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Budgeted Outlay

Empowerment Technology
Sapian National High School
S.Y. 2019-2020

Content Objectives No. Date Remarks


WEEK 1 -2

Information and
Technology covering the
topics of: 1. The current 1. compare and contrast the
state of ICT technologies nuances of varied online platforms,
(i.e., Web 2.0, 3.0, sites, and content to best achieve
convergent technologies, specific class objectives or address 5 June 3 -7,
social, mobile, and assistive situational challenges - days 2019
media) CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-1
2. Online systems,
functions, and platforms

2. apply online safety, security,

ethics, and etiquette standards and 3
practice in the use of ICTs as it days
3. Online safety, security, June 10 – 12,
ethics, and etiquette would relate to their specific
professional tracks - CS_ICT11/12-

3. use the Internet as a tool for 2

credible research and information days
gathering to best achieve specific June 13 – 14,
class objectives or address 2019
4. Contextualized online
search and research skills situational - CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-

WEEK 3 -4

Mail merge and label 4. uses common productivity tools 5 June 17 – 21,
generation 2. effectively by maximizing advanced days 2019
application techniques -
Custom animations and
timing 3.

Hyperlinking in
presentations 4. 5. creates an original or derivative 5 June 24 – 28,
ICT content to effectively days 2019
Integrating images and communicate or present data or
external material in word information related to specific
processors 5. professional tracks. - CS_ICT11/12-
Embedded files and data
6. Advanced and complex
formulas and computations

WEEK 5 -6

Imaging and Design For the

Online Environment
covering the topics of
7. use image manipulation 5 July 1 – 5,
1. Basic principles of techniques on existing images to days 2019
graphics and layout change or enhance their current
2. Principles of visual state to communicate a message for
message design a specific purpose - CS_ICT11/12-
using infographics ICTPT-Ie-f-7
3. Online file formats
for images and text
4. Principles and basic 5 July 8 – 12,
8. create an original or derivative ICT days 2019
techniques of
content to effectively communicate
a visual message in an online
environment related to specific
5. Basic image
professional tracks - CS_ICT11/12-
manipulation using
offline or
6. Combining text,
graphics, and
7. Uploading, sharing,
and image hosting

WEEK 7 - 8

Online platforms as tools

for ICT content
development covering the 9. evaluate existing online creation
tools, platforms and applications in
topics of:
developing ICT content for specific
1. The nature and professional tracks - CS_ICT11/12-
purposes of online ICTPT-Ig-h-9
platforms and
applications 2. Basic 10. apply web design principles and
elements using online creation 5 July 15 – 19,
web design principles
tools, platforms, and applications to days 2019
and elements 3. Web
page design using communicate a message for a
templates and online specific purpose in specific
WYSIWYG platforms professional tracks - CS_ICT11/12-
visualization (Prezi, Soho,
Slideshare, mindmeister)

2.Cloud computing (Google Create an original or derivative ICT 5 July 22 – 26,

Drive, Evernote,Dropbox) content using online creation tools, days 2019
platforms, and applications to
3.Social Media (Twitter, effectively communicate messages
Facebook, Tumblr) related to specific professional
tracks - CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ig-h-11
4.We b Page Creation (Wix,

5.File Management
(zamzar, word2pdf)

6. Mapping (Google Maps,


WEEK 9 -10

Collaborative development 12. evaluate the quality, value, and

of ICT content covering the appropriateness of peer’s existing or
previously developed ICT content in 5 July 29 –
topics of:
relation to the theme or intended days August 2,
1. Team structure and audience/ viewer of an ICT project - 2019
dynamics for ICT
content 2. Online
collaborative tools and
processes 3. Project
management for ICT
content 4. Curating 13. share and showcase existing or
existing content for previously developed material in the 5
use on the web form of a collaboratively designed days August 5 – 9 ,
1. Google Docs/ MS newsletter or blog site intended for 2019
Office 365 a specific audience or viewer
2. Prezi CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ii-j-13
3. Google Chat/
4. Skype/ Viber/
Kakao Talk/
WeChat/ Line

2nd Quarter


Multimedia and ICTs

covering the topics of:

1. Rich content in the

online environment 14. explore the principles of 5 August 12 –
and the user interactivity and rich content in the days 16, 2019
experience 2. context of Web 2.0 and the
multimedia and participation of the user in the
interactivity 3. Web
2.0, Web 3.0, and user
participation in the online experience CS_ICT11/12-
web ICTPT-IIk-14

Types of rich and

multimedia content
currently include but are
not limited to:

1. Video and audio,

embedded and on demand
2. Online games, tests,and
3. Web - , game - , pod - ,
and vod - casting


Multimedia and ICTs

covering the topics of:

1. Rich content in the

online environment
and the user
experience 2.
multimedia and
interactivity 3. Web
2.0, Web 3.0, and user
participation in the 15. share anecdotes of how he/she 5 August 19 –
web has used ICTs to be part of a social days 23
movement, change, or cause to
Types of rich and
illustrate aspects of digital
multimedia content
citizenship CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIl-
currently include but
Samples of this
phenomenon include but
are not limited to:

1. EDSA and Cardinal Sin’s

call to action via radio

2. EDSA Dos and the us e of

text messaging to mobilize

3. Million People March

against Pork barrel via

4. Disaster relief
operations and
mobilization via Internet
and text brigades
WEEKS 13–16

Developing an ICT Project

for Social Change covering
the topics of:

1. Planning and
conceptualizing an ICT
Project for Social Change 2.
Research for ICT Projects, 16. identify a local or regional cause
Audience profiling, or issue for Social Change related to
(demographics and specific professional tracks that can
psychographics) 3. be addressed or tackled using an ICT
Designing and copywriting Project for Social Change
for ICT Projects 4. CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIm-p16
Developing and
constructing the ICT project

Samples of these
advocacies or projects 17. analyze how target or intended
include but are not limited users and audiences are expected to
to: respond to the proposed ICT Project
for Social Change on the basis of
1. Anti drug
content, value, and user experience
2. Youth election CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIm-p17
volunteer 20 August 26 –
mobilization days September 30
3. Animal welfare and ,2019
18. integrate rich multi media
content in design and development
4. Environmental
to best enhance the user experience
conservation and
and deliver content of an ICT Project
for Social Change
5. Contemporary ICT
issues such as CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIm-p18
cyber bullying,
copyright 19. develop a working prototype of
infringement, an ICT Project for Social Change
green t echnology,
and Internet

Prepared by:




HT-III/TLE-TVL Coordinator

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