the month in CSV
 While calculating unbilled usage, recurring charges and one time charges, all discounts
allowances & loyalty points, whether on real time basis (callable) or on billing basis,
should have been factored. Objective is to book the net revenue accruing to the company.
The unbilled usage charges considered for Journaling are including event discounts.

Billed Unearned Revenue

 The A/R component will report as part of end-of-month reporting, deferred revenue
transactions for billed recurring charges (including discounts) and credits (adjustments)
that their coverage period end date is in the future. Therefore portion of these transactions
are considered billed but not earned.
 Ex: The charge and credit transactions in the system.

Coverage Coverage End Revenue Charge

Amount Start Date Date Code Type
300 16/04/2008 15/05/2008 RC DBT
-30 16/04/2008 15/05/2008 RC CRD

 The journalized data would be like below where journal calendar month end is

. Credit Debit Coverage Start Coverage End Logical

ID Amount Amount Date Date Account
1 300 30 16/04/2008 15/05/2008 Total
2 150 15 30/04/2008 15/05/2008 Billed
 Ageing report is required for Debtors. All subscribers with any outstanding amount will
be considered as debtor. Format of the report will be as follows:

Security 0-30 30-60 60-90 90- 240-270 >270

deposit B1 120
B2 B3 B9 B10
amount B4




Sum Xxx Yyy Zzz

 Buckets should be configurable. Total Security Deposit amount against each customer
account along with breakup i.e. ISD Security Deposit, Intl. Roaming security deposit etc..
Above report should also include Secured debtors & unsecured debtors.
 All the Interfacing GL fees is required in readable excel report format on periodic basis,
available before the end of the month also
 Subscriber related general information and security deposits details like date and month
of deposits etc is also required.
Requirement Feasibility
Sl. Assessmen
No. t Date Feasibility Comment
Daily earned and unearned rental (daily 12/10/2009
prorated RC) + unbilled usage updates to Not supported in product
1 external GL
User should be able to extract the report for 20/10/2009
unbilled transactions, during the month also, The product supports journalizing
starting from 1st calendar day to date of unbilled transactions at end of month
extraction or date mentioned for reports and only.
2 on adhoc basis
Unapplied Receipts 20/10/2009 Not supported in product

 The “Startup Kit process” will include processes related to startup kit component
procurement, kitting, distribution, payment, receipts and return processes. This section
covers the processes under all such scenarios.
 The Startup Kit process can be broadly divided into three high level processes
1. Procurement, Receipt and Payment
2. Pairing and Kitting
3. Distribution and Activation.
 A high level process flow diagram is shown below:
Startup Kit components procurement & payment process
 The procurement of the components for startup kit is explained in the following flow

Process Step Description

Demand planning Input: Market research/ Sales history
for SIM packs
- The Marketing team will create monthly projections for prepaid services
(starter packs and re-charge vouchers) and send it to SCM.
Output: Demand Plan
Create Purchase Inputs: Demand for SIM packs from the Marketing and SIM
Requisitions for series information from Technical Team
Starter Kit Process:
Components based - Based on <monthly> demand, Marketing will create a purchase
on projected requisition for SIM components.
demand - Purchase requisition to be created on the SIMs for the desired quantity
and for the respective circles. Each circle to have a separate purchase
- One purchase requisition for <each month> for each circle.
- Purchase requisition approval process (if required).
Output: Approved Purchase Requisition
Create Purchase Input: Approved Purchase Requisition
Orders based on Process:
Purchase - SCM reviews approved purchase requisitions.
Agreements with - SCM will create a purchase order for the approved
Vendor purchase requisition against purchase agreement with
- Purchase order approval process (if required).
- Purchase order communicated to the vendor along with
SIM series information
Output: Approved Purchase Order
Create GRN for Input: Approved Purchase Order & Physical Material Receipt
the components Process:
received at the - Marketing does an inspection at the vendor location on the components
Warehouse before the shipment to Datacom warehouse.
(Kitting facility) - Vendor SIM file with SIM details such as (PIN Nos., PUK
Nos., etc) is sent by vendor in advance
- SCM/ CSD loads the Vendor SIM file into the Subscriber
Resource Management (SRM) system
- Once material is received at Datacom, the Goods Receipt
Note (GRN) will be created on physical verification of quantity received.
Output: GRN and physical copy of vendor invoice
Vendor Invoice Input: GRN and vendor invoice in original duly authorized
and payment Process: - Original vendor invoice is dispatched by SCM (warehouse) to
processing central vendor helpdesk (SCM) along with the relevant documents to get it
verified from concerned departments and onwards submission to Finance
for processing.
- Finance creates invoice in the system.
- The invoice is validated and approved.
- Payment is processed.
- Payment sent to the vendor.
Output: Invoice processing and payment to vendor

Demand Generation for Pre-Paid Starter Kits

Sub-Processes Requirements
Data collection & - The Marketing team will collect data for sales history along with
market research reports, if any.
- Data on the past and expected promotion schemes is gathered.
Demand generation - Based on the above information, demand generation is done.
- The demand plans are presented in the form of monthly projections
distributor/ zone wise/circle wise.
- The monthly projection is communicated to the SCM department for
material planning.

Purchase requisitions for starter kit components

Sub-Processes Requirements
Purchase - Based on the monthly projection, the Marketing department creates
Requisition requisitions. The requisition can be monthly for each circle and will be
created by a pre-defined date.
- Business user will specify the item code (SIM, etc.) in the requisition.
- Business user can create requisitions from pre-defined requisition
- Business user will attach the SIM series (from Technical team)
information to be sent to the SIM vendor along with the requisition.
- Other requirements:
o Business user can query on the existing requisitions.
o Business user can cancel existing requisitions.
o Business user can change the existing requisitions in incomplete state.
o Business user can query on the existing stock status information.
o Business user can access the existing pre-negotiated prices from the
purchase agreements from the existing catalogue.
o Business user can create a new requisition by copying an existing
o Buyer can see the existing list of open requisitions.
o Business user can create requisitions against valid account codes only.
o Business user can create requisitions against multiple account codes.
o Auto-generation of requisitions can be possible if Min-Max planning
process is adopted.
o Ability to prevent users entering invalid account codes (Circle code,
department/division, account, etc). Account alias functionality is
required make selection of account codes easier and more user-friendly.
Purchase - The requisition will be approved based on given delegation of
Requisition authority (if applicable).
- Approvers will get notifications with details for taking actions.
- Approver should have visibility of total budget, approved requisitions
till date and unconsumed budget.
- An approver can forward the requisition to another person by adding
the approver name.
- The approval hierarchy will based on authorization limits by amount,
item category, charge account and location. - Users can impose
budgetary controls to stop users creating Requisition if allocated budget
is already consumed. It can be at GL account level or based on
predefined budget parameters. A message should popup to user if it is
over budget and user should not able to save the transaction.
Purchase - Business users can cancel the open purchase requisition completely or
Requisition partially.
Cancellation - Only authorized users can cancel a requisition.
Reporting - A Report should available for buyer with all the open requisition along
with a list of potential vendors who provides the requested items, these
vendors history, details of all the contract made with them, Pending
releases, purchase documents currently released to them with received,
un-received, in-transit quantity details, Vendors past performance
analysis etc
- List of open requisitions with details for starter kit components/
recharge vouchers.
- List of requisitions based on different criteria like items, dates, status
(approved, cancelled, open, close), etc.
- Requisition summary
- Requisition details
- Requisition analysis
- Requisition approval DOA
- Requisition reconciliation

Purchase order for starter kit components

Sub-Processes Requirements
Purchase - Request for Quotation (RFQs):
o SCM will create RFQs on multiple suppliers.
Agreement Creation
o SCM user will enter quotation against the RFQ for each supplier.
- Award of Contract:
o Buyer will perform a quote analysis.
o The best quote will be selected and a blanket purchase order
agreement (rate contract) will be created.
o The approval hierarchy for agreement approval will based on
authorization limits by amount, item category, charge account and
- Blanket Agreement features:
o Validity dates and agreement amount will be entered in the blanket
o Buyer will be notified before a specified number of days before
agreement expiry date to enable re-negotiation of agreement extension.
o One blanket agreement can be used for multiple circles (global) and
different agreements for each circle are not required.
o Buyer will be able to modify a purchase agreement on price, validity,
o Vendor will get email/ SMS on approval of a purchase agreement.
o Existing contracts can be queried on based on criteria like
Supplier, Item, Status, etc.
- Supplier should have visibility of contract through portal and should
have ability to acknowledge the contract.
- Amendment in rate contracts for various reasons like price revision,
validity revision.
- Changes in schedule should be visible on real time on web portal.
- On-line communication with supplier for visibility and for reducing
lead time.
- Ability to store contract related documents in document management
- Ability to create, edit, print and inquire on contract text.
Creation of - SCM buyer will review, based on different criteria, open requisitions
purchase order created for startup kit components or re-charge vouchers for each
from purchase circle.
- SCM buyer can select multiple requisitions and convert it into a single
purchase order.
- SCM buyer will provide reference to a specific purchase agreement
against which purchase order needs to be created. - SCM buyer will
include note to supplier, if required.
- SCM buyer can add multiple items (multiple lines) in a single
purchase order.
- Purchase order lines can be charged to multiple charge account codes.
- Standard terms and conditions, SLAs and note to vendor can be added
as an attachment to a purchase order.
- Once GRN is created for complete order quantity and invoice is
processed, purchase order will get closed automatically.
- Circle wise purchasing from HO for respective OUs with shipment to
circle warehouse of that circle or Circle wise purchasing at circle with
shipment to circle warehouse. Purchase document can contain one or
more ship-to locations for that circle.
- It can be specified on the purchase order whether the receipt will be
expensed off (against pre-defined account) or delivered to inventory.
Purchase - The approval hierarchy for purchase order approval will based on
order approval authorization limits by amount, item category or location.
- The users in the approval hierarchy can approve or reject the purchase
- Users falling in the approval hierarchy will be notified for taking
action (approval/ rejection).
- An approver can forward the purchase order to another person by
adding the approver name.
- Vendor will get email on approval of a purchase agreement.
- Purchase order will be printed/ re-printed and sent/ fax to the vendor.
- Supplier can access the purchase order through portal and have ability
to acknowledge the contract. (Will be implemented as part of drop II)
- Approver should receive decision support - visibility of total budget,
approved requisitions till date and unconsumed budget, rate contract
with vendor, vendor performance, price variation, available quantity,
released purchase documents and un-received or in-transit quantity
against these released purchase documents.
Purchase - Authorized users can cancel the open purchase order completely or
order partially.
modification/ - Business users can modify an open purchase order for quantity, need
cancellation by- date, etc.
- Purchase order re-approval process will happen in case of any
modification in the purchase order.
- Purchase order changes can be tracked by purchase order revisions.
- Approved supplier lists will be set up.
- Sourcing rules can be defined and ranks and percentage for share of
business can be defined. Supplier share of business has to maintained in
system and based on their share schedules has to be auto created, sent
for approval(web enabled approval workflow) and release to supplier
any change in schedule quantity will require a fresh approval.
User should also be able to raise the manual schedules and in this case
also a workflow enabled approval is required.
- Ability to automatically close a Purchase Order when all items are
received and the final invoice is paid. PO / PO line can be re-opened if
Reporting - List of open purchase orders for starter kit components/ re-charge
- List of purchase orders based on different criteria like items, dates,
supplier, PO type, status (approved, cancelled, open, close), PO
creation date, etc.
- Print out of the purchase order for sending it to the vendor.

GRN for starter kit components

Sub-Processes Requirements
- On physical receipt of material from the vendor, the receiver (SCM)
GRN creation
will create a GRN in the system and record the actual quantity
received based on the purchase order selected.
- GRN will be created against purchase order.
- Each receipt can be associated with a lot number.
- Suppliers can submit advance shipment notice on portal where
vendor can enter shipment details prior to the actual physical shipment
of material. ASN should contain all the details required to create GRN
in the system and can be referred while creating GRN to avoid manual
data entry.
- Date wise dispatch schedule against purchase orders will be available
On the portal for the supplier.
- Needs ability to capture all the documents supplier requires from
Datacom before shipment take place.
- Once the GRN has been made ASN should not be updatable.
- Inspection can be performed at the vendor site before physical
dispatch of the shipment. In case of any issues, it should be fixed
before the shipment is physically dispatched.
- Receiver (SCM) will inspect the received goods for quantity or other
visible issues and Approve/ Reject before delivering the goods into
- Receiver (SCM) will capture the reasons in case of Rejections.
Deliver to - Once the above steps are completed, the goods will be delivered to
inventory and be available for use.
- SCM will deliver the material in the relevant sub-inventory in the
warehouse for stocking the material.
- List of GRNs/ material delivered to inventory based on different
criteria like items, dates, suppliers, etc.
- List of receipts based on the inspection result.
- Stock details report.
- Inventory ageing report
- Obsolete inventory report
- Written off inventory report
- Stock register report.
Vendor invoice generation and payment

Sub-Processes Requirements
- Finance users will create vendor invoice against a purchase order on
Invoice creation
receipt of the original invoice.
Invoice validation, - Finance users will match the vendor invoice against a purchase order
approval, cancellation, or a GRN (full or partial quantity).
matching - Invoice validation and approval process will be completed.
- Based on the approved invoice and payment terms, the Finance team
will release payment.
- Payment batch can be created by clubbing multiple invoices into a
single payment.
- List invoices in the system along with their status.
- Payment report based on suppliers, dates, etc.

2.2 Startup Pack Pairing and Kitting process

 The pairing and kitting of the components into startup kit is explained in the following
flow diagram.
Process Step Description
Mobile Number Input: Mobile Number Series received from the regulatory
Series Process:
- The Marketing Department will receive the number series from the
regulatory body.
- It will segregate the number series in buckets based on the bucketing
policy (premium number series, corporate series, etc.).
Output: Bucket wise number series along with the series available for pre-
paid in the retail market.
Pairing of SIM Input:
numbers and - SIM number series received from the vendor SIM file
- Since there will be more than one file from the vendor, there should be a
Mobile numbers
check list to verify all the file received and technical team should be able to
confirm the accuracy of file and its contents in same checklist.
- Pre-paid mobile number series for retail
- SCM will receive the vendor SIM file in advance before the physical
receipt of the SIM shipment.
- Initially, CSD will do the pairing for all the available SIM series and
Mobile number but later paring activity will be done on request basis to
manage the inventory level against distributor orders. System generated
notification with order no, number of starter kit to be paired, type of starter
kit (lifetime, standard etc) will be sent to corporate CSD or a predefined
mail distribution list.
- The pairing information will be sent to the SCM circle warehouse team to
be used in the kitting process.
Output: SIM series and Mobile series pairing
Kitting of Starter Input:
- SIM series and Mobile series pairing
- Starter pack components at the kitting warehouse Process:
- SCM will arrange to move the starter pack components to the kitting area
in the warehouse outsourced to a kitting vendor.
- SCM will receive the SIM & Mobile number pairing information from
- Kitting of starter packets performed by outsourced vendor.
- Sample inspection by SCM/ Marketing on the completed starter packets.
- Starter packets handed over to Datacom SCM personnel for storage into
Output: Starter Packets with all the components and pairing information

Mobile Number Series Generation

Sub-Processes Requirements
Receipt of Mobile - The Number series owner from the Marketing team will receive the
Number series Mobile Number series from the Regulatory authority.
Upload of the - The Number series owner will be responsible for uploading the series
into the Subscriber Resource Management (SRM) system.
Number - Based on the policy framed by the Marketing department, the SRM
system will allocate the available mobile number series in buckets viz.
premium series, corporate series, retail series, etc.
- CSD will have access to the retail series for pre-paid in the system.

Pairing of SIM series and Mobile series

Sub-Processes Requirements
Receipt of SIM file - SCM will receive the vendor SIM file in advance before the physical
receipt of the SIM shipment.
from vendor
Upload of SIM - The SIM series will be uploaded in the SRM by SCM.
Pairing - CSD will do the pairing of the SIM series and the mobile number series.
Release of - The pairing information will be sent to the SCM circle warehouse team
pairing to be used in the kitting process. The pairing information is also sent to the
Technical team for loading into IN and HLR.

Kitting process

Sub-Processes Requirements
Receipt of kitting - The components required for starter packets will be made available to
components in the kitting vendor in the kitting area by the SCM department.
kitting area
Pairing - SCM will receive the SIM & Mobile number pairing information from
information to CSD.
the kitting
- Based on the components received and the pairing information by the
Kitting process
kitting vendor, kitting will be done in the kitting area of the circle
- SCM/ Marketing will do a random sample inspection from time to time
on the completed kits.
- Any defects will be recorded & reported to the kitting vendor by the
- Kitting vendor to review the complete lot and take corrective actions.
Deliver to - SCM/ Marketing will do a random sample inspection from time to time
on the completed kits.
- Any defects will be recorded & reported to the kitting vendor by the
- Kitting vendor to review the complete lot and take corrective actions.
Deliver to - Starter packets handed over to Datacom SCM.
inventory - SCM delivers the completed starter packets into inventory.
- Accounting for valuation of inventory will be on FIFO value basis.
Reporting - Tracker for reconciliation between the number of components issued
versus the number of kits produced.

2.3 Startup Pack distribution

The process for order management, distribution and activation of the startup kits is given below:

Process Step Description

Input: Sales information
Process: This process will cover all the transactions and information
ordering process
exchange to get a sales order from a distributor. The
sales order will be accompanied by a pre-payment in the form of demand
draft/ RTGS/ EFT.
Output: Sales Order and Payment Realization
Order processing Input: Sales Order
& Distribution of Process: Once the Sales Order is booked into the system, SCM will
arrange for distribution to the distributor.
Starter Packs
Output: Shipment confirmation to the distributor

2.3.1 Starter Pack Distributor Ordering Process

Sub-Processes Requirements
Receipt of Sales - All sales orders will be placed by the distributor on its letter head or
email along with payment details. These details will be received by the
Order & Payment
Sales department.
- Sales team ensures the details to be put in a pre-defined template and
forwards it to Sales coordinator along with payment details.
- Sales coordinator will check for stock availability.
- Sales coordinator will create Sales order in the system using bulk upload
from MS Excel.
- Sales coordinator will forward the payment details to Finance along with
payment instrument in case of a demand draft.
Payment - Finance takes necessary steps towards payment realization.
processing - If the order is a new distributor, Finance verifies relevant documents
and Order before allotting a unique customer number to the party.
- Any shortage in the required documents will be coordinated with the
distributor with the help of Sales.
- Any discrepancy in the above, order is declined and Finance conveys the
message to the Sales admin who communicates to the distributor.
- Invoice will get generated once Finance has confirmed the payment
realization from the distributor and after getting the confirmation from
Bank/ MIS.
- There will be a restriction in generating an invoice for distributors
having negative or less balance.
- Each sales order will have a unique number in a circle.
- Invoice print/ re-print & Gate pass report
- Sales order report with status
- Distributor detail listing reporting

Order Processing

The ordering process is explained in the subsequent diagram.

Order Processing & Distribution of Starter Packs

Sub-Processes Requirements
- SCM receives the information on payment confirmation mail from
Order processing
Finance. An email would go to SCM for shipment of goods and a SMS
will go to pre-defined mobile number/s in sales or other department.
- Stock issuance and valuation will be carried out on a FIFO basis
- In case of Stock out scenario, Sales to confirm on the shipment priority
on the existing open sales orders.
- SCM prepares for packaging the kits available in the circle inventory.
- Package is picked by the logistics team (part of SCM).
- Stock gets depleted from the inventory. At this point of time a SMS will
go to Predefined mobile number/s in sales or other department with status
of shipment confirmation.
- Invoice is generated by finance (previous step) and a print out of the
invoice is attached along with the package.
- The logistics team co-ordinates with the third party shipper for package
- Invoice copy print/ re-print
- Sale register/ Invoice details report
- Stock transfer report


 The recharge voucher process will broadly involve procurement of printed recharge
voucher, payments, distribution, receipts, activation and returns. This section covers the
processes under all such scenarios.
 A high level process flow is given below:

Requisition, Procurement, Receipt & Payment for Re-charge

vouchers processes

 The re-charge voucher procurement (printing job) is explained in the following flow
Process Step Description
Demand planning - The Marketing team will collect data for sales history along with market
for Recharge research reports, if any.
vouchers - Data on the past and expected promotion schemes is gathered.
- Based on the above information, demand generation is done.
- The demand plans are presented in the form of monthly projections
distributor/ zone wise/circlewise.
- The monthly projection is communicated to the SCM department for
material planning.
Voucher Series Inputs: Demand details from SCM department
Process: Voucher series is generated by the technical team based on the
inputs received from the SCM department.
Output: File containing encrypted voucher series
Create Purchase - Based on the monthly projection, the Marketing department creates
Requisitions for requisitions. The requisition can be monthly for each circle and will be
Re-charge created by a pre-defined date.
vouchers based on - Business user will specify the item code (SIM, etc.) in the requisition.
- Business user can create requisitions from pre-defined requisition
projected demand
- Business user will attach the SIM series (from Technical team)
information to be sent to the SIM vendor along with the requisition.
- Other requirements:
o Business user can query on the existing requisitions.
o Business user can cancel existing requisitions.
o Business user can change the existing requisitions in incomplete state.
o Business user can query on the existing stock status information.
o Business user can access the existing pre-negotiated prices from the
purchase agreements from the existing catalogue.
o Business user can create a new requisition by copying an existing
o Buyer can see the existing list of open requisitions.
o Business user can create requisitions against valid account codes only.
o Business user can create requisitions against multiple account codes.
o Auto-generation of requisitions can be possible if Min-Max planning
process is adopted.
o Ability to prevent users entering invalid account codes (Circle code,
department/division, account, etc). Account alias functionality is required
make selection of account codes easier and more user-friendly.
Create Purchase - Request for Quotation (RFQs):
Orders o SCM will create RFQs on multiple suppliers.
based on Blanket o SCM user will enter quotation against the RFQ for each supplier.
- Award of Contract:
Rate Agreements
o Buyer will perform a quote analysis.
o The best quote will be selected and a blanket purchase order agreement
(rate contract) will be created.
o The approval hierarchy for agreement approval will based on
authorization limits by amount, item category, charge account and location.
Create GRN for On physical receipt of material from the vendor, the receiver (SCM) will
components create a GRN in the system and record the actual quantity received based
received at the on the purchase order selected.
Warehouse - GRN will be created against purchase order.
- Each receipt can be associated with a lot number.
- Suppliers can submit advance shipment notice on portal where vendor
can enter shipment details prior to the actual physical shipment of material.
ASN should contain all the details required to create GRN in
the system and can be referred while creating GRN to avoid manual data
entry. (Will be implemented as part of drop II)
- Date wise dispatch schedule against purchase orders will be available on
the portal for the supplier.
- Needs ability to capture all the documents supplier requires from
Datacom before shipment take place.
- Once the GRN has been made ASN should not be updatable.

Invoice generation - Finance users will create vendor invoice against a purchase order on
in the receipt of the original invoice.
system and
processing to the

Re-Charge Voucher Series Generation

Sub-Processes Requirements
Requirements receipt - The Technical department will receive the requirements for series
for the Re-charge generation from the SCM department based on the monthly requisition
demand created by the Marketing department.
Re-charge - Based on the above requirements, the Technical department would
voucher series generate re-charge voucher series in the voucher generation system.
- The file to be sent to the printer will be encrypted and password
Communication - One of the files which is password protected and encrypted will be
of the voucher sent by the Technical team to the SCM team (for sending it to the
series and printing vendor)
uploading of - The series in the second file will be uploaded in the IN system in
inactive status.
the file
Reporting - Re-charge voucher series

Re-charge Vouchers ordering, distribution & activation processes

Re-charge Voucher Activation Process

Sub-Processes Requirements
Intimation by - Once the Re-charge voucher shipment reaches the distributor, he sends
distributor on information to the zonal coordinator on the same through SMS/e-mail
physical receipt of - Once the validation is done by the zonal co-ordinator, the Technical
team (IN) is intimated on the Re-charge voucher series to be activated
through e-mail/FAX. In exceptional cases it can be done through
SMS/Phone but e-mail or FAX confirmation will be required the next day
for future reference purpose. This process will be followed till the
automation of the recharge voucher activation happens through the
DMS system.
Activation - On getting the intimation on shipment received at the distributor end, the
Technical team activates the received Re-charge voucher series in the
IN system. The series will already be present in the IN system in inactive
Reporting - List of re-charge vouchers activated



 The following sections explain the customer creation & sales return processes.
4.1 Customer Creation/Update Process

 The customer creation/ maintenance process is explained in the following flow diagram.

Sub- Requirements
New distributor - On identification of a new distributor, the Sales team gets all required
identified/ change documents from the distributor.
in existing - The documents reach the Sales administrator who fills a pre-defined
distributor customer creation/ modification template.
- The filled template for creation/ change of distributor information is sent
to the Finance team along with other documents and security deposit, if
Create/ Change - On receipt of the information in a pre-defined template and other
distributor documents, the Finance verifies the received documents.
- If the request is for new customer and if the documentation is in order,
Finance approves the customer creation request. For any change in
information, only the required documents are verified and the request is
approved- In case of any discrepancies, Finance reverts to the Sales admin
with the relevant notes and reasons for rejection.
- In case of a new customer,
o Customer classification is assigned (Pre-paid/ PCO/ etc.)
o The customer number will be a numeric automatic generated running
o In case of a pre-existing customer with the same name, the new customer
name will be suffixed with some other relevant word or a star (*). The
customer number will be a unique identifier for each customer.
Reporting - A report listing all existing customers with other relevant information.

4.2 Sales Return Process (for Starter kit & Re-charge voucher)

 The sales return process is explained in the following flow diagram.

Sub- Requirements
Identification and - Any issue at the retailer or customer end will flow to the distributor or
retailer helpdesk (Sales/CSD/Technical team needs to define policy)
intimation of issue
- Scope of BRD is limited to Oracle ERP related requirements only.
Therefore only the process of return from distributor is detailed out here
and sale made to retailer/customer or any sales return from
retailer/customer are not included in this document
- For return from distributor, the distributor informs the zonal Sales
coordinator and arranges for physical return of the defective item.
De-activation - The zonal Sales coordinator fills the information received in a predefined
template and sends it to:
o CSD in case of SIM de-activation
o IN team in case of Re-charge voucher de-activation
- On receipt of the request, the CSD/ IN team will do de-activate the
Inspection of - Inspection will be done by SCM/ Marketing on the count and value of the
material received RC on the physical material received.
- Based on the inspection observations, decision will be taken either to:
at warehouse
o Scrap the material
o Return to vendor
Issue of - Replacement will be issued once concerned departments (CSD -
replacement SIM/IN-RCV & RA) confirm non-usability of SIM/ Re-charge voucher.
- On receipt of confirmation, replacement from the existing stock will be
against return
o Replacement of SIM will be against a zero value invoice.
o Replacement of Re-charge voucher will be a sales return along with a
credit note.
Reporting - Sales Returns report

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