Multimedia Application: Design Training, Entertainment

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Multimedia Application: Design Training,

It is a media which is a combination of different
forms of content such as tex, audio, video, images,
Creative industries use it for various purposes such
as fine arts, entertainment, etc...

Multimedia is one of the most fascinating and fastest growing areas in the field of information
technology. Text, pictures, animation, movies and sound - all these varied media are seamlessly
blended, resulting in simple slide shows to dazzling, interactive presentations. Before the advent
of computers, multimedia projects were difficult to put together. Computers enable to combine
the media and can be stored for reuse. Multimedia is widely used in entertainment and education.

Multimedia Application

Multimedia can be used for entertainment, corporate presentations, education, training,

simulations, digital publications, museum exhibits and so much more. With the advent
multimedia authoring applications like Flash, Shockwave and Director amongst a host of other
equally enchanting applications, your multimedia end product is only limited by your

Multimedia Design Training

Multimedia presentations are a great way to introduce new concepts or explain a new
technology. In companies, this reduces the desi Design and Training time of multimedia.
Individuals find it easy to understand and use.

Multimedia Entertainment

The field of entertainment uses multimedia extensively. One of the earliest applications of
multimedia was for games. Multimedia made possible innovative and interactive games that
greatly enhanced the learning experience. Games could come alive with sounds and animated

Multimedia Business

Even basic office applications like a word processing package or a spreadsheet tool becomes a
powerful tool with the aid of multimedia business. Pictures, animation and sound can be added to
these applications, emphasizing important points in the documents.

Virtual reality is a truly absorbing multimedia application. It is an artificial environment created
with computer hardware and software. It is presented to the user in such a way that it appears and
feels real. In virtual reality, the computer controls three of the five senses. Virtual reality systems
require extremely expensive hardware and software and are confined mostly to research

Another multimedia application is videoconferencing. Videoconferencing is conducting a

conference between two or more participants at different sites by using computer networks to
transmit audio and video data.
Computer Animation Software Information

The main goal of computer animation is to synthesize the desired motion effect which is a
mixing of natural phenomena, perception and imagination. Animations are mainly used to
demonstrate an idea or illustrate a concept. A special and computer animation software are
necessary for the creation of computer animation. Some examples of animation software are:
Amorphium, Art of Illusion, 3D Studio Max, SoftImage XSI, Alice, and Adobe Flash (2D) ect.
Prices will vary greatly ranging from affordable to mind-numbingly expensive depending on
target market. In general, computer animation software intended for the novice to enjoy for fun
or for simple animation is less costly. Software for more professional animation is not only more
expensive, but also more comprehensive. However, even the most basic animation programs are
capable of creating some amazing animations.

The following article provides you with info on Computer Animation. The moving elements can
be drawn by hand or input from scanners and other devices. Computer animation is done by
projecting a series of still images called frames. Animation software is used to create beginning
and ending frames for an action. These are specified as key frames. The differences in
appearance between key frames are automatically calculated by the computer in a process known
as tweening or morphing. There are two types of Computer animation: Cel based and Object
based. Cel based computer animation consists of multiple drawings, each one a little different
from the others. When these drawings are shown in rapid sequence, the drawing appears to
move. Object based computer animation (also called slide or path animation) simply moves an
object across a screen. The object itself does not change.

Speed is key to the success of computer animation. To give the illusion of smooth movement,
complete images, often called frames, must be shown at speeds of at least 12 images per second.
At lesser speeds, the human eye is able to detect a certain amount of jerkiness. Interestingly,
however, there is no advantage to showing images at speeds of 70 frames per second or more, as
there is no noticeable improvement in movement perception at speeds this high.

Video is usually taken from life, whereas animations are based on drawings. Vector graphics
may be 2D or 3D. 2D graphics show only length and width, whereas 3D graphics show depth
too. Shading, anti-aliasing and morphing are other techniques used to make the images more
realistic. Manipulating large images eventually destined for movies can be highly processor
intensive, which calls for specialized computers and operating system. Clusters of Silicon
Graphics computers were used for the amazing visual effects and the CGI for movies like
'Abyss', 'Matrix' and 'Jurassic Park' to name a few. Animation is far reaching. There are the
block-busting special effects, which make the Millennium Falcon fly and the Titanic sink. Each
of these types of animation has its own difficulties - budget and time constraints, technology
limitations, and so on. Skills of imagination, creativity and artistic ability are highly desired in
the field of web animation.

Multimedia Computer: Music and Sounds

A multimedia computer can include sound data and live synthesized music. Various software
programs record, play and edit digitized sounds. Sounds are basically analog signals, but they
can be easily digitized and stored on disks. This will enhance the performance of computer

Digitized video files are very lengthy. To store video and play it back at a usable rate, the files
are heavily compressed using a video codec (compressor-decompressor).

A multimedia kit is a package of hardware and software that adds multimedia capabilities to a
computer. Typically a multimedia kit includes a CD-ROM or DVD player, a sound card,
speakers, and CD-ROMs.
Multimedia Web Design

A good multimedia web design is one that adds to the overall value of your site. Depending on
the kind of services you want to convey using a Multimedia web Design depends on the web site
design as per your unique needs. The very last thing you want is to distract your viewer from the
key message on your web page through Multimedia web Design.

Weave your designs around your site theme. Make sure your designs communicate your business
objectives in a clear manner. Strive towards creating an appealing, convincing design which
informs, entertains, and also sells your products or services. Focus to enhance user experience.
Yet, don't overwhelm the user.

Multimedia web design products will allow you to publish two versions of your content. One
version is published strictly with HTML and doesn't include the rich features of the multimedia
project, but it allows most users to get to the content they want. The multimedia version will
require additional download time or a plug-in, but the viewer will be able to see, hear, and
interact with the content exactly as it was intended. Much of multimedia web design software
utilizes compression technology to create the smallest possible files, thereby reducing the
download time and wait time for the viewer.

Multimedia software combines text, audio, images and animation. You can publish it to the web
as streaming multimedia. Streaming multimedia means that the user does not have to wait for the
files to download completely before he can see them. Usually a portion of the content is
downloaded, and the remainder is downloaded while the content is being viewed. Multimedia
software products allow you to design slide shows, product demonstrations, tutorials, brochures,
movies, cartoons, walk-through demonstrations, advertisements, interactive photo albums and

Adding multimedia design to web site greatly enhances the visual experience of the visitor.
Multimedia for web design requires the viewer to install a plug-in or player to view the content.
However, some products employ technology that is already included with the latest Web
browsers. Many Web surfers do not upgrade their browsers or install additional software to view
the content they're looking for.

The Web is a very versatile medium and multimedia enhances the experience. Web pages can
display animated graphics and play sounds, even allow for user interaction. These make the web
pages more attractive and informative. Many web sites offer great multimedia information and
how it is used in day-to-day life.

Computer Graphic Design

Computer graphic desings are picture images created and manipulated digitally on computers.
Using computer graphic designs in video prjects can be an excellent way to convey complex
ideas. There are basically two forms in computer graphic design: bitmaps and vector graphics.
Bitmap images are widely used. The number of pixels in the image determines the size of these
images. They must be printed or displayed at the same size. Any other size distorts the image.
Vector graphics are a set of graphical objects stored as coordinates, and mathematical formulas
that determine their shape and position. These graphical objects are called primitives. Lines,
curves, rectangles, ellipses etc. are all primitives. These are widely used in computer-aided

Computer graphic design entails editing and polishing graphics. 2D or 3D computer graphic
design programs can be used to create animations. One of the issues in computer graphic design
is choosing the image that will convey the meaning best. The graphic must complement the text
on the page.

The graphic designer must produce a visual communication product for a specific audience.
Technology has given us the tools to create finished products quickly with a high level of
professionalism. An effective advertising or education campaign does much more than deliver a
message; it also influences the audience' response. There is no point in telling people how good a
product is if we can't make them start using it.
Multimedia Development Process: Storage
Cabinet, Interactive Multimedia Production
Multimedia is a process that combine text, high-
quality sound, two- and three-dimensional graphics,
animation, photo images, and full-motion video. In
order to work with multimedia, a personal computer
typically requires a powerful microprocessor, large
memory and storage capabilities.

Multimedia Development Process

Multimedia development Process can be described as the use of many different communication
medias, technologies and delivery platforms. A multimedia production can be expensive. Their
preparation requires a team of people, each with a special skill set. Instructional designers
explain how people learn and how materials should be structured. Producers coordinate the
development process. Subject matter experts bring their knowledge of the subject. Interface
designers are in charge of the onscreen navigational system. Writers work on scripts and any text
that appears on the screen and documentation. Designers work on the program's graphics, it's
overall look and feel, and interface design. Artists create graphics. Programmers put together all
these elements using development software.

Multimedia Developer

The multimedia developer has communication medias such as color, text, images, graphics,
music, sound, narrations, video, 2d animation, 3d animation, interactivity and light at his
disposal. A multimedia developer can design, build and implement strategies that make effective
use of the medias and the technology used to produce and deliver the final systems.

Multimedia Storage Cabinet

Multimedia storage solutions are available in plenty for your Compact Disc, DVD, VHS Tape
and cassette collections. Holders are available in library, rack, cabinet, desktop, portable and
tower styles to store from 10 to over 1500 CDs and other media. The highest quality of wood and
metal are used to create the multimedia storage units. All of the pieces required for assembling
the multimedia storage cabinet are provided. The time required for assembly will be 1-3 hours.
For some of the larger units, two people may be necessary for assembling.

Interactive Multimedia Production

All elements used in multimedia have existed before. Multimedia combines all these components
into a powerful medium. Interactive multimedia weaves five types of media: text, sounds,
graphics, video and animation into a multimedia production. The final multimedia production
becomes interactive only when these distinct pieces are put together in an organized manner.
Interactive multimedia does not follow a linear pattern. Research does not happen in a single
step, it flows throughout the project. Deciding on a topic leads to identifying sub-topics, which in
turn lead to more sub-topics. Non-linear links begin to appear between ideas in the project. These
links must be researched in greater depth. The final document itself becomes non-linear. The
reader does not have to start at the top and read to the bottom, they can move around within the
information the author has presented. The author presents ideas and provides links for their
readers to navigate. In a multimedia production classroom the number one problem is not
discipline, it is running out of time.

Interactive multimedia firms derive the majority of their business from servicing Web sites and
corporate businesses than home consumer, government or other institutions. Larger companies
who employ greater than 100 employees appear to be performing the majority of interactive
multimedia production. Productivity in smaller companies has declined slightly while it has
increased in larger firms. This is because larger businesses are better able to meet the costs of
doing business and have access to premier clientele. Challenges in interactive multimedia
production are the lengthy decision making cycles and meeting the client's requirement on a
nominal budget.

Multimedia Servers and Databases

Universal servers are databases that store multimedia elements. Different fields store the text,
images, sound and video files. These powerful databases can be accessed over the network and
function as organizational libraries.

High performance multimedia storage server software supports both streaming media data (e.g.,
video, audio) and conventional data (e.g., text, binary, images). It can be used as a next-
generation file system as well as a stand alone video or audio on-demand server. Example for
such a multimedia storage server is Fellini.

Computers are now able to handle continuous media. Continuous media data has real-time
requirements. A traditional file server cannot distinguish between continuous and non-
continuous media. A multimedia storage server must be able to handle a large number of real-
time requests with different rates. A multimedia storage server should support non real-time
requests without violating the requirements of the real-time requests. It should support the
storage and retrieval of multimedia data like: text, images, and other binary data.

Delivering Multimedia

Many multimedia programs are designed to work on the computer. To show one to a larger
audience, you need a projection device like an LCD panel, projector, or a large-screen TV. A
cordless mouse is also useful. One use of multimedia is to offer information or services in public
places using presentation devices called "kiosks" where you touch the screen to locate
information. Kiosks can be seen in museums and other public places.

Multimedia Search
There are plenty of specialized multimedia search tools available. Some of these covers several
types of multimedia content, while some focus on images and specific file types. Major search
engines have the ability to search for multimedia files on the web. Many search engines index all
kinds of image formats. Some are associated with general search engines; some are stand alone
image search engines. Some just index pictures available on the Web. Others have specialized
collections of images. The image search engines are much more diverse than the general Web
search engines. Copyright is one important issue to consider when searching for images.

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