Runescape Narrative 1

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Wood 1

Wood 2

Sarah Wood

Instructor: Gabrielle Volstad

UWRIT 1104

25 January 2019

Wood 3

Playing RuneScape was a new experience for me. I have not played video games much

growing up. I was not sure what to expect. I thought I was going to hate it and that an hour and a

half was going to go by so slow but it did not. I really enjoyed creating my character. I named

her Sarah because I was not sure what else to call her and I gave her similar characteristics that I

have. My character, Sarah is a while female. I gave her dark brown hair. I was not a big fan of

some the hairstyles i had to choose from. I have very long, wavy, dark brown hair and I could not

find anything exactly like it that I liked. So I decided to go with a fun and trendy hairstyle called

space buns. I could never see me wearing this hairstyle but I think it is really cute, and love

seeing other people wearing it. For her clothes I put her in all red and black. I think the colors red

and black remind me of a warrior, knights, and fighting in general which is why I chose those

colors because I knew I would have to fighting people, and complete quest.

While playing, at first I was a little confused. I had to learn how to navigate everything

and change weapons. I usually chose the sword to fight with because that it what I am first given

after I made the dagger in the mines. After combating a few people I always took their

belongings, mainly wanting their weapons. Once I was given magic I did not use it much for

fighting but I used it to teleport to different locations on the map. I accepted every quest I was

given. During the first quest I did, I was not sure whether I should accept it or not but because it

was the very first one offered. But I decided to take it so I would know what to expect on my

next quest. I enjoyed the first quest because I remember saving a women, and taking 3 peoples

things. I let the first two people I encountered live and get out of there, but I defeated the last

man because he was keeping the women captive and he was the main guy behind their ritual.

My personal beliefs definitely influenced my choices throughout the game. I strongly

believe in being just a good, and genuine person as well as helping others. I accepted all of the
Wood 4

quest I was offered because for one it is a game and I wanted to keep completing quests. While

in reality it is often hard for me to say no to people. I am a people pleaser. I am also very curious.

I always want to know what is going to happen, and I hate looking back thinking what could of

happened. I try my best to do things, and go through with them as well as complete them. I

finished all the quest I accepted. The first quest was interesting to me because I let the first two

people I encountered go but I killed the last man so the women being held captive could be freed.

Anytime I had to fight someone I chose a sword. I feel like that was the right thing to do because

it is more physical than magic. I also can see it working, and it is me using it. Also in the time

period the game is based on that is a very common weapon that people used and that is what I

kind of wanted to stick to. I consider myself a very indecisive person. I played the game for a

while and did not get too far. I would have a hard time choosing what to say and respond to some

people, where to go, and what I should do next. RuneScape gives your character many options

and it is up to you to choose your next move. I believe I played the character based on how I

would actually choose or play in reality, while at other times in the game I would play it how I

would want to be or want to choose. As I stated before, playing video games is new to me. I like

experiencing new things and giving things a shot. But if it was up to me, I don’t think I would

keep playing.

I had never heard of RuneScape until just recently. Video games do not necessarily

interest me, but I was ready to try it out. My experience was more negative than it was positive.

The game was not as bad as I was anticipating. But playing video games is still not something I

enjoy to do. I had trouble figuring out how to play. I did not know what many things in the

backpack were for or what some of them meant. In the beginning I was not even sure what the

objective and goal was of the video game. Gaming and gamers are a discourse community that I
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have never participated in. I believe there is always a benefit when exposed to new things. You

may find something you really enjoy, or are skilled at. Personally I do not think I gained much

while playing the game. I understood how to play better by the end of it, and I was exposed to

something new and different. My personal literacy skills helped me throughout this assignment. I

understand how to transition from a narrative into a reflection. I was able to read to instructions

clearly which was very helpful because I didn't really know what I was doing. One obstacle I

faced was some of the vocabulary in RuneScape. It is a challenge for me to describe it because I

am unsure what to call and name things, as well as know what they are and their meaning. For

anyone who has never been apart of this discourse community, or never played RuneScape there

are many things you would need to know. Not all games are fun to everyone, but there is a wide

variety of different games as well as gaming devices. One would need to know the best

technology to use. One would want to have some experience in gaming.

Installing the game was easy and I experienced no issues with it. The only issue I

experienced after installing it, my computer would not let me close out of it. After a while I had a

friend help me and they were able to figure it out and close it. When I was younger, when the

Wii first came out my parents bought one. We got to make a Mii. You create it to look like you,

but you do not have to. You could create your Mii to look however you wanted to, as well as

name it. I made mine to look like me. Most people made it look like themselves. When you

would choose a game such as bowling, tennis, or volleyball it would be the Mii you created

playing. This was the closest thing that I have ever done that reminds me of making my character

in RuneScape because I made my character based on my features and what I like. I think the

game would be more fun, and a little less boring if I either gained more weapons in the

beginning or if my character had fighting skills. Whenever I fought someone it was not very
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interactive. I would press a button and my character would do all of the work. Mortal Kombat is

the one video game I have played, and I did enjoy. I wish I could actually fight or do more with

my weapons than what is offered in Runescape. Overall I would not say I had a great experience,

but it was not horrible either. It was mediocre. Nothing against RuneScape, I am just not a


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