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Simplest way to define a ‘Sentence’ is to divide it into two parts ‘Sense’ and ‘Tense’.

Means, Sentence = Sense + Tense

Here, ‘Sense’ means ‘Meaning’ and ‘Tense’ means ‘Time’ or ‘Period’.

We get ‘Meaning’ from a sentence only if we use ‘Parts of Speech’. Similarly, ‘Time’ in a sentence is expressed
using ‘Auxiliary Verb’. To understand it in a better way we shall take an example.

Example: “I am teaching English grammar to the student in the class.”

Let’s we first separate the Parts of speech used in above sentence.

I – Pronoun am – auxiliary verb teaching – verb(V4) English- (Proper) Adjective

grammar - Noun to – Preposition the – Article student – Noun

in – Adverb the – Article class – Noun

In all there are Eight Parts of Speech which we use in English (Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb,
Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection). From this you might have come to know about without using ‘Parts
of Speech’ a sentence can’t express any meaning.

One thing you must know about an ‘Auxiliary Verb’ is that it simply tells us about the ‘Time’ and nothing else.
So let us understand here form the above example.

1. I am teaching English grammar to the students in the class.

Here, am – is an ‘auxiliary verb’ which expresses – Present Time
2. I was teaching English grammar to the students in the class.
Here, was – is an ‘auxiliary verb’ which expresses – Past Time

The combination of ‘Parts of Speech’ and an ‘Auxiliary Verb’ in together form a ‘Sentence’. But, both ‘Parts of
Speech’ and an ‘Auxiliary Verb’ have to arrange in proper order called as a ‘Structure’.

In other word, when the ‘Parts of Speech’ and an ‘Auxiliary Verb’ are arranged in a proper order we called it
as a ‘Sentence’.


There are three kinds of sentences. They are as follows:

1. Simple Sentence
2. Compound Sentence
3. Complex Sentence

Simple Sentence

Simple sentence is a sentence which consist one independent clause and no dependent clause. In other words,
we would say that simple sentence is a sentence with on subject and one predicate (verb + object +

Let’s study the structure of a simple sentence to make the concept clear.

Structure of a
Simple Subject Auxiliary Verb Verb Object Complement
Part Subject Complement

Structure Subject Aux. Verb Verb Object Complement
Ask? Who/What? - - What/Whom/Whose? How/When/Where?
I - am Chandrashekhar. -
He Is Playing Cricket Outside.
They Have Finished Their work In school during lunch break.
Raj Was Waiting - For two hours at the bus stop.

Compound Sentence

Simple sentence is a sentence which consist one independent clause and no dependent clause. In other words,


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