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What is monetary policy?

“…the process by
which the
authority of a
country controls
the supply of
What for?
What for?
Expansionary Contractionary
Problem Remedy Means

• unemployment • induce an • Buy bonds in

and deflation expansion in the open
the supply of market
money, and
spending, by
reducing the
interest rate
Problem Remedy Means

• inflation • induce a • Sell bonds in

contraction in the open
the supply of market
money, and
spending, by
increasing the
interest rate
Open Market Operations

The buying and selling of government securities by

the Reserve Bank on secondary markets
OMOs aim to…

manipulate the short manipulate the supply control the total money supply
term interest rate of base money
How OMOs Work: Buying
securities from commercial bank

Fed/ CB
• Gives up • Increases
securities • Pays the reserves
Bank Bank
How OMOs Work: Buying
securities from public

Fed/ CB Bank
• Gives up • Deposits
securities • Pays in bank • Increases
Public Public
How OMOs Work: Selling securities
to commercial bank

• Gives up
Bank • Decreases
securities • Pays reserves

Fed/CB Bank
How OMOs Work: Selling securities
to public

• Gives up
Public • Decreases
securities • Pays by reserves
check from
Fed/CB Bank
Understanding The Reserve

Required reserves
A certain fraction of
deposits that a depository
institution is required to
Set by the central bank

Affects the size of loan

that the bank can offer
Required Reserve and Monetary Policy
Required Reserve and Monetary Policy
Other tool:
Discount Rate

The interest rate charged

by Federal Reserve Banks
to depository institutions
on short-term loans.
Goals of Monetary Policy

Price stability
Nominal Anchor in Price Stability
Nominal anchor uses a certain
nominal variable which ties down
the price level.

For example: maintaining an

inflation rate between 2% - 4 %
might be an anchor.
Time-Inconsistency Problem
This problem arises
because policy makers are
always tempted to pursue
monetary policy that is
more expansionary
because it would boost
economic output.
“…does not mean that
unemployment is at zero”

High Employment
“…ensuring that resources
are not idle”

Economic Growth
“…crises can
interfere with the
main function”

Stability of Financial
“…fluctuations can
create uncertainty
in economy”

Interest-Rate Stability
“…stability makes it
easier for businesses to
plan ahead”

Stability in Foreign
Exchange Market

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