Mini Project Particle Tech

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Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering



Chemical Engineering Mini-Project

Particle Technology

Name : Erick Hadinata (A0169493M)

: Tay Hong Wei (A0180458Y)

: Muhammad Daniaal ()

Group :4

Date : 25/03/2019

Mini-Project Description

Design a positive pressure dilute-phase pneumatic transport system to transport

800 kg/hr of sand of particle density 2400 kg/m3 and mean particle size 90 μm
between two points in a plant separated by 10 m vertical distance and 25 m
horizontal distance using ambient air. Assume that six 90 ̊ bends are required
and that the allowable pressure loss is 0.55 bar.

Calculations for system pressure loss and air flowrate

Selection of diameter size: 3.068 in = 77.93 mm

Using the Rizk correlation of Equation,

𝛽 𝛽
( −2) 1
4𝑀𝑝 10𝛼 𝑔 2 𝐷 2
Usalt = [ ] 𝛽+1

α = 1440𝑥 + 1.96 = 1440 (90 x 10-6) + 1.96 = 2.0896

β = 1100𝑥 + 2.5 = 1100 (90 x 10-6) + 2.5 = 2.5990

Mp = 800 kg/h
D = 77.93 x 10-3 m
Taking density of air, ρf = 1.225 kg/m3
𝑥 = 90 x 10-6

3600 ) (102.0896 )(9.811.2995 )(77.93 x 10−3(−0.7005) )
𝑈𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑡 =[ ]0.2779
= 𝟗. 𝟒𝟒𝟗 𝒎/𝒔

U = superficial gas velocity = 1.5 (9.449) = 14.241 m/s

Pressure loss calculations

Horizontal pipes

ρ𝑓 ℇ𝐻 𝑈𝑓ℎ 2 ρ𝑝 (1 − ℇ𝐻 )𝑈𝑃ℎ 2 2𝑓𝑔 ρ𝑓 𝑈 2 𝐿𝐻 2𝑓𝑔 ρ𝑝 (1 − ℇ𝐻 )𝑈𝑃ℎ 2 𝐿𝐻

∆𝑃𝐻 = + + +
2 2 𝐷 𝐷

To apply the equation above, UPH, UfH and ℇH need to be determined.

Using Hinkle’s correlation,

𝑈𝑃𝐻 = 𝑈(1 − 0.0638𝑥 0.3 ρ𝑝 0.5 ) = 14.241(0.809) = 11.521 m/s

From continuity,
𝐺 = ρ𝑝 (1 − ℇ𝐻 )𝑈𝑃ℎ
Solid flux,
𝑀𝑝 800 1 𝑘𝑔
𝐺= = x𝜋 = 46.543 2
𝐴 3600 (77.93 x 10−3 ) 2 𝑚 .𝑆

𝐺 46.543
ℇ𝐻 = 1 − =1− = 0.998
ρ𝑝 𝑈𝑃𝐻 2400(11.521)

𝑈 14.241 𝑚
𝑈𝑓ℎ = = = 14.269 𝑠
ℇ𝐻 0.998

ρ𝑓 (𝑈𝑓ℎ − 𝑈𝑃𝐻 ) 1.225(14.269 − 11.521)(90 x 10−6 )

𝑅𝑒𝑝 = 𝑥= = 16.47
𝜇 18.4 x 10−6

𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒, 1 < 𝑅𝑒𝑝 < 500, 𝐶𝐷 = 18.5𝑅𝑒𝑃 −0.6

𝐶𝐷 = 18.5 𝑅𝑒𝑝 −0.6 = 3.445

3 1.225 77.93 x 10−3 14.269 − 11.521 2

𝑓𝑝 = x x 3.445 x ( )( )
8 2400 90 x 10−6 11.521
= 0.03248

To estimate the gas friction factor, we use the Blasius correlation for smooth
𝑓𝑔 = 0.079 x 𝑅𝑒𝑔 −0.25

The Reynolds number is calculated based on superficial gas velocity,

(77.93 x 10−3 )(1.225)(14.241)

𝑅𝑒𝑔 = = 7.3886 × 104
18.4 x 10−6

𝑓𝑔 = 0.004792

The components of the pressure loss in horizontal pipe are:

ρ𝑓 ℇ𝐻 𝑈𝑓ℎ 2 (1.225)(0.998)(14.269)2
Term 1 : = = 124.458 𝑃𝑎
2 2
𝜌𝑝 (1−ℇ𝐻 )𝑈𝑃ℎ 2 (2400)(1−0.998)(11.521)2
Term 2 : = = 318.56 𝑃𝑎
2 2
2𝑓𝑔 ρ𝑓 𝑈 2 𝐿𝐻 2(0.004792)(1.225)(14.241)2 (25)
Term 3 : = = 763.834 𝑃𝑎
𝐷 77.93 x 10−3

2𝑓𝑝 ρ𝑝 (1−ℇ𝐻 )𝑈𝑃ℎ 2 𝐿𝐻 2(0.03248)(2400)(0.002)(11.521)2 (25)

Term 4 : = = 13277.09 𝑃𝑎
𝐷 77.93 x 10−3

∆𝑃𝐻 = 14483.94 𝑃𝑎

Vertical pipes

2fg ρf U 2 Lv g
∆Pv = + 0.057G(Lv ) (√ ) + ρp (1 − ℇv )(g)(Lv ) + ρf (ℇv )(g)(Lv )

Assuming particles behave as individuals, and then slip velocity is equal to single
particle terminal velocity, UT. Note that the superficial gas velocity in both
horizontal and vertical section is the same and equal to U.

UPV = − UT

G = ρP (1 − ϵV )UPV

Combining the above equations,

ℇv 2 UT − [UT + U + ]ℇ + U = 0
ρp v

From chapter 2, single particle terminal velocity may be evaluated using the
equation below (assume spherical particles)

4x 3 ρf (ρp − ρf )g 4(90 x 10−6 )3 (1.225)(2400 − 1.225)(9.81)

CD Re2p = =
3μ2 3(18.4 × 10−6 )2
= 82.76

Using the CD v.s. Re graph with sphericity = 1.0 (assume spherical particles)

Reterminal = 0.33 (approx.)

𝑥𝜌𝑓 𝑈𝑇 (0.33)(18.4 × 10−6 )

𝑅𝑒𝑝 = =
𝜇 (90 × 10−6 )(1.225)


UT = 0.0551 m/s

UT is the terminal velocity of a single particle in the fluid and it is dependent only
on the fluid properties and the particle properties (particle size). Since for this
experiment, only the diameter of the pipe is varied while the properties of the
fluid and the particle are kept constant, the UT will be the same for all cases.
Solving the quadratic equation,

0.0551𝜀𝑉2 − [0.0551 + 14.241 + ] ℇ + 14.241 = 0
2400 v

0.0551ℇv 2 − (14.315)ℇv + 14.241 = 0

ℇv = 0.9982

The components of the pressure loss in the vertical pipe:

2fg ρf U2 Lv 2(0.004792)(1.225)(14.241)2 (10)

Term 3: = = 305.534
D 0.07793

g 9.81
Term 4: 0.057G(Lv ) (√ ) = (0.057)(46.543)(10)√ = 297.654
D 0.07793

Term 5: ρp (1 − ℇv )(g)(Lv ) = (2400)(1 − 0.9982)(9.81)(10) = 423.792

Term 6: ρf (ℇv )(g)(Lv ) = (1.225)(0.9982)(9.81)(10) = 119.956

∆Pv = 1146.936 Pa

Pressure loss at bends

The pressure loss across each 90°bend is taken to be equivalent to that across
7.5m of vertical pipe.

Pressure loss per meter of vertical pipe,

∆Pv 1146.936 Pa
= = 114.694
∆Lv 10 m

Evaluate total system pressure loss

Total Pressure loss at 6 bends = 6 x 7.5 x 114.694 = 5161.23 Pa

Total pressure loss = Loss across horizontal section + Loss across vertical section
+ Loss across bends

Total pressure loss = 0.2052 bar

The exact same calculation is made for other pipe internal diameter under same
pipe size which is 3 inches

The calculated values for various important components, total pressure drop is
summarized in the tables below

Pipe diameter was selected by using pipe size in accordance to pipe nominal size
chart (Pipe Size = 3 inches)

Diameter of pipe / m Usaltataion (m/s) Superficial gas velocity ( m/s)

0.0584 10.047 15.067
0.0666 9.791 14.687
0.0737 9.599 14.399
0.0779 9.449 14.241
0.0828 9.385 14.077
0.0847 9.343 14.015

Horizontal pipes section

Diameter of Uph
pipe / m (m/s) ℇH Ufh ( m/s) CD fp fg
0.0584 12.188 0.997 15.110 3.321 0.0237 0.0051
0.0666 11.880 0.998 14.719 3.379 0.0273 0.0049
0.0737 11.648 0.998 14.427 3.423 0.0305 0.0048
0.0779 11.521 0.998 14.269 3.445 0.0325 0.0048
0.0828 11.387 0.999 14.098 3.473 0.0347 0.0047
0.0847 11.337 0.999 14.035 3.483 0.0355 0.0047

Diameter of Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Pressure Drop in

Term 4 / Pa
pipe / m Pa Pa Pa Horizontal pipe / Pa
0.0584 139.441 505.565 1208.161 20518.909 22372.076
0.0666 132.409 378.920 980.454 15548.864 17040.647
0.0737 127.242 303.388 834.625 12563.338 13828.593
0.0779 124.458 318.560 763.634 13277.09 14483.742
0.0828 121.651 234.981 693.592 9838.408 10888.632
0.0847 120.485 223.567 669.018 9381.228 10394.298

Vertical pipes Section

Diameter of pipe / m Terminal Velocity (m/s) ℇV

0.0584 0.0551 0.998
0.0666 0.0551 0.998
0.0737 0.0551 0.998
0.0779 0.0551 0.998
0.0828 0.0551 0.999
0.0847 0.0551 0.999

Diameter of Term 3 Term 5 / Term 6 / Pressure drop in

Term 4 / Pa
pipe / m /Pa Pa Pa vertical pipe / Pa
0.0584 483.264 612.879 540.882 119.896 1756.921
0.0666 392.182 441.287 426.913 119.955 1380.337
0.0737 333.850 342.561 355.697 119.991 1152.099
0.0779 305.534 297.654 423.792 119.956 1146.936
0.0828 277.437 256.053 288.376 120.025 941.891
0.0847 267.607 241.934 276.821 120.031 906.393

Bends section

Pressure drop at Bends / Pa
Diameter of pipe / m ∆𝑳𝒗
0.0584 175.692 7906.15
0.0666 138.034 6211.512
0.0737 115.021 5184.445
0.0779 114.694 5161.230
0.0828 94.189 4268.511
0.0847 90.639 4078.775

Total Pressure Drop

Total pressure
Diameter of pipe / m drop / bar
0.0584 0.3204
0.0666 0.2463
0.0737 0.2057
0.0779 0.2052
0.0828 0.1607
0.0847 0.1538

Principle Behind Pneumatic Dilute Phase Transport System and Difference

with Dense Phase

Dilute Phase

This method uses gas velocities at low pressures and high flow rate. The
volume of conveying medium which is gas and amount of the gas kept at high
flow are sufficient to ensure the material continuously being transported in
suspension without any accumulation at any point along the system.
For dilute phase transport system, a relatively high air flow rate entering the
system must be maintained. The typical velocity of dilute phase systems is in
the range of 5,000 ft./min. to 8,000 ft./min. The velocity is not maintained at
constant rate throughout the system, though; there’s an increase velocity at
the beginning of the conveying system and a terminal velocity at the end, as
well as acceleration throughout the system.


 Dilute phase systems are simple to design and build, the initial capital
cost and investment costs are very economical compared to dense
 Almost all kinds of material can be used and transported by using dilute
phase suspension flow through a pipeline, regardless of the particle size,
shape or density
 Dilute phase system is easy to maintain so it is also more economical in
long run as it can help us to save on maintenance cost by reducing the
overall downtime needed


 High flow rate of the air causing high amount of degradation of the
conveyed mediums which can occur during dilute phase
conveying process which also resulting in generation of dusts and
 Because of higher power is needed for dilute phase which uses high air
flow (high speed conveying process), dilute phase is less energy efficient
than dense phase

Dense phase conveyor system can be applied to various kind of applications,
which makes it quite difficult to be explained in general. For processing of
plastics or other kind of polymers, think of it as a system that transfers
material in a form of plastic pellets under low air flow rate with high pressure
throughout the system in pipes, with settling and accumulation of the pellets
at the bottom of the horizontal conveying line. The pellets are dragged
throughout the system, and might have possibilities to move in intermittent
The typical velocity of dense phase systems is in the range of 400 ft./min. to
2,000 ft./min. Similarities with the dilute transport system, there’s an
increasing air velocity and terminal velocity at the start and end of the
conveying line with acceleration through the entire transport system.


 Low speed conveyor system translates into lower chance to wear and
tear of material and the system
 There is no or very low possibilities of materials to degrade in dense
transport system so that is why materials that are easily smeared or
friable is well-suited to be used in this system
 Abrasive materials also tend to perform better in dense phase system
because of the lower air flow rate used
 If the system is properly designed, the energy efficiency of the dense
system is better than dilute phase system.


 The dense system will only work if the air-supply pressure is relatively high or
the conveying distance is relatively short
 In a large scale production, dense phase transport systems requires larger
pipe sizes in term of diameter and longer pipe distance as well, installation of
pipe supports and additional steel foundations are necessary to compensate
for the pipe forces thus increasing overall initial construction cost and
maintenance cost in the long run

Material Selection for the Pipe and Cost for the Material Used


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