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I Wish to express my profound thanks to

for encouraging me to put forward this
challenging project to work.

I would also like to express my deep sense of

gratitude and obligation to MRS.K.KAVITHA,
M.Sc., B.Ed., M. Phil., for help and guidance in all
the stages of the project.

I also thank my parents and friends for their

support in carrying out this project.


Table of Contents

1. Table of contents
2. Introduction
 Viscosity
 Scientific terms
3. Aim
 Abstract
 Hypothesis
4. Materials and Apparatus
5. Theory
6. Procedure
7. Observation
8. Conclusion
9. Also consider
10. Bibliography

Viscosity -

Viscosity is the measurement of resistance by a fluid to deformations

caused by tensile stress and shear stress. It is commonly referred to as the
thickness of a fluid. A thick fluid will have higher viscosity and a thin fluid
will have lower viscosity. Viscosity also refers to internal resistance
experienced by the fluid before it can flow.

The presence of viscosity in a fluid is caused by internal friction in a

substance. Both fluids and gasses are made up of adjacent layers. When
external pressure is applied to a fluid, the friction that occurs between
layers will determine the type of response and flow that will happen. The
measurement of fluidity is the opposite of viscosity where the lack of fluid
resistance is measured.

The viscosity of a fluid will be affected by its temperature. By increasing

the temperature of a fluid, the viscosity is reduced. An example is butter,
which is solid at room temperature. When heated, it will melt and the
viscosity is lowered. Similarly, cooking oil will become thicker with a higher
viscosity when kept in a refrigerator.

Scientific Terms -
Viscosity, tensile stress, shear

stress, friction, fluidity.

AIM :-

Abstract -
This science fair project was conducted to find out how the
temperature of a fluid affects its viscosity. The testing was done by
measuring the viscosity of water, milk and corn oil using a
measurement cup at different temperatures.

Hypothesis -
Water has the lowest viscosity and the fastest rate of flow followed
by milk, while corn oil has the highest viscosity.


The materials required for this science fair project:

 1 electric drill with small sized drill bits

 1 bottle of tap water

 1 bottle of milk

 1 bottle of corn oil

 1 hot plate

 1 thermometer

 1 stopwatch

 An assistant

 2 Metal cups


The viscosity of a fluid is the measure of its resistance to gradual

deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. For liquids, it corresponds
to the informal concept of "thickness": for example, syrup has a higher
viscosity than water.

Viscosity is the property of a fluid which opposes the relative motion

between two surfaces of the fluid that are moving at different velocities.
In simple terms, viscosity means friction between the molecules of fluid.
When the fluid is forced through a tube, the particles which compose
the fluid generally move more quickly near the tube's axis and more
slowly near its walls; therefore some stress (such as
a pressure difference between the two ends of the tube) is needed to
overcome the friction between particle layers to keep the fluid moving.

For a given velocity pattern, the stress required is proportional to the
fluid's viscosity.

A fluid that has no resistance to shear stress is known as

an ideal or inviscid fluid. Zero viscosity is observed only at very low
temperatures in superfluids. Otherwise, all fluids have positive viscosity
and are technically said to be viscous or viscid. A fluid with a relatively
high viscosity, such as pitch, may appear to be a solid.

1. For this experiment, the independent variable is the type
of fluid used (water, milk and corn oil) and temperature.
The dependent variable is the viscosity of the fluid. This is
determined by using a measuring cup and a stopwatch to
measure the flow rate. The constants (control variables) are
the size of the hole in the cup and the volume of the cup.

2. An electric drill is used to make a small hole at the

bottom of one of the two metal cups.

3. The water is kept at 20°C. The assistant will hold the cup
with the hole over the 2nd cup with one finger covering the
small hole at the bottom of the cup. The finger should be
placed over the hole on the exterior of the cup. The cup is
then filled with water. After the cup is filled, have
a stopwatch ready. Simultaneously, the assistant removes
the finger from the hole and the stopwatch is
started. Water from the upper cup will fall into the lower
cup through the hole. The time taken for the cup to empty,
is recorded.

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4. Procedure 3 is repeated 5 times and the average time is
calculated by totaling the 5 measurements and dividing by
5. The results are recorded in the table given below.

5. Procedures 3 and 4 are repeated by bringing the

temperature of the water to 30°C, 40°C and 50°C using the
hot plate.

6. Procedures 3, 4 and 5 are repeated using milk and corn


It was observed that water had the fastest rate of flow
and the corn oil had the slowest. The flow rate of water,
milk and corn oil increased as the temperature

Adhesive material Viscosity and flow rate of water, milk and corn oil at different temperatures


20°C 30°C 40°C 50°C

Water 15 12 10 9

Milk 19 15 12 10

Corn oil 97 65 47 35

The graph below represents the results of our science

fair project:

11 | P a g e
The hypothesis that water has the lowest viscosity and
the fastest rate of flow, followed by milk while corn
oil has the highest viscosity, is proven to be true.

The understanding of viscosity and fluid dynamics is

very important when transporting fluids like water,
crude oil or natural gas through pipes over long
distances. Changing climates and different temperatures
will affect the viscosity and rate of flow of the fluid.
Additional sensors and pumps are normally placed along
the pipes to keep the rate of water flow constant.


12 | P a g e
Try to repeat the science fair project using different
fluids like honey, ethanol and engine oil.

The science project experiment can also be repeated

using a larger hole in the cup, and observing if that
makes any difference.


Viscosity –

Specific gravity and viscosity of liquids -

What is viscosity? -

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