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It performs a number of basic

tasks, including controlling

hardware(硬件)/file handling(⽂文
件管理理)(Other suitable
examples are also accepted)
It allows the user to
communicate with the
computer using hardware Functions & Features
Operating System
It provides the user with a user
︎The OS is needed to handle this
multitasking(多任务) PC’s are often used to perform
It provides the ability to handle many complex tasks at a time
so it is easier to read/write/
understand It makes the values easier to
so it is easier to debug(排除错 Closer to human language/
English remember/debug(排除错误)
误) the program
Therefore less likely to make Reasons for using It is a shorter way to
errors represent the binary

because it is written in source Fewer errors made (in data

The program can be used on transcription(抄写/复制))
because it is compiled(编译) many different platforms Why do we use High-Level Hexadecimal (HTML) Colour codes
into object code(⽬目标码) Language(⾼高级语⾔言)?
Error messages
this saves time when writing the They have built-in functions/ Usages
program libraries MAC Addresses

therefore, specialist knowledge Do not need to manipulate(操 IP(v6) Addresses

of this is not required 纵) memory addresses directly 第六代IP地址

as this can be used on many Only need to learn a single A compression algorithm(压缩
different computers language 算法) is used
Translates (high level language) The file can be
It is a translator
to low level language decompressed(解压缩) to the
Translates source code line by Lossless exact same state(状态) it was
Executes one line at a time ⽆无损压缩
line before compression
Stops when an error is No data is lost in the process
Interpreter Repeated words/patterns can
Produces error messages to
Runs error diagnostic(诊断) 解释程序 be indexed(编⼊入索引)
tell user location of error
When the error is fixed it Lossy would reduce the file
continues Programming Language size more (than lossless)
Python Example 压缩 The redundant(冗余的) data
Translates high-level language can be removed from the files
Operating System and
into machine code/low level Programming Language Images can still be a similar
Lossy quality
Translates (the source code) all 有损压缩
in one go(⼀一次性地) There is no requirement for
Characteristics the files to be exactly the
Produces an executable file(可 same as original file
执⾏行行⽂文件) Translators
Files can be sent quicker /
Produces an error report(错误 faster to upload / faster to
报告) download
therefore, allows faster compiled program can be Instructions of how to make
execution(运⾏行行速度更更快) executed without a compiler
Benefits Data Representation
therefore, allow to just send
Non-audio recording
machine code when code is Provides an executable file
transmitted File created using digital
Java musical instruments

C Example Produced by synthesizer(⾳音响

Musical Instrument Digital 合成器器)
Interface (MIDI)
translates low level language Used when composing
Data Storage
into machine code(机器器码) music(编曲)

only option for low-level Assembler Individual notes(⾳音符)/

language programs 汇编程序 instruments(乐器器) can be
Used to attend(处理理) to certain
tasks Digital recording of sound
Used to make sure that vital Produced by recording
tasks are dealt with
software / microphone
Used when distributing sound
A signal that can be sent from a
MP3 files
device (attached to (附在) the
computer) or a software Formats Compressed file format(压缩
The interrupt will cause the 格式 过的⽂文件格式)
operating system/current
process to pause(暂停)
Interrupt Format .png
The Operating System(OS)/
CPU will handle the interrupt .tiff
They have different levels of Image is converted from
analogue to digital (using
After the interrupt is serviced, ADC)
the (previous) process is
continued Image is turned into pixels(像
It enables multi-tasking to be
carried out on a computer Pictures Each pixel is given a binary
Scanned using app value

It is the camera that is used to Pixels form a grid(格⼦子) (to

scan create the image)
The three large squares are Each pixel has a colour
used to define the alignment(校
准) Quick Respond Code Pixels are stored in
(QR Code) sequence(按顺序) (in a file)
Black squares reflect less light ⼆二维码
Reflection(反射) Uses several wires
white squares reflect more light
Principle Transmits multiple bits at a
The app processes(处理理) the time
Benefit Faster data transfer
Each small square/pixel is
converted to a binary value More chance of data being out
of order(顺序错乱) due to bits
QR codes are frequently used being sent simultaneously
by mobile phones to obtain(获
Drawback More expensive as requires
取) information
multiple wires
QR codes are used for Parallel
More chance of interference(⼲干
扰) as multiple wires are used
barcodes are frequently used at
checkouts / libraries Integrated circuit(IC)(集成电路路)

QR code is faster to scan than Random Access Memory(RAM)

barcodes Example (随机存储器器)

QR codes are more error Difference connections to peripheral

tolerant(容错) devices(外围设备)

QR code can be read from any Data is transmitted one bit at a

angle, some barcode readers time
have to be lined up
Principal Data is transmitted using a
with the barcode
single wire
QR code can hold more data
than a barcode Bits arrive in order(按顺序)

Barcodes contain vertical lines Less likely to encounter a data

and QR codes contain disorder(顺序错乱)
‘squares’ Cheap since single wire used
Shines light / (red) laser at
“Illuminator” Less chance of interference(⼲干
Serial 扰)
White lines reflect light
Light is reflected back Drawback Low speed
Black lines reflect less light Bar code for sending data externally
Sensors (传感器器) detect the light 条形码 Universal Serial Bus(USB)
to and from peripherals
Bars will give different binary values
Example SATA
A microprocessor(微处理理器器)
Input Wifi
interprets the data (ADC used)
PCI Express
Conductive layer(导电层) is used
Odd or even parity can be used
An electrostatic field (电磁场) is created
If sum is even...
Sensor(s) (around the screen) Capacitive 1s are added together
monitor the electrostatic field Principle If sum is odd...
When touched (electrostatic) Parity bit added (depending on
charge is transferred to finger parity set)
Parity Check Parity checked on receipt(接收
Location of touch is calculated
Uses multiple layers
If parity bit is incorrect an error
pushed two layers make is detected
When top layer touched
Resistive Touch Screen A calculations performed using
Circuit is completed when Principle
电阻 a set of algorithms(算法)
layers touch
A check digit is added to the
Point of contact is determined/
end of the number as a result
Computer preform the same
Does not require peripherals Check Digit
calculation and compare the
(mouse or keyboard)
result to the check digit
Less chance of input error Benefits of using touch screen If match, transmission correct
Resistant to weather(抵抗天⽓气
Calculation performed on data
的) (to get the checksum)
(Scanner) shines a light onto the Checksum (result) sent with
surface of a document data
Reflected light is captured Checksum recalculated after
Uses mirrors and lenses 2D transmission
Check Sum Comparison made between
Captured image is converted
into a digital file checksum before and
checksum after transmission
Produces a 2D digital image
Error Detection and Correction Error detected if checksums are
Scanners shines a laser (or different
light) over the surface of a 3D
object Scanner Copy of data is sent back to
Records measurements of the
geometry/dimensions of the Data is compared to see if it
object 3D matches
Echo Check
Measurements are converted to If it does not match error
digital file detected

Produces a 3D digital model(3D Uses acknowledgement(确认

模型) 通知) and timeout(超时)

Suitable sensor Request is sent (with data)

requiring acknowledgement
Data converted from
If no response/
analogue to digital (using
acknowledgment within certain
ADC) time data package is resent(重
Data sent to microprocessor 实际应⽤用题·这种题的考点⽐比较 新发送)
单⼀一,通常要求考⽣生⽤用学到的 Automatic repeat request (ARQ)
if data matches......... When data received contains
Data is compared to stored Sensor来描述⼀一套⾃自动化系统 Data Transmission an error a request is sent
If not....... range 的设计,这时我们需要注意答 (automatically) to resend the
案中包含着⼏几点。 data
When to stop the action that
activated by the The resend request is
repeatedly sent until packet is
received that has no error
Continuous loop/process(重
复操作) Disturbances that can occur in
the signals when sending data
to measure the levels of What is interference(⼲干扰) that may corrupt it
oxygen/carbon dioxide /
nitrogen in the Gas (sensor) a web browser(浏览器器) is used
factory to make sure they are Sensor user enters the URL(⽹网站地址)
not too high / low OR
clicks a link containing the web
to measure the temperature address
of the chemicals to make Requested
Temperature (sensor) the URL / web address
sure it is specifies the protocol(协议)
not too high/low 结合实际的描述题
我们这⾥里里以化⼯工⼚厂⽤用的sensors protocols used are Hyper Text
to measure the pressure of Transfer Protocol (HTTP)(超⽂文本
chemicals flowing through 传输协议)
pipes to Motion / Infra-red (sensor)
the URL / web address
check that level are not too
contains the domain name(域
high / low
to measure the pH to make the Internet Service Provider
sure the acidity of the pH (sensor) (ISP) (因特⽹网服务供应商) looks
chemicals is correct up the IP address of the
Sent the domain name is used to
Uses a large number of tiny How website is transferred to look up the IP address of the
mirrors the user company
Mirrors are laid out in a grid/
the domain name server (DNS) (域名
系统) stores an index(索引) of
Each mirror creates a pixel(像 domain names and IP addresses
素) in the image web browser sends a request
Digital Light Projector to the web server / IP address
Mirrors can tilt(倾斜) toward or
away from light source (DLP) Data for the website is stored
on the company’s web server
The mirrors reflect light toward
a (projection) lens(镜头) webserver sends the data for
the website back to the web
filters(过滤) light into red/green/ Light passes through colour browser
blue wheel
web server uses the customer’s
Can be used to display an Projector Received IP address to return the data
image on a wall/screen 投影仪
the data is transferred into
Green Contains three separate(分别的) Hyper Text Mark-up Language
Red LCD glass panels(LCD 玻璃⾯面 (HTML)(超⽂文本标记语⾔言)

Blue 板) HTML is interpreted by the web

browser (to display the website)
Light pass through the panels
Microphone to computer
To allow light to pass LCD Projector
Individual pixels can be opened
Sensor to computer
Or block the light or closed
Computer to printer
Used when the contrast(对⽐比度)
E.g. Computer to speaker
and brightness(亮度) is
important Simplex Computer to monitor
uses cartridges(墨墨盒)
makes use of thermal bubble
IGCSE Webcam to computer
Sending data to a device
technology(热⽓气泡喷墨墨技术) Computer Science
(Direction of data is) one way
Revision Mind-map only
sprays(喷洒) ink in droplets(⼩小 Inkjet
滴) on the paper 喷墨墨

uses a moving print head

suitable for low volume (high
quality) output, e.g. a photo
uses powdered ink/toner Half Duplex

uses a charged(带电的) printing Output Direction Data are transferred in two

Printer directions
Datta are sent only one
makes use of static electricity
direction at a time
Laser Communication & Telephone call
uses a fuser(熔凝器器) to fix(固定)
激光 Internet Technologies
ink onto the paper Voice over IP
uses a discharge lamp(放电灯) Instant messaging
to remove static charge from
the drum Broadband connections
useful for high volume (high (Full) duplex Video conferencing
quality) output, e.g. leaflets(传
Sending data to and from
Made up by tiny RGB(红绿蓝)
Computer to modem
Each block is made of liquid (Direction of data is both
crystal(液晶) ways) at same time
Electric current(电流) is used to Encrypted text is meaningless
control each blocks Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) Why? Need the key to decrypt(解密)
Back light is made by the text
fluorescent tubes(荧光灯管) details before encryption is the
Ideal for
portable devices Thin plain text明⽂文
(便便携式设备) Advantage
Do not use a lot of energy The plain text is encrypted
using an encryption
Made up by tiny RGB blocks algorithm(算法)
Each block is made of liquid The plain text details is OR
crystal encrypted using a key(密钥)
Electric current is used to Principle 加密 How? The encrypted text is cypher/
control each blocks
cipher text (密⽂文)
Light emitting diode display
Back light is made by
(LED) The key is transmitted
LEDs(Light emitting diode)
separately(分别地) (from the
Thinner text)
Lighter The key is used to decrypt(解
Visible over wider viewing 密) the cypher text (密⽂文) (after
angle(更更⼤大的可视⻆角度) transmission)

main memory inside a IP address is used to identify a

computer device (on the Internet /
directly accessed by CPU
IP address is allocated(分配) by
Permanent the network/ ISP
Non-Volatile (⾮非易易失性) IP addresses can be IPv4 or
Read only Read Only Memory (ROM) IPv6
Internet Protocol (IP)
Primary meaning it doesn’t change
Holds instructions for boot up
(开机) IP address can be static静态 each time it is connected to the
Two main types Internet
IP address can be dynamic动 meaning that it can change
Volatile (易易失性) each time a device is
Random Access Memory (RAM) 态 connected to the Internet
Can have read/write operations Addresses
holds files/instructions in use 地址
Assigned(分配) by the device’s
Not directly accessed by the manufacturer
Cannot be changed
Non-volatile(⾮非易易失性) storage Definitions
Media Access Control (MAC) Device can be identified by this
Secondary is internal to the address
First three pairs of digits Manufacturer ID
It has no moving parts so will composition
be durable(耐久) Last three pairs of digits Serial ID (序列列号)

It is physically small so it can Uniform Resource Locator 近两年年只考过辨析题,没考过

be easily put into the device (URL) 描述题
SSD (Solid State Drive)
It is physically light(轻) 固态硬盘 The web browser sends
It can hold a large amount of
data Secondary DNS stores an index of URL
and matching IP address
Uses less power
DNS searches for URL to
Data is stored in a digital format obtain the IP address
on the magnetic surface of the
disks IP address sent to web
browser, (if found)
Number of read/write heads How does browser work
can access all of the surfaces of Browser Web browser sends request to
the disk HDD (Hard Disk Drive) 浏览器器 IP of web server
Each disks have two surfaces Web server sends web page to
which can be used to store the web browser
Web browser interprets HTML
It has larger memory space to display web page
than SSD
If URL not found DNS returns
Non-volatile(⾮非易易失性) storage error
Can be disconnected from the Provide access to the internet
computer (removable)
Usually charge a monthly
Must be (physically) connected Basic Characteristics fee(费⽤用)
to computer to obtain stored
data Give users an IP address

Used to store files as a backup Determine bandwidth(带宽)

The disc is rotated/spun Supports domain names(域名)

Internet Service Provider(ISP)
Laser beam is used 因特⽹网服务供应商 Provide security services
The laser beam makes Memory Provide web hosting facilities
indentations(凹陷) on the
Provide access to Email /
surface of the disc Mailbox
The data is written in a spiral/ How data are written
Provides online data storage
concentric tracks
defines how messages are
The pits and lands represent 1s http transmitted and formatted over
and 0s the Internet
It is called burning(烧制) data to Hypertext Transfer Protocol
the disc Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
(Secure) (i.e. http and https)
(Red) laser is used Internet It means the website uses SSL/
(Laser beams) shines onto https TLS
surface of the disk It means data sent (to and from
It is rotated(旋转) (at a constant the web server) is encrypted(加
speed) to be read 密)

Surface is covered in a track Using tags

(that spirals(螺旋形的) from the Is used for layout
Structure e.g. <p>;<h1>;<body>;<html>;
Compact Disk(CD) Hypertext Markup Language
Data is represented on the etc.
surface using pits and lands Off-line (HTML)
超⽂文本标记语⾔言 Is used for formatting
Pits and lands represent binary Presentation
values e.g. <b>;<i>;etc.

Pits reflect light back differently CSS can be used for

(to the area in between/land) presentation content
Optical Downloaded to a user’s
Optical device can determine
the binary value from the light computer when a website is
reflection visited

uses one spiral track webserver sends to web

red lasers are used to read and What is it
write data on the media surface Stored on a user’s computer
Digital Video Disk (DVD)
makes use of dual-layering(双 Stored by a browser
层) technology to increase the Detected by the website when
storage capacity it is visited again
use blue lasers To store personal information
storage capacity of Blu-ray To store login details
discs is high
To save items in an online
Blu-ray discs use one Blu-ray Cookies shopping basket
polycarbonate(聚碳酸酯) layer
To track/save internet surfing
Blu-ray discs have a built-in habits (上⽹网习惯)
secure encryption system
What is it used To carry out targeted
advertising (⽬目标⼴广告)
To store payment details
To customise(个性化) a
Store progress in online
Prevents direct access to the Sits between user and web
A legal-looking email is sent to web server server
a user
If an attack is launched it hits can be used to help prevent
The email will encourage the the proxy server instead DDOS
user to click a link/open an
attachment Proxy server(虚拟服务器器) Traffic(数据传输) is
Phishing examined(检查) by the proxy
The link will redirect(重定向) a ⽹网络钓⻥鱼 server
user to a legal-looking
webpage (to steal personal Can block requests from
data) certain IP addresses

A malicious(有害的) code is Type of protocol that allows

installed on a user’s hard drive/ data to be sent and received
server securely over the internet

The code will cause a Pharming Online uses encryption(加密)

(to steal personal data) redirection(重定向) to a legal- ⽹网域嫁接
encryption is asymmetric(异
looking webpage Secure Socked Layer (SSL)
步) / symmetric (同步)
Junk / unwanted email(垃圾邮
makes use of (public and
private 公钥、私钥) keys
Sent to large numbers of
data is meaningless (without
decryption key)
Used for advertising / spreading
垃圾(邮件) Manages the flow of data and
Definition of CU interaction between the
Fills up(占满) mail boxes components of the processor.

Hardware or software that Program Counter (PC) Holds address of next/current

monitors network traffic instruction to be fetched/
What is it processed/executed
To help prevent hackers gaining
access / deleting data Stores data/instruction that is in
Memory Data Register (MDR)
use from address in MAR
It monitors(监督) traffic(数据传
Stores the memory address
输) into and out of a computer/ Control Unit (CU) from which data will be
server 控制单元 Memory Data Register(MAR) fetched(取来) to the CPU or the
It allows a user to set criteria(审 Sub-parts address to which data will be
查标准) for the traffic sent and stored.

It checks whether the traffic Firewall Holds data and instructions

when they are loaded from
meets the criteria(审查标准) How it works Immediate Access Store (IAS)
main memory and are waiting
It blocks any traffic that does to be processed.
Blocks unauthorised access
not meet the criteria Holds data temporarily that is
It warns a user of any currently being used in a
unauthorised outgoing traffic calculation.

It keeps a log(记录下来) of all Carries out the calculations on

traffic data.
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Scans computer for viruses 数据逻辑单元 Accumulator A register in which intermediate
arithmetic and logic results are
Software to detect/remove stored
杀毒软件 Security transports an address of the next item to be fetched
Can prevent data being Von Neumann Architecture Address
冯·诺依曼结构 Data travels one way
corrupted(破坏) by viruses
Computer Architecture
that is currently being
Type of protocol(协议) that transports data
allows data to be sent and Data
received securely over the Bus Data can travel in both
internet 总线 directions

uses encryption(加密) transports signals

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) directs the actions of the CPU
encryption is asymmetric(异步) / Control
symmetric(同步) Can be either Unidirectional(单
makes use of (public and ⽅方向) or Bidirectional(双⽅方向)
private 公钥、私钥) keys How to keep safe
1. Program counter (PC) holds
address / location of the
data is meaningless (without
decryption key)
2. The address held in PC is
a stored physical measurement
sent to MAR
e.g. fingerprint
3. Address is sent using
that is compared to a previously
address bus
scanned human measurement
Biometric password
How an instruction is fetched? 4. PC is incremented
Less easier to hack
5. The instruction is sent from
unique to that person
address in memory to MDR
cannot be shared
6. Instruction is transferred
To help protect files / computer using the data bus
from unauthorised access
7. Instruction sent to
(a minimum number of) IR(Instruction Register (指令寄
characters that can be typed at Password 存器器))
a keyboard
set / can be changed by the
Make a copy of the data
Copy stored away from main
computer Backups(备份)
Data can be restored from
To stop users downloading/
installing software that could Restricted access
Locks/alarms/CCTV to alert/
Physical methods
deter unauthorised access
Message e.g. to ask if definitely
want to delete

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