Concept of Operations of The PNP Anti Illegal Drugs Campaign Pla

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The CMC wilt be launched and Under the whole-of-nation approach the Under the Whole-of-PNP Approach, the
implemented on the first day of office CPOs/CPS/MPS under the supervision of the CPO/CPS/MPS under the supervision of the
of the CPNP. To generate impact and PROs shall initiate area studies and perform Provincial/City Police Offices shall continue
public support, all police evaluation, assessment of the drug with their area studies and evaluation of
offices/units/stations and designated affectation of the barangays under their the drug affectation of the barangays under
anti-drugs units shall conduct massive jurisdiction and , subsequently implement their jurisdiction and subsequently
and simultaneous operations in two project Tokhang and Project HW to pave the implement Project Tokhang: Revisited and
pronged approach; PROJECT way to the clearing of these barangays. Project HW: Revalidated, to pave way for
. l ,,,.r,. , the a drug free community.
This comprehensive : , analysis and
The lower barrel approach wiil be the segmentation ',' I of barangays and This comprehensive analysis and
conduct of PROJECT TOKHANG in all municipalities " according to the drug segmentation of barangays and
drug-affected barangays throughout affectation is a necessary component in the municipalities according to drug affectation
the country in coordination with the barangay drug clearing olthese barangays. is a necessary component in the barangay
LGUs particularly drug clea rlng operatio ns.
P rovinc ia l/City/Mu n icipa l/Ba ra ngay The PNP shall then apply with more focus
Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs), the two-pronged approach in addressingthg The PNP shall apply with more focus the
Non-Government Organization illegal drugs problem namely Project two-pronged approach in addressing the
(NGOs), stakeholders, and other law Tokhang, the lower barrel approach, and illegal drugs problem namely, Project
enforcement agencies. Project HW, the upper barrelapproach. Tokhang: Revisited, the lower barrel
approach; and Project HW: Revalidated,
The PROJECT TOKHANG is a practical The PNP Anti-illegal Drug campaign plan: the upper barrel approach.
and realistic means of accelerating the Double Barrel ALPHA, while extending and
drive against illegal drugs in affected expanding I Prolect Tokhang to modified The PNP Anti-lllegal Drug Campaign Flan
barangays. This concept involves the Tokhang including 'Taphang" shall put more "double Barrel: Reloaded" while revisiting
conduct of house to house visitation , emphasis and effort on Project HW those personalities who surrendered, shall
to persuade suspected illegal drug put more emphasis on the collection of
personalities to stop their illegal drug Project Tokhang in Double Barrel Alpha, shall information with intelligence value,
activities. not be limited to visitation of residences in submission for rehabilitation in
barangays , but shall be extended and coordination with concerned agencies of
There are five stages in the conduct of expanded as well as to the visitation of newly processed surrenderers, and
PROJ ECT TOKHANG namely; col lection residences in posh subdivision and high rise accounting of HWs.
and validation of information, condominiumsetc., .' ,' ,i
coordination, house to house Project Tokhang: Revisited
visitation, processing and I F TAPHANG is another approach under project
documentation, and the monitoring Tokhang by which a group of people is The lower barrel approach will be project
and evaluation. invited to a dialogue or "pulong-pulong" to Tokhang: Revisited. This is a practical and
convince and persuade those in the group realistic means of accelerating the drive
The upper barrel approach will be the who are using and pushing illegal drugs to against illegal drugs in affected barangays.
conduct of PROJECT HW by dedicated stop their activity. :

focus teams from AIDG, PROs, I :i .t r I ,,., :' ' .,,,.,, ', , ,., i Project HW: Revalidated
Districts of NCRPO, PPOs, and CPOs. There are five stages of "pROJECT
The focus teams shall be composed of TOKHANG" namely: collection and validation Project HW: Revalidated is the upper barrel
investigators, intelligence operatives or
InTormatton, coordination, house approach which focuses operations against
and tactical personnel from NSUs who visitation, processing and documentation, high value targets as defined in the pNp
shall be detailed to AIDG, while
1ndthe monit-oringand evaluation.r, , Anti-lllegal Drugs Campaign plan: ,,Double

focused teams from PROs, Districts of .: BarrelAlpha"

NCRPO, PPOs and CPOs shall be Project HW is the upper barrel approach
generated from the Regional Support which focuses operations against high value This is a massive and reinvigorated anti-
Units and Public Safety Forces. targets.i,'l'.....;, illegal drugs operation targeting importers,
financiers, distributors, protectors,
The Project HW is a massive and The Project HW is a rnassive and manufacturers, and traffickers of illegal
reinvigorated conduct of anti-illegal reinvigorated conduct of anti-illegal drugs drugs.
drugs operations targeting illegal drug operations targeting illegal drug
personal ities a nd drug syndicates. lities and F The PNP-DEG, RPDDEUs, DDEUs, ppDEUs,
) The approach will be employed at the
CPDEUs, SDEUs, and MDEUs shall be
national, regional, district, provincial created to conduct anti_illegal drug
, AIDG,: lG, PROs, District Offices of NCRpO, operations.
and city levels to avoid overlapping of PPOs and CpOs shall be created. The focus
operationa I fu nctions. teams shall be composed of investigators, This approach will be employed at the
intelligence operatives, and tactical national, regional, district, provincial, and
personnel from CIDG and other NOSUs city levels subdivided in three levels: Task
while focus tearns from pROs, District Offices Group HW: Revalidated National Level;
of NCRPO, ppOs, and CpOs are generated Task Group HW: Revalidated Regional
from the public Safety Forces with the Level; and Task Group HW: Revalidated
Provincia l/Chartered City Level.

L.TG HW: Revalidated National Level will

be supervised by the pNp-DEG Director;
national, regional, district, provincial and city 2.TG HW: Revalidated Regional Level will
levels and will be subdivided in three levels, be supervised by the RD and assisted bv
Project HW National, project HW Regional,
and Project HW provincial/Chartered City.
Provincial/Chartered City Level will be

assessrnent of
supervised by the provincial/City
the HW Watch List on illegal Director and assisted by DpDO/DCDO.
There shall be a monthly evaluation and
assessment of the HW Watch List on illegal

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