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Urdaneta City University

COLLEGE OF Teacher Education

One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Philippines- 242

Name: Khate M. Natividad

BSEEL-1 Block 2
E085 / ThF

Title: The Wise Baby Rabbit

Character: Mother Rabbit, Baby Rabbit, King Lion, Bird, Monkey,

Elephant, Turtle.

Settings: Forest


Narrator: Once upon a time different kind animals live in the forest that is

ruled by a King Lion, but he is very old now. Since he can’t catch for his own

food, then he told everyone that they have to sacrifice their selves to be his

food, and they are given a number that indicates when they are going to be

kill at eat by the King Lion.

King Lion: Hey everyone! Listen to me, I’m old now and I am not able to

catch my own food, so I assign all of you to pick your number that indicates

when you are going to be killed and be my meal.

Narrator: All of the animals are shocked about the announcement that is said

by the King Lion, and all that they can ever do is to agree.

King Lion: Rawr!! Don’t fool me!! I still have the power to catch all of you so

just agree.

Narrator: All of the animals can’t do something about it, and all they can just

do is to prepare and be sad for their tragic destiny.

Urdaneta City University

COLLEGE OF Teacher Education

One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Philippines- 242

Narrator: The day after the announcement, the agreement started. The first

one to be eaten was the Monkey. He walks to the cave of King Lion and then

he arrived.

Monkey: Please King Lion don’t kill me, I still want to live.

King Lion: And why should I do that? I’m your King, you must give yourself

to me. Rawr!!! I’m hungry!!

Monkey: No!!!

Narrator: And the King Lion ate the poor Monkey without Mercy. The next

day, King Lion was very hungry and wants to eat two kids of animals. So the

next to be eaten will be the Bird and Turtle. Both of them walk to the cave of

King Lion.

Turtle: My friend, I don’t want to die yet.

Bird: Likewise my friend, but we can’t do anything about it. His the King, and

we have to obey all the things that he wanted.

Narrator: Both of them arrived to the cave of King Lion,

King Lion: Wow! Both of you look delicious. I can’t wait to eat both of you!


Bird and Turtle: Noooo!!!!!!

Narrator: But the, King Lion has no mercy. He ate all of their flesh including

their bones. The next to be executed will be the Mother Rabbit and he talks to

her baby.
Urdaneta City University

COLLEGE OF Teacher Education

One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Philippines- 242

Mother Rabbit: Son, I’m the next one to be eaten so you must prepare

yourself because you’ll get alone after I will die.

Baby Rabbit: I’m going to miss you Mom!!

Narrator: But the Baby Rabbit had a bright idea on how to stop the King Lion

from eating her Mom. He go to the cave where the King Lion is living. He told

him that he must stop eating other animals because it is said by another King

that he met.

King Lion: Hahaha! Who told you that? I am the only King in this Jungle.

Bring him to me, and I will go to talk and kill him.

Narrator: The King Lion has no idea about the plan of the Baby Rabbit. They

just walk and arrived to the river. The Baby Rabbit told the King Lion to bow

and talk to the water.

King Lion: Rawwwwrrrrrrr!!!!!

Narrator: The King Lion was shocked because he looks the same with the

animal in the water but he has no idea that it’s only his reflection.

King Lion: Rawwwwwwwrrr!!

Narrator: The water from the river rawr back which the King Lion was

shocked and fell from the water.

King Lion: Hey you Rabbit, come and save your King.

Baby Rabbit: Why should I save you? You will going to kill all of us. You’re

evil, you deserve to die!!

Urdaneta City University

COLLEGE OF Teacher Education

One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Philippines- 242

King Lion: No!!

Narrator: And the King Lion drowned from the water because of his

selfishness. And other animals are thankful of what Baby Rabbit did and he

hugs her Mom. After that, all of the animals in the jungle live peacefully

without any threatening and they enjoyed their life ever since.

Moral of the Story: Being greedy and selfish will always lead us to danger.

Learn how to work for yourself and stop being dependent to others.

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