Final - OSIEA Financial Report Template

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GRANTEE: The Open Society Innitiative For Eastern Africa

GRANT TITLE: Network Stregtherning
GRANT PERIOD: September 13th 2015- September 2016
ORGANIZATION NAME: Tanzania Network for People Who Use Drugs.
GRANT TITLE: Network Stregtherning
GRANT PERIOD: September 13th 2015- September 2016
GRANT NO: OR2015-23743
REPORTING PERIOD: September 13th 2015- September 2016


1st installment 15,000
2nd Installment
3rd Installment
Total Instalments 15,000.00
Total Expenditure for period 10,283.00
Fund balance 4,717.00

Total Total Variance

Approved expenditure
Project Activity Lines Budget USD USD USD
Mapping of individuals and PWUD groups,creating
awareness tomembership
Staff Salariesmobilizationat Tanga 5,100.00 5,100.00 -
Mapping ofand
idividuals and PWUD groups, creating
awarenessand membership mobilization Mwanza 735.00 735.00 -
region 2,109.00 2,109.00 -
Mapping of individual and PWUD groupps,creating aware 566.00 566.00 -
Develop IEC material and T'shirt 600.00 600.00 -
Administrative/ overhead costs 1,173.00 1,173.00 -
GRAND TOTAL 10,283.00 10,283.00 -

ORGANIZATION NAME: Tanzania Network for People who use drugs

GRANT TITLE: Network Stregtherning
GRANT NO: OR2015-23743
REPORTING PERIOD: September 2015 to December 2016
TYPE OF REPORT: Annual report (one year and three month report period).
ANNUAL REPORT (tick as appropriate) X
INTERIM FINANCIAL (tick as appropriate) X
Approved Budget USD Expenditure in USD
Total Variance %
Any variance ab
Line Items Lobbying Non-Lobbying Total Lobbying Non-Lobbying expenditure USD should be clear
1 Contribution to Staff Salaries
Network coordinators salary 250$ x 24 month 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 - 0
Regional coordinator stipend 90 x 24 month 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 - 0
Project Staff - - - #DIV/0!
Project Staff - - - #DIV/0!
Sub-total - 5,100 5,100 - 5,100 5,100 - 0
Mapping of individuals and PWUD
groups,creating awareness and membership
2 mobilizationat Tanga region 1,710 #DIV/0!
Transport to the Tanga region 75 75 75 75 0
Communication 21 21 21 21 0
Excersize books 34 34 34 34 -
DSA 600 600 600 600
Notebooks 5 5 5 5 - 0
Sub activity 4 - - #DIV/0!
Sub-total - 735 735 - 735 735 - 0
Mapping of idividuals and PWUD groups,
creating awarenessand membership mobilization
3 Mwanza region #DIV/0!
Transport 336 336 336 336 0
Communication 5 5 5 5 0
DSA 360 360 360 360
DSA 750 750 750 750
Notebooks 5 5 5 5 0
Refreshments 500 500 500 500
Meeting space 139 139 139 139
Excersize books 14 14 14 14 0
Sub-total - 2,109 2,109 - 2,109 2,109 0
Mapping of individual and PWUD
groupps,creating awareness, membership
4 mobilization in Dar es salaam region. #DIV/0!
Transport to districts 540 540 540 540 0
Communication 15 15 15 15 0
Notebooks 5 5 5 5 0
Excersizze books 6 6 6 6 - 0
Sub total - 566.00 566.00 - 566.00 566.00 - 0
5 Develop IEC material and T'shirt #DIV/0!
T'shirts 600 600 600 600 - 0
Sub activity 2 - - - #DIV/0!
Sub activity 3 - - - #DIV/0!
Sub activity 4 - - - #DIV/0!
Sub -total - 600.0 600.0 - 600.0 600.0 - -
TOTAL PROJECT COSTS - 9,110 9,110 - 9,110 9,110 - 0
6 Administrative/ overhead costs 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173 706 60.18755
Administrative costs 1,173 1,173 1,173 1,173 706 60.18755

Page 2 of 6
Total Variance %
Any variance ab
Line Items Lobbying Non-Lobbying Total Lobbying Non-Lobbying expenditure USD should be clear
Sub-total - 1,173.0 1,173.0 - 1,173.0 1,173.0 706.0 60.2
GRAND TOTAL - 10,283 10,283 - 10,283 10,283 706 6.865701

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Bank Name:


28/01/2016 cash Salary for network coordinator Five month salary for network coordinator 2,500,000.00 1250
29/01/2016 cash Stipend for regional coordinator Five month stipend for regional coordinator 900,000.00 450
29/01/2016 cash Stationary Payment for stationary requirement 300,000.00 150
1/29/2016 cash Rim papers 24 pieaces of rim papers bought 335,000.00 167.5
1/30/2016 cash electricity bill monthly bill 40,000.00 20
30-Jan cash cleaniner stipend monthly fees 40,000.00 20
27-Feb cash eleactricty bill monthly payments 40,000.00 20
27-Jul cash cleaners stipent monthly fees 40,000.00 20
28/02/2016 cash Stiend for rgonal coorsinator Monthly stipend for regional coordiantor 180,000.00 90
30/03/2016 cash Salary for Network coordinator Two month salary for network coordianntor 1,000,000.00 500
30/03/2016 cash Stipend for regional coordinator Monthly stipend for regional coordinator 180,000.00 90
30/03/2016 cash Mapping payment for mapping outreach in Tanga 1,080,000.00 540
30/04/2016 cash Stipend for regional coordinator Monthly payments for Reginal co 180,000.00 90
30/04/2016 cash Salry for network coordinator Monthly salary for Network coodiantor 500,000.00 250
3/30/2016 cash electricty bill monthly fees 40,000.00 20
3/30/2016 cash clenr stipend mothly fees 40,000.00 20
4/28/2016 cash electricity bill mothly fees payment 40,000.00 20
4/29/2016 cash Stipend for regional coordinator Stipend for regional 160,000.00 90
4/29/2016 cash Salary for network coordiantor One moth salary 500,000.00 250
4/29/2016 cash cleaners stipentd fees mothly fees payment 40,000.00 20
5/30/2016 cash electricity bill mothly fees payment 40,000.00 20
5/30/2016 cash cleaners stipent mothly fees payment 40,000.00 20
30/05/2016 cash Stipend for reginal coordinator Monthly salary to Reginal coordiantor 180,000.00 90
30/05/2016 cash Salary for network coordinator Monthly salary to Network coordiantor 500,000.00 250
29/06/2016 cash Mapping outreach Payment for mapping activities in Mwanza 1,080,000.00 540
30/06/2016 cash Stipend for regional coordinator Monthly salary for Reginal coordiantor 180,000.00 90
30/06/2016 cash Salary for Network coordinator Monthly salary for Network coordiantor 500,000.00 250
6/30/2016 cash cleaners stipent mothly fees payment 40,000.00 20
6/30/2016 cash electricity bill mothly fees payment 40,000.00 20
27/07/2016 cash IEC T'shirt printing 1,200,000.00 600
28/07/2016 cash Mapping Mapping outreach in Dar 320,000.00 160
7/29/2016 cash cleaners stipent mothly fees payment 40,000.00 20
7/29/2016 cash lectricity bill mothly fees payment 40,000.00 20
7/9/2016 cash Stipend regional cordinator Stipend for Reginal coordiantor 360,000.00 90
7/9/2016 cash Salary network coordinator salary for Network coordiantor 1,000,000.00 250
8/30/2016 cash cleaners stipent mothly fees stipend 40,000.00 20
8/30/2016 cash electricity bill mothly fees payments 40,000.00 20
8/30/2016 cash transport to and from the airport 70,000.00 35
8/30/2016 csh Stipend regional cordinator salary for Reginal coordiantor 160,000.00 180
8/20/2016 cash Salary network coordinator salary for Network coordiantor 500,000.00 250
9/3/2016 cash Mapping Payment for mapping outreach in Dar 320,000.00 160
9/5/2016 cash Mapping outreach payment for mapping outreach in Dar 320,000.00 160
Nine identity card designed and Printed for
9/12/2016 cash Identity card print for board members booard embers 224,000.00 112
9/12/2016 cash Identity card for crises response team Design and print twenty five ID cards 375,000.00 187.5
9/30/2016 cash cleaners stipend mothly fees stipend 40,000.00 20
9/30/2016 cash electricity bill mothly fees payments 40,000.00 20
10/30/2016 cash cleaners stipent mothly fees stipend 40,000.00 20
10/30/2016 cash Salary for network coordinator One month salary 500,000.00 250
10/30/2016 cash Stipend for regional coordinator Ome ,oth stipend 160,000.00 90
10/30/2016 cash electricity bill mothly fees payments 40,000.00 20
11/6/2016 cash transport to and from the airport 70,000.00 35
11/15/2016 cash Mappinng outreach in Mwanza Mapping outreach5 days and one meeting day 2,782,000.00 1391
11/21/2016 cash transport to and from the airport 70,000.00 35
11/30/2016 cash cleaners stipent mothly fees stipend 40,000.00 20
11/30/2016 cash electricity bill mothly fees payments 40,000.00 20
11/30/2016 cash Salary for network coordinator One month salary 500,000.00 250
11/30/2016 cash Stipend for regional coordinator Ome ,oth stipend 160,000.00 90
12/23/2016 cash cleaners stipent mothly fees stipend 40,000.00 20
12/23/2016 cash electricity bill mothly fees payments 40,000.00 20
12/23/2016 cash Salary for network coordinator One month salary 500,000.00 250
12/23/2016 cash Stipend for regional coordinator One ,month stipend 160,000.00 90

Total 20,966,000.00 10283


Bank Name: Akiba Commercial Bank

Balance as per cashbook 20,966,000.00

Add back:
Unpresented Cheques -

Interest earned from the bank (if not recorded in the cashbook) -

Amounts not reflected by the bank -


Bank Charges 89,200.00


Balance as per Bank Statement 20,876,800.00

Approved By:

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