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1) n. a written agreement in which the owner of property (either real estate or some object like an
automobile) allows use of the property for a specified period of time (term) for specific periodic
payments (rent), and other terms and conditions. Leases of real property describe the premises
(often by address); penalties for late payments, termination upon default of payment or breach of
any significant conditions; increases in rent based on cost of living or some other standard;
inclusion or exclusion of property taxes and insurance in rent; limitations on use (for a butcher
shop, a residence for the family only, no pets); charges for staying on beyond the term (holding
over); any right to renew the lease for another period; and/or a requirement for payment of
attorneys' fees and costs in case of the need to enforce the lease (including eviction). A lease is
distinguished from a mere renting of the premises on a month-to-month basis and cannot exceed
a year unless agreed to in writing. A "triple net" lease includes both taxes and insurance in the
rent. 2) v. to rent out real property or an object pursuant to a written agreement.

(v. t.) To convey, as an estate, by lease; to lease.
(n.) Transmission by formal act or conveyance to an heir or successor; transference; especially,
the transfer or transmission of the crown or royal authority to a successor.
(n.) The decease of a royal or princely person; hence, also, the death of any illustrious person.
(v. t.) To transfer or transmit by succession or inheritance; to grant or bestow by will; to bequeath.
(n.) The conveyance or transfer of an estate, either in fee for life or for years, most commonly the
(v. t.) To convey; to give.

1) n. governmental permission to perform a particular act (like getting married), conduct a
particular business or occupation, operate machinery or vehicles after proving ability to do so
safely or use property for a certain purpose. 2) n. the certificate that proves one has been granted
authority to do something under governmental license. 3) n. a private grant of right to use real
property for a particular purpose, such as putting on a concert. 4) n. a private grant of the right to
use some intellectual property such as a patent or musical composition. 5) v. to grant permission
by governmental authority or private agreement.
An infant or person who is under the age of legal competence. A term derived from the Civil Law,
which described a person under a certain age as less than so many years. In most states, a
person is no longer a minor after reaching the age of 18 (though state laws might still prohibit
certain acts until reaching a greater age; e.g., purchase of liquor). Also, less; of less
consideration; lower; a person of inferior condition.

1) n. an agent. 2) in probate law, a generic term for an executor or administrator of the estate of
person who has died, generally referred to as the "personal representative." 3) adj. typical, as
"these pictures are representative of the conditions at the job site."
An individual who stands in the place of another.
With respect to Constitutional Law, a representative is an individual chosen by the electorate to
serve as its spokesperson in a legislative body, such as the Senate or House of Representatives.
A Personal Representative is an individual who is named in a will, or appointed by a probate
court, to supervise the distribution of property remaining after another individual's death.

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