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CRITERIA OF THE ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE - FOR DESIGN BY ANALYSIS IN SECTIONS III AND VIJJ, DIVISION 2 DESIGN 1. INTRODUCTION The design philosophy of the present Section I (Power Boilers) and Division 1 of See- tion VIL (Pressure Vessels) of the ASME: Boiler Code may be inferred from a foot~ ote whiel appears in Division Lof Section VIL on page 9 of the 1968 edition. This fovtarte refers to a sentenve Par. U 3c) which states, in effect, that the wall thickness of a ves Sel shall be such that the maximon honp stress does not exceed the allowable stress. The “I is coeugnized that high local vessels designed and fabricated in accordance with these rule ed and secondary bending stresses may exist in Insofar as practi- ave been written to hold such stresses at a safe level cal, design rules for details consistent with experienc What this means is that Section | and Division I of Section VIII do not call for a detailed stress analyais hut merely set the wall thickness necessary to keep the basic hoop stress beluw the tabulated allowable stress. They do aot require a detailed evaluation of the high- fer, more lucalized stresses which are known to exist, but instead allow for these by the safety factor and a set of design tules. Ag example of suck a cule is the minimum allowable Kauckle radius for a torisphericnl head. Thermal stresses are given even less consideration. The oaly reference to them is Par. UG-22 where “the effect of perature gradients” is Listed among the loasdings ta be considered. There is 0 indication of hw this consid is ta be given. In the athea hand, the Piping Carle (USAS-BS1.1) does give allowable values: ns oud even for the therwal stresses which are produced by the expansion af piping syst varies thesr allowuble stresses h the nuruber of eveles expected in the system, Lumable stresaés with the number of eveles.expeetedl im the system. The Special Committer to Review Code Stress Basis was originally established to ine vestigate what changes in Code design philosophy might permit use of higher allowable siresses without reduetion in safety. It soon became cleae that une approach woull be to better use of madera methods of stress analysis. Detailed evaluation of actual stresses would permit substituting knwwledge of localized stresses, and a vent of more rational margins, in place of a larger fuctor which really reflected lack of knowledge, Reorint st The ASME Special Committee dealt with these problems parly by the knwwledge and experience of individual members and partly by the results of numerous dex perimental investigations. The Code Committee itvelf does not conduet research programs, hut is able to derive much useful information from the Pressure Vessel Research Committee, PANG is a private non-profit organization supported by subscription of interested fabricator and user groups and established to syonsor cooperative research programs aimed at inprov= ing the design, fabrication, und materiale used in pressure vesacle: Among other pro PURC has sponsored considerable work on fatigue behavior in materials and vessels. He= sults of these experinental programs were studied by the ASME Special Committee and formed the basis for the design methods described in Section Ill and Appendix E of Divie sion 2 of Section Vill for evaluation of fatigue behavior in vessels. The PURC effort ix now Continuing ia the even more dificult region of high temperature, in which the effects of ey- lie Inading ute combined with the plastic deformation of creep. Phe simplified procedures of Division 1 of Section VIII are for the most part couserva- tive for pressure vessels in conventional service and «detailed analysis of many pressure vessels constructed to the rules of Division 1 of Section VIII would show where the design could be optimized to conserve metal. However, itis recognized that the designer may be required to provide additional design considerations for pressure vessels to be used in se vere types of service such as vessels for highly cyclic types of operation, for services which require superior reliability, or for nuclear service where periodic inspection is usu led to ally difficult and sometimes impossible. the preparation of Section III and Division 2 of Section VII. The development of analytical and experimental techniques has made it possible to imine stresses in considerable detail. When the stress picture is brought into focus, it jn the same values of allowable stress for the clear detailed picture ‘The need for design rules for such vess de is not reasonable ts re as had previously been raise the allowable stresses to reasonable values for the peak stresses, since peak stvess by itself is not an adequate criterion of safety. A calculated value of stress means little ntil it is associated with its location and distribution in the structure and with the type of loading which produced it, Different types of stress have different degrees of significance ised for the less detailed one. Neither is it sufficient merely to and must, therefore, be assigned different allowable values. For example, the average hoop stress through the thickness of the wall of a vessel duc to internal pres toa lower value than the stress at the root of a noteh in the wall. Likewise, a therinal stress can often be allowed to reach a higher value than one which is produced by dead weigh! or pressure. ‘Therefore the Special Commitee developed a new sct of design criteria we must be held which shifted the emphasis away from the use of standurd configurations and toward the de- tailed analyses of stresses. ‘The setting of allowable stress values required dividing stress- ‘es into categories and assigning different allowable values to different groups of categories. With its knowledge of the problems enlianced and its technical ability to solve them im woved hy its work on Section Ill, in 1963 the Special Committee retumed to the objective the development of Alternative Rules for Pressure Ves sels, More specifically, the objective was the development of rules which would be consis inherent to its original assignment: ih the higher stress levels of Section Ill but retain or enhance the degree of safety inhovent in the prior rules aud achieve balanced construction. The result of this effort was the publication of Division 2, Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels, of Section VIlI in 1966. + The design requirements of Division 2 consist of @ text, comparable to the paragraphs ‘on design in part UG 07 Division 1, and three appendices: Appendis 4, Design Based on Stress Analysis Appendix 5, Design Based on Fatigue Analysis Appendix 6, Experimental Stress Analysis These three appendices are essentially identical to the analysis requirements of Seetion HL. They provide a mirans whereby one ean evaluate those vessels subject to-severe service e fons not considered within stresses or which contain configu ‘ch which modeen methods of stress analysis have made possibl Part V of this booklet, neither Section ll norDivision 2 of inv the creep ry engineering Par reasons diseussed Section VIE esnsider Becanse fed by stress analysis in designing vessels by the alex of Sectivn HL nr by the appendices of Division 2, and because of the necessity 10 in * desixn and analysis efforts, the provesure may be termed “design by analysis. texplanation of the strength theories, 3 F the prominent role pl tegeate sss categories, and This document provides slrcss Tanita on which these design procedures are presently based. It also provides an ox planation oft ning the suitability of vessels and parts for cyclic pplication of fouls. In these respects, this document replaces the “Criteria of Section Il) seen ASME Hoifor and Pressure Vessel Cade for Nuclear Vessels” published by ASME: W901. methods used for det Whew discussing v of strenses produced by various types of loadifigy h are clearly defined. F Ie, the terms “membrane Stress " and “secondary stress” are often used somewhat loosely. However, when lin to be placed on membr Je nesaa Therefore the Special Committee spent a considerable amount of time in preparing: eet ilefinitions. Theat definitinus are given in Par, No112 of Section HE and Appeaclix 1-112 of Division it is important to: use terms whi tis imperative that there mist be no question about what ‘The stress state at any point in a structure may be completely defined by giving the sng When two of three of these ‘und directions af the three principal stresses. from vero, the pensinity to yielding must be detenwined by me fe ne the mievinnn stress theory, stress thety (algo known as th and the distortion energy theory (also Kassin ass the oetubedral shear theory sind the MF Tr has been known, for many years that the maximum shear stress theory and the distortion energy theory are both hh fetter than the auasimum stress theory for predieting both yielding amd fatigue the maximum stress theory, by shear theory Most exp stresses are dill sof vision L of Section VII u: 1AM and Division 2 use the mxis The distortion waergy theory is even more ecurate than the shear theory, but the foaservative, it is easive to apply, and of the fatig in ductile: metals. implication, but Seet ents show sh it ffers some advantages in sin ie theory was chosen because it is a little mn pplicatios analysis, as will be shown, later. “The mavinun xhewe stress at a point is defined as one-half of the algebraic difference betueen the Layest and the smallest af the three principal stresses. ‘Thus, if the principal ciremacs ane one yal «and 0, > 0 >a algebraically), he maximan shear stre~s is § (0,~o,)Then hear stwens theory af failuce states that yielding ia a eomps min she value equal to the 1 at yield, a, — Sy va, ° 0. fore vielding in the Component stress at the yield pooiat iv a tensile test [othe te 9, = 0; therefore otcars shen }-a) In order 49 lated and the vid the unfamiline amd unnecessary open u of dividing both th ing thew, sce by two before romps new term called “equive he the Lanend alent intensity of combined stress” ory more briefly, “stress intensity” has b in Prineipal stresses. Thus the fo steength sales found feat necity bs defined as twee thee navi shee stress. er AMavbraiv aiffovence betsern any toe of the th sits is directly comparab eavsile Wests 6

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