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My Ever-aging Grandparents

Sitting in the passenger seat

Of my mother’s charcoal gray Honda minivan,
I wave goodbye to my ever-aging grandparents as they stroll
Down the sidewalk which has been,
Corroded away the soles of passerbys
Who could not possibly have walked as snail-like
As my ever-aging grandparents.

The two seem to have not a worry in the world

But all of eternity’s time to get where they are journeying.
My everaging grandparents, locked hand in hand,
Venturing down a weary sidewalk.
Cracked and faded from age and usage.

I try to remember a time I’d seen the two not together

Like two peas in a pod; never leaving each other’s side.
Where my grandmother was to be found, you could bet
My grandfather would be there too. I think to myself,
My everaging grandparents are inseparable.

I watch as my grandfather leans over

And places his empty hand on my grandmother’s left shoulder.
Arching over from his tall height, I observe the way my grandfather
Leans gingerly in toward her flaming red head full of curls.

He brushes a stray curl behind her ear

I fix my gaze on his wrinkled face
And focus in as his lips begin to move.
They form a smirk as the words
Which I cannot discern exit his mouth.

The smile has spread from his face onto hers,

And for a brief moment I wonder what words
Had made them both so happy.

My moment of curiosity was short lived,

For I knew in an instant what words had been exchanged;
“Annie, have I ever told you, you are some kinda beautiful?”
As he always said.

My everaging grandparents, are predictable if nothing else.

But in that simple moment of observation, I saw
The unwavering bond of my everaging grandparents eternal love.

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