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Urdaneta City University

COLLEGE OF Teacher Education

One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Philippines- 242

Name: Lhealyn Kaye V. Itliong

BSEEL-1 Block 2
E085 / ThF

Title: BRAVE

Once upon a time there lived a pack of wolves in the forest called Mystique.
In their group they have a leader named Agharr – a name that means brave,
noble, dedicated, committed, faithful, independent, righteous and obedient
in nature. He inherited his position from his Father who died from the
ruthless group of hunters who attacked, and killed his wife, his father and lot
of wolves. So they decided to leave and they found a new land which they
named Mystique but even though they found a new land they we’re all living
and conquered by fear. Agharr have a daughter named Ahdyra, who is like
her father; she is so brave and she has a strong heart. Ahdyra dreamed to
be just like her father and as she grows up she follows her father’s steps.
But her father did not let or even want her to be just like him because he
want to protect her from hunters who killed her mother and grandfather, but
Ahdyra was full of determination that she really want to learn things that will
prove his father that she can protect their group and herself that is why she
taught herself alone, she secretly trained herself and believed that one day
she will also be the leader of their group who will keep the group safe and

One day while everyone was busy, Ahdyra decided to walk alone from the
forbidden part of the woods because when she was younger she used to see
a whisp – a little colour blue fire, which their elders says that when you
encounter them and you decide to follow them it’s either they will lead you
to your dreams, with a good fate or it will lead you to your death. Without
second thought she wholeheartedly followed the whisp but before that
happen she was stopped by her father and with the other strongest wolves
in their clan. Her father learned that she was venturing on the woods that is
why they followed her.

Agharr: Ahdyra! What do you think you are doing?!

Ahdyra: Father… I was ju—

Urdaneta City University

COLLEGE OF Teacher Education

One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Philippines- 242

Agharr: No more excuses! Let’s go back to our camp! Now?!

Ahdyra: Yes father… I will

Ahdyra was left without no choice but to follow her father’s command, and
went back to their camp.

Agharr: You’re very hardheaded Ahdyra! You break every rule and don’t
even listen to what I want you to do! From now on you can’t leave our
camp! You can’t go outside our site unless you’re with me! And from now on
you will be guarded by the five strongest soldiers in our clan.

Ahdyra: But father I want to be just like you! I also want to protect this clan!
I want to prove you that I can do it! Please let me do what I want…

Agharr: A word is a word Ahdyra! And you have no choice but to follow what
I say because I am your Father!

Ahdyra: You always want me to follow your rules! You’re not considering
what will make me happy! Are you really my father?!
Because of you mother died! You always thought of yourself! nothing else
but yourself!! You are selfish! I will follow my dreams and you can’t stop me!
The whisps will help me.

Agharr: You see whisps?

Adhyra: Yes father and I will not let you stop me to follow them and do what
I want!

Agharr was left senseless and just watched her daughter walk away from
him until she can’t see her even her shadow.

Days passed by, Adhyra was still in the middle of the woods waiting for the
whisps to show she has not returned yet to their camp since the day she
left. While back in the camp his father was still worried of her and they are
still looking and waiting for her to come home. In the middle of the night
where the moon shines so bright, wolves were howling while Ahdyra
remained silent, until a whisp shown in front of her so she stood up quickly
and followed it without hesitation. She was brought by the whisp in the inner
and forbidden part of the woods she saw a very bright light until it turned
into a fire. And then she heard a voice saying “You are the chosen one
Adhyra” the fire showed her father, elders and everyone in the camp that
they are dying. Then the fire also showed her hunters walking on their way
Urdaneta City University

COLLEGE OF Teacher Education

One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Philippines- 242

to their camp, then the voice once again spoke saying “RUN ADHYRA! RUN!
GO AND SAVE YOUR FATHER! SAVE YOUR CLAN!” Without looking back she
run and run as fast as she can until she was panting but she didn’t stop until
she reached their camp. She saw hunters that the fire showed her from a
whileback, her eyes saw how cruel they are and how they shoot her fellow
wolves so she run to find her father but he is out if sight… She felt fear and
hesitates if she can protect them now that they are attacked and told herself
“I should have listened to father, I should have not left our camp this is all
my fault…” but she heard her mother’s voice and the voice that told her she
was the chosen wolf to save their clan that became her strength and
motivation and told herself “This is my chance to prove my father that I am
just like him that I can protect and save our clan”. She quickly came back to
her senses, she thought of a possible strategy to attack the hunters without
noticing her but she can’t do it all by herself so she run to the place where
she always used see her father training wolves and then when she got there
she howled and in just a second, thousands of whisp shown and a pack of
wolves that her father used to train was at her back-- waiting for her
command. Ahdyra lead the thousands of wolves, they all howled loudly that
made the hunters stop from shooting the poor weak wolves that was left and
struggling to fight for their lives. They walked slowly closer and closer and
closer to the hunters until the merciless hunters do not know what to do
anymore so it was their chance to attack them. Ahdyra looked at the man
and saw a tattoo and remembered that it was the hunter who lead the
attack when she was young it was also the man who killed her grandfather
and her mother. Because of the great madness that was in her heart without
hesitation they attacked them until they died. After the bloody war they
looked for the wolves who was still alive, injured and dead. Ahdyra searched
for her father when she was losing hope a whisp showed in front of her and
it was shining so bright and then again she walked closer and followed the
whisp then it brought her in the place where her father used to play with
her. Then not on a far distance she saw a sack moving and heard a crying
wolf she quickly free the wolf and then found out that it was her father.

Agharr: My daughter! You came back.. (crying)

Ahdyra: Yes Father I’m sorry for leaving…

Agharr: Shhh! It’s not your fault, what’s important is you came back, What
happened in the camp? Quick! The hunters might kill them!

Ahdyra: Father as I promised you I will all protect you… It was all over the
hunters all died.

Agharr: How did you do that?

Urdaneta City University

COLLEGE OF Teacher Education

One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Philippines- 242

Ahdyra: The whisps helped me, I waited for how many days and did not give
up that one day will arrive and they will show again and will let me see my

Agharr: You’re so brave my Ahdyra…

Ahdyra: Thank you father (then she smile sweetly)

After several weeks the camp regained peace the dead body of the hunters
were not eaten by the wolves but the vultures tooked their bodies just
because they are evil. Everything in the camp came back to the way it used
to be, but not just like before that Adhyra secretly watched her father now
she also taught and train young wolves. Adhyra and her father maintained
and kept the camp harmonious where love and peace is felt an enjoyed by


The moral of this story: Do not let your fears hold you back, for you will
miss out on life's adventures.

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