War Strategic Policy Against Drugs: The Implementation of Inpres 6-2018

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Since ancient times, from the end of the 18th century to the early decades of the
20th century, drugs have become a threat to the Indonesian people. Drug abuse and
circulation has been proven to damage the nation's future. Besides that it also damages the
human character both physically and public health. In the long run, this challenge will
discuss the struggle for competitiveness and progress of a nation. The impact of the damage
caused is very large. Narcotics crime is an international-scale crime, organized, carried out
conceptually and systematically using an altered modus operandi with unlimited funds.
Circulation of drug crimes is classified as extraordinary crimes (extraordinary crimes) and
serious crimes. Circulation of the dangers of transnational (organized) and organized
(organized) drugs so that they become real challenges that require serious and needy
handling. At present, global developments in the development and circulation of drug risks
are becoming increasingly alarming
The escalation of drug abuse and illicit trafficking at the global level has also
influenced the conditions of drug abuse and trafficking in Indonesia. A very high increase
demands serious response from all parties. Based on the 2014 National Narcotics Research
Center Research Center, the National Survey of Drug Abuse shows that the prevalence of
drug abusers in Indonesia is 2.2% or around 4.2 million people and increased in 2015 the
number of narcotics abusers is projected 2.85% or equivalent to 5.1-5.8 million people from
the Indonesian population (BNN Journal, 2015). All addicts need rehabilitation care
services. While there are only 340 government care institutions and 132 community
rehabilitation institutions and private hospitals / clinics with a total service capacity of only
18,000 abusers and addicts per year.

In Indonesia, drug abuse has entered the stage of Emergency drugs. Handling of
drug abuse is currently carried out with a strategic policy of war on drugs through the
implementation of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 6 of 2018 concerning the National
Action Plan (RAN) Prevention of Eradicating Illicit Illicit Narcotics Circulation (P4GN) in
Made in Jakarta on August 28, 2018 by Mr. Joko Widodo as the 11th president of
the Republic of Indonesia in order to strengthen the P4GN.
The main pillar of primary action in Presidential Instruction No.6 of 2018
concerning the P4GN National Action Plan (RAN) is the establishment of regulations on
P4GN in each K/L and Regional Government, promotion of the Planning Movement (GenRe)
in schools, strengthening social ecological support, fostering and the dissemination of P4GN
to BUMNs and BUMDs, strengthening community empowerment, protecting critical
information infrastructure, increasing human resources, developing community potential.
The development of a synergistic partnership model of P4GN across ministries and
community-based institutions is needed in the implementation of strategic policies on the war
on drugs through the implementation of Presidential Instruction 6/2018. Where critical
ethnographic studies in the province of West Java are needed in terms of their performance.
Network policy is an important part. Arranging network policy in public and private
ministries and institutions is not a simple job, moreover the complex user causes the drafting
process to become increasingly complex.
Therefore, this study focuses on the problem of network policy, how to compile it,
implement it, and manage it effectively and efficiently, so that the optimization objectives of
the development of a synergistic partnership model of P4GN across ministries and
community-based institutions can be realized.
In this case, it is intended that each institution / agency related to drug problems
unite into a unified whole as a fortress. Breaking down each GO ego and NGO into one
thought and achieving the same goal, Indonesia is clean of drugs.
In further research on Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2018 concerning the P4GN
National Action Plan (RAN) of 2018-2019 a study of critical and creative efforts was used to
build an intellectual model based on Participatory Action Research (PAR) which was used to
reconstruct the existing policy framework, both directly and indirectly with the subject of
research siding with the weak and disadvantaged and oriented to changing situations.
With the Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2018. The argument is that without
proper synchronization and coordinative power in regional regulations, governor / regent /
mayor regulations as guidelines for technical implementation in the regions, then the
Presidential Instruction will be a malfunction.
This study analyzes the complexity of the problems handling narcotics and the
Policy Network. Based on a critical study of the implementation of Presidential Instruction
No. 6 of 2018, so that it can answer the question of how, why, when, where and how far the
synergy between ministries, communities and the private sector. Judging from all
stakeholders involved, namely the National Narcotics Agency as the leading sector, it is
expected to coordinate the Attorney General's Office, Justice, Kumham Regional Office and
Provincial Government of Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Agriculture, Bakamla,
Ministry of Communication and Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, BSSN, BPOM,
BIG, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of
Religion, Ministry of Empowerment , Women & Child Protection, Kemenpora, Ministry of
Finance, National Police, PPATK, BIN, BSSN, Ministry of Trade - Ministry of Cooperatives
& SMEs.
The following thinking framework underlines the importance of social and
collective processes in reaching conclusions about "How to do it?" And "the synergistic
partnership model which is said to be quite effective in the implementation of the war on
drugs by involving government ministries, communities and the private sector? "This thinking
framework is seen as useful by different people in problematic situations, in delivering to
conduct initial research, by actively involving all relevant parties (stakeholders) in reviewing
ongoing actions (where their own experience as a problem) in order to make changes and
improvements in a better direction.
In terms of performance, research uses critical ethnographic studies in West Java
Province. With the PAR method melting and collaborating with the community and using 3
(three) pillars of PAR, namely: 1. Research methodology, 2. Dimensions of participation, 3.
Dimensions of action, so that the implementation of side P4GN reduces demand (Demand
Reduction Side) and reduces supply side ( Side Reduction Supply).

PAR is chosen because the situation and problem being studied are not something
that is measured quantitatively, but rather situations and problems that are still developing
and may have various social aspects. This PAR Thematic will analyze transformative action
programs that are already underway, as a means of evaluation and monitoring. In this
research conducted by collecting data in the field then the analysis was carried out with the
method of sharing stories (sharing), in-depth interviews (in-depth interviews) and focus
group discussions (Focus Group Discussion / FGD).
Basically, PAR is a study that actively involves all relevant parties (stakeholders) in
reviewing ongoing actions (where their own experience is a problem) in order to make
changes and improvements in a better direction. For this reason, they must reflect critically
on the historical, political, cultural, economic, geographical, and other contexts related.
Underlying PAR is the need for us to get the desired change (Agus Afandi, et al, 2013: 41)

During the 6 months of the implementation of Presidential Instruction 6 of 2018,

data was obtained that network policy and strategic partnerships could work even though
they were not as expected. Sectoral ego between ministries is still found and awareness of
drug problems is not yet in all ministries.

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