Results Tanpud

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Description: This month a training for crisis response to Crisis Response- TanPUD It was 2 days training,
provided important information about crisis related to human rights and response. facilitation by Miss Lina

[25 participants (19 male + 5 female)]from Sharifu, Mwanyamala, Kongowe, Tandale, Sterio, Tandamba,
Magomeni, Mduarani, (2) Mtongani, Tageti, Mpogo, Bakwata, Targeti, (2) Keko, Mdigo, Sheratoni, (2)

 Participants were active and interactive discuss, share and learn sharing experience on the daily
activities on crisis issues.
 They thanked MdM for crisis training which make them more awareness and promise to work together
as team to help and educate other PWUDs at their camps.

Topics covered:
 Crisis Response
 Aims of crisis response
 Source of violence and its reason
 Identification of the type of conflict that system responses should following
 Roles and responsibilities of members of the crisis team
 Documentation and recording
 Human rights and constitution
 What are the circumstances one can be arrest?
 Arrest
 Human rights and arrest
 Bail

Most interested:
 Recap was also interested because make to remember what we have learnt yesterday
 Group work and discussion, was very interesting because make us discuss our self and present and
challenges to each other and get more clarification from facilitator
Question (Groups works)
i. What is human rights?
ii. Bail
iii. What are the circumstances one can be arrest?
iv. Roles and responsibilities of members of the crisis team
v. Source of violence and its reason
vi. Aims of crisis response
Most interested:

 Recap was also interested because make to remember what we have learnt yesterday

 Group work and discussion, was very interesting because make us discuss our self and present and
challenges to each other and get more clarification from facilitator

Question (Groups works)

vii. What is human rights?

viii. Bail

ix. What are the circumstances one can be arrest?

x. Roles and responsibilities of members of the crisis team

xi. Source of violence and its reason

xii. Aims of crisis response

Some recommendation from participants

 All session was good also facilitators but time was not enough

 Human rights training is real useful to daily activities especially crisis response team

 More training needed in order to increase more understanding and skills on how to work with people
who use drugs

 The training conducted very well and make me to know basic rights as provided from the constitution,
also is so crucial for PWUD

 This kind of training need refresher to us

 This kind of training need at least one week for more discussion

 We should have our own meeting

 Good appreciated the training session and source of violence and its reason for PWUD, this king of
training should be continuously for more capacity building for crisis response team

 Outside facilitator low self-steam and also, she should be prepared her material before training

 Next training if possible to get training on communication

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