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Shady plot

First half

PS- Please suggest dialogues and corrections.

Hallock-So, I started thinking of the plot. Perhaps, it is strange but I think I am a genius in myself. I get a plot in a snap (snaps his
fingers) without even thinking. Oh, this is so boring!!!(in cringe)

Ghost-Did you call me?

Hallock- Today, I’ve come to know that I’ve unlocked a new sense of mine. I can actually visualize stories as if they are real.

Ghost-You are actually watching a ghost and first answer my question.

Hallock- No, I didn’t and why the lights are do dim? Oh, electric fault.

Narrator-Hallock is horrified. He doesn’t know what to do now. He’s sweating because he cannot believe his eyes.

Ghost- We cure people like you. Give you the stories and avoid what happened with us?

Hallock-Were you murdered for giving a nice story so you can protect me.

Ghost-No, we were never given recognition for our stories when we were alive so, we ghosts have made a story lending
department of ours. I sense someone. Now, I’ve got to go. Take an Ouija board and call me whenever you want(ghost exits).

Lavinia(politely)- Look what I bought, Ouija board.

Hallock-Why are you wasting money on this creep, supernatural, curse on humans who are living?

Lavinia-There is an unusual thrill in playing on these Ouija boards.

Hallock-Oh, really!! But, last week you said that you were afraid of these supernatural beings .

Lavinia-There is a……(pause).I got to go.

Gladolia-Sir, there’s this Ouija board party in the evening.

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