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Transcript Mi nary Analyst Cal

2005 0930
re U S m o p ad.ustmenk in raq
Pon o m on me rewm, PORTIONS OFF THE RECORD
OSD PJOc Aflars Room 2E556 Tne Pentagon
Host LTC Dane Badagla. JOnt Cnefs PJO c Affairs
Transcriber: Murphy

Folks tnat I tn nk are uned in this morn ng pretty mLcn me normal 1st of
s~soecisAn0 aaa n we o be haoov at anv ooint nere when we ve finisned to take VOJr
questions, and vie'll take as long'aiwe need to.

What I would like to do is split the time this morning to the extent that we can. I would like to pitch
to you all for about 15 minutes, both the essence of whafs taking place and then some points that
I would have for you that i think would help you with your analysis, and then use the rest of the
time to go ahead and answer your questions

First of all, i don't think it's a surprise to you at this point with the secretary having announced and
with some articles having appeared as early as a weekago. but certainly in the papers in this
morning that the 2d Brigade, ls' Armored Division, out of Schweinfurt, Germany, (note, DoD
release says BaumhokJer) will be propositioned on its gear in Kuwait, serving as a call-forward

Tne Army has own ousy preposmonmgthe eq~ipmentof an armorea brgaoe anamgo-s 10 what
we Lsed to have tnere l guess oefore OlF Tnat eqdipment is general y arriving an0 Ã I be in
olace this momn and that s wnat the 2d of the 1"Armored s fallma in on tnev w I oe aaain n
this call-forwardstatus for an undetermined period of time, based on soma re&mmendations that
are going to be coming from the secretary from the commander of CENTCOM.

Okay, secondly - and more in a moment about this call-forward status. Secondly, the 1" Brigade
of the IaInfantry Division, out of Fort Riley. Kan., was notified, oh, mid-November or so that they
would be in delayed status pendingtheir deploymentto Iraq. They were told to enjoy Christmas
and their status would be provided to them shortly after Christmasand after the first of the New

- -
They were scheduledto arrive in Iraq actually in Kuwait on 13 December with the latest
arrival date, and then to be in Iraq and ready to transfer authority on the 12"of January.

Their status is being updated by virtue of the orders the secretary has signed, and they will not be
deployedto Iraq as a brigade. Again, that's one of the points that I want to raise with you, in the
points that I want to make.

And let meoet into those points now There are four of them essentially The llrst deals with the
1"of the 1 Infantry As I said, they will not be going into theater as a brigade, but elements of
the brigade will be deDlovlna to Ira0 and or as it turns out this morning, perhaps, a small
numb& into the ~ o r n ' o f ~ f r i c a . '

What's intenoed for the ongaoe an0 tnis s base0 "pan Army aec sions and who's nest avan able
n o s best trainee (up on step?) and that Type of tn ng. is that the brigade m I prou de seven or
egnl security companies that m I perform set-nty roles convoy escorts h o s e type things- in
and around Iraq as a part of their number.

The brigade is also tasked with providinga number, i don't know how many, frankly, at this point,
but a number of the transitionteams that will work with Iraqi forces and continue their
modernization and professionalism efforts, and also the brigade headquarters has been tasked
with the training of Army transition teams, and perhaps even other Service transition teams,
depending upon their makeup

But those are the three functions that the brigade will be performing now over the next year or so,
again, with certainly a portion of them going into Iraq

Now wo- a a00 tna: t s st I a net p ,s in terms of tne total n-mbers OKay? BecaJse tney are
gong r as sec-irry compan es sorneood; eee s not gong. 0day7 So "i s sn t a sne game.
cena n v n mat coitexl t s -st tnat tnese oeoole are aoa n reao $ ava a0 e !nev re more
preparid than some of the other companies from the other units that might be tagged a later point
in time

Let me talk to you some about the math, okay? Simplicity says that until about August, and for the
. :3 that we were a0Od 138%as wnat we ca I tne case ne to'ce YO3 a.
seve'a months eac ng p
are we aware oeca-se /OL tracGea t that Ae sbnea to ~ m LPpa1 tna' oo nt frs' for me m d-
Octooer refereno-m and lo owrq tnat, of co-rse t i e m o-Decemoer e ect on an0 pea<
numberswentto about 160,000

Now that was obviously for the election; we've done that before and every case we've come back
down to baseline, and that certainly is the intent this time.

S mpe main wo. o say Quay we go oach to ab0i.t 130 000. two or gaoes 3 50C eacn mat's
abo-17,000 so he oe at 131 rqnt? Wel tne answer is no tnat s not q~ te r qnt Ana me
reason for mat s s nce aoo-t A.gA of ast year we ve oeen oo<ng at l'ans'on recia rerents 10
h a m over I n s f ~ n anc
t - ,
t mate s e c ~ t vresoonsm. I es !o tne rao s A m he be w e n
~rovidinoto them since about ~ i o u s thenumbers
t of omole that will be necessary for transition
teams -these 10.. 12-man elements that will be work~n'~ with the Iraqi units, wlth combat support
-combat service support types of people that will strengthenthat Iraqi capability, and eventually
allow them to do it themselves as opposed to us doing it for them, detainee operations types of
folks that will tram and assist the Iraqis in taking overthis function as soon as we can hand it off
to them with new facilities built in some cases, old facilities being rehabbed and or, again given
over to Iraqi control

So, what you see is some growth in terms of those transition capabilities that offset that simple
math I posed to you earlier We think nQhtnow that the essence of it will be a reduction of 3(000)
or 4,000 troops from that 138, but quite frankly, that's a projection We are talkmg about March by
the time we would get everybody out of theater and stood down that were there for the election,
and of course, that's three months-plus hence from this point

Bi_t I JJSI want to c a d o r 10- a mat some of me tnmgs tnat ~ O ma\

J lave near0 or even nave
seen n me paper 1" s mom ng .inforunatel/ are not p'ec sely correct an0 yo- a Pee0 10 se
a o e to *a K to mat in nr< we i g w y Anen \ou see t

The third point I would make is on the 2d of the lslAD. General Abizaid has his strategic reserve,
it's the MEU General Casey's operational reserve if you will is for all intents and purposes the 2d
of the 1" AD But we're choosing not to call it that It's being labeled a "call forward force, and if
you all would be explicit in your terminologies when addressing it, that would help us wlth regard
to what we do here

Now, how long they're going to be in that capacity, again, that remains to be seen. We know they
are there for at least 90 days. You all understand, of course, there's routine assessments and
decision points that are being exercised by the commander in theater He is simply going to have
to watch the situation to see how long ail or portions of that brigade need to stay in Kuwait So I
think we'll leave that with simply the byline more to follow.
The last thing is that I would emphasize is that this all is coming about as a result of Iraqi
progress I mean, right now, the numbersareat216,OOOtrained andequipped, 120-plus Iraql
armv and Dolice battalions in the fioht 44 of those own around as we soeak here this momma;
thatnumber is going up to 50 or soby the end of ~anu&, Seven bnga'des that are providing-
leadership roles right now in that; two division headquarters:that number of brigade headquarters
will go up to 11 or so by the end of January. So it's a northeast trendline in terms of the Iraqis.
both coming on line and assuming control of ground and battle space as they are able to do

And again, that's how General Casey, General Vines, General Abizaid, the secretary and the
chairman are all able to arrive at the decision that has now been made

I would emphasize to you that it's done in a military chain of command that goes all the way to the
president; it is not based on political events And that's all as a military man I suppose I need to
say about that

Quay lnal o on t take a fu 15 m ni-tes 0i.t tnal -st gives s, more :me fo' q-estons De
naopy !o f e a arytn i g tnat \OL g>-ysnave

Q This is Jeff McCausland Two quick questions On the ls' of the l s t ,you said that they are
going to be training the transition teams Will they be doing that back at R k y , the international
training center, Kuwait, Iraq, where will that occur?And on the 1 AD brigade, when will they
actually close in Kuwait with troops and equipment, and then lastly, any comments about the
future if things go well at the end of spring?

/Ve frsl of a n termsof meIran ng yod k i o ~li"6 ana nave!o c o n f m

1 s for to.. 3-1 In nx 1s gong totane pace a1 hope station n R e , Tnat *ow 0 cena n ) m t

In terms of the 2d of the 1'' AD, they're there. They had an LAD (latest arrival date) In Kuwait late
November Thev made that Thev have been essentiallv there doing traininq, doing commanders'
reconna ssance some of me.r e&ersrw l inmi< went "10 Iraq ,m LO expeite tneprocess f mey
*ere cal eo fowaro Tney nade essent ally sausfeo a of ¥noswnat M E ca RSO& req- cements
lnal a O A mem no* 10 oep 0) q~ w if the event sno- 0 necess tale Inat

In terms of what will happen down range Jeff, I mean, it just depends. This has always been
situation based, and we are going to have to read the situation as it develops Right now there's
some pretty positive trend lines out there compared to what we saw during the referendum In
terms of casualties, in terms of numbers of attacks, in terms of VBIEDs, suicide VBIEDs, those
types of things If those things continue in a positive fashion, and Iraqis continue to show that they
can manage it. then I think there's probably good news to follow. But that will be dependent upon
General Casey's assessment when those things pop on to the calendar

Q. Thank you,
Q Hey General, Jed Babbm We heard from General Casey, and I guess more recently from the
secretary, that we're trying to balance things between providing the Iraqis with the support they
need and not creating in them a dependencyon us to do all of those things, I understand the
concept Give us a couple of points - you know. how do you make the judgment? What do you
balance one against the other in terms of trying to not create that dependency?

Yeah, Je.d I think that's a good quesbon And ifs a finesse question in a sort of
way, because it just depends on what you're dealing with at the time I mean, clearly, just like In
our mllitarv, some lraai units are better than others But as the" are able to steo UD,we are Drettv
much requiring that they do so
I can tell you that in the reports this morning, that there's the first what they are calling Iraqi
brigade-level sweep that's taken place out in the Euphrates River Valley There's a Marine nfle
company out of RCT-2 that is there as observers But these guys conceived of it, planned it and
execute2 all on their own So that's the tvoe of arowth that we see and that we want to
encourage And I think there's a belief on the part of our military and certainly our leadership that.
yo- anort some of tnese -n i s 6 oe rencent 10 step fo'wara -n ess yo- aoso -1e y wmpe them
10 00 so art mats OJ 'espons o ty to botn train t i e raqis as oo one c o n a n tne necessary
w-nter ns..rgenc{ as ,0a two 021to maxe s ~ r that e mat f (st 00 s -naerstooo ana exec-:ea as
soon as we can make it happen

Q Great, thanks

C? This is Jeff McCauslandagain One other question -on the transition teams- what's in the
future? Is that going to be Army-Marme, or is that going to be solely Army7

-eft act-a y 1s ai Services Tne g-ys wno are 021 dong :ne cose cornoat x na
of stiff s c ear y Army m d Mar ne But wnat weve seen s the d reel on ana s-oseq-en1 y me
1 nones3 on tne n a i cf tne N a n and the A r Force to sreo ,.o w e r e tnev can So some of
these-transition teems are base -facilities (base facilities7itrainina teems some of them are
logistics training teams So where it's plausible that a transition team can work to do the type of
things that we find resident in the Air Force or the Navy, again, those Services are stepping up
big time to help relieve some of the stress on the two ground Services

But clearly, where there is a ground combat role, and mat extends out to the border transition
teams - the special police and the police transition teams you are going to find most of those
are Army and Marine

Q How are we coming, particularlywith the MEF, of impressing upon the Sunms that the U S
an0 tne Coa ton forces are there last great nope that ':hey con1 n.e me nsdgency tnen (0-
Know 1me * "st force - s 10 1-m it over me Kurds aod me Sn 'a to so ,e Ifor mern ana AC can
ne P tnem more mar anyoooy M i n red s ng the constiti-I on econom c resources pos ions n me
cao net Are he man ng progress with them?

Tom, Ithink so I see some really positive signs, without sounding overly
optimistic. One is just the turnout of the Sunni vote I think they realize that they hosed (71 it last
time, and they are not willing to see that occur that way this time around So that's I think a
positive sign

Seconoly }QÃ mow M e re act-a y seeing some red on re2 nand are-na Ranao an0 0.1 on
me .vestern ooroer Ine - some o l me 0.30 g q s nade rea I\ naa Iwin me AQ fo KS n Ramao
are mere are fonts !a< r c o a c e tnere mere are threats here s mum oat on on m t r s des
really But it's th'e old thing the enemy of my enemy is my friend And although these, you know,
FRE (former regime elements?) and former Saddamists aren't going to really befriend us in ways
that we are seeing out west, we still see that as a positive thing, and I think a realization on the
part of those folks, that, you know, me final solution here is going to be political, not kinetic

Tne omer in ng s mat 0-1 on tne o o w r one me ooraer POSTSare now n place ara menneo .P.
so we tn ni< A S can stan lo tnrott e yo- mow some of me n-maers mat *e "8 seen corn ng
across but secona I ,o, be aot tnw. she KS out tnere mat r a r e f o ~ a nItr e AQ orev 0"s 4 *no
are offering their young men to join the military in a militia-sort of way; we call them ~ e s e r t
Protectors.And we've got three platoons of those folks out and about And they are providing a
good bit of intelligence,they're helping of course with the security role, and it's a good tie
between sheiks out there that weren't necessarilyfavorableto the Marines in the west that are
now by necessity caused to work somewhat in sync.

Q: And have some of them continuedwith the cease fire they put in during the election?

You know, I In nk we re probaoly certainly the-we're gong to

start to see tne ni-moers of attacks go up some Tnere Aras never rea y a cease fire i think that
was Demos a llrte misunderstood th nk there oronablv were some dscissions temna Dlace.
but those aren't new. I mean, I had those when Iwas out there, and these guys can never quite
come across with the goods. We said, hey, show us your power by cutting off the attacks and
we'll start to believe that you speak for large numbers of people.

Tney were never q ~ i t ea0.e to do LhaL And a tnougn I in nk mere have once aga n been
oisc~s~ionsthis time. notning mat approacneo a cease fre and atacks still d o o a r so -
althoughtney were sonawnat dimimsned And these people did help J S in secmng me po ing

So, I don't know that there's a one-for-one return on the effort, certainly one that we'll continue to
see as we approachthe new year

Q: Thank you

0 Genera Bob Mag nn s On the Horn of Africa yod indicate0 in your expanaton of b e first
pant mat me 1" of tne 1" of course isnt go ng over n us entirety but eemenis m gntgo to tne
Hom of Afrca Are we growing or s In s a replacementeffort n tfiai area?

Boo I oe honestwtn yo- I don1 know the answer totnat The information I
gave /ou s about 30 minutes old When I stepped n the Army nad actual y rea-ced me n-rncer
of sea-nty compan es mat were going to oe neadeo into lrwa and n d a e a in mat nurnoer was
one for the Horn of Africa

I I teI YOJ thai we are trying not to grow .t that's the thrust Its an economy of force mission,
an0 any request for forces mat come in from tnere are very closely scrut nuea so I am going to
nave to d a more nto what mev see is th s reauirement I do know tnere s a s e w N effort tnere
that Is existent in Dmbouh at the base w e t h e r or not these are - . that are lust scheduled to
go in and rotate them out, I can't say for sure.

We are not providinga lot of security elsewhere with regard to convoys and that type of thing. So.
Iwould say 60-40 that they're replacement, but I can't say that with 100 percent assurity

Q' Thank you.

Q General, Tim Eads. Coutd you give us a little background on the timing of this announcement?
I mean, is it based almost exclusively on the capability of the Iraqi forces to step in, is there
- -
something else in play you know the election was less than a weekago. Some may think it's
strange that we are announcing troop withdrawals before the government has stood up.

w Yean Tim all mose things certainly want mto consderaton I can tel yod tnat
ares sen isc~ssionon in s now for some tme, out tnat toe election hanging OLI
ma or consioeration n terms of me annomcement YOJ know we neeoeo to see we were -
there was a

getting reports, of course, that the bad guys were going to try to disrupt and eradicate,you know,
the success of the electionas much as they could. That obviously didn't happen. I mean. you had
a huge turnout and theability of the Iraqi forces to defend it was just excellent.

So t çabeieved mat we wodd wad and see how a I mat pannea o n before mere were any rea.
annoi-ncemenis of me dec swn. an0 mat's esseni al y what you see nere Now we rea ize that if
you look at what happened recently with this interim government that it took, some would argue,
90 days or more to stand up. We're hoping that doesn't happen this time; time will certainly tell.
And Ithink there's a lot of backroomdiscussion, a lot of tea that's going to be drank before this
one really is settled out. But I think people would say that we ail lost momentum when they took,
you know, so b g to put it together. That's a lesson learned and we just hope it's applied as they
bnng this one around,

Q' Thank you.

Q' General, this is Jeff McCausland. I'm sorry. One more question. While I fully am more than
happy to use this phrase call forward force as opposed to operational reserve, and I am sure all
my colleagues will be happy to do that as well, could you kind of tell us why you want to do it that
way? I mean. all of us are comfortable with operational reserve, makes sense in terms of military
terms (crosstalk).


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