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While working on this project, I experienced a good balance of ups and down. When we

met to discuss my plan heading into this project, we both thought that I would have a harder time

writing the introduction. Now that I have completed the project, I am shocked that I had such a

hard time writing the second part as opposed to the first. When I sat down to write my

introduction everything just came to me so quickly. I had such a hard time finishing my thoughts

on gaming literacy, but am happy with what I brought to the table. The most successful part of

my paper is the introduction. The information I provide to the reader gives them a good idea of

gaming’s impact on the world since the first one was released. I am proud of my transition into

my personal experience with video games. I feel like showing the reader the lessons gaming has

provided for me personally really hammers home the main argument of my narrative. I am also

proud of how I displayed my argument without being rude or stubborn. I politely displayed my

viewpoints throughout the entire narrative, making sure that my audience wasn’t scared off by

the author insulting their opinion. If I had the time to work on a specific section of this paper, I

would revisit the conclusion. I like the final points I make to summarize my argument, I just feel

that it could flow better with the rest of the narrative if I had more time to tinker with it. I would

like my audience to notice my level of expertise with this topic. I feel that I showed how much I

know about gaming through background information, facts, and general passion within my

writing. If I had to teach someone about writing based on my experience with this project, I

would advise them on the importance of a strong introduction. First impressions are everything;

a strong introduction will improve your reader’s opinion on your writing all the way to the

conclusion. I managed my time well for this assignment, with two tests the day after its due date
I had to make sure I completed it ahead of time. I genuinely enjoyed working on this assignment,

and am proud of what I produced.

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